Kaleidoscope Adventure (TT): The Green Driver and Blade of Jump City

Chapter 1: Pyra & Pathfinder

Author's Note: I am aware that I should write the second chapter of Kaleidoscope Adventure (JLU): The Sorcerer Sarkaz of Gotham City or post a new chapter of any of my other stories.

But the idea of writing a Teen Titans story has been nagging at me for a long, long time.

Damn I had this idea of using Jumpchain and a Jumper with only a few Jumps on his Chain to do this thing.

Anyway, I decided to use Lt Ouroumov's Worm CYOA V17 once again.

But this time we're leaning towards science and adding some extra elements.


Titolo della storia: Kaleidoscope Adventure (TT): The Green Driver and Blade of Jump City

Plot: Pyra, the legendary Aegis of Alrest has awakened on Earth in Jump City with an unusual Driver who knows little more about this world than she does.

His Driver wants nothing more than to build advanced machines and practice magic, but during one tumultuous night, their new life takes a strange turn and the two of them help create the Teen Titans.

IS-OC. Companion Pyra from Xenoblade Chronicles 2.


Arco Narrativo: Seven Titans in the City

Episodio 0: Pyra & Pathfinder

Prologue: The Day Before the Titans

Plot: Pyra is going about her daily routine of her new life on Earth.

So far she's enjoying being a small-time heroine, while her Driver prefers to stay cooped up in their newly renovated house (an abandoned factory).

Unfortunately, in 8 hours a certain alien princess will fall from the sky and things are about to get hectic in Jump City.


POV Narrator

The sun is shining, clouds are floating in the sky, young people are at school, people are going to work, and others are doing household chores.

In a neighborhood convenience store called Chen's Market, a beautiful young red-haired woman is shopping for groceries.

This woman's name is Pyra, but for various reasons in normal interactions she introduces herself as Homura.

Pyra is a young woman, around 18 years old, 160 centimeters tall, with fiery red hair that she styles down to her neck and red eyes.

She wears a black headband, a purple shirt with short sleeves that highlights her large breasts, a very long black skirt that reaches her ankles, black dance shoes. Pyra's accessories are a small red purse and cloth bags with her purchases.

"Good morning, Homura, I'm happy to see one of my loyal customers." Said Mrs. Chen, the owner of this convenience store and the one who takes care of the customers at this time of day.

Mrs. Chen (Peggy Lu) is a middle-aged Chinese woman with black hair, black eyes and large glasses. She wears a black long-sleeved shirt, a white sleeveless sweater.

The rest of her clothing is not visible, because she is behind the counter.

"Good morning, Mrs. Chen, how was your day?" Pyra asks in a friendly tone, enjoying talking to the convenience store owner.

"Nothing noteworthy happened. Same customers, same purchases as usual." Mrs. Chen replies, having had part of the same boring routine.

The Chinese lady looks left and right, as if she is looking for something or someone.

"Homura, isn't Donnie with you today?" Mrs. Chen asks, not seeing Pyra's usual companion nearby.

"Yes, Donnie stayed home, he's working on a very important project and he didn't accompany me today." Pyra replies, explaining why she came alone.

"Too bad, I wanted to ask Donnie if he could fix some of my appliances." Mrs. Chen said, wanting to fix some problems in the house without spending a fortune.

"I'm sure Donnie wouldn't mind fixing a piece of junk or two for $50 or some serious discounts." Pyra said, knowing how things work between Donnie and Mrs. Chen.

The lady who owns the minimarket smiles, hearing from Pyra that the low-cost handyman is available for some small jobs.

"To sweeten the deal, the house offers some of the snacks he likes," Mrs. Chen said, adding to Pyra's thick crust, four Neapolitans covered in a foreign brand of chocolate.

"Surely, Donnie will come to you after lunch to fix your appliances." Pyra said, knowing that Donnie can move infected if he is motivated with food.

"Homura, you are a lucky girl, when I was your age I didn't have your luck with boys." Mrs. Chen said, speaking in a nostalgic tone.

