king of los angeles

Chapter 36 36. Like a Time Stone

Chapter 36 36. Like a Time Stone
Annie is a lively girl. She saw several Harley motorcycles parked outside and planned to come in to interview motorcycle enthusiasts.

Unexpectedly, I met Gary Smith, a rookie in Los Angeles. This is the object that the editor-in-chief of the newspaper has been looking for for interview opportunities.

None of the customers in the betting shop seemed to be basketball fans. No one knew Gary Smith's name, only that she was very tall and looked like an athlete.

After learning that Lin Feng won the first prize of 100 million, Annie felt that she had an excellent interview opportunity.

Standing at the gate of the betting shop, with his back against the blue sky, Lin Feng looked very relaxed with one hand on his hip.

He kept his right hand in his pocket all the time to make sure that the lottery ticket did not disappear mysteriously.

What should you do after claiming the prize?Buy a sports car?That's at least something to do back in Los Angeles.

"Wait, can you make a mosaic for me? I'm afraid of being robbed on the way to the lottery center."

Facing the camera, Lin Feng thought of those big-headed dolls who received awards in China.

Annie was a little surprised, "Oh sir, we are broadcasting live, which means that the signal has already been transmitted back to Los Angeles, and the citizens are seeing your face through the sports channel."


Lin Feng was a little embarrassed, he quickly straightened his hair, he looked pretty good.

In other words, the news that he became the lucky one in Las Vegas has spread throughout Los Angeles.

My God, there should be some relatives who haven't seen in hundreds of years running to the house to borrow money!
Annie continued the interview, "Mr. Smith, your performance in the summer league was great, and the players who played against you couldn't take advantage of it at all. Do you have any thoughts on the next ten days?"

Lin Feng laughed secretly in his heart, what an idiotic question, no one wants to read this kind of official routine, so if you want to ask, just ask something hot.

Lin Feng pinched his nose, "I hope to help the Los Angeles Lakers go further. Of course, it would be great if I am elected MVP. Although it is only the last round pick, I have great confidence in myself."

After finishing speaking, Lin Feng slapped his shoulder, thinking that such a behavior was very manly.

In a newspaper office far away in Los Angeles, press releases are being processed and polished.The editor-in-chief watched the street interviews in Las Vegas intently, and he had already figured out how to make explosive news around Gary Smith.

Annie asked a lot of irrelevant, even boring questions, such as asking how he was doing in culture in college.

Lin Feng didn't have many details about the university in his memory. He told himself deep in his memory that Gary Smith didn't love learning so much in college. If he didn't play basketball well, he would have been forced to drop out of school.

I was also slightly disappointed about the "King of Los Angeles", which was the main event, but Annie didn't ask any questions about it. I don't know if it was the newspaper's intentional restraint or some other reason.

Lin Feng is eager to take the title of "King of Los Angeles", after all, the previous two games proved that he is the soul of this team.

When he came on the field, the entire team took on a new look, able to restrict the opponent's assaulters to the greatest extent, and also contributed wonderful five-best goals repeatedly.

After the interview, Annie was satisfied, and Lin Feng seemed to be worried about the future of this trainee reporter.

But the sweet-looking Annie should have no problems in life, and she can have a happy family just by virtue of her appearance.

"Thank you for accepting my interview, Mr. Smith, and I wish you a pleasant stay in Lashi!"

After Annie finished speaking, she stepped forward to hug Lin Feng. Her body was very soft and exuded a faint fragrance.

Thinking about it, this is the first time I have been in close contact with a woman after time travel, and my body will inevitably react.

Looking at the news car going away, Lin Feng is still reminiscing about the aroma just now.

I suddenly thought of something, and turned around quickly. Fortunately, the lottery ticket is still there, and I need to get the money before the game tonight.

The condition of his adoptive father Andrew is improving. Lin Feng plans to keep the money for himself. After signing the contract with the Lakers, he will find a good apartment and take over his adoptive father and step-sister. He can fully support them now, and he can also Let the two of you live a good life.

Los Angeles is a big city, and Evelyn can have a good development here.

When he arrived at the lottery center, Lin Feng's heartbeat accelerated, but it was much calmer than the first time.I will frequent this kind of place in the future, and the lottery business in the United States has become its own cash machine.

He thought that the trip to accept the award would be as pleasant as last time, but he encountered a little problem unexpectedly.

The staff of the lottery center entered Lin Feng's information into the computer and asked him to sit in the lobby and wait for a while.

The hall here is very deserted, and everyone who comes in is basically smiling, because unlucky people will not choose to go to this kind of place to find happiness.

Lin Feng sensed something was wrong, and vaguely felt that the money was enough for him to take away.

Soon, a car pulled up outside and two men in FBI uniforms got out, and they obviously came at themselves.

Frank, what's going on?It must be his successive awards that caught the attention of Skynet.

Damn it, Lin Feng thought he should be more cautious after winning three prizes in half a month. After all, the country of freedom is only superficially free, and there must be an extremely powerful Skynet monitoring behind it.

The Prism Gate incident is not a rumor, but a real existence.

Moreover, every betting shop will be monitored by cameras, and his precise drawing of the big prize will definitely attract their attention.

It was terrible, Lin Feng just wanted to leave quickly, but the FBI agents had already arrived.

I actually came face to face with the secretive agents in TV dramas!

Lin Feng told himself not to be nervous, otherwise he would really have to enter the laboratory for sectioning.

"Mr. Smith?" said one of the detectives.

"It's me." Lin Feng was very calm and pretended to be confused. He is a natural actor, "What's the matter, sir?"

The agent took out his ID, "I am Carlos Bartres, an FBI agent. Congratulations on winning a huge sum of money, but we doubt your luck."

Lin Feng knew what these guys wanted to ask, and responded forcefully, "Someone will take the prize every time, why can't that person be the same person. Isn't the lottery a public thing?"

Bartres did not speak, took out his mobile phone and played a video, which was the video of Lin Feng at the betting shop in Los Angeles and at the betting shop in Lashi an hour ago.

In the video, he was staring at a pile of scratch-off tickets in a daze, his hands trembling slightly, it was Lin Feng's conscious movement of flipping the lottery ticket.

"Sir, we are amazed that you can accurately select the winning lottery ticket. It's like predicting the future. These are all bridges in movies. Don't we live in the world of Marvel Universe? And you are like having a time stone. "

Obviously, the agent is a Marvel fan.

Lin Feng laughed, and he spread his hands helplessly, "Mr. Detective, you really know how to joke, do you really think that time gems or things like predicting the future exist? I'm just a lucky person who couldn't be more lucky, There are always incomprehensible things happening in this world.”

"If you think there is something wrong with me, you are welcome to handcuff me at any time and take me to the hospital for research."

Lin Feng put his hands together, as if waiting for the handcuffs.

The FBI agents were helpless, and the leader looked at the person in charge of the lottery center. They had no reason to take away the lucky person in front of them, which would violate federal laws.

Maybe it was really like what the big man said, he was the one who got hit in the head by a lucky gem.

"We'll keep an eye on you, Mr. Smith."

Seeing the FBI's special vehicle leave, Lin Feng smiled slightly.

After walking out of the Welfare Lottery Center, he breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that he had to calm down for a while, or he would really be sent to the research institute for sectioning.

Those guys in uniform can do anything.

(End of this chapter)

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