Kingdom and Harem

Chapter 56 : Tactic and Stealth

Out of over 600 Goldonia soldiers who step into Treia border, 400 of them diverged into 10 groups and assaulted local lords. Remaining 200 set a temporary base several kilometres from Dora. 20 knights from Treia were hiding nearby but observing as they were largely outnumbered. Colette, Lily  and dark elf girls were waiting restlessly.

"Where is captain an Princess ?" A knight asked. They were worried.

"Even Adine hasn't returned." Lily was just sitting on a large root with Colette. 

Ripine stood up.

"We shall commence our attack. You useless Treian knights can wait here."

The 5 girls just left the knights and started their war discussion.

Sora started, "200 is impossible. We cannot even fight 50 men."

"The only was to silently thin out their number." Sora continued.

Aura collected her thoughts for a while before laying out her plan. 

"Sora, Ripine and I shall hide between the trees, doing close combat. Meanwhile, Colette uses her 7 skeleton ninja to stealthily kill them. Lily should stay further back, but Lily will be the one to attract their attention."

"And how I am going to attract that attention?"

"With your archery skill." Aura answered.

"First, from a distance, you shot as many of them inside their base. From 300 meters away and hiding, they will be surprised for a while and not knowing what hit them. Then, they will go to surrounding area to find the culprit. There, skeleton ninja kill them. They will be chaotic for a while, not knowing what hit them. As they go further and number become thinner, three of us shall attack them."

Then, the girls took their position.

Lily was the furthest. 

She quietly shot dead man in the camp. Then, another one. 

Lily was moving around in circle around the camp while seeking out any man who was alone with her eye who could see even a kilometre away.

She killed 1, 5, 10 men but no one was aware of what happening. After 20 men were shot down, the camp became chaotic. They knew somebody was shooting them but they had no idea where the attack came from. More men were standing aimlessly in the open. Lily took the chance to shoot more enemies. After 42 men died, they started to go to outside the camp. Common sense among soldiers was no one could shoot from hundreds meters away. Thus, they search nearby area but we're continuously shot down. As the number of casualties rose, they separated into many small teams and looked further. 

"Skeleton ninja."

7 skeletons who were not visible to others lined up in front of Colette. 5 of them were holding Tanto' in both hands. The dagger edge bevel reaching all the way from the edge to the back with no separate flats in between, creating an almost triangular cross-section. Another 2 were using a katana each.

“Kill them.”

The 7 undead obeyed Colette’s orders and laid into the surrounding unorganized men. Though there were only 7 of them, they were killing with ease as the enemies spread out too thinly and no one was aware their fellow soldiers were killed.

As several skeleton ninja severed limbs with each swipe of its Tango and the katana wielders cut off the heads of the enemies, Lily shot down dozens of enemies.

As the 7 undead made a brutal display of their skills, the dark elves charged into the greatly thinned ranks of the the wandering enemies. 

As the enemies number greatly diminished, the other knights ambushed them openly. 

Open duel was very different from stealth killing done by the skeleton ninja and the dark elf girls. 

The Knights struggled in one on one fight and several of them were killed. However, the Knights served their purpose as a distraction. The already diminishing enemies concentrated on the Knights and the dark elves continued their sneak attack.

Finally, there were less than 10 enemies left, and only 3 knights were alive. The 10 Goldonian chased after the 3 fleeing knights. The remaining enemies still couldn't understand what killed them. They thought it was the three Treia knights who did the weird killing. They single mindedly concentrated on them. The girls observed the situation. When the enemies were exhausted, Lily shot them, skeleton ninja running around injuring them. As they could no longer fight, the dark elves came out from their hiding and killed them. 

They often organized such  tactical killing during their monsters hunting. But now they tried out similar tactic against human. Like monsters, men were very vulnerable against stealth and sudden attack.

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