"You've found a boyfriend right away who is younger than you, cute, intelligent, capable of solving everyday problems, and on top of that, he's a simpleton who doesn't mind being kept on a leash." Mrs. Chen said, complimenting Pyra on her "catch."

When the red-haired beauty heard the word leash, she couldn't help but blush heavily.

"Mrs. Chen, Donnie is not my boyfriend, we are just friends." Pyra said, keeping the blush on her cheeks.

The Chinese lady gives the red-haired beauty a skeptical look.

"Friends living together under the same roof, you doing all the housewife business, while he brings in money with his inventions and part-time handyman jobs. You're basically a married couple without rings," Mrs. Chen said, giving her opinion on how she sees the relationship of the red-haired beauty and the handyman from the outside.

"We're just close friends and roommates." Pyra said, leaving out the most important part of their relationship that she's a Blade and Donnie is her Driver.

"By the way I don't do all the housework, Donnie is slightly obsessed with order and cleanliness, so he takes charge of the cleaning, especially in his workshop.

As far as the cooking side of things goes, I mostly do it, but Donnie insists on making breakfast, afternoon snacks, and deserts." Pyra said, talking about how things work in her house.

"Donnie is really crazy about sweets." Mrs. Chen said, sounding unsurprised.

"Yes, every time after breakfast, lunch or dinner, I see him having a snack that is sugary or chocolate or something sweet.

To compensate, I try feeding Donnie more vegetables in his meals, but with mixed results." Pyra mutters, slightly concerned about her Driver's eating habits.

'Homura, are you Donnie's girlfriend or mother?' Mrs. Chen thinks, but she doesn't say it out loud, not wanting to insult the girl who regularly makes considerable payments at her shop.

"Homura, have you heard the latest rumors?" Mrs. Chen asks, wanting to change the subject to something less intrusive and more engaging.

"You mean the news that the Natural Science Museum got new funding from a mystery donor and is about to get a makeover?" Pyra asks, mentioning some interesting news she heard from Donnie in the last few days.

"No, I mean about the new superheroes from Jump City, shouldn't you young people be obsessed with superheroes?" Mrs. Chen said, believing that all young people are fans of the Justice League.

"I'm not a girl who's very interested in this topic, but Donnie is a fan of Batman and Green Lantern. But what do you mean new heroes?" Pyra asks, wanting to know what the Chinese Lady knows.

"Over the past month, more and more people have spoken about how they were saved or helped by a pair of heroes, a girl dressed in red with a huge sword capable of creating fire and a boy in green armor with a backpack full of gadgets.

Last night they dealt with a gang of thugs who were causing trouble in the neighborhood." Mrs. Chen, tells the latest news she heard through word of mouth.

'We're becoming famous.' Pyra thinks, starting to sweat slightly, aware that her nocturnal activities with Donnie are attracting attention.

"A friend of one of my nephews who works in narcotics told me that four drug labs were dismantled, or rather, burned to the ground. I believe that our new couple of heroes are responsible for this." Mrs. Chen said, seeing a rather obvious pattern, a heroine with fire powers appears and drug labs are burned down.

'I think I overdid it then, but it was late and Donnie was tired, setting everything on fire seemed like the easiest and most effective option.' Pyra thinks, wanting to change her actions in the past, especially now that she has discovered that the police are investigating.

"See you later, Mrs. Chen, have a nice day." Pyra said abruptly, wanting to leave the convenience store quickly.

"Where are you going in such a hurry?" Mrs. Chen asks, raising an eyebrow, immediately noticing Pyra's change of demeanor.

"I remembered something very important, today there are big discounts at the electronics store and I absolutely must buy some computer chips." Pyra tells a half-truth.

It is true that Pyra's Driver asked him if he could get a thing or two from the electronics store, especially that there were some discounts.

But, in reality, Pyra wants to leave so as not to say something suspicious, knowing that she is a terrible liar.


About twenty minutes later, the red-haired beauty is walking slowly down the sidewalk of Jump City.

