Kingdom of Light: Looks too fierce, mistaken for a villain

Chapter 159

Doesn't that mean...human beings no longer have the power to resist the invasion of the Ampera Planet! !

The sudden change immediately caused panic among humans around the world.

"Oh my could this happen..."

"Damn it!! Why did the Ampera people come in person?! What should I do!!"

"Why... we are almost winning... why is this happening!!"

"People from Planet Ampera... still want us humans to welcome him? It's just a dream!!"

"That's right, even if it means destruction, we humans will never surrender!!"

"Don't panic, everyone. This Ampera man might just be a paper tiger. Otherwise, why would he want to destroy the GUYS team's fighter plane first?"

"Hahaha, yes, yes, why didn't I think of that?"

"That's right, you can't say that the people of Ampera have nothing to do, right?!"


At present, everyone is terrified.

However, there are still people who continue to analyze and interpret the meaning of the actions of the Ampera people.

Trying to find out his weaknesses and true strength!



Everyone fell into deep despair again! !

I saw...

After Ampera destroyed GUYS's power, his palm suddenly stretched out into the sky.


"Experience true despair!!"

The icy sound spread in an instant, vibrating in the ears of everyone around the world!

Just when everyone was scared.

He looked up suddenly and saw a terrifying phenomenon happening in the sky! !

Boom! ! ! ――――

Hoo ho ho! ! ! ――――

The originally clear blue sky was suddenly blackened by thick black fog!

There was a faint roar and explosion of dark thunder, echoing continuously!

There was even a sharp and cutting howling cold wind blowing across! !

Waves of dark aura instantly covered the world, covering the blue planet in darkness! !

Unspeakable despair and uncontrollable fear are gradually rising from the hearts of mankind around the world.

And it's getting worse and worse, like a plague virus...

It is spreading crazily among people in all regions of the world! !

Everyone realizes...

The earth is still changing! !

Completely fallen into the control of darkness! !

After everything is done.

The Ampera people just stood quietly among the ruins.

Let the black clouds billow above your head, and your black robes rustle in the wind.

The right hand clenches and relaxes from time to time.

He let out a cold snort that sounded like sarcasm, still echoing in the ears of all humans around the world.

This makes human beings who are already in despair and pain...

Become more scared! !


Hundreds of countries, thousands of regions, hundreds of thousands of cities, and billions of people around the world...

They were all invaded by black mist, and as if eternal night had fallen, everyone was in a low mood.

Let out a sigh that was deeper than ever...

It seems to express the despair of the earth's collapse and powerlessness, and it also seems to be the fear and pain of the impending destruction...

The major mainstream platforms that originally contained a large amount of joy and laughter suddenly changed their direction.


Unspeakable despair and pessimism! !

"The result is that the earth will fall...humankind will become extinct..."

"Sigh... The Ampera people are too strong... With him here, so what if the Dark Empire fleet is destroyed..."

"Where is the future, the future of humanity...?"

"No! We still have Ultra Warriors!!"

"Haha...forget's impossible to win..."

"Alas...wait to die...This war was destined to fail from the beginning!"


Despair, fear, pessimism, pain...

All kinds of negative emotions have become the main theme of mankind...

Hope, light?

A long time ago, people on Ampera changed the celestial phenomena at will, destroyed human power and disappeared...


Some people haven’t given up yet! !

"I will definitely stop you...Ambera Star!!"

"even if......."

"I will die!!"

Mebius remembered Saron's teachings and understood that it was absolutely impossible to save the earth with tears and despair.

Those who can save themselves...

Only your own hands! !


With a roar and his eyes burning with blazing flames, Mebius transformed directly.

In a burst of golden light that reaches the sky.

A ball of fiery red light and shadow rushed out of the Phoenix Nest!

Boom! ! ―――


Mebius stood brazenly in front of the Phoenix Nest Base.

Clenching his fists tightly, he looked seriously at the powerful-looking Ampera...! !

He, Mebius, dared to fight.


He is also mentally aware...

The opponent is a legendary realm overlord who has been famous for tens of thousands of years and once played against the father of Ultra...

The Great Emperor of the Dark Universe, Ampera! !

And myself...

He's not just a young fighter with elite strength...

Go to war?

Absolutely no life! !


He, Mebius, still chooses to fight!

That's because...4.1...

We must not sit idly by and watch death, and we must not watch the earth we want to protect being destroyed! !

"Ampera Star!!"

"bring it on!!"

Mebius shouted angrily.

Awakening one's own power, the flame energy generated by the response in the body surrounds the body.

Transformed into a burning hero form with a flame symbol on his chest!

Don't dare to relax or hold back at all! !

Because he knows...

It is very possible that I...

Just a chance to fight face to face! !

You must go all out! !

Seeing this, the people of Ampera were silent for a while.

Be silent for a while...

Then he laughed loudly again, the sound echoed and lingered, deafening, stinging the eardrums of everyone who heard it!


The Ampera star suddenly stopped laughing and mocked loudly:



Chapter 137 The Overlord of the Legendary Realm—Ampera! Mebius was killed instantly! The world is plunged into darkness! !

"I allow take action!"

The Ampera star said coldly.

He didn't take Mebius seriously at all!

This is his arrogance and a reflection of his confidence in his own strength! !


"Dream Beam Ray!!"

Mebius quickly covered the aura of Membius on his left wrist with the palm of his right hand.

A beam of golden light containing Specium's material elements shot out immediately!

When the people of Ampera saw this, they did not hide or dodge, and stood still.

When the Dream Beam Ray comes...

I saw him raise his hand and clap!

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