Kismet’s Tale

Chapter 12: Long Time Friends

      After some time in the district, they used the tram-line to reach the next area. It took half an hour for the tram to reach the outskirts of the inner city. Upon arrival in the heart of the Empire, the seat of power, Mavin found himself looking at red tile roofs, stucco exteriors, and brick buildings. Mavin had expected the roads to have changed, but from what he could tell. The stone and cobble roads were mostly untouched, and only the main roads were reinforced with asphalt-like bricks. The rest of the buildings surrounding the streets were decorative half-timbered facades with brick and stone textured finishes.

Unlike the cities he had been visiting. You would notice that the streetcars were attached to electric cables instead of the usual coal gas operated ones. The main road has four lanes. The city was in a busy period considering that there were many parades and marches to celebrate the return and the ending of a Great War unlike they have seen.

Most of Arkadia were once made of small hills that are connected through small mountains, causing the elliptic form of the main city that seem to shape a c-curve and through cultivating the land, to shape the city, it had become a humid plain turned into what it was now, a city of stones, and bricks. Among the tallest buildings was the Imperial Palace with its curtain walls and rounded towers that protected itself. Even standing around he could tell the long artillery guns that were poking out in the battlements and the anti-infantry and anti-air. The Imperial Palace could be called an entire town by itself, separated from the city, and adjacent to the Imperial Palace was the Academy of Arkadia, the place of learning that had been one of the institutions where even people from the east would visit to learn.

Standing in front of Mavin was an older gentleman who recently arrived with a locomotive. His aged-old face and gentle disposition didn’t hide the streaks of muscle that still formed under his suit. Around the belt of this older gentleman was a holster containing a six shooter iron with a rather worn grip, he bowed at them with his bowl hat and smiled gently.

“Sir,” the older man said. “It has been years since this old man has seen your face.

“Fred, it has been long since I’ve seen you. You still look sharp. Still looks like what you’ve been before.”

“Time has come from this old man, and maybe sooner I shall join my dearest. For now, this old man is only happy that the Young Sir has come and finally visited this city.”

Fred’s eyes were placed on Natalya. There was something that sparked in the old man’s eyes as he looked at her.

“The Wild Flower of Wilde,” Old Fred held up his hand. Natalya placed her hand on Old Fred’s for him. “You’ve grown beautiful since I have seen you, milady.”

“Sir Fred, your eyesight seems to be going bad.”

“What rose doesn’t have thorns? Forgive this old man if he does not see.”

Natalya smiled gently.  It was a warm smile that surprised even Mavin. Then again, he hadn’t time to truly get to know this traveling companion of his.

“It came to a surprise that I saw the two of you. Truly, the kismet does not sway so easily that it can be read. Sir Mavin, when will be the wedding?”

“Excuse me?”


“Hmm,” Old Fred looked at the two of them with discerning eyes. “Apologies, it seems that I misspoke, then I must assume that the Lady is traveling with the Sir?”

“That’s right. She had decided to roam the Empire.”

“This old man understands. Milady, I may have to warn you that there are groups in the Empire who do not tolerate the three-nations. The wounds have not healed and thus please be careful.”

“I will.”

“My lady shall not worry, you have the look of an imperial aristocrat, it is in your blood, and if there is a problem then you may rely on Sir for anything.”

Above them there was a monoplane that flew to the direction of the coast. Old Fred covered his head and said, “Oh my, it looks like one of those contraptions have decided to land.”

“How’s the city, Old Fred?” Mavin entered the car alongside Natalya. He sat in the front while Natalya took the backseat to this locomotive. “I had thought you’d be getting us with a carriage.”

“This old man is fascinated by the vehicles. They do cost more than enough and their quality is good that even the good Count does spend time with them with the Lady.”

“Tell me, how is my niece?”

“The young lady has grown, good Sir, but I am afraid that the young lady must have forgotten Sir’s face.”

“Well, she was not even three month old when I left for war.  She must be seven now, right?”

“Indeed. She has the wisdom and the beauty of the Countess.”

“I expect good things from her then.”

“The young lady had been eager to meet the good Sir. She had been increasingly curious of you since she had remembered your name. It isn’t strange that she wants to meet her family. Truly, the blood of the Strongarm doesn’t change.”

“Hmm, if I haven’t got business in the Capital. I would immediately have gone home.”

“Indeed, I assume that the good Sir will be taking care of this business on his own. The good Sir must not worry, I shall be discreet when it comes to matters such as this.”

“Sorry that you had to come and get me. Is the old house intact?”

“It is, good Sir. It has remained the way it is ever since Sir left Arkadia. If the Sir would like to, I can send the servants to the Old House.”

“No, no, I can take care of my own.”

Mavin looked over the backseat. “Do you have a place to stay here, Natalya?”

