Just a Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor

Chapter 173: Prince

"Wear your hat. The sun is very strong today. Don't go out and get a tan."

Sherlock helped Amy straighten the sun hat on her head.

"Do you still have the windmill? Why don't you put it in the room first, there are other fun things to do in the amusement park."

But Amy didn't listen to him, and still insisted on taking the windmill with him.

Snape stood in front of the door, looking at Sherlock who was still in his mother-in-law, and said with a cold face.

"How long are you going to wait, go early, come back early, I still have potions to make today!"

Sherlock looked him up and down, and saw that he was unprepared. He was still wearing a long robe that didn't change all day long, like a **** bat. With that pale and gloomy face, he didn't know the truth at the amusement park. People would probably think he was a vampire who ran out of some haunted house!

"Do you want to be the center of attention?"

Sherlock said in disgust.

"Entering the Muggle playground dressed like this, it is estimated that someone came to take a photo with you before you took two steps, and then the staff thought you were here to steal their business and kicked you out."

Snape was speechless by Sherlock's words, but he really didn't have any clothes to change. Whether it was before or after this time, this was the only outfit he had always worn.

Sherlock also saw his predicament, walked to him and compared his height, Snape was about 7 cm shorter (according to the original inference, Snape's height should be around 179, Snape 185 in the movie, The original is used here).

"My clothes are probably a little inappropriate if you wear them, so go to a clothing store and buy them."

"You mean let me wear those Muggle clothes!" Snape raised his voice.

Sherlock glanced at him.

"Is there a problem? Or are you discriminating against Muggles?"

Snape certainly wouldn't say that he discriminates against Muggles. Maybe he has this mentality at this time, but now that he is in his thirties and has experienced countless ups and downs in his life, he has actually seen through the so-called pure-blood theory.

Muggles and wizards do not have any advantages or disadvantages in blood and abilities. In some directions, wizards from Muggles have an advantage.

It's just that he was a little conflicted about changing clothes.

Sherlock ignored Snape's little emotions. After he took good care of Amy, he was ready to go out.

"Let's go, Uncle Tobia, let's choose a dress for you to put on, or do you personally prefer to be watched like a monkey?"

Snape twitched the corners of his mouth slightly, and did not continue arguing with Sherlock. Following behind him, the three of them left the Leaky Cauldron.

Sherlock and Amy both put on their normal attire. Only Snape was wearing a large black robe in the summer. Just walking on the road attracted the attention of many passers-by.

He hadn't been in contact with the Muggle society for more than ten years, and he really felt very confused about the eyes that looked at him.

Sherlock tapped him on the shoulder.

"So don't stay in the house, go out for a walk, and people will become more sunny. If you think about it, even if Lily forgave you at that time, you think she will like to be gloomy all day long, like a musty old man Are you like a bat?"

Snape slapped Sherlock's hand off his shoulder and snorted coldly.

"If Lily hadn't made that choice on the spot, do you think I would have become what I am now?"

"Then who are you blaming? It's not your own fault. You know that the people you're dealing with discriminate against Muggles and hang out with them. You know that Lily doesn't like black magic, and she still studies all day long. Your own fault."

Sherlock said bitterly.

"So now you have to be more cheerful, don't act like someone owes you two to five or eighty thousand all day long. I know you are trying to distance yourself from Harry, but people also need to think more about themselves, even if they don't. After Lily, don't you even get along with your friends, and your life doesn't go on?"

Snape still had a cold face, as if dismissive of Sherlock's advice.

Sherlock sighed and said nothing more.

If you think about it, it is also a miracle that Snape can change his personality with just a few words from him.

Amy was jogging with the windmill in front of her, trying to turn it up on a windless day, so she didn't hear the conversation between Sherlock and Snape.

"I have infiltrated the Ministry of Magic through some doorways. The specific department has not yet been determined. It should not be in the bar for a long time."

Sherlock told Snape about his current situation.

"I don't have any clues about the clues to go back, but I found the source of the magic that Lily used to protect Harry after finding the Potter's house in the Dark Lord."

Snape held his breath when he heard him say this.

"You want to start with that magic?"

"This is the only possible method that I feel is likely to be effective. Lily's death is inevitable, her body has been buried, and Harry has not appeared in her more than ten years of life, which means that this matter is irreversible. "

His words made Snape a little irritated.

"Why is it irretrievable! Can't she actually be dead, and no one else has found out, and she has been hiding somewhere?"

"Do you think she would be that kind of person based on her character?" Sherlock looked at Snape. "She loves Harry, and she must love her husband James. Since she has a way to fake death, she must also I won't hide it from James, if James knew, would this plan of suspended animation still be possible?"

Snape was silent.

Sherlock was right. If you want to use suspended animation, you must cooperate with Lily, and to cooperate with Lily, you must let her know the cause and effect. If she knows the cause and effect, she will definitely find a way to save James. Not to deceive history, but to provocation above and beyond.

"People have come up with the solution. According to my original intention, it was an accident that we would return to this time. We want to erase this accident, and just go back as it came. But we came together after all, you I also need to consider my mood, so I will try my best to help without changing the historical process."

"I'm thinking from your point of view, and I also hope that you will look at this matter from a more objective point of view."

"According to the normal development trajectory, even if the Dark Lord didn't die, he basically lost all his power. After so many years of peace in the entire magic world, he had the opportunity to completely overthrow him."

