Kneeling in front of my wife’s tombstone and crying bitterly, I was reborn

Chapter 123 You even want to take advantage of your father?

Wu Santong looked at Lei Yueban and asked, "Where is the head of Sancha Village? Why haven't you seen his people?"

The mayor has come to the village for investigation, but the village chief and village cadres have not been seen for so long.

What is this like?

Wu Santong was a little angry.

Lei Yue said with a half-crying face: "Director Wu, Gou Laoliu was chosen to be the village chief, but he refuses to work and has been on strike!"

Wu Santong said angrily: "If Gou De doesn't do it, won't anyone else do it?"


Lei Yueban shook his head without hesitation.

Zhao Deming was also angry after hearing this, and said angrily: "In this village, there is no one to even serve as the village chief!"

"Lei Yueban, you are quite capable of being a township head!"

Lei Yueban said: "Mayor Zhao, who dares to be the village chief of Sancha Village now? Not only can't collect the public grain and Santiwutong, but those old bachelors still go to the village chief to ask for a wife, who can bear it? ah?"

Speaking of the three mentions and five unifications, many young people today have not even heard of them.

The three mentions and five unifications have been in existence since the founding of the People's Republic of China, and they did not withdraw from the stage of history until 2006. They are a microcosm of the development of rural economic construction in my country.

"Three mentions" are also called "village-level withdrawals", which are similar to today's social security provident funds, including provident funds, public welfare funds, and management fees.

"Five unifications" refers to the overall planning fee, which is also a kind of overall planning of the planned economy.Specifically, they include rural education surcharges, family planning fees, special care fees, militia training fees, rural road construction and other private support projects.

Nowadays, ordinary people farming must not only pay public grain, but also pay three taxes and five taxes.

In affluent places, these fees are a burden to the people, let alone poor places like Sancha Village.

The villagers in Sancha Village can't even pay the public grain, and they have problems feeding their own families. Who can afford to pay the three taxes and five taxes?

Village cadres are responsible for collecting public grain and collecting fees for three items and five items.

If the villagers cannot pay, and village cadres come to collect the money, there will definitely be conflicts.

Moreover, the village cadres are all fellow villagers. Who is willing to offend someone to death?

In this situation, no one in Sancha Village was willing to come forward.

"Isn't this egg playing the piano?"

Zhao Deming couldn't help but spat after hearing this.

The situation in Sancha Village is special. The public grains and Santi Wutong City are either exempted or reduced every year, and they are not forced to levy them. It is just a process every year.

It doesn't matter if you can't collect the public grain and the three provisions of the five systems, but you still ask the village chief to find a wife!

Where in the world can such a thing happen?

Lei Yueban said: "Mayor Zhao, there is nothing we can do, there are too many bachelors in Sancha Village!"

Of the 918 people in the village, 446 are of marriageable age but have not gotten married or are unable to get married. This accounts for nearly half. Is it not too many?

No wonder the villagers want a wife for the village chief!

Wei Renming had a sense of Lei Yueban's feelings and said, "Mayor Zhao, the situation in Sancha Village is probably not going to be solved by anyone who becomes the village chief."

Zhao Deming didn't know this truth and sighed: "If the poverty problem in Sancha Village cannot be solved, it will be a dead end!"

Wei Renming said: "Mayor Zhao is right, we should think of another way to see how we can solve the development of Sancha Village!"

Wu Santong: "I think about ways every year. The Finance Bureau alone allocates a lot of money to Sancha Village every year, but it still doesn't work!"

Hao Chunfeng, director of the Finance Bureau, said: "What Director Wu said is that our Finance Bureau takes care of Sancha Village every year, and other units have opinions."

"They even said that there is no soil in the fields in Sancha Village, there are no trees in the mountains on the backing, and there are no fish in the water. It is better to relocate the whole place and integrate it into other villages!"

It’s not like the city hasn’t studied this proposal.

However, Qingwa City is a mountainous area, and the farmland of each village is limited.

Where can more than 900 people be relocated?

Zhao Deming had a headache.


Wang Jianlin left the Guiqulaixi Teahouse, and ten minutes later, he arrived at Zhao Hanyu's office.

Zhao Hanyu smiled and said: "Brother Wang, have you finished your work at home? Why do you have time to come to my place!"

"I just met Third Brother!" Wang Jianlin said directly: "He gave me two tasks. Leave him and come to you as soon as possible!"

After saying that, he answered Zhao Hanyu's question, "After all the trouble in my family yesterday, there will definitely be a reaction, but it shouldn't be so fast."

Waving his hand, "I won't say anything anymore!"

"The things third brother told me are important!"

Zhao Hanyu was convinced and said: "That's right, tell me what the third brother told me?"

"Look at this first!"

Wang Jianlin said and handed over the bathroom design plan.

He had seen this plan before. He hadn't had time to look at the plan for the disposable lighter factory, so he happened to be looking at it now.

Zhao Hanyu had participated in the development of Tianxiangyuan Community and also knew that Shen Qiansan asked Wang Jianlin to help him find someone to build a bathroom.

When he saw the design plan of the bathroom, he smiled and said: "Isn't it just a bathroom? Third brother, it's true. There is no need for such..."

Like Wang Jianlin, he didn't take it seriously at first, but after looking at it, he couldn't say anything else. He was completely shocked by the design in the plan.

Wang Jianlin saw his expression and smiled proudly.

You, my little one, are just like me!


Seeing that Zhao Hanyu couldn't wait to look back, he ignored him and carefully looked at the plans of the disposable lighter factory.

"My grass!"

As he watched, Wang Jianlin couldn't help but say something quintessence of Chinese culture, and his voice was very loud.

Zhao Hanyu was so shocked that he suddenly raised his head and said in surprise: "Brother Wang, what's wrong?"

Wang Jianlin said: "Third brother is giving your father a big gift!"

"What?" Zhao Hanyu scratched his head, "What did you say? Why can't I understand!"

Wang Jianlin breathed rapidly and said: "Come on, take a look at the construction plan of this disposable lighter factory!"

Although Zhao Hanyu was curious, he still said: "Let's not talk about the disposable lighter factory first, let's talk about this bathroom first..."

Wang Jianlin said: "I've seen the bathroom design plan. We'll talk about that later. You take a look at this first!"

With that said, he handed over the plan.

Seeing how eager he was, Zhao Hanyu had no choice but to look at the disposable lighter factory's plan first.

"Look, if we follow Third Brother's plan, wouldn't it be able to drive a whole village to get rich?" Wang Jianlin said.

Zhao Hanyu looked at it and said, "It's true!"

Wang Jianlin said excitedly: "If you tell your dad this news, he will definitely be extremely happy!"

Zhao Hanyu curled his lips and said, "Tell him it's for sure!"

"But he can't get this plan from me easily!"

"We can't take advantage of him so easily!"

Wang Jianlin Yile: "You even take advantage of your father?"

Zhao Hanyu said: "I don't want to take advantage of him, but this is the third brother's hard work, and it cannot be in vain..."

"What you said makes sense!" Wang Jianlin nodded and asked, "Then what are you going to do?"

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