Just a Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor

Vol 2 Chapter 417: retire

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Harry stayed at the door of the Room of Requirement early in the morning.

After Sherlock handed him the search for Ravenclaw's crown, he never forgot it.

But in a room that changes with the user's mind, in theory, finding an inaccurate hiding room is tantamount to looking for a needle in a haystack.

Maybe one day you will find the room with the crown hidden, or maybe you will never find it even if you look for it for a lifetime.

Harry didn't think too much about it, Sherlock didn't explain to him that the crown was Voldemort's Horcrux, he just thought it was some very important magic tool.

Just in the afternoon after another unsuccessful attempt, Harry shook his head and sighed as he was about to leave the door of the Room of Requirement.

His whole body suddenly trembled slightly for a moment.

Harry felt that his body suddenly became a little strange, and the lightning-shaped scar on his forehead produced a strong sting that he had never felt before!

But this kind of tingling disappeared quickly, and it only lasted for less than a second, and he returned to normal, as if what he felt just now was an illusion.

Harry was a little puzzled, and just as he was about to return to the Gryffindor lounge, another thought suddenly popped into his mind.

In a ghostly way, he returned to the door of the Room of Requirement and lingered three times back and forth over the blank wall.

The door that was familiar to Harry and could no longer be familiar appeared on the wall.

Harry felt a little dazed, he didn't even know what room he just wanted, but in the end his hand was on the door handle.

The door was pushed open, and inside was a cluttered utility room that Harry was sure he had never been in before.

The room seemed to be full of various items, unqualified test papers, old broomsticks, and destroyed desks, chairs and benches were thrown everywhere.

Harry was circling the hills of debris, not knowing what he was looking for, but it didn't take long before he stopped beside a worn knight's armor.

There was nothing strange about the armor, but there was an ancient crown on the ground in front of it.

The crown was made in the shape of a silver eagle, with an emerald gem in the middle.

The look on Harry's face was surprised and strange at the same time.

This was obviously the item Sherlock asked him to help find, but the process by which he found it was very bizarre.

It's like the body has turned on the navigation system by itself, without Harry's will to think, he already knows where the crown is.

Harry picked up the golden crown on the ground and walked out of the Room of Requirement just like that.

He didn't realize that after finding this thing, he had absolutely no intention of giving it to Sherlock, but just hid it in his robe pocket and returned to the Gryffindor lounge.

Even seeing Hermione and Ron, he didn't seem to have experienced everything in the Room of Requirement just now, and he didn't have the slightest idea to talk about it.

Hogwarts also got a glimpse of what was happening outside in the evening.

The entire Gryffindor wizards were unbelievable, the school was still peaceful, and the biggest black devil in the magic world had already been killed by their professors.

The jubilant sound resounded throughout Hogwarts Castle, and Harry was also very excited. He seemed to have forgotten that he got the crown from the Room of Requirement, and danced happily in the lounge with Ron and the others. up.

This atmosphere continued until night fell, and it didn't stop until it was past midnight. Professor McGonagall came to the lounge and ordered them to go to bed. The students returned to their dormitories, but a few people can be safe tonight. The two said when they fell asleep.

Harry and Ron also went back to the dormitory. None of the five people in a dormitory had any intention of going to sleep. Everyone was discussing the passage of the war they had read from the Daily Prophet. They gradually quieted down after one o'clock in the morning. Neville's even snoring sounded in the bedroom.

Harry hadn't slept yet, and he was obviously more excited about Voldemort's death than the others.

After making sure that no one was awake except him in the dormitory, he couldn't help but wanted to call Lily out to share the joy.

But I don't know what happened today, no matter how he called, Lily seemed to be unresponsive, without any response.

Harry felt strange, but it was already so late, and although he felt a little uneasy in his heart, he had no intention of disturbing Sherlock at this time.

Thinking about going to Sherlock to ask about the situation after he woke up tomorrow, he gradually closed his eyes and fell asleep.

No one noticed that in the dark night, Harry, who was peacefully lying on the bed, was surrounded by a faint black mist.


Dumbledore had been dealing with the Death Eaters all afternoon, returning to 12 Grimmauld Place for a short rest until about ten o'clock in the evening.

And Sherlock was not at Hogwarts Castle at this time. After having dinner with Silk, he also arrived here.

It was naturally time for you to farm and I just finished confessing, but Dumbledore asked Fox to send a letter to Sherlock, saying that there were some important things to discuss with him, Sherlock could only reluctantly drag it out. I didn't come to see Dumbledore until dinner was over.

"I'm going to retire, Sherlock."

After the two met, Sherlock was stunned by the first words Dumbledore said. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

He looked up and down the smiling Dumbledore and asked with a frown.

"You are hurt?"

"The same can be said." The old man leaned back in the chair relaxedly, "The sharp blade of time has left irreversible scars on my body almost every moment. As an old man who has lived for more than a hundred years, I do It's been hurt to the point of no cure."

Hearing him say such shameless words, Sherlock's face stinks.

"Has the Ministry of Magic designated a retirement age for the Headmaster of Hogwarts?"

Hearing Sherlock's words, Dumbledore smiled unconsciously, but his smile looked a little tired.

"I've been working Sherlock for a long, long time, and I love the castle and seeing the kids learn what they're supposed to learn, but I can't really stay in this position until I'm totally old .I'm really old."

Sherlock fell silent.

In fact, he never regarded Dumbledore as an old man who was dying. Whether it was his image he learned from the book in his previous life, or the real contact with him now, the greatest white wizard gave the Feelings are always reliable.

And now, when he finished saying this, Sherlock realized that he was indeed a very old man.


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