Killing Cockroaches In Xianxia For Self-Preservation

75. Sun Clan, Anger

(Bu Cai POV)


Finally here.

Standing in front of the tall gate which leads into the colossal area also known as the Sun Clan, I can't help but feel a bit nervous.

I pat myself down one last time to make sure I look sharp, then head onwards towards the gate. However, just as I intend to enter, one of the guards who was standing at the side of the gate suddenly spotted me.


"Stop right there you insolent fool!"

He points his index finger to the right side and says in a serious tone,

"This is an entrance specifically for members of the Sun Clan and respected guests, so any admirers of Lady Sun or other non specified guests must line up at the side gate and wait PATIENTLY."

"Don't you dare think your anything special by pulling these tricks for attention, a couple arrogant individuals have tried before, and do you know what happened to them?"

"I beat them until they couldn't stand it anymore, then they left with bruises and disappointment. All this just because of their impudence!"



D-Did this fucker just whistle at me?!

Doesn't he know I'm his employer's son's best friend, and that I am welcome here at any time?

More importantly, why does he have dark circles around his eyes and messy hair?

He almost looks like a zombie. Could he have been cursed with a warm pillow on both sides?

I decide shift my attention to where he is pointing at to get to the root of why he is in such a sour mood, and be done with this farce.

And the sight which I was exposed to, was one of the most convoluted and chaotic lines I've ever seen...

First things first, this line was MASSIVE. So MASSIVE, in fact, that it went around in circles whilst covering multiple huge and ancient streets surrounding this place.

Another glaring sign that indicated that it wasn't very orderly, was that it consisted of hordes of men shoving and bickering with each other like their lives had depended on getting one inch further.

It was so bad that even if one looked at another person the wrong way, then a full on showdown would occur!

...J-J-Just, WHAT IS THIS?!

I started to think about what could have caused this, and soon it all came together...

-Hordes of aggressive men driven by their soaring testosterone levels.

-Furious guards that seem tired as anything.

-Renowned goddess of Sun Clan back to visit.


Of course it was that!

These people are all just desperate and horny toads wanting to eat swan meat!

Despicable fuckers!

They truly don't know the immensity of heaven and earth!

I turn back around to my exhausted buddy here, and feel some genuine sympathy for him.

...Just imagine having to come into contact with these degenerates on a constant basis!

His expression changes to one of confusion after witnessing my sudden change in attitude, so he asks,

"So what are you waiting here for?!"

"Can't you please just let me do my job peacefully, and make it easy for both of us!?"

After hearing his pleas, I suddenly feel the need to make a proper distinction between these dumb beasts and I. So I respond to him confidently with a amicable tone,

"Fret not my good friend, Mr. Guard... I can sympathise with your struggles of having to deal with these simpletons!"

"However, I assure you I am no trouble maker. In fact, I am a personal friend of the Sun Clan's young master!

"You may have even heard of my name as I am relatively renowned in my generation, one of my my most recent achievements is getting third plac-"




His face had become as red as a tomato whilst he cut me off. His previous look at me was one of pity and disappointment, however now he was just glaring at me as if I was another fly he had to swat!

Surprised by his sudden outburst I denied his accusations of me falsifying my claims by telling him,


"I get that you're having a bad day, but that's no excuse to take it out on an upstanding individual like me!"

"I can even promise to you on my name that I am being 100% honest!"

He completely ignores me, and proceeded to start pulling up his sleeves and began cracking his knuckles...

Never once, had I expected it would go like this. I initially made my way here looking forward to having a nice catch up with a good friend of mine, and also confirm whether Sun Qiu is a heroine for the future.

But now I've come here to get my ass beaten?

I can't even do anything about it. If he is able to be stationed at the front gates of a first class force, he definitely isn't a weakling.

He begins advancing towards me, and people nearby start gathering and saying things like...

"Haizzzz, seems like another young man has been mislead by hot-bloodlessness, and the allure of a beauty..."

"Another brat is going to be taught a lesson by Old Tou..."

"Tch, another toad wanting to eat swan meat, yet doesn't realise he is a mere frog in a well..."


My palms began to get sweaty and my heart sank.

Is this for real?!

Where is Sun Ting when you need him?

I didn't come all the way here just to be beaten like a dog!

I shift into a proper position so that I can attempt to dodge or react to his upcoming moves... Though I know it's quite hopeless.

Just before he was going to charge at me though, he talked to me in a way an old scholar would and said,

"Just let this old man teach you a lesson on behalf of your parents today. I will show you how lying is akin digging a deep hole for yourself that you cannot escape."

"I'm doing this for your benefit as well, so don't hold it against me. Maybe you will come to thank me for this at some point..."

