Just a Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor

Chapter 200: Lestrange's vault

Griphook looked at the man in front of him, and from the appearance alone, he knew that he belonged to the worst type of wizard, and he insisted.

"The vault of the Lestrange family is very special. It is one of the oldest families. If you want to get something from it, it is not enough to have a key. You have to prove your identity to us."

Sherlock, disguised as a gloomy wizard, was prepared for this, but the gloomy expression on his face not only did not diminish, but instead became more and more dissatisfied.

He took out the small badge-shaped metal box from his pocket and threw it towards the pull tab very impolitely.

Griphook reached out and caught the small box. Instead of researching it himself, he went to the counter and found a goblin with golden glasses.

"Family crest, Lestrange's."

The old goblin who looked very old stretched out his hand and took the badge from him, took off the glasses on his face, picked up a pair of monocles from the side, put them on his face and looked at the badge box carefully. stand up.

Before long, the old goblin returned the locket to Griphook.

"It's the real thing, but the style is a little old. I remember that before the Lestranges were all caught in Azkaban, they seemed to have ordered a new batch of badges."

Griphook looked back at Sherlock who was standing three meters away, looking impatiently at the ceiling of Gringotts Hall, and then asked in a low voice.

"Then this person might be the one left by the Lestranges? Does he fit the rules?"

The old goblin put on the golden glasses again and gave Sherlock a vague glance.

"You don't care whether he conforms to the rules or not, now everyone in that family is locked up in Azkaban, and before they squatted, no one of them told us what to do with that vault. Just follow the rules. , as long as he is a member of the Lestrange family, even if there is an accident, it has nothing to do with us."

Griphook nodded, took the badge box, and was about to turn back to find Sherlock when the old goblin suddenly reminded in a low voice.

"Be careful when taking him there. The premise of having nothing to do with us is to determine his identity."

Griphook paused, then returned to Sherlock calmly, returning the badge box to him, and the professional smile appeared on his face again.

"Ah, I kept you waiting, sir, your badge is fine. My name is Griphook. I don't know what your name is?"

"John Lestrange."

Sherlock took the box from his hand, raised his head proudly, and snorted coldly, as if looking at someone with his nostrils.

"Mr Lestrange, I'll take you to your family vault."

Griphook smirked and didn't care.

The wizards of big families, especially pure blood families are basically like this, and the more they are like this, the happier the goblins are.

Big families are also their big clients.

An approachable pure-blood family like the Weasleys, no matter how friendly they are, the goblins won't show any good looks to them.

Even if you overturn the vault, you can't find half a piece of gold, no matter how good your attitude is, can you eat it?

Griphook led Sherlock towards a door beside the hall wall.

He pushed open the tall double door, and behind it was an underground tunnel like a mine.

The surrounding walls were uneven and rough. After Sherlock and Griphook walked in, the door behind them closed by themselves, and the torches on the wall lit up one by one, illuminating the underground tunnel.

Griphook whistled into the depths of the tunnel, followed by a rumbling sound from far to near, and a small cart drove up by itself from the tunnel.

Sherlock and Griphook sat up together, the trolley started suddenly, and quickly led them to the ground.

Along the way, Griphook didn't mean to talk to Sherlock, there was only the sound of "huhu" around them.

The underground tunnels of Gringotts are intricate and complicated. They have passed through no less than twenty forks, but they are still going down without any intention of stopping.

Sherlock maintained indifference on his face, but he was already muttering in his heart.

How deep are these goblins digging, and going all the way down, who knows if they have dug through the crust?

Just when he was groaning, a rush of water came from the front. He squinted his eyes and raised his head, and he saw a waterfall that blocked the tunnel and fell from the top of the passage.

Anti-thief waterfall!

One of the most important protective measures in the depths of Gringotts, the vaults behind this waterfall are the treasures that have existed since the beginning of Gringotts.

And as these extremely important treasury portals, the water falling down from the Anti-thief Waterfall is naturally not just ordinary water.

