Just Transferred to the Head of the Regiment, There is a Soldier Named Hu Bayi

Chapter 255

Page 255

In a trance, he saw a spear piercing rapidly from the white fog. If he couldn’t dodge in time, I’m afraid there would be a hole in his body at this time! .

Chapter 286: Domineering military force!Pan Zi, a veritable mad dog!

“Go and help!”

Hu Bayi couldn’t care about so much at this time. In a hurry, he could only issue an order immediately, and at the same time took the lead in running in the direction of Wu Sangou.

However, at this time, the guard soldier who stood motionless at the entrance of the tomb, seemed to have suddenly woken up, and the sword in his hand went straight behind Pan Zi.

Fortunately, Pan Zi was well-trained, one dagger blocked the backhand, and the dagger in the other hand stabbed the corpse.


However, the dagger stabbed on the body of the corpse puppet, but it seemed to be stabbed on the steel plate. The huge force returned, causing Pan Zi to take a few steps back, but the corpse puppet was unharmed.

Seeing that the corpse puppet launched an offensive again, the mysterious ruler in Yang Xueli’s hand slammed out, and when he touched the corpse puppet, a strong force erupted.

In an instant, the corpse was blasted out and fell heavily to the ground.

But the next second, the corpse stood up stiffly and charged up again.

Seeing this, Zhang Qilin grabbed the black-gold ancient saber with his backhand and cut his palm.

Immediately afterwards, the blade carried the blood of the unicorn, and immediately cut off the head of the corpse puppet.

The whole set of actions was done in one go, without the slightest slack.

Seeing that the two of them made such a powerful move, Pan Zi was a little stunned when he saw the dagger in his hand.

He didn’t understand why the head of Chu chose him, obviously he couldn’t help.

Looking at Hu Bayi and Wu Sangou again, they cooperate even more tacitly. A diamond umbrella has both offense and defense. Taking advantage of the gap, Wu Sangou will use a powerful spell.

This allows them to be evenly matched and maintain this fragile balance even though they are surrounded by corpses.

Pan Zi was a little puzzled. Although his fighting skills in the army were excellent, he couldn’t compare to Zhang Qilin.Although the blade in his hand is sharp, it is not as good as 600 mysterious feet.

From any point of view, he can’t do any harm to these things at all. It can be said that it is useless, and it is purely a hindrance.

But why did Captain Chu seriously prepare this set of equipment for himself?


At this moment, Wu Sangou was careless, and was punched by a corpse of a powerful general, and flew out three meters away, and fell heavily to the ground.

“The younger generation, how dare you be presumptuous in the court, trying to imitate the Emperor Jingke?”

Followed by, there is a dull shout, I don’t know which military commander it came from.

Hu Bay was left alone in an instant, and fell into a hard fight. Yang Xueli and Zhang Qilin saw this and rushed up immediately.

Wu Sangou crawled up from the ground clutching his chest in pain, and when he saw Pan Zi who was stunned there, he said angrily:

“Yelang, what are you doing, waiting to be divided by the corpse!”

Hearing this, Pan Zi sighed helplessly:

“Master Dog, I can’t do any harm to the corpse at all, I can only cause you trouble…”

Looking at the dagger in Pan Zi’s hand, Wu Sangou immediately understood something, he looked at Pan Zi and said:

“Pan Zi, what the chief gave you, you didn’t play a role at all.

There are too many distracting thoughts and concerns in your heart, otherwise the chief has given you a week of special training, and it is impossible for you to have no effect at all.

Thinking about what the chief said, everyone in the 543 Exploration Team could not have been selected for no reason.

After a week of special training, the chief must have given you enough ability to deal with it, but you ignored it…”

After saying these words, Wu Sangou immediately took out two charms from the treasure chest, and the seriousness just now disappeared:

“Which of the dog’s ministers hit me just now, was it a military general or a civil servant? Lord Dog made you lose your mind!”

In an instant, the two spells in Wu Sangou’s hands disappeared, replaced by two fire dragons.


Wu Sangou fell into the corpse puppet, slapped the ground with both palms, and the two fire dragons instantly turned into a sea of fire, forming a huge impact.

The corpse puppet in the middle was actually blown out of a blank area.

Yang Xueli is very light, and her movement is also very agile. She jumped up from a desk, and the mysterious ruler in her hand turned into a mysterious fan.

With a flash of light in Yang Xueli’s eyes, the hidden weapons in the sky fell like pear blossoms in a rainstorm.

Hu Bayi’s diamond umbrella helps everyone bear most of the damage. If he doesn’t use the Kanyu formation, he will assume the role of a defensive tank.

And Zhang Qilin is less fancy than others.

One person and one knife is enough to pass through the corpse, as if entering a no-man’s land, crushing all enemies with the flesh!

Seeing that the players had the strength to deal with one side, Pan Zi finally took a deep breath and slowly closed his eyes.

“The way of military and martial arts is a long road that you will take next.

Weapons, weapons, science, magic, martial arts, these are not contradictory…”

In Pan Zi’s mind, he recalled what Chu Jian had said before. At that time, he had always sneered at Chu Jian’s words.

Even Pan Zi once thought that he had come to a fake military region.

