Kneeling in front of my wife’s tombstone and crying bitterly, I was reborn

Chapter 184

Zhao Deming looked at Zhao Hanyu in surprise. He really didn't understand that for such a good project, his son actually said that it was not suitable for setting up a factory, and even said that he wanted to start a self-employed business.

Isn’t this a matter of giving up the big for the small?

He was a little confused and said, "What kind of trick are you doing?"

Zhao Hanyu said with a smile: "It takes 28 parts to produce a disposable lighter. What the third brother means is to develop several professional manufacturers for each part. We will set up a company and then make the parts produced by the professional manufacturers according to zero requirements." Just purchase the parts and assemble them.”

Zhao Deming said: "If you do this, how troublesome will it be?"

"Moreover, how do you ensure quality? How do you control costs? How do you ensure output?"

I cursed in my heart, feeling that the method Shen Qiansan thought of was just playing the piano randomly.

Zhao Hanyu smiled and said: "Dad, you don't know. This model is much more efficient than running our own factory, recruiting workers, and focusing on production."

Zhao Deming said in disbelief: "How is that possible?"

Zhao Hanyu said: "This is mainly because the production of disposable lighter parts is extremely simple. If you set up your own factory, the investment will be too high."

"But it is different if it is distributed to various individual businesses. We save the land and factory buildings for building factories and only need an assembly workshop and warehouse."

"As for how to ensure quality, we will set quality requirements for parts and components and only accept qualified products."

"Those individual industrial and commercial households have received orders, but the products they produce are substandard products. They cannot sell them, so they will control the quality themselves."

Zhao Deming thought for a while and realized that this was really the case.

Zhao Hanyu continued: "As for the cost, it is better to control it. We have a price for each spare part, which is open and transparent. In order to get higher profits, individual industrial and commercial households will control the cost themselves, otherwise the cost of making things will be high." If it’s too high, they can’t afford it.”

"On the other hand, if we build a factory and recruit people, we have to repeatedly warn them to control costs."

"But no matter how strict the management is, the workers still fail to economize on their own things."

"They earn the price difference themselves, and no raw materials are wasted."

Zhao Deming's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he suddenly had expectations for this model.

Zhao Hanyu said: "As for output, who among those individual industrial and commercial households doesn't want to make more money?"

"In factories, workers have to get off work after working for 8 or 12 hours."

"But they can do it by themselves, even for 16 hours."

"In order to make more money, they will consciously extend their working hours."

"Also, they can produce this kind of parts at home, and there is no technical content. Almost anyone can do it."

“Even old people can do it.”

"The whole family of individual industrial and commercial households, men, women, old and young, come together to fight. This is no better than me recruiting workers and serving them like a boss!"

When Zhao Deming heard this, he couldn't help being stunned.

Originally, he always believed that modern enterprises must be standardized, large-scale, and adopt advanced and scientific management methods, so that such enterprises can be competitive.

But after listening to Zhao Hanyu's words, he actually felt that it made sense.

Suddenly, his heart moved.

Some breathlessly asked: "You said a disposable lighter has 28 parts?"

Zhao Hanyu nodded, "That's right!"

Zhao Deming then asked: "How many individual businesses do you need for each component?"

Zhao Hanyu said: "The production efficiency of each component is different, ranging from 3 to 10!"

After hearing this, Zhao Deming said happily: "In other words, at least more than 100 individual industrial and commercial households are needed to produce disposable lighter parts?"

Zhao Hanyu said: "This is the plan in the early stage. After the market opens, it can be increased according to sales volume."


Zhao Deming clapped his hands excitedly and shouted excitedly: "That's great!"

"Dad, why are you so excited?" Zhao Deming suddenly shouted, almost startling Zhao Hanyu, and asked in surprise.

"Hahaha..." Zhao Deming laughed, "I'm so happy!"

"Finally, I found a solution to the development of Sancha Village."

Sancha Village has everything it needs and lacks, and it is not suitable for anything else.

But according to what Zhao Hanyu said, the parts for disposable lighters can be made in Sancha Village.

The problem that had been bothering him for many days was suddenly solved, which made him ecstatic.

Zhao Hanyu was happy and curled his lips and said: "Dad, I remember a few days ago, I told you that I could solve the problem in Sancha Village. Didn't you not believe it?"


"Do you believe it now?"

Zhao Deming's face turned slightly red and he said nonchalantly: "You neither took out a sample a few days ago, nor did you make it so specific. How can I trust you?"

Zhao Hanyu glanced at his father and said with a smile: "Now that you believe it, let's talk about the terms!"

"What are the terms...?" Zhao Deming was stunned for a moment and looked at Zhao Hanyu in surprise, as if he didn't expect these words to come from his son's mouth.

Zhao Hanyu smiled and said: "When I help you solve your problem, you must always give me some benefits. Otherwise, why would I choose to go to Sancha Village to do this project?"

"It's better to find a random village on the edge of the city than to go to Sancha Village!"

Zhao Deming's face suddenly sank, he looked at Zhao Hanyu with an evil look, and scolded: "You want benefits from me? For such an important thing as poverty alleviation, you still ask me for conditions?"

"I see you are becoming more and more lawless!"

"Where has the education you received since childhood gone?"

In response to his father's scolding, Zhao Hanyu did not panic at all. Instead, he said calmly: "Dad, don't get angry. Getting angry won't solve the problem."

Zhao Deming became even more angry after hearing this and said sternly: "I don't care about you. The disposable lighter project must be placed in Sancha Village!"


"Otherwise what?" Before Zhao Deming could say anything, Zhao Hanyu said calmly: "Besides Qingwa City there are Baijiang City and Huangchuan City. If you don't want this project here, other cities are probably vying for it!"

"You...bastard!" Zhao Deming was furious after hearing this.

This brat actually threatened himself with putting such a good project in another city.

Zhao Hanyu was scolded, but he also smiled.

The more my dad scolds and gets angry, it means that he values ​​the disposable lighter project more.

Zhao Hanyu is confident.

"Dad, think about it honestly. In Shangyanshang, if I were not your son and someone else came to Qingwa City to invest in such a good project, would I put any conditions on you?"

"Just because I'm your son, I can't even raise the conditions!"

"What's more, I also told you that this project is not mine alone!"

"If you can ask me, can you ask others to do the same?"

These words made Zhao Deming stunned.

After a long while, he came back to his senses, and with the anger in his heart strong, he asked in a deep voice: "What conditions do you want?"

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