Killing Cockroaches In Xianxia For Self-Preservation

73.Ruthless Training, Techniques

(Bu Cai POV)


...Sixth sense?

Sounds rather interesting, I just can't help but wonder why I'm starting to have a bad feeling about this.

"Now. The way to train this is rather simple in all honesty."

"Anyone can do it as long as they have access to two things..."

"A blindfold."

Two blindfolds appear in Chen Long's hand.

"And a partner."



Are we going to be whacking pinatas or something?

He hands us the blindfolds and we put them on, but we wear it over our foreheads, and wait whilst he finishes talking us over this training,

"Moving on to what is involved in this training... I'll let you both pick up on it through experiencing it."

He gives us a wide grin and pulls out two bracelet type objects. These bracelets were made out of a dull metal and had a small black stone in the shape of a rhombus embedded in one part of it.

He then said,

"I almost forgot to give you both these two fine pieces of work. These are what will allow you both to actually hone yourself's and your senses more efficiently."

He handed one to each of us.

Looking at it, it was anything but a fine piece of work and looked much more like some trash made by some 3rd rate blacksmith.

Not thinking much of it, I stuck it on my wrist with curiosity...





As soon as it was over my wrists, I could neither control nor sense any Qi at all!

This shocked me as after my spirit roots had been awoken, sensing and controlling Qi had been as natural to me as breathing.

I could instinctively do it without any complications.  Yet now I couldn't do it at all.

I now felt naked and completely vulnerable from being unable to sense the essence of this world. Is this really what it was like six years ago?!

I knew it hadn't been long since I had gotten access to Qi, yet it actually has such a huge impact on me when I am without it?


I rapidly got to my senses and moved my arms and legs about.

Nothing changed.


At least my body's raw strength hasn't been reverted back, otherwise I would be really horrified right now.

It frightens me to the core just imagining me actually degrading from my current monstrous physique, which can allow me to bend a solid chunk of heavy metal with ease, to some late teen's physique.

I first check to my side to look at how Chen Fei is coping, and his face looks mortified.

Looking at his expression makes me feel like laughing, but this is no laughing matter.

I then looked at Chen Long, who was having the time of his life watching Chen Fei and I's reaction to the effect of this demonic bracelet. I also made sure to use [Identify] on this fiendish thing,



[Item: Qi Isolation Bracelet (Qi Condensation)]

[Material: Condensed Heavy Steel, Lesser Gem Of Absorption ]

[Rank: D]

[Extra Information:

A bracelet which can suppress a Cultivator at Qi Condensation or lower from being able to draw in Qi and feel it. It must be put on the wrist of the person who is being suppressed for it to work.

Often used for training or suppressing criminals.

A 'Major Gem Of Absorption' can even restrict a cultivator at Martial Lord Realm.]


*Ptooey* despicable thing.

This shit will now make me nervous to show anyone my wrists, and I'll be having to sleep with one eye open as you will never know when some sneaky assassin will stick one of these round your wrist whilst having a nap.

If I ever find the creator of this I will defin-

Chen Long interrupted the extensive rant that was happening in my mind, and said,

"This thing here will restrict your usage of Qi and therefore prevents any spirit sensing or any influence from Qi."

"So now you two can separate a bit and stick on the blindfolds."

Chen Fei looks to have a few complaints on this ungodly item himself, but doesn't have the chance as he focuses on separating from me.

We then give each other a last glance, before sticking on the blindfold.


Now all that is left is darkness.

Not surprising, as this is what a blindfold is for-!?

I suddenly feel a great impact to by abdomen. I feel myself getting uncontrollably sent flying and fall face flat.


I get to my feet and try to take my blindfold off...


Regardless, my futile attempts are cut short from another blow to the face, courtesy of a solid fist.

And that's when I came to realise why I had a bad feeling about this...

I was certain that this 'training' was about me focusing on reacting to this child abuse, and eventually developing my ultimate sixth sense.

Exactly like an MC... Through constant pain and suffering which would usually be swept up by a nice time skip...

Sadly there is a major issue with this for me.


What's going to happen with my plans of meeting up with friends and Xie Xinyi?

