Kitsune with Girls’ Frontline Girls

Chapter 13

A week passed since Architect joined the team, and since was not as peaceful...

Lena: "Architect! What is that?" Lena yells at Architect with frustration. 

Architect: "A hole?.." she responds fidgety looking at what she did.

Lena: "Yes! A giant hole on the ground!" she made another crater on the ground with all the destruction.

Lena: "We cant get drops if the body disappears we need the corpses Architect! Well at least this time there are some bones..." seems like they had trouble with Architect explosive nature.

Architect: "Yea, I left something to take so..." Architect did not finish that sentence as she got glared at...

Lena: "*sigh* Lets just take the drops and go back to base." and so she goes down to the crater and grabs some left over bones with some flesh and blood still on it, and so she got a ticket.

Lena: "How do you find bosses so well?" one thing they found out is that there are bosses tend to follow a simple rule of 'weak is intelligent and strong is stupid' though I don't know if that applies to the dragon they and found of course Architect wanted to fight it... they didn't and it flew by to the sea.

/// back at home ///

Ak-12: "Welcome back boss." she greets both Lena and Architect with a smile, behind Ak-12 was what they call 'base' it was a huge hollow tree in the edge of the forest close to the beach, inside there was 3 hammocks on top of each other like a bunkbed and besides that there where a few wood boxes, right out side at the side of the tree was a wooden plate big enough to cover the entrance of the tree.

Lena: "We're back, what there to eat? I'm hungry." when they got back Lena went inside and opened the one of the boxes and started counting how many tickets she had, she was holding it and using it only when they were out of rations or bullets for Ak-12, cause for now she didn't know how to use the Zero-plus ore yet, nor she have the equipment, so she put it back on a box and put it back to her inventory

Architect: "Yoo! Get me something to eat."

Ak-12: "Sure what do you want to eat? Crab rabbit rations?"

Architect: "Rabbit! You cook them so well!" it seems like they found somewhere they could find rabbits, and it seems like rabbits are not considered monsters.

They thought of breeding them but they just died as soon as they where placed outside the grounds they where always in, and so with that Lena concluded that this world is controlled by territory and that's why the monkeys and the wolves are fighting, but that did not explain the dragon flying to sea, so they dismissed it until Architect said 'rules don't apply to the strong' as a joke.

Lena: "Ak-12... Calling you Ak-12 all the time is kinda weird and we aren't in griffin, so lets give you a proper name!" *pup* Ak-12 dropped the rabbit that still had the skin and all, so it was safe.

Ak-12: "Huh? A name?"In her mind she thought Architect was taking her place more and more, after all Architect was more destructive had more power fire, so she became more depressed and only thought of herself as a house-doll not a war-reliable T-Doll, but after she heard Lena wanted to give her a name she immediately became more lively, In griffin a T-Doll could marry the commander and receive a name.(nicknames were for those who impacts the war in some way.)

Lena: "Yea! About time no?" but she thought of the name Ak-12, and that it sounds weird to give a survival partner a gun name, so she wanted to give another one for her.

Ak-12: "Go ahead." But what would stop Ak-12 from liking and wanting a name.

Lena: "Ok, wait a minute I'll find the perfect name for you!"

Ak-12: "Thanks, I'll go back to cooking while you think of one."

Architect just watched as she knew what a name was to T-Dolls, so she just smiles and goes back to taking care of her gun after all if it jams its game over for her.

Lena: 'Ak-12... Russian... T-Doll with her eyes closed... Eye... Einya? It means God's eye... hmm the meaning is there but... hmm'

Ak-12: "Food is ready you two!" Oh it seems like time does fly if you're doing something you enjoy.

Lena+Architect: "Ok!"

/// After Dinner ///

Architect: "uwa... Thanks for the meal. I'll go to bed early today." as she turned around she winked at Ak-12 in Lena's blind spot,

Ak-12: "Ok, tomorrow I'll go hunt too! So wake me up."

Architect: "Ok." and so she went inside and closed up the entrance with a big wooden plank.

Lena: "Ak-12! I promised you a name so I thought of one."

Ak-12: "Already?"

Lena: "Yes. And so I bestow upon you, Ena. Gift from god in Japanese. You are my gift from god."

Ak-12: "Eh? I... Am?"

Lena: "Yes, you are my treasure, my family and my moon that's always by my side. Thank you for being here."

Ak.. Ena: "That... Thank you for the name, and umm... you... are my earth that I always want to be rotating and watching."

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