He then bends his knees forwards and is about to furiously rush at me, but suddenly I hear a pleasant voice shout out...


"Stop this nonsense, right now!"



...I'm saved!


"Don't you know that this young man is one of young master's best friends!?"

"He even achieved third place in the under eighteen's tournament!"

I look where my saviour's voice is coming from, and see a lovely looking lady who I actually knew...

Sun Ting's personal maid!

She was someone who sometimes accompanied Sun Ting when he was out and was a real life saver during nights out with him because when he gets absolutely hammered, we don't have to help him get home.

I later learned from Sun Ting that she and her husband actually gave him a lot more care and attention than his parents ever had.

You could even say they were the ones that raised him, therefore he views them as his he would family.

Anyways, after hearing her words, the guard immediately pauses in his actions and his facial expressions instantly shifts to nervousness.

He stands up straight, then anxiously turns around to face her.

After seeing her, he then proceeds to say,

"E-Erm, are you 100% certain this boy is someone our young master knows, Yin'er?"

"I've never seen this boy with him once during my long years of looking after our young master!"

The maid shouts with great anger,


She scoffs and says, "I can't believe a dumb oaf like you is actually my husband!"

She next turns to me, who is bewildered by these chain of events, and her frown quickly changes into a smile.

She says to me in a gentle and apologetic tone,

"I deeply apologise for his negligence young master Bu."

"You are absolutely free to come in as young master Sun has been eagerly awaiting your visit."

"Would you like me to escort you to my young master's estate, or will you be fine going by yourself?"

I knew for a fact that her asking me whether I needed an escort was for courtesy's sake, and that she actually wanted to have a 'chat' with Mr. Guard.

I wasn't exactly planning on involving myself in this anymore than I need to, so I replied,

"It's no worries at all auntie, it was just a simple mistake!"

"And there is no need for you to go out of your way, I'll be completely fine going myself. But thank you for the offer!"

I then hurriedly made my way through the opened gate and made a bee line towards Sun Ting's place.

Behind me though, I could here the furious shouts of an angry wife...






May the force be with you uncle.

Although we may have had some misunderstandings between us, you still have my condolences.


Deviating from the huge path leading to the main mansion, and taking a detour to where Sun Ting lives. I start to think about his circumstances here...


Due to being the son of the leader of a first rate force, Sun Ting had a lot of expectations on his shoulders from birth.

However those expectations were stripped away after it turned out he had a sickly constitution and was completely unsuited for martial arts. He also wasn't an inhumane genius in important areas such as politics or strategizing.

So due to him now being useless, his parents both swept him out the main mansion and relocated him away to another place. They also now treated him as a stranger and as non-existent.

The most care he received was getting sent monthly pocket money to live a lavish lifestyle, in exchange for being low-key and not make any trouble or fuss.

But the only thing he really desired was attention and care from his family...

Ironically though, It was the only thing he would never be able to get.

Additionally, his relationship with his sister was also tragic.

She despised him for being useless and living like a waste instead of rather trying his hardest to improve himself.

This was another thing deeply scarred Sun Ting.

When he was younger and still valued, Sun Ting looked up to his big sister that doted on him more than anything else. But now all that was left between them was his desperation and her repulsion.

What makes this worse is that I know why this has happened...

Through common sense and speculation, combined with my Xianxia trope expertise. I've already gotten a gist of what 'Plot' is.

And through this I was quite sure that this hate was mainly induced by Plot's influence.

To put it simply...

Sun Ting is a young master who is fated to die to Long Tian.

Whereas, if my suspicions are correct, Sun Qiu is a heroine and will be a part of Long Tian's harem.


So how could Sun Qiu possibly fall in love with the murderer of her brother, if she actually cared for the brother?

So naturally Plot will twist it in favour of Long Tian...


What a disgusting thing plot is.

Just imagine for a second if Long Tian didn't exist...


Long Zhen wouldn't have had a miserable childhood and death, and his parents would actually love him.


Sun Ting would have had at least his sister's care, therefore he wouldn't have become so hedonistic, and such a waste of space in order to receive attention from his family.


Literally countless organism's life trajectories are altered in order to favour one individual and their goals...

All that just for a stupid Fortuned One's enjoyment?!


A feeling of resentment and bitterness build up in me.

Unconsciously, my eyebrows furrow and my fists clench...

What complete... BULLSHIT!


...I'll surely kill him.

No. Let me rephrase that.

I WILL kill him.


Snapping out of my thoughts, I realise that I'm already at the door to Sun Ting's house.

so I take a deep breath and calm myself down.

Then I knock on the door, and enter...



Author's notes:

Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed.

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