king of los angeles

Chapter 854

854 Chapter 854. Gone are the days of being confused
At noon, the sun was scorching.

After Los Angeles entered the summer, there was still plenty of sunshine at noon, and the air was a little humid, which made people feel uncomfortable.

There are three more guys in the hospital with gunshot wounds, and they tell the doctor they accidentally got shot while hunting.

The doctor was very surprised, but the three young men in front of him had no doubts, so they didn't continue to question them.

An hour later, the police took them away on suspicion of creating the "Smith Farm case."

Lin Feng's Ferrari was on the road again, and he was planning to return home.

"Brother, you are a ruthless character. Really, I thought you only knew how to play basketball before, but now it seems that you are still a complete gambler."

There was blame in Lao Pa's words, because he experienced horror all morning, and almost saw his friend's head blowing out in front of him.

Lin Feng smiled slightly, "Brother, you don't understand how much the Chosen One is favored by heaven. If you were me, you would do the same."

"Fuck your lucky son! I don't think this kind of thing can be allowed to happen a second time."

Old Pat paused, and said, "How do you plan to end this matter, can you guarantee that those three guys will not dare to tell the truth to the police?"

Lin Feng spread his hands, "Then I'll leave it to you bro, you promised me that you will build the strongest lawyer team in the United States."

Old Pa was speechless, shook his head and said, "Okay, okay, it's really not easy to make money from you."

Lin Feng punished the three gangsters, believing that the power of the revolver bullets would keep them in the hospital for several months, and of course there would be the highest level of prosecution at the federal level after that.

Of course, he himself also faces the risk of being sued, provided that the three guys call the police, but now it seems that everyone is safe and sound.

Dominique knows how widespread the blue gang is in Los Angeles. If the police claim that the most promising young people in the NBA have kidnapped and shot them, Dominique and his friends will have a wonderful life in prison.

It is worth mentioning that when Lin Feng shot the legs of the three guys, Pa rushed up and punched Dominic hard, and shouted to avenge Evelyn.

Although a bit timid, the result is not bad.

"Dude, I'll tell Evelyn the truth about that scene, you're brave, like a hero."

Lin Feng, who was wearing sunglasses, always had a smile on his face.

With the window down and the wind blowing, Old Pa let out a long sigh of relief, "Don't laugh at me, brother, you are an extraordinary person, and I wouldn't be able to do such a thing."

"Honestly, it's really cool when you put the gun to your forehead and pull the trigger! Fuck, I thought I was watching a 3D movie. Dominique's eyes were full of horror, that guy was scared! He was scared! "

Lao Pa's voice suddenly rose, and he admired Lin Feng's courage from the bottom of his heart, even though what happened was not supported by the law.

But sometimes, QTMD federal law bar!Those fat-brained politicians should die!
Shouting these words, the old Pa, who has lived by the rules for 30 years, feels very comfortable.Undoubtedly, his ideas are changing little by little under the influence of Lin Feng.

The training in the afternoon went on as usual, and Lin Feng's mentality did not change at all. He originally thought that he would fall into panic because of the shooting.

After all, he lived like an NPC abiding by laws and regulations in the previous life, and spent 30 years calmly and in a daze.

Now after this incident, he feels more real. In the few days after the soul wear last year, he once thought that he was just a bunch of data or existed in a novel, and the "soul wear" was like the author forcibly There is a strong sense of unreality when he is stripped of his original environment and entered into another world.

He suspected that his life was controlled by some mysterious force, like a plastic man in a huge sand table.

But in the warehouse in the morning, after the gunshots and bullets hit Dominic, the guy's painful and distorted reaction made Lin Feng completely believe that he was a "person" with flesh and blood.

He can control his own destiny, he can do whatever he wants.

"Gary, you look good, what are you happy about?" Kuzma asked.

"It is a happy event that the three criminals who attacked the farm have been arrested."

Lin Feng smiled and continued to dribble, as if he was talking about other people's affairs.

Kuzma's eyes widened. He obviously didn't read today's headlines.

"Great man, those damn bastards should be shot! Who are they? Tell me!" Kuzma looked expectant.

Lin Feng intended to satisfy his curiosity, and said quietly, "They are members of the Ku Klux Klan and hate people of color, so they did that outrageous thing."

Finsen overheard their conversation and seemed angrier than any of them.

"What? Schett, I thought those guys were finished in the last century! I hope they will be shot immediately, immediately!"

In fact, this incident caused an uproar among the American people. As a hero of the minority, Lin Feng has already become the idol of the disadvantaged.

The National Minority Parade started in California and gradually spread across the country.Large-scale demonstrations are often equated with riots, but this time people were restrained and basically expressed their dissatisfaction through demonstrations and sit-ins.

So people talked about the previous "Amande shooting case" again. Radical people thought that a statue should be erected for Armand, who died tragically under the gun of racists.

Of course, "Smith Farm" is no longer as simple as a farm. Some netizens believe that the farm should become a scenic spot, representing the great spirit of minorities against social discrimination.

Lin Feng thought that kind of view was weird, at least he couldn't understand it.

He thinks Americans are very imaginative and sometimes like to make things big.

In recent days, many people have driven to the farm to take pictures and claim it as their holy place on social media.

Lin Feng's first reaction was WTF?

He couldn't stop those people from going to the farm, but he could just take this opportunity to sell the farm and change it to a big villa.

Everyone likes to drive a luxury car and live in a big house. When he went to Kobe's house, Lin Feng was completely shocked.

Before, Lao Pa helped him find many luxury houses, all of which were large manors covering an area of ​​thousands of square meters, etc. Just looking at the photos made Lin Feng's heart flutter.

Maybe he can take this opportunity to persuade Dad to move and live in a safer and more comfortable environment.

Of course, all of this will have to wait until the end of the season. If the Lakers successfully overthrow the Warriors and enter the finals, then he can imagine activating Anta's "Finals Reward Clause" and get tens of millions of dollars to improve his life.

Everything sounds good, he is not far away from that kind of life, even within easy reach.

Well, keep working hard for your faith and your life!

Choose a life, choose a career, choose a family, choose a house that is so big and boundless, choose friends, and choose to take good care of your body.

Choose choices, choose those things that are close at hand, choose every decision to make yourself happy.

It's like choosing a revolver to shoot into Dominique's thigh.

(End of this chapter)

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