Any wizard who wants to enter the deepest vaults must be "cleaned" by this waterfall.

It will cleanse the visitor of all magical effects and magical disguises, and if a problem is found, the intruder will be thrown out of the tunnel, and Gringotts will be immediately informed that someone has broken in.

Anti-thief waterfall is equivalent to a super large spell that is in effect all the time.

It is rumored that it can even remove some of the effects of the Unforgivable Curse (Harry uses the Imperius controlled goblin, which is lifted after passing through this waterfall).

Seeing the waterfall, the trolley was still speeding up. Griphook, who was sitting in front of the trolley, turned around and stared at Sherlock intently.

Sherlock's face was calm, and he didn't show the slightest nervousness towards the waterfall.

The trolley quickly shuttled through the Anti-thief Waterfall, and the slightly cold water poured on Sherlock and Griphook. The trolley was not thrown off the track, and there was no change in Sherlock.

Griphook's gaze at Sherlock gradually loosened, and the fingers that had been tense also eased.

Sherlock pulled out his wand in disgust, and used a spell to dry the wet robe.

"This is how Gringotts treats clients?"

"This is a necessary means of protection, sir." Griphook said without being arrogant. "In order to protect your treasure, we must be extra careful."

"But Gringotts was still broken into." Sherlock sneered.

He was talking about Quirrell breaking into Gringotts when Harry was in his first year.

Griphook didn't make any excuses for this, just said loudly.

"But he didn't take anything with him, just a thief who came home empty-handed!"

Sherlock just sneered and didn't say anything.

It was also at that time that Hagrid took the Philosopher's Stone away according to Dumbledore's instructions, otherwise Quirrell would have returned empty-handed in the end, or two.

After passing the Anti-thief Waterfall, the authenticity of his identity has been greatly improved. At least Griphook is not as suspicious of him now as he was at the beginning.

And the means to deceive the Anti-thief Waterfall is actually very simple.

Sherlock really didn't use any magic disguise on him, and the face he was wearing right now was not created by magic or drinking any potion.

Just a human-skin mask I got from a Muggle.

Thief Falls can wash away magic, but Sherlock doesn't use any magic.

Anyway, he doesn't need to disguise as a specific person, as long as it's not his own face, anything else is fine, so the restrictions on disguise are very low.

Before planning to come to Gringotts, Sherlock also specifically asked Dumbledore all the details of Gringotts' internal defense, especially determining that the waterfall was ineffective against Muggles.

After all, these arrogant goblins may not even be able to look at wizards, so how can they look at those Muggles?

After passing through the waterfall, Griphook took out a shabby pouch, took out a metal device, and handed it to Sherlock.

"Jingle, shake it and it will sound, and right away you know when to use it."

Not long after his voice fell, a deafening roar resounded in the tunnel.

In front of the innermost four or five vaults, a giant beast blocked their way.

That's a giant dragon!

Confinement underground for so long, the scales on the dragon's body have become pale and loose, its eyes are cloudy pink, and its hind legs are heavily shackled with thick chains that drive deep into the stone. giant pile of ground.

Its spiky wings tucked into its sides would fill the basement if unfolded.

The giant dragon turned its ugly head towards them, let out a roar that made the stones tremble, opened its mouth and aimed at Griphook and Sherlock who were driving over, and spit out a fire.

Griphook demonstrated to Sherlock, shaking the metal device called "Jingle Piece" in his hand.

It sounded like a small hammer hitting an anvil, and Sherlock did the same, shaking the thing in his hand.

The sound was like deadly poison to the dragon, and it roared back, making way through the tunnel.

Only after getting closer did Sherlock notice the scars on the old dragon's face.

It was obviously forced to tame it by the goblins, and the so-called "Ding Dang" is a precursor to punishing it. Judging from its old appearance, I don't know how long it has been imprisoned here.