In his left hand he carries a cloth bag with his shopping from the mini-market, while in his right hand he holds a plastic bag with some computer components inside.

Having done her shopping for today, Pyra must now leave the urban center and head towards the industrial district located in the eastern part of the city.

It's a journey that takes her about thirty minutes, but she doesn't mind allowing her to better observe the city and the people who live there.

'I still can't believe I ended up on another planet.' Pyra thinks, still looking in surprise at the many tall buildings and skyscrapers.

None of these buildings can compare to the creations of Pyra's father, the famous Architect of Alrest.

But none of the other peoples of Alrest can boast of having such buildings and in such great numbers.

Continuing to walk towards her destination, Pyra can see the coast of Jump City and Earth's alien ocean.

Returning to Pyra's original world, the entire globe was submerged by the Cloud Sea and the only pieces of land were the bodies of the colossal Titans.

But here on Earth, 70% of the surface is made up of salt water and the remaining 30% is immobile land mass, which is not the body of an ancient, sentient creature.

'No matter how hard I try, I'll never get used to the fact that the ground I walk on is just ground, still and stupid.' Pyra thinks, feeling slightly uncomfortable when she thinks about what she's walking on.

Earth is a very different place from Alrest, the differences are too many to deal with, but some of these differences are good according to Pyra.

'On Alrest there are so many different races: Titan, Blade, Nopon, Ardainian, Urayan, Gormotti, Leftherian, Tantalese, Indoline, Tornan, Tirkin, Phonex.

Here on Earth, the two dominant and large races are the Humans and the Beastmen.

Well, there would also be the Atlanteans, the Amazons and the Metas if they can be considered a race in themselves instead of mutants.' Pyra thinks, remembering what she has learned thanks to the local library and the nascent internet.

Continuing to walk, Pyra sees how the people of Jump City are going about their daily routine.

Seven out of ten people are normal humans of all shapes and ages, the rest of the 3 out of ten are Beastmen, who are humans with beast-like traits, like cats or dogs or rabbits.

Oddly enough, the latter bring a feeling of nostalgia to Pyra, probably because the Beastmen remind her of the Gormotti and their adorable cat ears.

'It feels like it was yesterday when I sealed myself on that ship at the bottom of the Sea of Clouds.

But the truth is that three months ago, I don't know how or why, I woke up from my long sleep in the middle of the Californian desert with a Driver, as confused as I was.' Pyra thinks, remembering how confusing the first days on Earth were for her.

Pyra's Driver, Donnie, also had his rough patches, along with some anxiety and panic attacks.

'After a lot of walking, hitchhiking, sleeping in the desert and in uncomfortable places, we settled in Jump City and things are going more than well.' Pyra thinks, smiling, appreciating her new life so much.

This new world is a chance for Pyra to start a new life, far from her past in the Aegis War and her title as Aegis, the Legendary Blade.

Here in Jumpchain, she is Homura, a young adult woman who lives with her handyman/inventor friend, having a simple and quiet life, well, at least during the day.

Every now and then, at night, she reverts to being Pyra the Blade, not a Legendary Blade, just a powerful Blade who helps her Driver with supplies, mob expenses or a helping hand in certain areas of the city.

'Why am I stressing about Donnie and I slowly becoming famous? When we act like heroes, we wear masks so we don't get recognized and this world is used to masked heroes.' Pyra thinks, she's thinking about how ridiculous her worry earlier was.

'The Earth knows nothing of Blades, Drivers, or Aegis. To them, Pyra is not the Legendary Aegis, but Pyra the heroine with the powers of fire, one of the many heroines of the world.

If anything ever happens, I can only become Homura. Alter Egos have their advantages.' The red-haired beauty thinks, appreciating Earth's tradition of how great heroes and villains must wear masks and colorful costumes.

This chain of thoughts helps Pyra calm down, her gait becomes lighter and her expression more serene.


Pyra regained her good mood and continued walking, arriving near a small car factory that had been abandoned for several years.

