Just Another Isekai Story in Fairy Tail World

Chapter 33

Before I left, I decided to cast disabling spells on Lyon so he wouldn't go on a rampage when he came to. 

When I was done with that, I heard a soft female voice: - I-Is that true? About Deliora and his book?

It was Sherry, who had real tears now, and a grimace of horror on her face. For them, this whole situation is not funny at all. After all, they really, almost returned to the world that which destroyed their homeland and killed their relatives. They almost condemned innocent people to the same fate that once befell them.

Of course, I lied, because the ice of Ur has already absorbed almost all of Deliora's powers and it is not as dangerous as before. Yes, and judging by the canon, he would not have been brought back to life. But it will make it clearer to them what kind of shit they did.

- Yes. Before you start this stupid plan, at least you know about your enemy. Everything I said can be learned from knowledgeable people. - I said.

- And what will happen next? - Sherry asked as she got to her feet.

- With you? I will hand you over to the Magic Council and you will receive your punishment. As for Deliora... You're lucky that it was I who found you. - I said, looking at the mages, who were slowly getting to their feet. 

- Why? - the girl asked, wiping away her tears. 

- I'm a Devil Slayer. My Magic is literally made to kill creatures like Deliora. And forever. All my attacks damage his book as well, so I will fulfill your deepest wish. - I said approaching the hole in the roof. 

This information obviously greatly surprised the mages. Some of them looked at me with hope, and others with guilt, but only Sherry remembered one important detail. 

- But what about ice? It's impossible to melt it. 

- And who said that I would melt it ... But it doesn't matter. Get out of here, it'll be dangerous here soon. And capture your 'leader'. Go to the beach in the north of the island and along the way you will find your comrades, capture them too. - I said as pathetically as possible, while turning my back on them.

- Okey. - Sherry said softly, apparently realizing that now was not the time to argue. 

One of the mages picked up the carcass of Lyon and they all began to descend from the pyramid. After making sure they were all far enough away, I jumped into the hole. I didn't use the wings, but fell like that and did a superhero landing, on one knee. 

- Uhuhuh…my legs…and back. I will never do that again. - I said as I slowly stood up. 

It hurts more than I thought. I probably shouldn't have canceled the Light transformation in the middle of the jump, since I don't need it anymore. It will be a lesson to me, it turns out I'm not as strong as I thought.

- Cool… - I said, looking at a block of ice with a demon inside. 

The ice itself cooled the cave well and there was a sub-zero temperature here. Good thing I have excellent temperature resistance. 

At that moment, my Devil Slayer Mark activated, and I felt the tattoo under my clothes begin to spread to my entire arm. Also, another feature of my Magic surfaced and I instinctively began to receive information about Deliora. Now I know all his abilities and weaknesses. 

I must say nothing special, he did not know how, so simple, shoots magic beams. Yes, and his weakness is his heart and brain, which is easy to guess. Nothing new, this information did not bring me. But I confirmed that my Magic really kills demons, finally and irrevocably. 

When I told Sherry that my attacks also damage the Etherias Book, it was just a theory and my suggestion. But now, I have received confirmation, and for that alone, it was worth coming here.

- Well, I hope it works. - I said aloud again (something I do too often today) creating the wings of the Light Ècuripte and flying close to the ice. 

My idea is pretty simple. Since I cannot melt or break the ice, then I need to remove Deliora without disturbing the ice itself. For others it's hard to do, but not for me.

- 'Light Ècriture: Intangibility.' - using quite a lot of Magic Power, I cast this spell on myself to make the body, as you know, intangible. 

Putting my phantom hand on the ice, I slowly began to penetrate into it, passing matter through my body. It was more difficult than I thought and I was clearly resisted, but slowly and surely, I penetrated the ice. 

- Auch. - I exclaimed as I felt a stab of pain on my arm, which was already completely immersed in ice. It looks like someone is very unhappy with my actions. Pulling my hand out, I saw frostbite marks on my fingers. Quickly correcting this, I looked thoughtfully at the ice.

'Is it possible that I was deliberately attacked to stop. Could Ur retain self-awareness? It's unlikely, but... quite possible. Since her soul is still here, maybe her mind is too.' - I thought, looking at the ice, which began to glow a little. 

'Can I talk to her? Well…it can't get any worse.' - I thought again, removing the intangibility. 

I began to speak in a soft tone while stroking the ice: - Don't worry, I've come to kill Deliora. I'm a Devil Slayer, so I can do it. No need to resist. 

There was no reaction, but it seemed to me that the ice had become a little dimmer, so I decided to try again. Casting the phasing spell again, I began to penetrate the ice like a ghost.

This time everything went much easier and I was able to get to Deliora's body with almost no problems. It seems that something of Ur is still left and she quite consciously drains the demon's powers. It's really amazing. 

When I got to Etherias, I cast the same intangibility spell on him. From this, the demon began to slowly move in the ice and fall forward. Since we are in some way, found on the same plane of being, I could touch Deliora, so I began to press on him and push him out.

It turned out with a creak, but after a few minutes, the demon was completely outside. Unfortunately, I canceled the spell on him too late and his feet sank slightly into the textures of the cave. Well, nothing, it's not sugar, it won't melt. 

Now, the ice was empty and I decided, nevertheless, to say a few words: - Thank you. Now watch what happens next. 

Deliora seemed to be unconscious, and I wasn't in the mood to wait at all, so I sent 'Light Ècuripte: Pain' to him. This spell causes severe pain in the opponent and it seems that the demon felt everything, as he instantly woke up and screamed.

