Kamen Rider, the Mission Must Be Fulfilled!

Page 12

You can also see the main line, which is the journey of being called by people from different worlds and going to different worlds to deal with the changes

So basically it's --

open the door!Your RIDER KICK has arrived!

Of course, the tone will still be the coexistence of hardcore and joy, which I can guarantee.

Well, a hundred words are enough.

Oh, by the way, today’s update is as usual, and I hope everyone can recommend this humble work among book friends who also like Kamen Rider fans——I hope the story I wrote can be liked by everyone.

by Ibuki

Chapter 18: The Warrior Is Always Alone

Looking around, Zheng Yi carefully inspected each corpse with its head left, and confirmed one by one whether these ordinary individuals who had been dismembered by him were completely dead.If he finds that he can still move, he spends a little time turning the opponent over, inserting a sword at the back of the neck. Relying on his enhanced hearing and eyesight, Zheng Yi didn't spend too much time on this matter.

Going from one end of the corridor of bones to the other, bringing the untreated individuals back to calm, Zheng Yi maintained a steady and quiet demeanor from the beginning to the end, as if walking in the corridor of a memorial hall, sometimes stopping to examine, sometimes Stepping forward, but never speaking.

The boy's steps were neat but gentle. Even though the feet were covered with fine bones and flesh, he still stubbornly stepped on the rough road and the slippery touch of the soles of his feet.


Not shaking or shaking.

It wasn't until the dark black reinforced skin on both legs was stained an obscure dark red by the semi-coagulated blood, and the big sword in his hand was covered with rancid mottles, that the boy's feet stepped on the smooth concrete road again.

Using force with his right hand, the wide two-handed sword was inserted straight into the concrete road in front of him like cutting tofu.Zheng Yi put his hands on the hilt of the sword and knelt on one knee.

Facing the nearly [-]-meter sea of ​​corpses and blood, the boy didn't make a sound. Messy pieces of meat and broken bones were entangled on the heavy armor, and the viscous blood completely concealed the brilliance of the silver-gray armor.Accompanied by the boy's every move, sparse blood and flesh residues slid down the boy's body, like a rain curtain at the end of winter, sparse and annoying.

Maintaining a half-kneeling appearance, it took about a few breaths before Zheng Yi stood up again, pulled out the big sword in front of him, and walked towards the back of the starting station, which is the direction where the zombies came.

No one knew what was going on in the mind of the half-kneeling boy during that short period of time.From a young man in a law-abiding family with a happy family, he turned into a soldier with a lot of karma. His clean hands were stained with the blood and flesh of a man who had never masked his face. What would arise in Zheng Yi's heart at that moment? What about your feelings?





The steps forward are more stable, the hands holding the sword are more stable, and even the breathing is no longer mixed with the panic flaws as it was at the beginning.The young man clearly felt the power flowing through his body, whether he was chopping or chopping, hitting or kicking, dodging or dodging, attacking or defending, every inch of muscle seemed to be burning, and every cell in his body was hysterical. Shouting and roaring, the will and soul are as calm as the surface of a clear lake.

What has been decided must be carried through to the end.

You have to be responsible for what you have done.

"Father, I have never understood as I do now the importance of the dogma you have reminded me of."

Even if it's a kind of self-hypnosis, even just for a moment, what surges in the young man's chest is definitely not black emotions, but what dances in that strong chest is a fiery fighting spirit like a flame and a determination as majestic as a mountain. .

With their backs against their own sins and their own karma.People who use violence to resist violence may one day fall on the road of using violence to control violence, but before falling into eternal sleep, Zheng Yi will walk on this path of Shura without retreating.

Until everything that needs to be done is done...

Or fall forever on this road of no return.

He's already made up his mind.

"Terminal, are you there?"

"With you, number 913."

"I haven't asked you before. May I ask if the courtyard or the entrusting party can provide some information about the location of the source of the mutation? Even if it's just a general location or shape, otherwise I'm running around like a headless chicken, and the efficiency is not good." not tall."

The unchanging baritone voice of the terminal sounded in his ears. Zheng Yi took a deep breath, and the power of his thoughts was transmitted to the spirit stone on his waist. As he moved forward, this hideous body with a height of two meters began to change: muscles contracted, The bones gradually shortened, the skin gradually softened, and the bio-textured armor quickly curled into the body as if going back in time.The sharp mouthparts slowly melted, the horns became smaller and even retracted into the inside of the skull, the hard protective shell on the huge compound eyes disappeared, and the fine structure flowed into the skull as if dissolved, and then the hair and skin reattached to it.

