Just a Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor

Vol 2 Chapter 401: Wizards and Muggles

The expression on Sherlock's face was calm, and his voice didn't seem angry at all.

But Draco felt an inexplicable pressure, but the pure-blood education he received since childhood did not make him submit directly, but seemed to be still tough, but he actually said in an explanatory tone.

"Wizards and Muggles have never been the same species, we are born with magical superiority, just like Muggles will feel superiority when facing animals like gorillas. A Muggle will be willing to give gorillas To be a volunteer? This is an insult to our ethnic group! It is also an insult to the identity of a wizard!"

Sherlock didn't refute Draco in a hurry, or forcefully led him into the classroom, but asked.

"Why do you compare the relationship between wizards and Muggles to Muggles and gorillas?"

"Because that's what my dad taught me!" Seeing that Sherlock didn't reprimand, Draco seemed to be emboldened.

"Families that maintain pure-blood wizards, their descendants are almost certainly wizards, and they are born with the ability to use magic. Even if there is a low probability of a Squib, the Squib still has magic in their bodies, but it's just that You can't use magic, it's still fundamentally different from Muggles."

"Whether there is magic in the body, this is the biggest difference between wizards and Muggles, and the gap is as big as the difference between the species of gorillas and humans! It's just like gorillas will never learn to speak and think like humans, Muggles It will never be possible to master magic, to learn such things as magic!"

From these words, it is enough to hear that Draco's thoughts have long been skewed by Lucius. The question of whether wizards and Muggles are the same species is actually many years ago in the magic world. There was a debate, and the result of the debate was that the Ministry of Magic set the character.

Wizards are also human beings, and Muggles are also human beings. As long as they are human, there is no essential difference.

Of course, this conclusion is acceptable to most people in the wizarding world. After all, half-blood wizards and Muggle wizards still occupy the majority of wizards, and those families who always insist on pure blood continue their descendants are still in the minority.

But it is such a minority that actually occupies the vast majority of resources and power in the magic world.

Although the magic government has set its nature, for the pure-blooded family, this sentence is no different from farting, that is, listen to the sound, hold your nose and endure the stench, and then how should they discriminate? How to educate or still educate.

Just like Draco now.

After Sherlock heard all his statements, he didn't get angry or show any dissatisfaction, but said seriously.

"The perception that your father taught you was problematic from the beginning. I won't say that he was wrong, but then I hope you will listen to me carefully. My understanding of the difference between wizards and muggles, who is right to whom? Wrong, judge for yourself."

"What is the most critical point of distinction between humans and gorillas? Does humans possess an ability that gorillas don't have? They have two arms and two legs, both of which are also composed of flesh and bone, so physiologically Structurally, there is a huge difference?"

"It is not the body or a certain ability that really distinguishes people from apes, but brains and thoughts. Humans also have the same desires as apes, but the difference is that people know that such desires are bad and bad. It is good for oneself but harmful to others, and then sets rules to restrain oneself.”

"Some of these constraints are invisible but established by convention. We call them 'morals', while others are visible and clearly stipulated for everyone to abide by, and are also called 'laws'. These two things combined, also That's what makes people social, and it's because of this that people and gorillas and everything else are fundamentally different, not some special ability."

"And is there such a distinction between wizards and Muggles? I know that you haven't had contact with a few Muggles since you can remember, but the students you have despised from Hogwarts who are not pure blood, they behave Are they all animalistic? Or do you feel that you are different from them in terms of thinking and communication? You claim to be pure blood, but you are different from those who have Muggle blood, or are born entirely from Muggles. Wizards don't make any difference, not even when it comes to learning magic. So what's the difference between wizards and Muggles? Can you tell yourself that, Draco?"

Draco blushed, and he seemed to feel that the concept that he had always adhered to was impacted by Sherlock's words.

He held back his strength to refute, and after Sherlock questioned, he asked back without hesitation.

"Professor, how do you explain the difference between magic power? Only those who have magic power and can use magic can be called wizards, and those who can't use anything are Muggles. We have them, they don't. This is the most essential difference! Just like you The biggest difference between humans and gorillas is that the brain and thinking are the same, there is no essential difference!"

Facing his doubts, Sherlock just asked a question.

"Can a man and a gorilla combine to produce a human with brains and minds? Can a wizard and a muggle produce a wizard?"

Draco was speechless for a moment.

He still seemed to want to search all the available truths and arguments in his mind to deny Sherlock, but even if he wanted to break his head, he couldn't think of a reasonable refutation.

Sherlock just looked at him quietly, giving him enough time to think. After Draco was completely speechless, he asked another question.

"Do you know what a pure-blood family's definition of whether a wizard is pure-blooded?"

As the only future heir to the Malfoy family, Draco certainly remembers such a noble proof quite clearly.

"A person who requires both parents to count up three generations of wizards can be called a pure-blood wizard."

This is a well-established rule in the pure-blood circle. Even Death Eaters follow this rule to cleanse those non-pure-blood wizards they think are.

After all, if this restriction is taken to the extreme, all parents and ancestors since records must be wizards to become pure-blood wizards, then basically the so-called pure-blood family will be more than 95% of the magic world. people are the enemy.

"So the requirement for pure blood is only three generations?