There is no way I am visiting with two black eyes, and an aching body!


(Third Person POV)

...Sadly, Bu Cai wasn't able react once to any strikes, hence he was repeatedly beaten for hours on end.

But his misery didn't only end there.

After all that training, Bu Cai also had to battle through an intense session of practicing mystique technique control and sword arts alongside an aching body.

And so a six days had passed just like that.

Beatings over and over again, using mystique techniques over and over again, swinging his sword... over and over again.

During this time, his only source of pleasure would come from the pain easing herbal baths which numbed his agony, just a bit.

But this little relief is what kept him motivated to get through the day to day torture that was... training.


(Sixth Day Of Training)

(Bu Cai POV)

It's the sixth morning I have had of this abus- training.

My mind and body craves for a break, yet everyone knows cultivators don't need rest.

I feel like a damn machine. I'm constantly getting pummeled by the fists of this smiling middle aged man in front of me.

Then hours which feel like years later, I then go through repetitively perfecting my technique control for all of my moves.

You may be curious on what my techniques are?

...Well let me tell you!

I will only go over my main three as, although I have a large variety, these are my most used and base ones.

Firstly I have my attack mystique technique,

[Absolute Agility Sword Series]

This technique is the one I started with when I went against Long Tian. It consists of five forms:

First Form- Ten Slashes

Second Form- Fifty Slashes

Third Form- Hundred Slashes

Fourth Form- Thousand Slashes

Fifth Form- Myriad In One

This Mystique art is for the Sword Dao, and is one that highly focuses on speed and blitzing the opponent, more than anything else.

It was discovered from ruins of an ancient martial emperor's tomb, and one must be Qi refining to even learn the first form. It supposedly went up to seven forms, however they were unfortunately unable to be recovered.

As you would guess from the names, they represent the number of slashes performed in one second. The strength of slashes are determined by the user's strength, however even if a user is weak as long as they learn this they could easily cross minor realms by surprising opponents with it.

But not everyone can learn such an art, it has a very high talent requirement and even after training basically only this mystique art, I've only just been able to reach the second stage.

No one in the history of this technique has been able to reach fifth form of this technique due to it's absurd difficulty, so that is testament to it's talent requirement.


Secondly, for my escaping/footwork mystique technique I have,

[Chen Clan's Trace less Steps]

This technique has seven forms:

First Form- Varied Steps

Second Form- Rapid Steps

Third Form- Precise Steps

Fourth Form- Windless Steps

Fifth Form- Noiseless Steps

Sixth Form- Shadowless Steps

Seventh Form- Traceless Steps

This technique is actually the most popular one for footwork amongst the main clan members. It was created and passed down by the ancestor who was a martial emperor and is a core technique to the Clan.

One must be Qi Refining to execute the first form, and has a relatively low talent requirement, by relatively low I mean by the Chen Clan standards so an above average or low tier genius.

I am current;y at the beginning of the Second Form-Rapid Steps. The second stage in itself can allow you to increase the usual full speed of a Qi Condensation cultivator, which is around 150 kmph, by three times!

Also it can be used more intricately to accelerate in fights or dodge more easily.


Lastly, I have my defensive technique,

[Sword Barrier]

This technique is only one move, and it allows you to inject Qi in your sword in such a way that it creates an orb like barrier around you.

The shields defensive capabilities, such as strength and size, depend on how much Qi the user inputs.

Really good for blocking as long as you are not being completely dominated. I couldn't execute this move against Long Tian as he would be able to break it easily and due to it requiring a lot of Qi to use, it would just be a waste.


And there you have it, my main techniques which will assist me in getting through this chaotic jungle of Xianxia.

Anyways, today is a day of opportunities for me.

As this old demon in front of me has given Chen Fei and I an opportunity for rest!

He told us that as long as anyone is able to dodge two strikes, then that person will be spared from training today!

I was ready to flip my shit there and then.


I get to do other things in my life!

My eyes gleamed with determination as I stared at him dead in the eyes.

We both responded to him politely after snapping out of our shock.

However, underneath my polite words of thanks was a single sentence which was repeating in my mind...




Author's notes:

Thanks for reading I hope you enjoyed.

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