king of los angeles

Chapter 868

Chapter 868

"Gary Smith will lead the team to get the Warriors."

This sentence comes from Joel Embiid. It is unbelievable that he can stand on Lin Feng's side, because the two have been in constant conflict during the regular season.

Soon Embiid added a sentence on Twitter, "Just hate the Warriors too. They have dominated the league for too long. New blood needs to come out and take over the finals."

"Next year it will be us."

Then Embiid called Simmons and the 76ers official, this is very Embiid, he is a Twitter expert.

Soon the Warriors' supporters attacked him, thinking that Embiid was a fool, capable of breaking into the finals and killing the Warriors himself.

"Don't tease me, the era of the Warriors is over! You are no longer a participant in the Finals, and we will make a comeback next year!"

Embiid's keyboarding is loud, and he's passionate about it.

Lin Feng, who walked out of the locker room and went to the court, didn't know that the guy was speaking for him. It was very surprising, because Lin Feng was still guessing that Embiid would open fire on the candidate list last night.

For example, the rookie of the Lakers is a special language like silly X.

Feel the cheers!
The entire Staples Center was trembling, and the Los Angeles fans in the audience began to create momentum!
"I've never seen such a scene. Even if it's the tie-breaker in the finals, maybe young people have become the mainstream of society now. They are more likely to be excited and more able to devote themselves to the game."

O'Neal was serious tonight, making it uncomfortable for fans who were prepared to listen to his gags.

Buckley was the same as always, he laughed and said, "What's wrong with you, old man? You behaved like a little rabbit raised by my wife tonight!"

O'Neal shrugged, "I've played in this arena. Have you seen those jerseys floating in the sky? Those things make me stand in awe. Now it's the Western Conference Finals! Dude, I have to re-examine where I am. s position."

He said so much that it wouldn't take long to disprove it all, and the rhetoric just made him look more like a serious TV commentator.

Barkley doesn't care about these, he likes to explain casually, and doesn't care about the big truth.

"Look at the rim and win the game!"

Next to the player tunnel, Lao Zhan, who came out first, stopped at the door and gave high fives to his teammates. Some of his details will make everyone feel motivated.

Lin Feng met Chris Paul, the two faced each other, and the atmosphere was a little awkward.

Paul stretched out his right hand uncertainly, and Lin Feng held it with a slight smile.

Maybe this is the way between men, sometimes a movement and a look can resolve some things.

"Go to the finals, Gary." Paul said first.

Lin Feng nodded, "Go all out."

The relationship between him and Paul was very delicate before, and his teammates all knew this, so when they saw the two standing together, they all sweated.

Lao Zhan also breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that they turned their fights into friendships. After all, Lin Feng and Paul were the targets of fights at the beginning of the season.

"Your punch hurts, man, I feel it right now," Paul said with a laugh.

Lin Feng spread his hands, "Next time I see you on the court, I will do that again."

Paul smiled, "You're right."

Then Rondo also bumped into Paul. The two had been grudges for a long time, but Rondo did not ignore him, and reached out and bumped his fist.

Just 1 minute can be regarded as putting an end to the previous grievances of the Lakers and Rockets, or putting them aside for the time being.

Lao Zhan has done a lot of work in it, and he is like a middleman trying to reverse the tense relationship.

During the warm-up, Rondo said to Lin Feng: "Well, at least I won't hate that guy tonight."

Regarding Rondo and Paul, as early as ten years ago during the BJ Olympics, the two competed fiercely for the point guard spot of the US team.

In the end, Rondo did not enter the squad. The proud and arrogant he just won the championship with the Celtics, which is naturally unacceptable.

In 2010, Paul, who was still in the Hornets, made a trade request to the team, and the Celtics were one of his potential next homes.

It is reported that the Celtics intend to package Rondo in the transaction to get Paul, which is undoubtedly a bolt from the blue for Rondo.

Although the deal did not land in the end, Rondo seemed to have lost to Paul in front of his own family.

This is another topic. At the beginning, Pierce and Garnett in the Celtics did not agree to trade Rondo. Only Ray Allen agreed. This is also the source of conflict between Rondo and Ray Allen. hate each other.

This is all a digression. The fist bump between the two tonight seems to be a breakthrough. Although they didn't speak, the momentary eye contact made the Lakers and Rockets fans feel relieved.

Get rid of the warriors, we are friends!
Some Rockets fans have become supporters of the Lakers. They have fallen under the knife of the Warriors four times in five years, and they have long hated Curry's team.

Although the Lakers are also the Rockets' sufferers, the personal charm of James and Lin Feng can resolve the depression in the hearts of the Houstonians, so more people joined them.

During the warm-up period, the Lakers players were cheered every time they shot, which surprised the Warriors players.

Chasing Dream Green wants to win. He and Cousins ​​have been muttering about something. Kaoshen is also as well-behaved as a primary school student, listening patiently and nodding from time to time.

The two continued to partner inside tonight, causing the Lakers a lot of trouble two days ago.

The Lakers are weak on the inside tonight, and Lao Zhan took back the back line. Howard can't support him alone. I'm afraid he will face a tough battle at the basket.

Walton gave Lin Feng instructions to pay attention to helping his teammates defend the basket after he came on the court.

It's just a matter of letting him play at the five position, just like Elvin Johnson did back then.

Against Cousins, the chances of winning are definitely not high, and it is easy to be crushed and fouled.

Then Lin Feng can only rely on his excellent sixth sense to predict the opponent's direction, and then complete the steal!
Complacent, the players on both sides walked towards the middle circle to prepare for the jump ball.

When the battle came, the referee was also very cautious. He had to communicate with the line referee three times before walking to the center of the court.

Cousins ​​VS Howard!
This scene makes people excited. If both of them are at their peak and are not troubled by injuries, it will definitely be an epic inside battle!
Off the court, Old Pa watched with enthusiasm. He is a fan of inside players. He used to fantasize about playing center in middle school, but the basketball coach rejected the proposal because he was too short.

"Wow! I saw Howard when he was young, that guy is full of muscles!"

Lao Pa sat in the second row, close to those big stars.

He is also a man of the hour in Los Angeles now, "Little Plum" Leonardo turned his head to talk to him, which made Papa so excited that he exploded on the spot.

He's a big fan of the Titanic, and he likes the part where Jack and Shredded Rouge are rolling in the car.

Looking back with Leonardo is also his supermodel girlfriend. Of course, this is the third female companion brought in the Western Conference Finals series.

"Schete, DiCaprio! God, I spoke to him, he knows my name!"

Old Pa hasn't completely changed his identity yet, and needs Evelyn to help him adjust.

"Honey, don't forget you're also a claim to fame in Los Angeles."

 Thanks to the "Baiye Hot Pot with Beef" brother for a monthly pass!

(End of this chapter)

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