king of los angeles

Chapter 843 843. The Great Moment

Chapter 843 843. The Great Moment
In the next one and a half minutes, both sides failed to score, and they frequently hit the iron under the high-intensity defense.

Lin Feng also lost the ball under the double-team of the Splash Brothers and made a mistake. He is probably the only one in the league who can enjoy being defended by Curry and Klay.

Warriors coach Steve Kerr has made up his mind to lock Lin Feng, and they don't want to see such a thing happen in a single game with [-] points.

"Kuzma can get [-] points, but Gary Smith has to limit him."

During the timeout, Kerr told his players.He realized that the Warriors had no way to completely lock Lin Feng, and no team in the league had this ability.

If in the regular season, the defense of those "iron-blooded pioneers" can still have an effect on Lin Feng, no one can do this in the playoffs.

Curry is afraid of the evolutionary ability of the No. 11 rookie, and there are new surprises every time they meet.

During the countdown of the third quarter, the ball holder was replaced by Lin Feng, and Lao Zhan had just rested for 2 minutes. This is the privilege of the team boss.

Curry and Durant were also replaced, and Livingston and Iguodala played.

In the last attack, at 7.8 seconds, Lin Feng started to start. He first opened the distance and swayed left and right, while Green stood firm.

Lin Feng signaled Lao Zhan to step forward to cover, and a rookie gave instructions to the team leader. This rarely happens in most teams.

However, Lao Zhan never tires of it, and often acts as a coolie on the court to cover his teammates.

Green was blocked and Iguodala was exposed in front of him.

In the last five seconds of the attack time, Lin Feng switched hands behind his left side and retreated, while aiming at the basket and pretending to make a long-range shot. Iguodala was afraid of his shooting range and stepped forward to block with his hands.

Without waiting for Brother Yi to stand still, Lin Feng dribbled the ball and turned around, passed Brother Yi and went straight to the basket!
The Warriors players had been prepared for a long time, and the other four shrunk to the basket at the same time, like a chrysanthemum blooming in reverse.

This scene was captured by countless TVs, and the golden number 11 soared into the sky in a blue ocean and rushed to the basket!

The spotlight flashed, and all four hands stretched out towards Lin Feng. He raised the basketball with his right hand and threw the ball towards the backboard facing the four Warriors players.

Just when everyone's eyes were on the basketball, Lin Feng, who landed first, took off again. He couldn't distinguish who he collided with. He just felt that he was involved in a forest of flesh, and every part of his body was colliding.

Soon his body lost his center of gravity, and he threw the ball before he fell to the ground in a hurry!

The people under the basket turned on their backs, Lin Feng fell into the shooting area, and Clay flew out with him. That guy was tough just now, and he was the most direct "victim" of this attack.

In addition, Green also collided with teammate Livingston because of reckless blocking. With his physique, Livingston is not an opponent at all.

After the two fell to the ground, the unlucky Levin was crushed under him, with a painful expression on his face.Green found out that it was a teammate, and immediately bounced like an electric shock. If it was a Lakers player who was pressed, he might have to lie on it for a while longer.

Lin Feng fell to the ground and did not forget to pose. The camera shot wildly at him. He was already used to the tense atmosphere brought by the spotlight.

The teammates ran over to pull him up while jubilant, and Lao Zhan was the first to arrive. His pair of strong arms made Lin Feng get up effortlessly.

This scene is full of meaning, and is hailed by the media as the replacement of the new and old leaders of the Lakers. Everyone is optimistic that Lin Feng will become the leader of the team for the next ten years.

"Great moment!"

The Los Angeles Sports Times immediately published such a headline, and the accompanying picture was the scene where Lao Zhan pulled Lin Feng up.

The audience was silent at first, and then burst into applause like a tsunami!

Lin Feng made a one-on-four, and he was panting heavily after landing.


He was a Los Angeles hero for scoring this goal, and if it was blocked, it would be the headlines tonight.

The four teammates on the outside are wide open, and there is a chance to pass to anyone.

Lin Feng chose to play a superstar, and Lakers fans thought there was no problem, because he would be the most legendary last-round pick in history!

As soon as he got up, Finsen rushed up to send a head-hugging kill. This guy was strong enough to interact with the [-] fans at the scene like a championship parade.

The referee thought that he should also shine at this historical moment, so he took the initiative to stop the game, thinking that there was a foul on the ball just now, but the specific Warriors players who fouled need to watch the replay.

It was a very interesting scene. The referee couldn't judge who was responsible for Lin Feng's loss of center of gravity at first, because everyone had contact with him from the back defense.

"Replay Center! We need Borgia!"

The referee gestures to the tech table, where 101 screens work simultaneously in a brown concrete building in New Jersey.

The 12 playback engineers stared at the screen in different postures, trying to find their own answers.

Joe Borgia paced the room, staring at his own computer.

"Fred, two Warriors players actually fouled Gary at the same time. It's hard to tell whose fault it is, but I think you can blow it on Draymond Green."

There was a reply from the Staples Center, and the referee Fred asked loudly, "Joe, are you sure? Chasing Meng has already committed four fouls. Am I being too strict with him?"

Borgia smiled, "That's your problem, but if it's Clay this time, the referee's report will most likely be considered a misjudgment! You know, I have no ability to help you change the news."

"Okay, okay, Green hit Gary Smith's hand, that's what I'm going to whistle."

After finishing speaking, the referee Fred told the on-site commentary that this was a thug foul by Chasing Dream Green!
The result came out, and the audience applauded. They were happy to see Green being called for a foul because he had been backed four times.

The Warriors players were surprised and immediately surrounded the referee for an explanation.

Green reacted the most. He didn't want to get five fouls before the fourth quarter.

Clay wanted to stop himself, because he only had one offense so far.

But the referee didn't like this statement very much, and didn't want anyone to challenge his authority.

Lin Feng is happy to hear it, and he hopes that guy Green can be sent off, so that there will be fewer non-technical things in the fourth quarter.

The referee was firm in his decision, even if Cole argued hoarsely, it had no effect.

Lin Feng walked to the free throw line, Green was carrying five fouls, and the home fans started booing and shouting MVP to Green!

Two free throws were made, leaving only 1.3 seconds for the Warriors.

The Lakers defended a full-court press, the tall McGee blocked the serve from the bottom line, and the other four were eagles and chickens in the half.

Lin Feng chased after Curry and entangled him in death, surrounding him with his wingspan.Knowing that he had no hope of catching the ball, Curry simply gave up the last attack and walked slowly to the bench.

Lin Feng also followed him to the bench, and the two chatted for a while.

In the end, Green sent the ball to Livingston, who threw it into the sky to end the third quarter.

"Have a drink at night? Stephen." Lin Feng joked while standing on the Warriors' bench.

Curry turned his head and smiled, glanced at him and then covered his head with a towel and fell asleep.

(End of this chapter)

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