——In the blink of an eye, the young man returned to his original appearance, even his clothes were not damaged at all, as if that majestic figure was just passing away, and that fight was just a dream, as long as you close your eyes, When I wake up again, I can see my sister's peaceful sleeping face, I can hear my father's serious preaching again, and I can eat my mother's poorly baked pastries again.

Only the fiery heat slowly subsiding around his waist and the quietly growing strength in his body reminded the young man that his body had already changed beyond recognition and was no longer human.

But even so, Zheng Yi still looked at his restored hands and showed a silly smile, just like when he first met every new friend.

very nice.

I don't know whether it was deliberately waiting until Zheng Yi tidied himself up, or the investigation really took time, the terminal didn't respond to his question until then.

"According to the entrusting party's description, the object looks like a big sword, and it is easy to lock the area where it is located. The closer to it, the higher the degree of mutation of the mutant humans."

"Big sword?"

"Yes, it's a great sword that you can understand as long as you see 913 as a foreign body."

"Does a higher degree of mutation mean a special individual like just now?"


Zheng Yi frowned deeply as he looked at the direction from which the group of zombies had attacked.After analyzing the information given by the terminal, he can probably understand why such a thing happened. The corresponding defense agencies and measures of the entire city failed to work, but were almost paralyzed.

"I didn't expect it to be in the downtown area. The traffic there is indeed much more exaggerated than in these school districts."

"There is plenty of time. With your current state of 913, it is recommended to establish a personal stronghold nearby to rest."

"No, terminal."

He flicked the wooden knife in his hand, and those unique pendants that were originally in the form of a Titan disappeared under the influence of some unknown reason after Zheng Yi released the transformation. Those [pendants] on the wooden knives that had been fighting for a while were also completely gone.

Is it heavier?

He carefully looked at the wooden knife in his hand, but Zheng Yi, who couldn't find any faults, scratched his hair, so he didn't care about these trivial matters.

"Time is running out, and this is still a race against time. The sooner I recover the source, the smaller the scope of the mutation will be. Now that I have a general direction, the rest is to work hard in this direction—for me , "As long as you work hard, there is hope" itself is the most exciting thing."

From the inner pocket of the school uniform jacket, I took out the map that Hirano asked for secretly before. Although I don’t know why this fat boy would carry such a thing in his schoolbag, thanks to this, Zheng Yi doesn’t have to go here because of getting lost. Instead of going around in an unfamiliar city, I was able to move straight in the direction of the city center.

Holding the wooden knife given by Du Dao and looking at the map given by Hirano, Zheng Yi blinked and turned his head to look behind him unconsciously.The boy's eyes lingered there for a while, then turned back immediately, firmly fixed on the road ahead.

He worries about his friends.

He also trusts his friends.

So now, he has to do what he should do in order to trust his friends.

"Everyone, I'm leaving."

Zheng Yi ran towards the city center.


Chapter push

"I'm in love with Caster"

The author said, the single heroine (?) full of sugar, the joy and sorrow of Wang Xiaoming and Medea in the Holy Grail, the rebellious witch meets the loyal man, from the beginning to the end, even death cannot separate the two people separated.

—— Having said so much, in fact, after reading it, you will definitely blurt out a sentence like me

"Jason, come out and get beaten!!!!!!"


Chapter 19: A great assist from the crowd

I snatched a small box of chocolate bars off the shelf at a 24-hour store I passed, and grabbed a bottle of Pocari from the freezer.Zheng Yi bowed deeply to the unoccupied counter, and even helped to carry the cash register overturned on the ground back to the table. Then he held a chocolate bar in his mouth and held a Pocari in his left hand and a wooden knife in his right. Rush out of this 24 hour convenience store.

"Sorry, I will pay back if I have a chance in the future, Mr. unknown store manager!"

"Judging from the current situation, these losses will be compensated by the human institutions of this world in the end. You don't have to worry too much about 913."

"woo woo woo woo!"

"You can finish eating before replying to me. There is plenty of time, please don't worry."

