Kill the Sun

Chapter 807: Escalation

Nick arrived in front of Mountain Fork City.

The city was built between two tall mountains, and the megastructure in the middle of the city was about as high as the two adjacent mountains, creating the image of a fork.

'The plan is in motion,' Nick thought as he glanced at the Specter behind him.

It was an inconspicuous ball of meat.

Yet, this ball of meat was an Initial Fallen that was quite powerful.

It was one of the three Fallen that directly worked under Gluttony.

"Lure it out," the Fallen commanded.

"Sure thing," Nick said.

Nick entered the city with his new disguise.

Nick decided to go with his usual appearance of Julian Winter.

The guards let him pass without any problem.

After all, they knew him.

It had been two years since Nick's talk with Wrath, and Nick had already made a name for himself in Mountain Fork City.

Assimilating into the population of a city was as easy as breathing for Nick at this point.

He had done that so many times already.

After entering the city, Nick directly went to an abandoned shack near the edge.

The Cave Wraith was good at hiding itself, but it couldn't change its appearance.

That was why it stayed in this abandoned shack.

A tunnel led to the shack, which was how the humans working for it could contact it without any suspicion.

As Nick entered the abandoned shack, a ghost filled with horrified faces rose up from the floor.

It seemed like it had expected Nick to arrive.

"It's south of the city," Nick said casually.

The Cave Wraith looked at Nick without saying anything.

Then, it slowly floated out of the city and moved towards the south.

Nick exited the abandoned shack and went to the top of the city's walls, looking towards the south.

He talked with the guards casually.

They didn't mind his presence on the wall.

The guards couldn't see the Cave Wraith since it was so good at staying hidden, but Nick could see it.

Nick's perception was terrifying,and he could feel things from tens of kilometers away with great detail.

As Nick watched, one of the guards offered him a small piece of paper that was burning.

This was one of the local specialties of Mountain Fork City.

They grew herbs that altered one's mental state of mind when inhaling the smoke.

Many of the normal people loved this stuff, but it had a limited effect on Extractors.

Of course, it had no effect on Nick since he was a Specter.

Nevertheless, he accepted the offer and smoked it casually.

Nick took a deep breath of the smoke and exhaled.


No one in the city noticed, but around thirty kilometers to the south, a wave of flesh rose to the sky.

The small ball of meat had expanded dramatically to consume the Cave Wraith.

The Cave Wraith and the small ball of meat were only one stage apart, with one being a Peak Demon and the other being an Initial Fallen.

Additionally, the Cave Wraith was extremely fast.

The wave of flesh missed the Cave Wraith, and the Cave Wraith struck back.

The ball of flesh realized that something was off.

Usually, a Specter would flee when confronted with a more powerful opponent, but this one didn't do that.

Instead, it struck back.

Nick inhaled more smoke as he watched the ball of meat retreating.

But the next moment, a gigantic face made of stone appeared on the ground beneath it.

The face of stone was almost an entire kilometer wide.

The face grinned maliciously and opened its mouth.

This was Wrath's most powerful servant and its ace.

It was a Mid Fallen Force Specter.

This thing was absolutely no joke.

Nick exhaled the smoke.

"Good stuff," Nick said with a smile to the guard beside him.

"Isn't it?" the guard answered with a laugh.

The guard saw Nick closing his eyes.

He seemed to be enjoying the cold mountain breeze.

The gigantic face shot out of the ground, and the ball of meat fled further into the sky.

The Cave Wraith appeared behind it and launched another attack.

The attack would throw the ball of meat into the gigantic face's maw.

But then, the Cave Wraith suddenly stopped in the middle of the air.

Its entire body seemed to warp and distort, and within less than a second, it vanished.

The face in the ground stopped advancing.

This was not supposed to happen!

Nick finished exhaling the smoke with a smirk.


Suddenly, the face felt a terrifying pressure coming from below it.

This was the most powerful pressure it had ever felt!

Deep beneath the ground, a red woman had opened her mouth wide, and the surroundings of the gigantic face started to distort as well.

The gigantic face felt its Zephyx being absorbed rapidly!

It was a Force Specter, but not even it was immune to this ability!

Naturally, Gluttony had the ability to basically consume anything, and Force Specters were no exception.

Gluttony didn't grow more powerful by absorbing Specters, but it could still absorb them.

"Thanks," Nick said to the guard beside him. "I'll pay you back."

Then, Nick jumped off the wall and ran towards the south.

He came and went from the city all the time, and the guards didn't question it.

The gigantic face slowly became smaller and smaller.

Consuming a Mid Fallen took quite a while for Gluttony.

After around 20 seconds, Gluttony finished consuming the Specter, leaving only the ball of meat alive since it was its servant.

Nick arrived at the battleground, still smoking.

He smirked.

"See?" he said, exhaling some smoke. "Just as promised. I gave you Wrath's most powerful servant, and you lose nothing."

"Working together with me is pretty profitable, huh?"

Gluttony slowly came out of the ground and looked at Nick with a neutral expression.

"You kept your promise," Gluttony said. "You served me well."

Nick took a deep drag of the burning paper.

"But that ends now," Gluttony said. "You're too dangerous."

Gluttony opened its mouth.

Meanwhile, Nick just calmly exhaled the smoke.

A small smirk was on his face.

There was a very good reason why he assumed the disguise of Julian Winter for this mission.

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