But after going through so many things, Pan Zi finally realized that the difference between this team and began to seriously understand what Chu Jian said.

Gradually, the aura around Pan Zi’s body changed. At this time, he was as sharp as a drawn sword.

As early as during the special training, Chu Jian planted a seed of martial arts in Pan Zi’s body!

Although Chu Jian has not taught him military martial arts, and this seed has never sprouted, Chu Jian has tailored a set of military equipment for Pan Zi, hoping that he can first use this equipment to become familiar with military martial arts and understand military martial arts, so as to be able to serve The military training in the back paved the way!

It was only because Pan Zi didn’t believe it that the power of this equipment was never revealed.

At this moment, Pan Zi suddenly realized that the special combat uniform on his body started to heat up, and it seemed that a warm current spread throughout his body.

Immediately after, he found that under the action of the special combat uniform, his senses seemed to be magnified several times in an instant, and even the changes in the airflow around a few people could be clearly perceived.

Military equipment begins to use!

Wu Sangou and the others obviously noticed that, while Hu Bayi arrived at the corpse puppet’s offensive, he glanced at Pan Zi:

“This kid, finally enlightened!”

When Wu Sangou arrived at this (cfcb), he did not forget to praise himself:

“Of course, who is not a dragon and a phoenix among the people who have been instructed by Lord Dog?”

Yang Xueli glanced at Pan Zi after hearing this, but saw that behind Pan Zi, the corpse puppet soldier whose head had been chopped off stood up in a daze.

It held the severed head in its hands, put it on its neck again, and said coldly:

“Break into the courtroom, ram the emperor’s car, and die!”


Yang Xueli never imagined that these corpse puppets would be so difficult to deal with, they were able to move around even with their heads chopped off, and even talk!

But after thinking about it, it is also true, the corpse is already a corpse, how can it die again?

Just as Yang Xueli’s voice fell, Pan Zi opened his eyes one step ahead. In that instant, the two army thorns in his hand were now surrounded by two black mists.

The corpse puppet stretched out his hand to grab Pan Zi’s neck, but he didn’t expect that Pan Zi turned around suddenly, and a military thorn unceremoniously stabbed the corpse puppet’s neck.

Immediately afterwards, another army thorn directly penetrated the corpse puppet’s head, and with a kick, the corpse puppet’s body fell to the ground.

And on the two army thorns in Pan Zi’s hands, the head was still stuck.

Pure military combat!

When several people saw this scene, their eyes widened, Wu Sangou swallowed:

“Is this military equipment… all so domineering?”

Hu Bayi was also surprised: “This is just equipment. It is matched with ordinary fighting skills in the military. The chief hasn’t taught Pan Zi how to practice martial arts, but he is already so powerful?”

Yang Xueli was speechless and said: “It seems that the way of military and martial arts created by the chief is very unusual. Like the Qilin bloodline martial artists, they all follow the line of sturdy and domineering, and they can defeat ten guilds with one force!”

Zhang Qilin nodded: “When he learns the way of military martial arts created by the chief in the future, he will truly exert the power of military military equipment, and his strength will increase exponentially!”

At this time, Pan Zi’s aura had completely changed, and he finally felt the way of military martial arts that Chu Jian said!

With the two military thorns in his waist, Pan Zi turned and pulled out a 62-style pistol, jumped up from the jade pillar, and fired several shots at the corpse beside Hu Bayi and the others.

“Bang bang bang…”

Each bullet, with a special force, hit the head of the corpse puppet precisely.

In an instant, several corpse puppets fell to the ground. When they landed, Pan Zi retracted his pistol, stepped on the head of a corpse puppet, picked up the military rifle on his back, and moved towards the corpse puppet in front of him. .

“Ancestors, I’m sorry, Pan Zi!”

Pan Zi’s own power, direct firepower to exorcise evil spirits, and suppression of hot weapons, even shook the entire corpse puppet group. This scene stunned Hu Bayi and several others.

Zhang Qilin just wanted to cut off the head of the corpse puppet in front of him, but found that the corpse puppet fell to the ground first, and there was a bullet in the black mist between his eyebrows.

Zhang Qilin, who was a little stunned, looked back and saw Pan Zi who was stepping on the corpse puppet to shoot.

Even Zhang Qilin’s eyes flashed a little surprise.

Military martial arts, how domineering, the purpose is to achieve the goal in the fastest way, this is the ultimate pursuit of military martial arts.

When Pan Zi withdrew the gun and at the same time exerted force on his feet, the combat uniform helped him burst into a tyrannical force, and the neck of the corpse puppet whose head was stepped on suddenly broke.

With a crisp sound, Pan Zi came to the front of several people, trembling slightly, obviously very excited and excited.

Wu Sangou slowly gave a thumbs up:

“In my opinion, your nickname should not be Night Wolf, but Mad Dog!”

Pan Zi obviously did not expect that he would be able to display such combat power, which he never dared to imagine in the past.

Because this kind of combat power is incomparable to a special forces team!Completely beyond the scope of ordinary people!

With joy and surprise in his eyes, Pan Zi looked at his hands in disbelief:

“I actually have such power hidden in me?”

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