"We can use some small tricks to try to make some unknown things into established history, but when the Dark Lord wants to kill Harry, the fact that his own magic bounces back and causes him to lose his power can't go. Change."

He stared at Snape.

"I've seen with my own eyes what those Death Eaters have done these days and how many people they have killed. You were one of them yourself, and you should know better than me that if the Dark Lord doesn't fall, the future What will happen."

Snape didn't speak any more, he pursed his lips, not knowing what to think.

Sherlock could only say so much. He was really afraid that if he found a way to go back in the end, Snape would come and ignore it and just use coercive means to change the course of history. Valley

After coming out of the Leaky Cauldron, walk along the street and you will see a commercial street with men's clothing stores.

Amy seemed to be tired from running, with fine beads of sweat on her forehead, grabbed Sherlock's arm, and walked forward slowly.

When choosing clothes for Snape, he was like a cold puppet. He didn't say a word.

The person who paid was Sherlock, of course, and Snape didn't have any sterling coins on him.

To be honest, Snape was not bad looking, and he had a cold and handsome temperament. Although his face was a little gloomy, it might still be a bright spot in the eyes of some people.

It's just that his hair is smooth and smooth, like kelp hanging down from his head, which makes him look a little sloppy.

"Why doesn't Tobia like to wash her hair?" Amy raised her head and looked at Snape questioningly.

Snape sneered and said perfunctorily.

"Only superficial people waste their time on grooming."

Sherlock rolled his eyes at this and touched Amy's head.

"Don't listen to his nonsense. Dressing yourself up cleanly is the basis for impressing others, and it is also responsible for yourself. People who don't wash their hair for a long time will have bugs in their hair."

Amy picked up her long pale blonde hair and put it on the tip of her nose to smell it.

"Dad said I can't wash my hair during this time, but Amy's hair is still clean."

Sherlock didn't ask why Eddie didn't let Amy wash her hair, he was beckoning to stop a taxi and pulled Amy and Snape into it.

Today is not a holiday or a weekend. There are not many people in the amusement park, and many items can be played directly.

Although Amy's character is much more mature than her age, she is still a child after all.

When she saw the huge Ferris wheel, she raised the windmill in her hand to compare with it and exclaimed in amazement.

"A super big iron windmill!"

"Do you want to play this first?"

Sherlock took her hand and went to the window of the Ferris wheel to buy a ticket.

Snape looked reluctant, but still followed Sherlock's side, came to the window, and watched him buy three tickets.

The three sat in, and Amy came in and put both hands in front of the glass, looking at the scenery outside the window.

Normally, a child from a wizard family like her should have played with toy broomsticks when they were young, and would not be so interested in flying in the sky.

But Amy doesn't seem to be in touch with these things. She doesn't have the company of her mother, and she spends very little time with her father. It is estimated that there are no toys or anything.

Sherlock was still quite interested, but when he saw that the person opposite him was Snape, it suddenly became strange.

"Tsk tsk tsk." He tutted while drinking water, "In Muggle society, the Ferris wheel has always had a special meaning, but I didn't expect that the first time I sat on it was with you."

Snape wasn't looking at Sherlock, he was looking through the glass and at the shrinking city below.

"Didn't you have a relationship before when you were in school?"


Sherlock didn't hold back, and half of the water he drank spurted straight out of his mouth.

Fortunately, Snape was sitting opposite Amy, otherwise he would have sprayed him!

"How do you know I was in a relationship when I was in school?" he asked, twitching the corners of his mouth.

Snape turned his head with a sneer on his face.

"Did you think no one paid attention to you when you were at Hogwarts? Flitwick excitedly told the story in the teachers' common room on the first day of your relationship with that girl named Mary. To everyone, McGonagall even nearly cried, they've always been very concerned about your business."

Sherlock was confused.

He has always recorded private matters in the original owner's diary. Who knew that "I" had a first love has long been known to everyone.

As if something could deflate Sherlock, Snape would enjoy it~www.NovelMTL.com~ he continued slowly.

"As a result, you broke up not long afterward. Flitwick and McGonagall talked about this issue for a long time. They felt that although a failed relationship can make people sad, it is also the best medicine to promote people's growth."

"But I didn't see anything sad about you in those days. You didn't like that Mary at all, did you?"

Sherlock pouted.

"Stop gossip about these things, and be careful that the older you get, the more idiots you get!"

At this time, Amy turned around suspiciously.

"Is John's girlfriend called Mary?"

"It's his ex-girlfriend," Snape added cheerfully.

Sherlock flicked Amy's smooth forehead lightly.

"As for adults, children should not inquire about it."

Amy pouted and frowned, as if she was a little dissatisfied with Sherlock's words, shook her head, and continued to look at the scenery outside the window.

After getting off the Ferris wheel, Sherlock bought Amy a candy bar.

This thing actually tastes the same, but it looks very colorful. Amy holds it up with the windmill, facing the sky, hoping that it can turn like a windmill.

Even if it was revenge on Snape, it could be considered to satisfy his own bad taste, and Sherlock also bought a prince's crown for him.

"Ah, Your Highness Prince, look at this thing, how suitable it is for your identity (here it is said that the meaning of Prince in English is the meaning of prince, Sherlock is mocking Snape for giving himself a pseudonym in the middle two )."

To Sherlock's surprise, Snape didn't throw away the crown, but took it from him with a blank expression.

He held the crown, and there was both nostalgia and a painful memory in his eyes that he did not want to recall, but could not forget.

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