"Sherlock pulled it down completely, and Lucius kept instilling the fig leaf on Draco that wizards and Muggles belong to two different species.

"That is to say, among the people of your kind that you identify with, most of them still have blood in their bodies that you despise. Is the so-called pure-blood pride only worth these three generations?"

"Magic is indeed something unique to wizards, but this kind of thing is not completely isolated from Muggles. As long as wizards and Muggles continue to combine and multiply, then everyone in the world may become wizards in the future. It is completely possible. , or it can be said that the world is moving in this direction.”

"It is precisely because of this that the presence or absence of magic power cannot be the basis for the division of species, it is just a talent, a talent that allows people to produce more development possibilities and civilizations, and the inheritance of this talent It's not just between wizards, it's enough to prove that wizards and Muggles are the same people, and there is no essential difference between the two."

Draco was completely silent, he couldn't think of any words to argue with Sherlock.

But even if it had reached the point where he had nothing to say, Draco didn't let go of his persistence.

Sherlock can't destroy the belief that she has believed in for more than ten years.

Of course, Sherlock didn't expect that just relying on his own wave of "mouth escape" could make this spoiled young master Malfoy come back.

People have always been complex creatures, and persuading a person with words is undoubtedly one of the most tortured and difficult things in the world.

So Sherlock brought Draco here today.

Although Draco was not persuaded, at least now he has no reason to refuse to go in and do volunteer work for those children. Fun Court

After delaying outside the door for a while, Sherlock took him through the door and walked into this very simple-looking classroom.

When the door was opened, a dozen pairs of eyes were already looking at them in the classroom.

Because only Mrs. Chris is willing to take charge of this orphanage, there are not many orphans here, there are only four or five big and small, the youngest seems to be only five or six years old, and the oldest is only twelve or three. age.

And now in the classroom looking after these children is a girl who is about the same age as Draco, but she looks only sixteen or seventeen years old. The girl's temperament and conversation are better than Draco's Children who have not grown up are much more mature.

Seeing Sherlock and Draco walking in together, the girl who was in front of the children teaching them how to weave a flower basket was a little puzzled.

"Hello? How are you?"

This is actually the problem of Confusion Charm. According to normal circumstances, Mrs. Chris should bring them into this classroom to introduce them to the children, but because Sherlock used the Confusion Charm to cheat, Mrs. Chris missed it. about this matter.

Now Sherlock can only explain to this girl first.

"My name is Sherlock Forrest. This is my nephew Draco Malfoy. We are volunteering."

"Why didn't Granny Chris bring you here?" the girl asked vigilantly.

"She seemed to be in a hurry to prepare lunch. After she brought us to the door, she left first. If you are worried, you can ask first." Sherlock said.

Even if Sherlock offered to ask, the girl would ask first.

She called out the oldest looking boy named "Wilson" from the children below, and asked him to look at Sherlock and the two of them first, and then trotted out to find the Mrs. Chris.

Draco was very dissatisfied with the girl's vigilant attitude just now, he stood beside Sherlock and whispered.

"She looks like we're begging to come here."

Sherlock didn't respond to his words, but patted him on the shoulder and motioned him to look in one direction in the classroom.

There was a girl who was missing a front tooth and looked like a six or seven-year-old girl who had never seen strangers a few times, and gave them a friendly and somewhat funny smile.

Sherlock also smiled and waved to the little girl, while whispering to Draco.

"Don't you say hello to this cute little girl?"

Draco put his hands on his chest, his eyes were full of disgust, and he made a disdainful "cut" sound, without any intention of responding.

His attitude was very rude and unpleasant, but Sherlock didn't mean to force him. You can't expect a normal person to make a subversive change in just a few minutes.

She didn't let Sherlock and the others wait long before the girl trotted back to the classroom again. It could be seen that she was running in a hurry and didn't want them to wait for a long time.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Forrest, I've confirmed with Mother-in-law Chris. My name is Haley, and I came from this orphanage, and I'm working here temporarily as a laborer."

This little girl named Haley looked very polite. After confirming Sherlock's identity, she couldn't take a rest and apologized breathlessly.

Of course, Sherlock didn't care about what happened just now. He blinked and asked.

"Then, Miss Haley, what are we going to do next?"

After confirming their identities, Hailey was not polite. It seemed that she also entertained other volunteers who came to the orphanage.

"Then please help take care of the youngest children. Their hands-on ability is relatively poor. It would be best to have an adult watching."

Sherlock and Draco followed Haley to the front corner of the classroom. The younger children were gathered here, and it was convenient for adults to take care of them.

After arranging them~www.NovelMTL.com~Haley went to the back to collect the best handicrafts from the older children.

Draco and the youngest children, who looked only five or six years old, stared wide-eyed.

The children looked at him curiously, and he also considered himself arrogant and never took the initiative to speak.

After a while, the children felt that the elder brother with pale blond hair was meaningless, and turned their heads to focus on how to weave the branches in their hands into flower baskets.

Draco felt humiliated, he felt that these muggle kids were looking down on him.

Sherlock ignored Draco, who was more like a child than these children, and greeted the little girl who smiled at them in a friendly way.

"Hello, may I get to know you?"

The little girl who was weaving flower baskets with heart raised her head, and when she saw Sherlock, she showed that kind of harmless smile again.

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