Kneeling in front of my wife’s tombstone and crying bitterly, I was reborn

Chapter 144 Brother 3 is really awesome

Nearly 10 minutes have passed since Wu Dajiang rammed the police car and escaped.

Such a long time was enough for Wang Heng to escape some distance.

Chang Qi led people to search nearby for more than half an hour, but found nothing.

At this time, the sky was already dark, and with the rain, it became increasingly difficult to search.After Chang Qi arranged for people to continue the search, he came back angrily to report to Xu Zhengyang.

Xu Zhengyang was furious and dispatched such a large police force. With the robbers completely surrounded, one of the robbers disappeared right before his eyes.

It's an international joke!


"Even if I don't sleep today, even if I dig three feet into the ground, I will still find Wang Heng!"

Xu Zhengyang shouted loudly.


Chang Qi saluted and turned to perform the task.

"Wait!" Xu Zhengguo stopped him.

Chang Qi turned around and asked: "Captain, do you have any other instructions?"

Xu Zhengguo did not answer his words, but looked at Xu Zhengyang and said, "Director Xu, Wang Heng must have a gun in his hand. Once he is allowed to sneak into the city, the consequences will be disastrous."

Xu Zhengyang said impatiently: "I know he has a gun in his hand."

Xu Zhengguo said: "It's dark and raining now, which is not conducive to our search."

Xu Zhengyang gritted his teeth and said: "No matter how unfavorable it is, we must search with all our strength. You also said that he has a gun in his hand!"

"This kind of desperado, God knows what he will do?"

Xu Zhengguo smiled bitterly and said, "Of course I know this!"

After a pause, he continued: "What I mean is that the troops are divided into three groups."

Xu Zhengyang raised his eyebrows and said, "How do you say that?"

Xu Zhengguo said: "You go back to the bureau all the way. On the one hand, you will interrogate Wu Dajiang, Yang Meng and Zhang Bao to see if you can find out Wang Heng's whereabouts. On the other hand, you must set up checkpoints on the way into the city to prevent Wang Heng from sneaking in." Within the city.”

"In the second route, Captain Chang will lead people to continue to expand the search area. The bureau also needs to support some more manpower, including police dogs."

At this point, he sighed and said guiltily: "My leg is injured, and I probably won't be able to search the mountain! I will take a few comrades to Baiyangping Village and mobilize the masses to join the search."

"No!" Xu Zhengyang said, "If you are injured, don't go. If you come back to the city with me, go to the hospital to recuperate."

"It's not appropriate to mobilize the masses to participate in the search!"

"Wang Heng is a desperado, and he has a gun in his hand. What if the searching people encounter him and something unexpected happens?"

"Director, my legs are just inconvenient, not that I can't move." Xu Zhengguo defended himself first, and then said: "In this situation, can I rest assured to recover in the hospital?"

"As for mobilizing the masses, it may be dangerous, I know that."

"But if the masses are not mobilized to participate in the search, there are also potential dangers."

"For a bite of food, that guy might kill someone again!"

"Therefore, only by organizing the masses, with more people and greater strength, and arresting Wang Heng as quickly as possible can the danger be minimized."

After hearing this, Xu Zhengyang pondered for a moment and said: "The three ways you mentioned are feasible, just implement them. It's just that you have to go back to the hospital to recuperate and mobilize the masses. I will ask Deputy Director Chen to come. He is better at organizing work!"

"Director..." Xu Zhengguo still wanted to fight for it before he spoke. Xu Zhengyang interrupted without any doubt and said in a deep voice: "Execute the order!"

"You know how to use orders to suppress me!" Xu Zhengguo muttered dissatisfiedly.

Next, Xu Zhengyang launched a search and arrest operation for Wang Heng in accordance with the "three-way" plan proposed by Xu Zhengguo.


In Qingwa City, the news that the police arrested the robbers in the Qincheng 619 armed bank robbery case in Baiyangping spread quickly, and people in the streets were talking about it.

"Have you heard? The police caught some bank robbers!"

"I heard that there were explosions and fierce gun battles, and two robbers were killed."

"Well, I heard about it too. They said that only three of them have been captured so far, and one of them escaped."

"Ah, one of them escaped!"

"Yes, I heard that the one who escaped also had a gun!"

"That's dangerous. Don't let him escape to the city!"

"It shouldn't be possible. The police are searching for that guy everywhere now. How can he dare to enter the city?"

"Everything is unexpected, so be careful!"

"That's true. More than 100 police officers, as well as special police and armed police were mobilized for this arrest, but one person escaped. What could possibly happen?"

"That's right. Before that guy caught me, I didn't dare to go out at night."

"That's not enough."


Zhao Hanyu naturally heard about this.

He said to Wang Jianlin: "Brother Wang, Third Brother's calculation is accurate again. The six robbers in the Qincheng 619 armed bank robbery case actually appeared in Baiyangping."

"What?" Wang Jianlin said in surprise: "Is this calculated by the third brother?"

Zhao Hanyu said: "I didn't tell you before. In fact, this operation was based on the information provided by the third brother, and the city bureau set up an ambush in Baiyangping."

"As expected of Third Brother! He even knows where the robbers are!" Wang Jianlin sighed and said in surprise: "But why did Third Brother suddenly think of providing clues to the police?"

Zhao Hanyu smiled and said, "This is about another thing."

Wang Jianlin asked curiously: "What's the matter?"

Zhao Hanyu said: "It's okay to tell you, but don't spread the word, otherwise you will be in big trouble."

Wang Jianlin smiled and said: "Who can I pass it on to?"

Zhao Hanyu said: "That's what I'm going to say. Well, here's the thing. A few days ago, an overseas Chinese named Liang Aiguo came from Jiangcheng..."

It took almost ten minutes for Zhao Hanyu to explain the cause and effect of the whole incident.


After Wang Jianlin heard this, he took a breath and said, "The third brother is really amazing!"

"Who says it's not the case!" Zhao Hanyu said: "My third brother told Xu Zhengyang that Liang Aiguo was a spy. I guess Xu Zhengyang is still suspicious. After arresting the robbers in the Qincheng 619 armed bank robbery case, he should believe it. .”

Wang Jianlin said: "If you don't believe Third Brother, you will suffer a loss sooner or later!"

Zhao Hanyu said: "Yes, we are all people rescued by the third brother!"

Wang Jianlin smiled and said: "Now there is another Xu Zhengguo. If the third brother hadn't reminded them, he would have been really heroic!"

"Yeah!" Zhao Hanyu nodded and said, "Brothers Xu Zhengyang and Xu Zhengguo are really incompetent. The third brother reminded me, but in the end, a robber escaped!"

"When I see them, I will give them a good ridicule. I obviously didn't pay enough attention to what Third Brother said!"

"If we paid attention to it, would such an accident still happen?"

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