Just a Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor

Chapter 202: Founder's Relic

Sherlock looked at the petrified tree protection pot, and was stunned.

He recalled the state of being invincible just now, and as soon as he thought about it, he used the Explosion Charm, Stun Charm and Dancing Charm.

Then, after thinking about it again, all the effects of these spells were erased.

Of course he couldn't achieve that effect now, but he didn't even have the magic beam after it took effect without the help of a wand. He just moved his lips and chanted the spell, and it immediately took effect on the target.

This made Sherlock feel an incredible feeling about himself.

Although he was able to use control magic to use some simple transfiguration and small magic spells before, but a slightly powerful wizard can do this without a staff and no sound.

Now this petrification spell is different.

Looking through the entire thick history of magic, I can't find any wizards who can do it with magic to such an extent.

In this disguised form, it has already been considered to be the point where one can follow the law!

Sherlock pondered, and uttered the spell again.

"Stop the curse."

The moment the sound of his incantation fell, the stationary casserole on the branch returned to normal again.

It seemed to be frightened. After it could move normally, it quickly ran to the top branch, staring down at Sherlock with small eyes.

Sherlock didn't care about its mood, but turned his head and stared at a small tree that died for some unknown reason.

"Shattered to pieces."


The spell took effect immediately, the dry tree trunk shattered on the spot, sawdust splashed everywhere, but there were still large pieces of wood that were just broken and fell to the ground.

This smashing spell made him more intuitive to see the intensity of the spell using control magic.

Very weak, even weaker than the magic wand he used to control magic.

And the consumption is still very high. It was just a petrification spell, a universal unlocking spell and a crushing spell, which made Sherlock feel exhausted.

Obviously, this method cannot be used much.

But even so, Sherlock was very excited.

He knows very well what this means means. The most difficult thing in all things is the process of starting from nothing.

Whether it is strong or not is one thing, but whether it will be strong is another.

Besides, there must be other Horcruxes waiting for him in the future. The room for improvement of this ability is enormous.

Sherlock was in a good mood, sat in front of Eddie's grave and chatted with him for a while, saying something similar to "Don't worry, I will help you take care of your daughter in the future", "I haven't forgotten about revenge for you, sooner or later. I'll send her down one day to show you what she's in." or something like that.

The sun gradually fell to the horizon.

Seeing that it was getting late, he got up from the ground, snapped his fingers casually, and said "clean up" to clean up the dirt on his robe, picked up the cracked golden cup and walked out of the forbidden forest.

Back at Hogwarts Castle, Sherlock went directly to Headmaster Dumbledore's office and put the broken gold cup in front of him.

"This is the second one."

Dumbledore stared deeply at the golden cup, and saw its origin at a glance.

"Helga Hufflepuff's relic."

"It is said that the four founders of Hogwarts left their most precious relics, Gryffindor's sword and Hufflepuff's gold cup. What are the remaining two?" Sherlock asked.

Dumbledore shook his head.

Gu "No one knows about this except the descendants of the two founders, but Ravenclaw's relic may be the crown that can bring wisdom."

"You're guessing, since Riddle can make Hufflepuff's gold cup into his Horcrux, it's not impossible for him to do the same for the other two unknown relics."

With his wisdom, of course, he can think of a deal with Sherlock.

Sherlock narrowed his eyes.

"Especially because he himself is a descendant of Slytherin."

Dumbledore tapped the back of his left hand with the fingers of his right hand and said softly.

"I'm going to visit Tom's hometown in a while."

Sherlock asked in surprise.

"Does he still have any family members alive?"

Dumbledore seemed to recall something, and there was a trace of reminiscence in his eyes.

"He had an uncle alive before, but he was imprisoned in Azkaban for killing three Muggles who lived in the same town, and he died in that prison."

"But I think there should always be some discoveries in the place where his family lives. Are you interested in visiting with me? Sherlock."

He sent an invitation to Sherlock, but Sherlock did not agree.

"Wait until you decide the time, I'm not sure if there is anything else behind me."

They chatted about other things, and then Sherlock left the principal's room.

After he left, Dumbledore crossed his hands on the table, and the expression on his face made it impossible to see any emotion.

"The founder's relic..." He muttered softly to himself, then suddenly said to the empty office, "Phineas, please help me to invite Mrs. Grey over."

In the portraits of the previous principals on the wall, a thin old man opened his sleepy eyes, made a few grumbles, and then disappeared into the photo frame.


Summer vacation has officially started.

Sherlock didn't get on the Hogwarts Express and go back together, it would take a whole day to toss.

He directly used Apparition to come to the door of Mulan Hua Road ~www.NovelMTL.com~ Just as he was about to take out the key to open the door, his eyes were suddenly attracted to a place.

It was the neighbor's yard. Sherlock only lived at home for two months a year, so he had nothing to do with the neighbors on both sides.

But he vaguely remembered that the hostess of the house on the left seemed to like red maple trees very much. Two trees were planted in the yard, and a swing was made for her daughter in the middle of the two trees. When the golden maple leaves fell in autumn, the scenery very charming.

It is summer now, and the branches of the two red maples are luxuriant, but the most striking thing is not the red leaves swaying in the wind, but the old windmills that are filled with the canopy.

Sherlock stared unblinkingly at the windmills that were very familiar, "hula la", spinning with the breeze, and the boss with his mouth open, as if he had seen something incredible.

"Does it look good?"

A very familiar voice sounded behind him.

Sherlock didn't look back, still staring at the windmill full of trees.

"How much did you spend to buy this yard?"

The owner of the voice tilted his head, thinking about the exact amount.

"Excluding taxes and other expenses, the family received about £200,000 in total."


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