'Should I ask Donnie if we could get an apartment downtown or a small house in a suburb?' Pyra thinks for a moment, imagining living in a more traditional home.

'It would be easier to do the shopping and visit the few friends we've made in the city.

But I doubt Donnie would give up the factory after all the effort and trouble he put into repairing it and adapting it to his needs.' Pyra thinks, looking at the factory, noticing the more obvious modifications Donnie has made.

On the walls of the building there are huge and simple graffiti that depict letters of a strange alphabet. These are runes that are supposed to give the impulse to people to stay away from the factory.

For extra security, around the building there are devices that look like a combination of concert sound boxes and movie projectors.

These devices create an invisible dome around the factory to give the impression to human eyes and satellites/cameras that the factory is still abandoned.

Half of the factory's roof is filled with one of Donnie's first serious inventions, a combination of solar panels and sunflowers and jungle vines.

The other half of the roof is mostly empty, except for two buildings:

The first, a hybrid between a tree and a satellite antenna with a circumference of five meters, positioned in a corner of the roof.

The second, what appears to be a pen made of roots as hard as iron, with a poultry house inside with about ten "roosters" and "hens".

Stopping to look at the outside of the factory for possible new architectural or technological additions, Pyra approached the back of the factory, where goods are received or shipped.

The red-haired beauty didn't even have to touch the huge garage doors to enter the factory.

Thanks to a camera positioned above the entrance and an easy recognition system, the door opened by itself.

"This place gets more and more cozy and advanced with each passing day." Pyra mutters, entering her spacious home.


Fifty days ago, the factory's storage warehouse was completely empty and filthy, a place that had not received human attention in years.

The floor was full of dust, small debris from the ceiling, and mouse droppings.

The walls and ceiling were full of cracks and the paint was peeling off the wall.

Simply put, the place was miserable.

But now this area of the factory has undergone a complete change.

The floor is made of wood, a wood as strong as iron and extremely clean.

The walls have been fixed and painted a beautiful aqua blue, the ceiling has four long uniform trails of vines that produce special flowers that light up the place as if they were lamps or spotlights.

At the far left wall are huge industrial shelves made from a material similar to tree branches. On these shelves are dozens of labeled boxes filled with materials from all over Jump City.

In the left corner of the front is a kind of workshop dedicated to the maintenance/alteration of vehicles. At the moment, there are a couple of semi-disassembled cars, three motorcycles that have more in common with a puzzle and a white cloth in the center that covers something.

In the right corner of the front is a second-hand camper, parked on its side, in front of it is a makeshift living room. Before the factory, that camper was Pyra and Donnie's home.

Instead of throwing it away in favor of building a single room for each, they both decided to continue sleeping in the camper and use it as a sort of shared bedroom.

Deep in the far right corner is a shipping container that has been converted into a sort of storage facility for the Pyra Driver's "delicate" or "precious" equipment.

The remaining 65% of the warehouse is still empty, but will surely be filled with something in the future.

'I wonder where he is, Donnie?' Pyra thinks as she puts all the groceries in their place inside the fridge and on the shelves of the camper.

'I didn't see it in the camper, it means it's in the container or in one of the many special rooms in the factory.' Pyra thinks, getting out of the camper, having a vague idea where she can find her Driver.

'I'll go and see him inside the container first, if I don't find him there, I'll have to call him and ask him where exactly he is. Having a building like this at our disposal gives us a lot of space, but it makes it difficult to find each other if we get separated.' Pyra thinks, having a complaint or two about her accommodation.

Having nothing else to do, Pyra started walking towards the shipping container that had been heavily modified.


The container has an entrance in the center of the left side, consisting of a sliding section on the side, Pyra opened it with ease.

The shipping container is illuminated by a kind of moss on the ceiling that emits neon-style light.

At both ends of the containers are high-tech chests, and on the opposite side of the entrance are two sets of six-level shelves with a protective display case.

Right in front of the entrance, there is a high-tech capsule-shaped display case containing a costumed species located between the two sets of shelves.