“None. I shall stay in your old house as a guest. Old Fred, would that be a bother?”

“Not at all, my Lady. Though I must advise that the Lady must be discreet. To live in the same house as a gentleman would prove to be of a concern to some.”

“I understand, Old Fred.”



The old house of the Tomas Family had two floors. Red tiled roofs, arches, and plaster made rough to resemble plastered adobe. There was a small garden in the front and it was in a relatively quiet neighborhood that was only minutes away from the Academy of Arkadia. Entering through the gate, walking on the stony path leading to the front door. As they entered the home, they saw the wooden interior and a woman in a white frilly apron wiping a cloth on the handrail of the staircase leading up. On the right was the kitchen and on the left was the living room. He found that there was a radio placed on the corner of the living room. The short-haired woman took her chin and placed a hand on her hip.


“Mavin, you have grown tall,” she smiled. “Didn’t know that you’d be here.”

“Just got home recently. Did you have business here?”

“Just helping around in Lazon affairs.  Rigel is currently in discussion with the Webman Company, didn’t have much to do, and heard that you were coming so thought to myself that I might as well help out,” she took a glance at Natalya. “Finally found someone?”

“Nope. Just a friend.”

“Sure,” Mimi nodded, and placed the cloth on the side. “They told me that you’d be coming so I thought that I cook for you. We bought demifiend venison, which the lady should eat. I had made it into our famed meat pie.”


“Gigantic animals,” Mimi explained. “We had them domesticated, some of them are fattened which is best for the taste. Ah, that reminds me, I think you should visit the demifiend regions once in a while, Mav. Zion probably wants to discuss some of the designs that the Holmians are offering.”

“I told him that the flying boats are okay.”

‘Okay, I’ll tell him that.”

They all walked to the living room. Natalya rested on the sofa without minding her manners. She looked relaxed despite it being a stranger’s home. Then again, she had been humbled by the environments she was used to.

Compared to the burned grasslands, mountains, dugouts, and trenches. This rather welcoming environment was better. Though she seemed to welcome everyone with an accepting disposition, she didn’t let go of that feeling around her that made everyone in the room think that there was a wall made of air standing in front of them.

Mimi took off her frilly apron and sat on the side. Like any member of the Tomas Family, she was armed with a pistol for self-defense. It had been tradition of the people of Lazon to carry weapons. The practice continued and there were many among his people that carried firearms on them.

Mimi began to talk about how Rigel had been doing work for the Count. Though there are many talks that Omevia should be rightfully distributed in which the Greater Lazon regions declined with hostility. Though there is obvious greed coming from the Hundred Nobles when it comes to the lands of Lazon. There are many who also understand that they would have to pay if they wish to claim the lands that had belonged to the Lazon people. Not that they can try anything when there are only three ways to enter the demifiend region that the Lazonians took. One was to enter through the natural passages that are heavily guarded. Second was through the mouth of Pustalo where there was a natural opening that would allow them to enter the region walled-off by tall mountains. The last method to enter the region was through the sky.

The Greater Lazon Regions had always been states that advocated the use of any weapons to defend themselves. As they are descendants of the Strongarm Clans, it was hard to intimidate the people of Lazon as long as they have the numbers and the weapons to fight. Not to mention that lately, Omevia had been industrialized to support the Empire and the Lazon from the arm’s race. Not to mention that they have been in contact with the Holmians who had taken a liking to the Lazonian’s need to be ready to fight at all times.

“That reminds me,” Mavin said. “I think I heard news that Logain become Viscount now?”

“Yes, he did defend the borders, and it hasn’t been long since he had become honored with the title of Viscount,” Mimi replied.

Mavin turned to Old Fred. “Did he take Manti?”

“Yes. He had taken Manti as his own. He had started to fortify it as well. I believe that he plans to make use of the lands to open a route to Megili.”

“Looks like you are all doing well,” Mavin smiled.

Old Fred and Mimi looked at Mavin with a shake of their heads and sighed. “It seems that the good Sir does not plan to help.”

“Of course, the title had always belonged to the Count. My Cousin had always been the one with the talents for management.”

“I cannot deny that,” Old Fred said calmly.

Mimi raised a hand. “Ah, I should meet back with Rigel for now. I’ll tell him that you said hi, Sir.”

“Give him my regards.”

Mimi left the house through the front door. Old Tom wore his bowler hair and adjusted the tie on his chest, “Though it would be my pleasure to serve you two. I have matters to attend in the city.”

“Looks like Cousin is working you hard, Old Fred.”

“Yes, he had been speaking nonsense of my retirement, but that would be the same as killing this old man,” he looked to Natalya. “Now milady, would you mind if I show you to the guest room?”

“Sure,” Natalya got off the sofa and followed Old Fred up to the second floor. Mavin stood up, went to the kitchen, and found the meal that Mimi prepared. “She really did bake a goddam meat pie from venison, huh.”