Clamping Pocari with his arms, Zheng Yi freed his left hand to break off the section of chocolate bar that was still outside his mouth, and stuffed it into his mouth together, then pressed his tongue against the two halves of the chocolate bar in his mouth so as not to slip out, and then Open the Pocari by biting the cap of the Pocari bottle with your teeth.He bent his neck and spit the bottle cap into the gap in his right hand, took a few sips of water, swallowed the contents of his mouth a few times mixed with clear water, and swallowed the mushy chocolate bar, followed by another After taking a few mouthfuls, Zheng Yi took a deep breath and stopped eating until he finished drinking the whole bottle of Pocari.

"No, I've said it already, terminal, time is really tight! If it wasn't for the fear of not being physically fit to transform again, I wouldn't be looking for something to eat at this time."

Reluctantly correcting the terminal's opinion, Zheng Yi put his hands on the lid again, and without stopping, he casually threw the empty bottle into the recyclable trash bin on the side of the road, and then used his free left hand to put the remaining half box of chocolate bars Put it close to your body in the inner pocket of the school uniform, and take out the map in the trouser pocket again to compare the route.

Sora's transformation consumes more physical energy than Zheng Yi expected, but compared to the intensity of the battle for a few minutes, it is incredible that he just made him feel hungry instead of tired, so From this point of view, Zheng Yi thinks it is still understandable.

Although this made him penniless, he had to do something bad in an empty convenience store.However, compared to the troubles that may be caused by hunger or insufficient energy supply during the battle, Zheng Yi feels that he can accept some conscience condemnation like this.

I just hope that the shop manager, who doesn't know if it's safe or not, won't mind this little thing.

Running among the alleys, Zheng Yi did not choose to take the avenue.

Because the closer he got to the city center, the more zombies he encountered on the avenue, and there was even a situation where abandoned vehicles and the accident scene blocked the road so that it was impossible to pass.After dealing with no less than a dozen ordinary individuals in the non-transformation state, he decided to abandon this inefficient way of traveling, and instead adopted the No. [-] route marked on the map by Mr. Hirano.

——Yes, Hirano Toda, this fat boy who always seems to be submissive, after knowing that Zheng Yi hopes to get a city map, he marked for him various routes from the starting point to different regions on that map. Convenient route.Basically, there are two options for going to each location, one is the avenue, and the other is the laneway with few pedestrians like Zheng Yi is walking at this time.

God knows how moved Zheng Yi was when he saw the various markings and route descriptions on that map.

This little fat man even used a Q-block to draw Zheng Yi with a thumbs-up in the blank space of the map, and two lines of words were impressively written below.

—— "Come on, Senior Zheng Yi!"

——"See you next time, Mr. Justice."


With a subtle smile on his face, Zheng Yi muttered and kicked his foot on the wall on the left, his body jumped to the right with the strength of the pedal, and then he kicked on the wall on the right again, Relying on his good balance and solid foot strength, Zheng Yi jumped back and forth, and crossed the two-meter-high wall directly in front of him in no time.With the strength of his jump, his body did a clean front somersault in the air. Zheng Yi's nearly 180 cm body neatly crossed the sky above the wall. When he was about to land, he adjusted his body shape, and his feet landed firmly on the ground.

Not even needing a buffer, the boy stepped forward and continued running.

If it was in the past, it would be impossible for him to complete this series of movements without buffering movements. With a height of 178cm and a weight of 85KG, the load on the knees and ankles at the moment of landing is unimaginable. Not to mention the cushioning, if you continue to run like this, soft tissue contusions and even minor bone fractures may occur on the spot.

But after the first transformation, Zheng Yi could clearly feel that his body was getting stronger.Although it is not as good as after transformation, for a person who is loyal to her body, the body will also use her unique language to express her own changes.For Zheng Yi, the subtle, gradual and non-stop changes are like the gradient colors under his nose. Although he can't tell the change of each color, he can clearly understand that all these are changing.

This also means that, even without changing his body, Zheng Yi is gradually drifting away from the realm of inhumanity.

Even so, the young man didn't have any panic or dissatisfaction in his heart. It's better to say that compared to the hesitation before making up his mind, he now has no room to look forward and backward.

Next time we meet, thank you all!

——Being filled with such thoughts, Zheng Yi's chest is full of gratitude and love for the people he met today, how can he have time to think about those who have and don't?

"It's still... Ugh, about two streets away from the police headquarters?"

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