Kamen Rider Kuuga in the Marvel World

Chapter 114

"I knew it, so I brought it over, right outside in the car!"Roman Dai said to Fifth Generation with a smile.

"Thanks a lot. Then please take me to see it."The fifth generation returned the information in his hand to Roman Dai.

"It's okay, as long as you teach the group of people outside fighting skills next time, your fighting skills are much better than ours."Roman Dai said as he led the Fifth Generation outside.

Yes, Roman Dai came here just for this matter.

The day before yesterday, he was here on the Fifth Generation Road, and then at noon yesterday, some people from the Nova Corps were curious. What kind of person can be regarded as a distinguished guest by Asgard?

So someone started to challenge, and then slowly, more and more people challenged him.

The fifth generation defeated all challengers with his technology. , and then they wanted to ask the fifth generation to help teach them fighting skills. Although most of them were pilots, their fighting skills could not be left behind.

"As long as I'm free!"The fifth generation finally thought that he could teach me. Yesterday, I taught this group of people, many of them are young people with strong blood.

When I walked outside, there was an open space outside, and there was a strange-shaped car on the open space. Roman Dai motioned to others to monitor nearby, and then opened the back door. Inside was a small prison, the raccoon called Rocket that Fifth Generation wanted to see was behind the bars made of electromagnetic lasers.

"You talk slowly..."Roman Dai glanced at the fifth generation, and then also went out. By the way, he closed the door, and only Fifth Generation and Rocket were left in the entire garage.

"Oops, are you the big shot who wants to ask me a question?"The rocket also looked at the fifth generation with an unhappy expression.

"Hello, my name is Yusuke Godai, hello! Rocket!"The fifth generation pressed a button next to him and closed the railing directly.

"Aren't you afraid that I will hold you hostage? Know that the group of people outside seem to respect you. You know my claws are very sharp..."Rocket looked directly at the fifth generation ferociously, and at the same time, the claws in his hands extended out.

"..."Godai looked at the little animal in front of him who hid everything under the so-called violence and sighed, stretched out his hand and rubbed Rocket's head:"Okay, it's okay....I just have some little questions to ask you!"

"...Just ask, but I'll speak first. If you want to say it or not, it doesn't matter~" Rocket said with his hands on his hips as if he was a powerful person.

"Do you know about Da Cuba?" asked the fifth generation

"Cuba..."What was Rockets thinking about? Fifth Generation quickly realized that Rockets probably didn't know Da Cuba's name. So he raised his hand and a secret magic circle appeared in the center of his palm, and then it slowly turned into the appearance of the weird Daguaba.

"It's this devil!"Who would have known that the Fifth Generation had just projected Da Cuba's appearance, and Rocket's expression changed drastically as he pointed at the projection.

"Calm down. Can you tell me what exactly happened?"The Fifth Generation could only reach out and put his hand on Rocket's head. At the same time, Bai Sheng's energy was slowly injected into Rocket's body, slowly repairing the broken cells in his body, and playing a calming role at the same time.

At least Rocket looked Calm down a lot

"All right...That was more than ten years ago, right?...."

Rocket slowly told Fifth Generation the information he knew.

The test planet that came out of the research rocket is an illegal planet. They only know about research without joining any organization, and they do a lot of weird research.

At that time, the rocket was still being tested in the laboratory, and then one day a person came to the laboratory.

That person was a monster-like thing. I heard from the group of people in the laboratory that the entire corpse was acquired from a wanderer near the solar system.

They felt that this corpse that had been dead for countless years might be able to make him into the most powerful dark guard.

Then about three days after the body was transported back, the power of darkness invaded the entire planet. Perhaps because Rocket was not a human being, Daguba did not destroy Rocket.

Rocket secretly followed Da Cuba, and saw that Da Cuba was interested in killing people. As long as he passed a city, he would almost kill the entire city.

"Is that so?"The fifth generation touched the other party's head and smiled:"Well, thank you for the information. I have repaired some of your genes. There is no guarantee that you can live a hundred years, but at least you can live for a while longer."

"Um?"Rocket clenched his fists. The previous feeling of powerlessness was completely gone.

"Do a good hard labor in the prison. Let's talk when you get out, little guy..."Fifth generation is thinking about going to the planet where the rocket was before to see it.

Fifth generation is also a little curious about what kind of method can be used to resurrect Daguaba.

"...Hey, if you want to go there, remember not to go to the restricted area. Not even the devil will go to the restricted area. No one can survive there..."Looking at the fifth generation who was preparing to go down, Rocket finally reminded him

"Thanks..."Godai nodded.

Roman Day continued to take the rocket to prepare to go to the prison, while the fifth generation went back to prepare to continue setting up the formation, while thinking about what to do next.

In fact, what Fifth Generation didn't expect was that Daguba didn't come to him. Logically speaking, Daguba would have come to him as soon as possible.

Fifth generation felt that this time Daguaba was completely different from before. It seemed that something special happened when he was resurrected.

===Dividing line===

Three days later, the layout of the fifth generation's secret magic circle was completed.

The fifth generation left the method of opening to the leader Supreme. Then get ready to set off for the 89th star mentioned earlier! It is also the most notorious planet in the universe....

Many troubles in the universe come from this planet, and almost all modified organisms come from this planet.

"By the way, Mr. Godai...this is for you."Before the fifth generation was about to leave, the leader Supreme took something that looked like a medal.

"This is?"

"This is the special communication device of our Nova Corps. You were of great help this time. I formally employ you as an advisor to our Nova Corps. gentlemen..."

"Forehead...There is no need for a consultant, I won't stay in the universe for too long. These are just a piece of cake."Of course Godai doesn't want to be a consultant.

After wiping out all the Daguba, Godai is ready to concentrate on finding a way back. Because the belts have been collected, now it's time to eliminate Daguba.

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