Pyra as soon as she set foot in found her Driver standing with his hands behind his back, staring at the window, clearly lost in his own little world.

Donnie has the appearance of an effeminate boy between 15 and 16 years old, 160 centimeters tall, with pale skin, aqua green eyes and short blackish-green hair with short twin braids on the sides of his face that fade to emerald green.

He wears a cream-colored turtleneck sweater, a white lab coat, baggy black pants with multiple pockets, white socks, and black Adidas slippers.

If someone in the real world saw him they would say he looks like Venti from Genshin Impact.

"Hi, Donnie. Whatcha doin'?" Pyra asks, approaching Donnie.

Pyra's words brought Donnie back to reality and he almost jumped like a scared cat.

"Pyra, how many times have I told you not to sneak up on me?" Donnie said, placing a hand over his heart, surprised in a bad way by his Blade.

"Donnie, I was just walking, you were in the clouds." Pyra said, slightly amused by Donnie's reaction.

Donnie puts his hands in his coat pockets, not looking like he wants to respond to Pyra's statement.

Instead, he changed the subject of discussion entirely.

"Did you just do/quote Isabella from Phineas and Ferb?" Donnie asks, having heard that line thousands of times throughout his childhood and adolescence.

"You were the one who introduced me to Earth cartoons." Pyra replies, appreciating the entertainment Earth provides.

"Everyone needs a pastime to relax Western cartoons and Japanese anime on fun and have something for every person." Said Donnie, being a fan of these products.

"Donnie, you didn't answer my question, what are you doing here?" Pyra asks in a friendly voice, moving closer to her Driver, so that their shoulders and hands are touching.

"I'm thinking." Donnie snaps back with a slight blush on his cheeks, taking a small step away from Pyra.

'He's cute when he acts shy.' Pyra thinks, having learned very quickly that her Driver gets easily flustered when a girl he finds cute approaches him.

Of course, Donnie has gotten used to having Pyra around, but every now and then he can't help but be influenced by Pyra's beauty.

"I know you were thinking, but what exactly are you thinking, I create flames, I don't read minds." Pyra jokes, loving these moments with her Driver.

"I was thinking about how I can improve my costume, as you know in the last few weeks I have been putting on the exoskeleton support, its purpose was to allow me to move in case I get injured in my legs or arms, but it allows me to lift objects too heavy for a normal person." Donnie said, talking about one of his latest Tinker-tech inventions.

"Yeah, I remembered, I almost had a heart attack when I saw you lift a motorcycle over your head." Pyra said, having a pretty vivid memory of that moment.

"I was considering whether or not to put an electronic device in the chest armor similar to a pacemaker, but without having to insert it into my body." Donnie explains, pointing to a specific area of his costume.

"If I ever have a heart attack or my heart stops beating from a blow to the chest or the effects of the Death Note, it could save my life." Donnie explains, always coming up with new ways to save his own skin.

"Donnie, I don't want to tell you how to build your inventions, but aren't you a little too pessimistic?" Pyra asks, seeing a certain pattern in a third of her Driver's creations.

"Now you're talking about a device to restart a heart, first an exoskeleton to move you in case your arms and legs become useless, before that you've created a dozen prosthetics for every type of limb loss." Pyra said, not admitting that she found the room full of synthetic limbs unsettling.

"One of your first medical inventions was a "super-refrigerator" that currently holds two blood transfusion bags. Are you afraid that something bad might happen to you?" Pyra asks, having explained her reasoning.

"I'm a realist and pessimistic person, one of my hobbies is being an anti-hero who steals from criminals, one of my superpowers is creating super-technological medical/self-improvement stuff. The result is pretty obvious." Donnie, lists facts as if that were enough to explain his actions.

"Could you provide more details, please?" Pyra asks kindly, wanting to understand what's going on in Donnie's head.

"In the future, I will get hurt one way or another, whether it's an accident or a loss to a stronger opponent than me. So I better be prepared for any situation. Don't worry if I start experimenting with cloning organs or creating synthetic substitutes." This time Donnie explains his actions in detail.