Mavin found himself smiling at the familiar taste.



Old Fred left not too long ago. There was only him and Natalya inside the old house. She took the garden as her own and had decided to sit around. Mavin spent time in the living room, resting his head, letting the troubles of traveling. He found the peace almost disturbing.

Natalya entered the room and examined the radio. She found the plug and inserted it on the side where the radio started to sound. “Good afternoon to the good people of Lazon, this is Arad, your source of news in this fine afternoon.”

It was a hard baritone voice. Natalya sat on the couch with her ears perked at the radio. Mavin stayed seated until Natalya turned and said, “Do you mind if I take your locomotive for a spin?”


“I don’t have to refuel it, right. I might visit my friend Hilda in the city. She should be a scholar by now.”

“Do you know the place?”

“Of course I do. The City has many additions, but even I wouldn’t mistake their ancestral home. I think it is infinitely better than staying in this house all day. Though it is tempting to just sleep after so long.”

“By the way, did you leave your  military service?”

“Not at all. I am still on the Reserves, and though they offered me a rank. I choose to not participate in whatever schemes that they have. I rather not spend time in front of a camera, posing for posters and creating propaganda all day.”

“You can find the keys for the car in the drawer.”

Mavin pointed to one of the drawers near the staircase. “Do you?”

“Please, I know how to drive. Besides, I might just be driving planes in the future and not bother with land vehicles.”

“Planning to learn how to fly?” he raised a brow.

“Yes, it might be interesting to fly like a bird, see the view from above. Besides, I think that it would be an interesting skill to learn while the world is still in peace. I wonder if Arkadia Academy would start teaching piloting lessons in the future.”

“That’s good. Ah, just remember that the permit should be in the compartment of the box. It should be registered as a car belonging to the Tomas family so there should be no worry if anyone pulls you over.”

“I appreciate it,” Natalya said clearly. “I don’t have many friends to visit here and it would be troublesome to be caught by some fanatic of the Empire. What about you? Going to stay here?”

“I’ll have my own business to attend. I might take the motorbike in the garage or just use the tram to get around.”

“I could use the motorbike if you want to.”

Mavin raised a hand, “No, I rather take the motorbike. So please, help yourself with the car.”

She stared at Mavin for a while before nodding her head. Natalya tugged on her clothes and left the living room. It didn’t take long for Mavin to hear the sound of the car’s engine starting up and the sound of it moving away from the house.

Alone in the old house, he decided to climb up the second floor to his old bedroom. It has been kept clean besides one part of the room that was not touched. He pushed away the panel and unraveled the vault. Inside the vault were papers that were not written in Imperial Script but in a different language. He opened the old notebook and found his handwriting. There was about eighty pages worth of information in the notebook.

“It was Erich Baldwin, huh,” he said. Most of the notes he had written down only told of vague descriptions on where this man was and where he would be. It didn’t account whatever address that this man would be and the places he had visited other than his favorite place and the locations he visited. He could be identified by the brooch he carries around.

“There are side-stories that would affect the events,” he read his notes. “Make sure that these people are stopped if you can. That is to assume that the treaty of Flost had been signed and that there is no continuation of war.”

Mavin squirmed at the list that he had written down. Though he was sure that he had collected most of the boon found in the city. There were people in the list that were relatively innocent and were only guilty of the future crimes that they may or may not commit.

How could he accuse them of evil when their current selves had not done the evil that they would commit? To assume that the person will remain the same despite whatever happens around them was absurd. Mavin didn’t dare to accuse them that they will be ‘evil’ when they have not done the deed yet. He knows it well that it couldn’t be possibly true with what he saw with Kohl and the bomb maker in Flost.

He didn’t want to believe that there was nothing to be done. There must be something that can be done. If he had believed that there was nothing to be done. He would have let Kohl die in that shell hole. Let that bomb maker kill himself using that bomb, and let the prince get injured in that party.

Mavin found that weight on his shoulder again. Having that weight on his shoulders somehow made him resolute and yet at the same time there was a weary gaze that he sported as well. Wiping his face, erasing that emotion, he closed the vault, and placed the panel back to hide it.

Moving his legs to the garage where he found the motorbike.  He dragged it out of the house and parked it as he then closed the gate and locked it from the outside. Natalya should take a while so he shook his head and started the engine of his motorbike and went to the commerce street of the city of Arkadia.



Natalya traveled to the familiar residential district. Entering the rows of mansions that were evenly spaced. She drove around until she found her friend’s home. Then she stopped herself, thinking, what if she’s not home?

She certainly didn’t think that. I could go back and annoy Mavin, maybe try to tease him? No, I think he doesn’t appreciate my presence. Look at me, trying my hardest to be friends with someone who had wounded me. Natalya, you’ve gone mad from the thought of it.