Its howl was strange, deafening, and resonated with the walls of the cave, causing the entire area to shake. 

- HEY! Shut up. - I shouted holding on to your ears. 

Unexpectedly, but it worked, and the demon looked at me. It looks like he still retained some of his strength, and won't shatter into pieces with a single blow like Natsu did. I'm better off. 

Looking at Deliora's face, I saw only anger and madness there. It seems that he is really brainless and can only destroy. 

- Alright, it's time to end you… 'Light Devil's Rage'. - I said as I cast Light Demon Slayer Magic. For the first time, against a real demon. 

Using almost 15% of my reserve, I exhaled a huge and thick beam of light into Deliora, which, moreover, was extremely fast and hot. After finishing the spell, I looked at what was left of Deliora and was very pleased with what I saw. 

Deliora's upper body simply vanished, as did the ceiling of the cave. In a second, I also heard the sound of broken glass. Looks like the dome over the island is also broken. Well, it's weird. 

The lower half of the demon's body was still standing until the same thing that happened to Larcade's body suddenly happened. The rest of Deliora turned into particles of light, which quickly flew towards me. Knowing that these particles would not harm me, on the contrary, I allowed them to enter my body. 

When the process ended, I felt the Devil Slayer Mark begin to grow again and cover almost half of my body. I let them enter my body. 

After that, I felt my body temperature rise a few degrees and felt myself getting stronger again. My physical strength and magical strength increased again, but compared to last time, it was not much. I became stronger, somewhere by 10%. Well, at least a bonus. Besides, my reserve is full again. 

As I thought, Deliora retained quite a bit of strength, but even so, Lyon would hardly have coped with it. All the same, its size is also not a joke. 

After waiting for the buff to end and everything back to normal, I looked at the block of ice and said with a smirk: - Cool, right? 

At my words, a piece of ice lit up like a festive tree.

- So you still understand me? Have you retained your consciousness? - I asked to make sure. The light inside the ice blinked a little, as if agreeing with my words.

- Something needs to be done about this…. - I said. 

Initially, I thought that there was nothing left of Ur and planned to take this piece of ice and use it somehow. For example, in an artifact or gobble it up, after all, this is a huge source of Ethernano. But it looks like Ur is still there and I can't do that to this woman. My conscience will bite me. 

- I have an idea how to help you, but it's not ideal. You won't be human anymore, but at least you can live. - I said, looking at the block of ice, which shone again. 

- You seem to agree. Well, let's get started… - I said, after which I went to Ur and applied 'Light Écriture: Transformation'.

A large piece of ice began to rebuild and decrease in size. At the same time, I wasted a huge amount of energy. By the time the spell ended, I only had 10% Ethernano left. But I only increased the reserve and replenished it, and now I have lost 90% at once. And this, by the way, is more than the entire reserve of Makarov. 

Sitting down on the ground, breathing heavily, I took out the Light Lacrimas, which I got back in the Temple of Poseidon, and began to eat them. This is the fastest way to replenish energy. After eating ten fist-sized lacrimas in one minute, I regained a little energy and came to my senses, after which I looked at where the block of ice used to be. 

Now, there stood a statue of a beautiful, naked woman made entirely of ice. The detail of the statue was so fantastic that it seemed as if it was alive and would now begin to move. Basically, that's what she did. 

The statue stirred and raised its arms, which it looked at. A lot of emotions could be seen on the icy face, whether it was surprise, happiness, sadness, and so on.

- Happened? - I asked approaching the statue, which, as you know, was Ur.

- Y-y-yes. Thank you. - Ur said, moving her icy lips while speaking in a beautiful female voice. 

- To be honest, I didn't think it would work. But it seems that due to the fact that your soul and mind remained in the ice, now this is your body and in this form, you can live. Sorry, that's the best I can do. In order to return your human body to you, more serious magic is needed. At least the ice that your body now consists of is incredibly strong and it won't collapse so easily. - I said, looking at Ur.

- Anyway, it's better than being a block of ice and not being able to do anything. Now I have a real body. Thank you so much. I would cry with happiness right now if I could. - Ur said with a smile. 

- Hold on a second this will improve things a bit. - I said and pulled out a silver pendant. Quickly throwing a few charms on it, I gave it to Ur and said: - Here, put it on. 

Without asking anything, the woman put a pendant on her neck, after which magic happened. With a small flash of light, in front of me now stood a normal, beautiful woman in her twenties, with short blue hair, wearing simple but stylish clothes.

- H-how? - Ur asked in surprise, looking at her now normal human hands.

- It's just an illusion. The pendant is enchanted to create a film of energy around your body that changes your appearance. The bonus is that the film does not let in the cold that you emit. - I said, shaking my head. 

- Thanks. - Ur said softly, feeling her body. 

- You're not quite human now, more like an Ice Elemental, but that way you won't stand out and you can live a normal life. For the first time, the pendant is charged with my magic, and then when we check everything, I will change it a little so that it works from your Magic. - I said.

- Shall we check? - Ur asked, having finished admiring herself.

- Yes, we don't quite understand what's going on with you right now. Can you use Magic? Can you absorb Ethernano to replenish Magic Power? What is the strength of your new body? How does your sense of touch work? and so on. All this needs to be checked. - I said.

- Clear. You're right. But anyway, thanks for giving me this opportunity. - Ur said and rushed to hug me. 

Well, all's well that ends well.


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