Pyra grimaced slightly at the thought of seeing a shelf full of jars containing strange liquids and cloned organs.

'Some branches of medicine are gross, but better to have them and not need them, than not to have them and need them.' Pyra thinks, deciding to let her Driver make all the preparations and insurances he wants.

"Donnie, I think it's time to stop working and go to the kitchen, today I want to make a new dish." Pyra said, grabbing her Driver's hand, dragging him out of the modified shipping container.

"How are you so strong?" Donnie mutters, being easily dragged by Pyra as if he were a small child.

"Being a Blade has its perks." Pyra replies with a smirk.

"Did anything good happen on your walk?" Donnie asks, making conversation.

"Mrs. Chen, she wants you to come to her place tomorrow to fix some appliances." Pyra replies, throwing out the first thing that comes to mind.

"Okay, I'll do it, at least I can earn some honest money that doesn't force me to be a hero." Donnie mutters, accepting the job, although not with much enthusiasm.

Being a handyman should be something that comes in very few occasions for Donnie, but it has become something of a part-time job.

"You know, I wouldn't mind getting a job maybe in a small club or a restaurant or a coffee shop." Pyra said, wanting to contribute more. Deep down, Pyra has the idea that maybe with two paid jobs their nightlife could disappear.

Donnie's face turned completely red.

"You'd make a beautiful waitress, but that won't be necessary." Donnie said, unable to help but imagine Pyra dressed as a Maid working in a Maid Café.

This time it's Pyra's turn to turn red in the face.

"I was referring to a job as a cook." Pyra said, sensing what Donnie is imagining.

The anime-themed shows have allowed Pyra to discover some of Donnie's tastes.

For example, she knows that Donnie loves the genres Mecha, Cyberpunk, Urban Fantasy, Yuri and some romantic comedies.

But Pyra also discovered some more embarrassing things, like a weakness for waitresses, Onee-Sama-style older girls and impossible loves.

"Can we pretend the last two minutes never happened?" Donnie suggests in an embarrassed voice.

"What last two minutes?" Pyra asks, playing along with Donnie.

The Blade and Driver duo entered the Camper, Pyra released her grip on Donnie's hand, needing both hands for cooking.

"Aside from Mrs. Chen's requests, have you heard anything else of interest?" Donnie asks, as he sits down at the camper table.

Pyra hesitates for a moment not knowing whether to tell Donnie that their Alter Egos are becoming famous.

"Mrs. Chen told me that there were rumors about how Jump City is getting their own superhero duo - a girl in red and a boy in green armor." Pyra said, hoping this information wouldn't make Donnie nervous.

Donnie blinks for a moment, then shrugs, as if this is no big revelation.

"Sooner or later it was going to happen, I've read hundreds of Marvel comics, all the superheroes start their careers as unknowns, then they end up on the front page of the newspaper." Donnie said, willingly accepting that his Alter Ego has become a kind of urban myth.

"I'm relieved you weren't upset by this revelation." Pyra said, delighted that she didn't have to reassure her Driver, as she has in the past.

"What's there to be upset about, that one day the front page of the paper will have the names Pyra and Pioneer, along with a picture of us in action? We'd be in masks and all." Donnie said, having no problem attracting attention, if all the attention is going to a masked face.

"That means all we have to worry about is figuring out what to make for dinner," Pyra said, focusing on a more common problem.

"That or an alien invasion." Donnie said in a joking tone.

"Donnie if Jump City gets invaded by aliens I'll... cosplay as Erza Scarlet." Pyra said, not knowing what to say.

Blade and Driver are unaware that in a few hours Jump City will have an alien problem.

Continues ...


CYOA Interactive build for the MC (Donatello, alias Pioneer):


You, CYOA, Entities, what are those Entities you speak of?