Sherlock is not Hagrid, and he doesn't have much sympathy for these big guys. He just stared at the old dragon for a while, then turned his attention back to his eyes.

They had come to the door of Lestrange's vault.

"Give me the key, sir," said Griphook.

Sherlock took the brass key out of a pocket alone and handed it to the pull-knob.

There was no keyhole on the door of the vault, and it looked like the key was superfluous.

But the pull ring didn't mean to insert the key into any hidden hole, but stretched out the hand holding the key and touched the door lightly.

In an instant, the door to the vault disappears, and the cave can be seen stuffed from floor to ceiling with gold coins and goblet, silver armor, hides of various exotic animals with spines or drooping wings, in vases of potions, and a skull still wearing the crown.

Sherlock, who didn't tense up until Griphook took the key, finally breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

His key came from Rabastan, who died seventeen years ago. Who knows if the people from the Lestrange family behind him have discovered the disappearance of his family crest and treasure house key.

So the only risky bet on this trip to Gringotts was just now.

Sherlock is betting that Bella and Rodolphus don't know where Rabastan hid the key, and they haven't changed the way to open the treasure house since then.

And now, he was clearly betting right.

This is also his luck, because if according to the original plot, after Voldemort made a comeback and took control of the Ministry of Magic, Bella did change the way to open the treasure house and abandoned the family key.

Looking at the splendid treasure trove in front of him, Sherlock didn't think about it anymore, and went in directly.

Griphook bowed and stood aside, respecting the client's privacy, and had no intention of going in with Sherlock.

The Lestranges' treasury was huge, at least five times the size of Sherlock's own at Gringotts, enough to host a football game in it.

Looking around, there are splendid appearances everywhere. There are lamps installed on the ceiling of the treasure house. The streamer light reflected by those priceless treasures makes people feel dizzy.

This is the accumulation of the oldest pure blood family!

The property in this vault is no exaggeration to say that it bought half of Diagon Alley!

But Sherlock was not fascinated by the wealth that could make people lose their minds. He walked half a meter in front of the treasure pile that could be called a golden mountain, and stopped steadily.

As he approached, he could clearly feel a burst of burning heat.

These treasures also have special protection on them!

In addition to the blood of the real Lestrange family, if outsiders come into contact with any of these treasures, they will trigger the copy spell and fire spell on it.

The Fire Spell doesn't need much explanation, and the Copy Spell instantly turns into countless copies of the original but worthless, drowning the thieves.

Those replicas also carry the effects of the Replica Charm and the Fire Charm. As long as you touch them, these priceless treasures will turn into countless hot "branding irons", repeating the spells until they burn the thief alive!

Of course, Gringotts will not spread these things out, and the owners of those vaults will not say anything about the protection measures.

But Albus Dumbledore, who was also from an ancient wizard family, was well-informed and learned, naturally knew the various protection measures here, and Sherlock had done his homework from him before he came.

Gringotts claims that no one can steal anything from it.

In the end, this is just a big talk, and wizards with mediocre abilities really can't do it, but for people like Dumbledore and Riddle, sneaking into Gringotts to steal things~www.NovelMTL.com~ is better than drinking Water is not much trouble to eat.

Even if Voldemort had lost all his power over Quirrell, he could come and go here.

This is also the reason why Sherlock wanted to confess to Dumbledore about the discovery of the Horcrux. If he had no prior knowledge of these internal measures, even if he had the key to the vault, he would not have been able to get to this point.

Concentrating his thoughts, Sherlock's eyes did not stop on those treasures, and quickly browsed on the few golden mountains.

He still didn't know what the Horcrux was hidden in this treasure trove, but Sherlock wasn't worried at all about how to find it.

Before long, he was on a shelf near the ceiling and saw a cup that reflected golden light in the light!

The little golden cup has two handles, and the body of the cup is carved with a little badger turning back from the grass and coming to life.

And just as he made contact with his eyes and the golden cup, a slight burning sensation came from his left arm!

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