Natalya got out of the car and found the electric doorbell on the gate. She pressed a thumb on the button and waited for the woman she was expecting to come out. Obviously, there was someone she expected as well. It was the little maid that they always had that had certainly grown.

“Grace Gilda,” Natalya said sternly, like a woman announcer introducing someone who was about to enter the hall. “Loyal servant and friend of Hilda Trey, you have grown to have a wonderful body.”

The woman with black hair arranged into a bun hidden behind her cap looked confused for a moment before she lifted her tiny mouth.

“What? Oh I forgot, I am filthy republic-foe now. How could I enter the home of the illustrious Trey Family without shame?”

She opened the gate and went out. She examined Natalya from top to bottom and then cupped her right face. “Milady, your face,” she sobbed. “How awful!”

“Goodness me, Grace,” Natalya wrapped her in an embrace. “I thought you would have stopped being a crybaby!”

“B-but your face!”

“Oh my, am I not beautiful any longer?”

“Of course you are!”

Natalya lets her go and holds her shoulder. “It's fine, Grace. I’m already fortunate that I only got scars instead of a body part. Nonetheless, you have grown beautiful. So where is Hilda?”

“Ah, the lady is in her study room. I shall lead you to her!” Grace insisted.

“Is it fine?”

“It’s fine! The Lady is always a friend of the Trey Family!”

They entered the ancestral home and immediately went to the third floor of the mansion without stopping. The maids that were gardening and cleaning the rest of the home didn’t bother as Grace led Natalya to the study room. Opening the double-door room, she found Hilda Trey buried under her paper. Lifting her head, she spotted Natalya, lifted the rim of her glasses, and stood up with a sudden run.


“Hilda, what did I tell you when it comes to working?”

“Sister Taly!”

She took hold of Natalya with tears in her eyes. “W-when I heard you went to war, I thought I would never see you again! But to become the Lady Bellatrix! Sister, I’ve missed you!”

“Seven years,” Natalya said. “Forgive me if I didn’t write any letter. You know how busy I was with my work.”

“Its fine!” she smiled lovingly. “I am glad that you are alright. I really am. Still, at least you should have let me know that you would be coming.”

“It’s alright, I only came here in Arkadia for a whim. I was with a friend and I am staying with this friend right now.”

“I see. If you wanted to I could have let you and your friend stay. It’s not like the mansion has a lack of rooms.”

Natalya took a seat to the study room’s seat. “I don’t want to intrude so I rather not. I know how busy you are these days, Hilda. You are working as a Scholar for the Academy after all. I feel rather left behind.”

“Please, don’t think that way. You went to war while many of us stayed in schools and did nothing. Many of my ‘friends’ had started to scold you, and lately I have no friends because of this.”

“You didn’t have to go that far.”

“No, if they can be cowards like that, then I rather not be friends with them. If they dare to scold me, then it would show that I was right to part with them.”

“I say that I didn’t expect your heart to grow.”

“We all need to grow, Sister. Nonetheless, I cannot imagine growing the way you do, and still looking so stunning. It does make me proud that I have such a sister like you.”

“Now, now, if someone heard you being so friendly, then you might get scolded.”

“The war’s over, and besides, Sister. I am an Arkadian Scholar,” she said smugly. “If they intend to question me then I can just question them back. I dare them to question an Arkadian Scholar.”

“Actually, there is something that I need to request from you, Sister Hilda.”

“What is it?”

“Does the school have any piloting courses? I want to learn how to fly.”

“You want to be a sky dame?”

She cupped her chin. “That can be arranged, but I doubt you’d learn anything without any proper guidance. Most of the pilots are still focused on taking pictures of landforms all over the continent. As much as I like to help you, there is no one to ask about teaching you on how to pilot.”

Natalya felt regretful at that and shook her head. “Oh well, hmm, I shouldn’t be staying long in the city, but if there is anything you need, how about I assist you.”

“That would prove to be problematic.”

“Problematic how?”

“You know how high society works, Sister. Most of them are still in a celebratory mood with the war finally ending, but I doubt anyone would welcome a noble outside of the Empire so easily these days.”

“True,” she slid on the couch. “I guess I’ll try healing my wounds.”

“You are injured?”

“Not anywhere,” she then pointed at her heart and head, “but I do need someone to help the wounds. It seems that I didn’t truly come out of the war truly healed.”


“Don’t worry,” she smiled. “I’m sure that you would help and the person who I am staying with will.”

Natalya caressed the scar on the side of her head lovingly. She turned her head away, hiding the lightless smile that was accompanied by her cheeks turning crimson.

Then that expression vanished as she turned towards the two.

“For now,” she leaned forward. “Drop those documents and let’s have tea. Grace, you better join us.”

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