Standard, Higher (Tier 3)

**Scenario & Setting**

January 3rd, 2011, AU Alternate Earth, Comic Book Pretty, VFX On, Clusters, Second Trigger, Benign, Powers for Dummies [Curiosity Drive], Descendant, Huh, isn't that... [Colorful Crowd, Wild Encounters, Shard Variant], Nanometers, Son!, Just Better, Anime Logic, Badass Normal Capes, Child Geniuses [Super Talent], Fracture Sentai Kirakaiger, Magical Girls, Guilds, Beastmen, Hollow Earth, Triumph, DC Animated Universe, Lost


Drop-In, Male, Masculine, 14 to 18 years old, Beautiful


Ambidextrous , Doctor, Chemistry, Biology, Lipreading, Sign-Language, Polyglot


Cosmetic Shapeshift, Blank, Mental Barrier, Sanctity of The Mind, Trumped the Trump, Noctis Cape, Fan Service, Cover Story, 'Plot' Armor, Magical Girl [Cognition Inhibitor, Transformation Montage], Manton Protected, Holding Back, Accentuate the Positive, Eliminate the Negative, Comic Book Physics, Peaceful Life, Countdown, Serendipitous Luck


Conscious Geas x 2, Unconscious Geas x 2, Allergic x 2, Wanted (Local) x 2, Wildbow? Where have I heard that before?, Bound By Blood, Slaughterhouse 8, Saintly Purge, Lightweight, Rogues Gallery, Trouble Magnet, Child of Fate, Stalker, Villain Target, Acclimation, Jet Lag, Hard Reboot, Nemesis, Second Wave Parahumans, Native Awakening, Chaotic Neutral x 1, Yandere x 1, Weaker than You x 1, Vital, Rank 1, Mid-Tier, Rank 1


Shardless, Essence of a Shard (Vital)


Tinker (Handyman) [True Tinker, Internalized Knowledge ], Thinker (Bullet Time), Thinker (Gut Instinct), Changer (Hair/Nails), Changer (Ritsuka), Thinker/Master (Organized Mind) [Brain Formatting], Brute (Genetic Template), Thinker (Understanding) [Swift Insight], Changer (Colorful Eyes), (Shaker) Electromagnetic Warping, (Master/Thinker) Poison Ivy [Shaper of Flora], (Tinker) Jack of All Trades, (Tinker) Ruggedization, (Tinker) Lorax [Tinker of Nature], (Tinker) Speed, (Tinker) Redundancy, (Tinker) Chemistry, (Tinker) Armored Warfare, (Tinker) Self-Alteration, Armsmaster [Kaizen], Bonesaw, Kid Win [Minimalist Technology], Squealer [Speed Racer, Red Line], (Shaker/Blaster) Magnets, Son! How do they work?, (Tinker/Thinker) Solarpunk , (Tinker) Dyson Sphere Program, (Master/Tinker) Master of Green, (Tinker/Thinker) Gaia's Hand, Archive , Runic Magic (Warcraft), Magicborn (League of Legends) [Hextech Creation], Aura (RWBY), Magitech, Schnee (RWBY), Cradle of Extinction (Armored Core) [Project Moonfall (Daemon X Machina)], Magic Through Science (Xenoblade Chronicles) [Artificer, Trinity Processor ]

**Objects of Power**

Journal, Aegis (Xenoblade Chronicles 2)

**Fusions & Upgrades**

Magnetics, Daughter! This is how they work! [Electromagnetic Miracles], Solarpunk: "I SPEAK FOR THE TREES!", Electro-Magneto, Those Who Came Before, The Bees Schnees (RWBY), Alternative IV (Muv Luv), Diable Avionics (Front Mission), Essential

**Equipment & Items**

Laptop, Security Software, Survival Kit, Media, Comprehensive Media, Emulator, Wikipedia, Solar Battery, You're The Star of This Show!

**Point Conversion**

+50 SP -100 CP x 1, +25 SP -50 CP x 1, +5 SP -10 CP x 1, +2 SP -4 CP x 1, +1 SP -2 CP x 1

Code for CYOA:


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