Kneeling in front of my wife’s tombstone and crying bitterly, I was reborn

Chapter 136

The light rain was falling, adding to the chill in the evening.

Chang Qi drove the jeep out of the woods and turned a big bend in the mountain pass. In front of him was an open mud hill area with a panoramic view.

"There is a car!"

Chang Qi's eyes suddenly shrank. A few hundred meters away, a van stopped there.

From a distance, you could see a man looking back and forth, and several people gathered around the side of the van, all bent over. It was too far to see what they were doing, but they seemed to be changing tires on the van.

The information provided by Xu Zhengguo indicated that a van would appear in this area at this time.

Chang Qi immediately became alert. He held the steering wheel with one hand and kept the vehicle moving at normal speed. He took out the pistol from the holster on his waist with the other hand, opened the safety of the pistol, and placed it on the seat so that he could take out the gun at any time.

At this time, it is no longer convenient to use the walkie-talkie to report.

Chang Qi remained vigilant and the vehicle approached the van at normal speed.

150 meters!

150 meters!

50 meters!


Chang Qi could already see the face of the man looking in front of the van.

"Yang Meng!"

Chang Qi's heart tightened.

Yes, this guy was one of the six robbers in the Qincheng 619 armed bank robbery case.

After receiving the investigation report from the provincial department, Chang Qi repeatedly looked at the photos of the robbers in the Qincheng 619 armed bank robbery case. He clearly remembered the appearance and characteristics of the six robbers.

After confirming that it was Yang Meng, Chang Qi felt excited and nervous at the same time.

The information provided by Captain Xu is accurate!

The robbers who committed the 619 armed bank robbery in Qincheng really showed up. What's even more gratifying is that their van seemed to have a puncture and they were changing the tire.

This made him happier than the pure target person driving here.

But what he didn't know was that the information Xu Zhengguo and Xu Zhengyang got from Shen Qiansan was that the robber's van would change tires at this place.

The reason why Xu Zhengguo didn't say anything was because he didn't dare to go into too much detail, otherwise he would be too scared to think about it too carefully.

The appearance of Chang Qi's car also attracted the attention of the robbers.

"There's a car coming!"

YangMeng, who was responsible for the observation, stared at the jeep that was slowly approaching, and spoke in a low voice without looking back.

Zhang Bao and Wang Heng, who were bending over to change tires, felt their hearts tightening, and their hand movements were obviously panicked.

"Boss, could it be the police?" Zhang Bao said tremblingly.

Wang Heng also said: "Boss, what should I do?"

The long-term absconding has made these robbers very famous. If anyone unknown to them appears, they will first think of the fastest way.

It's scary!

But it is also a sign of extreme vigilance.

It is precisely because this group of robbers are extremely vigilant that their traces have not been discovered by the police for several years.

The robber leader Wu Dajiang stood up, glanced at the slowly approaching jeep, and said in a low voice: "It's not a police car!"

Zhang Baodao: "But he will see us!"

Wang Heng gritted his teeth and said, "Why don't you pretend to stop a car and ask for help, and then do it to him!"

Zhang Baodao: "Anyone who has seen our faces will not be allowed to live!"

A fierce light flashed in Wu Dajiang's eyes. If he could, he would also kill everyone who had seen him.

But he still suppressed the urge to take action and said in a deep voice: "No, although it is remote here, there may still be vehicles passing by at any time. If another vehicle comes while we are doing it, it will be troublesome!"

Wang Heng said fiercely: "Then let's do it together!"

Wu Dajiang almost slapped him on the head and said angrily: "You have such a fucking pig brain!"

"If someone sees someone from a distance and turns around and runs away, can we catch up?"

Wang Heng said with some dissatisfaction: "We shot and blew out his tires, and we caught up!"

Wu Dajiang said sternly: "This place is only a dozen miles away from Qingwa City. As long as we make a noise, the police from Qingwa City will arrive in 10 minutes, and none of us will be able to escape by then!"

Zhang Baodao: "What should we do?"

Looking at the off-road vehicle getting closer and closer, Wu Dajiang whispered: "Don't do anything. Change your tires as normal. Change them as soon as possible. We will enter the city early."

"When there are more people in the city, we will return to the sea. We will find a place to settle down first, work hard in a good place, and then leave Qingwa City."

"Okay, boss!" Wang Heng and Zhang Bao both agreed, bowed their heads and continued to change the tires.

Wu Dajiang said to Yang Meng who was watching: "Mengzi, don't keep staring at others, be more casual."

Yang Meng said: "In a place like this, people who come will definitely look at us. What should I do?"

Wu Dajiang said: "If you look at us, that's okay. You can just say hello casually. If you deliberately don't look at us, that's terrible. Maybe it's the police, afraid that we will find out."

YangMeng said: "Boss, do you mean that if the person who comes is abnormal, we will kill him?"

Wu Dajiang said solemnly: "If this is the case, even if he is exposed, we must get rid of him first!"

"Understood!" YangMeng agreed, pretending to be leisurely, taking a long drag on the cigarette and blowing out the smoke.

30 meters!

20 meters!

10 meters!


From such a close distance, Chang Qi could already see the real situation near the van.

There were four people outside the car and two people inside.

No more, no less, just six people.

Outside the car, in addition to Yang Meng, who had long been recognized, Chang Qi also saw the robber leader Wu Dajiang. Behind Wu Dajiang, the other two people were squatting on the ground and the other bent over, indeed changing tires.Due to the visual angle, their faces cannot be seen clearly.

The two people in the car also couldn't see clearly.

But Chang Qi was 619% sure that these six people were definitely the six robbers who robbed the bank in Qincheng [-].

He also saw that Yang Meng seemed to be looking at his car intentionally or unintentionally, and Wu Dajiang also looked at it from time to time.

"The vigilance is so damn high!"

"No wonder the police couldn't find you for several years!"

Chang Qi muttered in his heart.

At the same time, he was also thinking about what he should do?

If I look at the van as it passes by, will I be exposed or arouse the suspicion of the robbers?

But if you don't even look at it, will the robbers think it's abnormal?

After all, on such a small road, if a normal person sees a broken car, he will take a look at it.They may even ask if they need help.

Chang Qi was confused for a moment.

Watching or not watching is a choice, and either way carries the risk of exposure.

At this time, the car was less than 5 meters away from the van.

Yang Meng and Wu Dajiang also looked at Chang Qi.

How to choose?

Chang Qi must make a decision!

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