Just a Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor

Chapter 164: Next move for Death Eaters and Aurors

It had been a week since she returned from Sherlock's house at this time.

During the week, Sherlock and Amy didn't go out again and stayed in the guest room at the Leaky Cauldron.

Today's weather is very good, and there is a rare clear sky in London. Amy is sitting by the window, hoping that the wind will move the windmill Sherlock sold her before.

However, after waiting for a long time, I didn't wait for the wind to come. I could only pout my mouth and blow the windmill under the sunlight.

Sherlock did not pay attention to Amy's self-entertainment, he was spreading a map of England on the table.

According to him and Snape, after he and Snape came to this time line, the largest Death Eater attack in the magical world this year, the "Welsh Violent Conflict", and the actions of the Death Eaters in the magical world in the following month The locations are all marked.

He found that there was a real connection between these attacks.

A day after the "violent incident in Wales", there has been another incident of death eaters killing two Muggles in Hereford, not far from Wales.

Two days later, in Birmingham, not far from Hereford, a wizard witnessed "Rabastan Lestrange", a core member of the Death Eaters, bombing a Muggle residence with three people.

Two days later, in Northampton, there was a fire in which a Muggle died, and the Ministry of Magic was clearly aware of the dark magic in the fire.

Three days later, in Luton, more than forty kilometers away from the city of London, two masked Death Eaters rode broomsticks and used the Life Suppressing Charm against the ground in mid-air. Fortunately, the location was in the wild, only a few A Muggle witnessed someone flying on a broomstick. No one was injured. It is unknown who the Death Eaters were attacking.

A day later, on the day Karkaroff and Roll came to the Leaky Cauldron to search for Amy, there was a massive explosion in the wild in Cambridge. No one died, but Muggles witnessed the abnormal explosion. , and seeing the imprint of the dark demons flashing in the sky, the memory write-off team of the Ministry of Magic later cleared the memory of those Muggles about these things.

Two days later, in Petrograd, north of Cambridge, a Muggle wizard was caught by Death Eaters passing by, and was tortured to death before the Aurors arrived.

Then three days later, in today's new issue of the Daily Prophet newspaper, it was reported that more than a dozen Death Eaters had appeared in Lincolnshire, northern England, and the leader of them was the number one crony of the Dark Lord." Bellatrix Lestrange".

Sherlock counted all the Death Eater haunts after Wales and circled them on the map.

It was found that from Wales, the actions of the Death Eaters had been approaching London, but after arriving at Luton, which was the closest to London, they then turned to the northwest and left.

From Cambridge to Petrograd to Lincoln, Death Eaters show up in a city in northwest England every two days.

They seem to be moving towards a goal in a planned way. At first the goal should be from Wales to London, and then somehow, when they reach Luton, they start to change their goals.

Because the time is close, Sherlock suspects that this is very likely, and has something to do with the Death Eaters wanting to find Amy.

If you interpret these Death Eaters' next movements and continue to the northwest, then there is a high probability that they will appear in the central city of England - Shelfield.

Of course, it is also possible to go further north and choose York, which is further north.

Sherlock looked at the map of England that he had drawn in circles, and could see that the Death Eaters and the others did not hide their next move.

In this way, he was able to infer the Death Eater's goal only by relying on the daily Prophet and the gossip of the idle wizards in the Leaky Cauldron.

It doesn't make sense that Aurors with more specific information and more intelligent people will not be able to guess the next Death Eater's destination.

He drew a large circle with Shelfield as the center and extending to York at the very edge.

Every city in this circle has the potential to become the next battlefield for Death Eaters and Aurors.

The successive actions of Voldemort's subordinates in this month have created big news, and the Ministry of Magic will certainly not let the negative news ferment like this. It is very urgent to need an action that can achieve a major victory to inspire the confidence of the magic people.

Sherlock looked at the circle he drew, and after thinking for a long time, he decided to go over and take a look.

There is definitely danger, but this is also the best chance for him to get in touch with the Aurors of the Ministry of Magic. Even if it goes well, it is not impossible to successfully sneak into the Auror Command with this opportunity.

Because at this time in the Auror queue, there are also many people he is familiar with.

For example, Moody, he is still the mainstay of the Aurors, even though he is disabled, he is still one of the top Aurors.

Another example is Kingsley, who has just joined the Auror's queue, but he has already shown his prominence. In the performance of the Auror's new generation, he is very dazzling.

Although Sherlock certainly couldn't recognize these two people at this time, he could also make them his references by being familiar with their personalities and temperaments.

The plan has been determined in his heart, and Sherlock is ready to leave.

Unlike last time, this time he naturally couldn't take Amy out with him. At first, Sherlock thought about handing Amy to Snape and letting him take care of him.

But thinking about Snape's character carefully, he and Amy couldn't tell who would take care of whom when he and Amy were together.

Amy, who was playing with the windmill, also noticed Sherlock's hesitation, and she asked with her head sideways.

"Is John ready to go out?"

Sherlock rubbed her head.

"Yes, but the place to go this time is a bit dangerous, so you can't take Amy with you."

"Amy can be here by herself."

"Aren't you afraid no one will play with you?"

Amy shook her head, her pale golden hair fluttered in white waves in the sunlight.

"Before meeting John, Amy was alone, so she wasn't afraid."

Hearing her words, Sherlock fell silent, and after a while, he pinched Amy's smooth face.

"When I get back, take Amy to the playground, okay?"

Amy doesn't seem to have any idea what a playground is, but she's happy just taking her out.


She took an amulet from her neck and handed it to Sherlock. Valley

"Dad gave it to Amy, saying it would bring good luck to Amy. Amy can lend it to John, and John will have good luck this time out."

Sherlock laughed, he didn't refuse, took the amulet from Amy's hand, and hung it around his neck.

Then he got up and went first to Diagon Alley, where he bought a lot of snacks and some sandwiches like pumpkin porridge that could be heated by himself, as long as he didn't unpack the package, and kept it fresh. This kind of magic food was reserved for Amy, who would be alone in the hotel next.

After putting Amy in place, he went to inform Snape that he would leave the Leaky Cauldron for a while. Snape naturally made no statement on this matter, but just told him to get out of the way and not disturb himself in refining the medicine.

In the end, Sherlock asked Tom not to go into his room to clean, and then used the fireplace of the Leaky Cauldron to head to Shelfield.

The drop point is the Owl Post Office set up by the Ministry of Magic in Shelfield.

The green flame wrapped around Sherlock's body, and the flame occupied all the surrounding space. After the violent rotation, he stepped on the solid ground again.

A slightly choking floating ash swirled around him, and this was certainly not the time to use the fireplace, and a lot of dust had accumulated in the idle pit.

Sherlock walked out of the fireplace while casting a cleansing spell on his body, and was sitting on a chair in the room reading a newspaper when an older wizard stared at him and asked.

"Oh, a young man, what are you doing in Shelfield?"

Sherlock blinked and looked at the old wizard who should be the owl postmaster.

"Using the Ministry of Magic's public fireplace to teleport, do you need to explain your purpose?"

The old wizard put down the Daily Prophet in his hand non-committal.

"Of course you don't need to explain your intentions, but if you don't have anything very important, I suggest you try not to stay in this city for too long."

His words were very meaningful. He seemed to be exhorting, but he actually wanted to show off that he knew some secret things, and then used such words to induce, so as to make Sherlock question.

It's a typical mentality that you can't hide your words when you are old.

Sherlock certainly cooperated with this.

"I'm here to travel, sir, is there something going on here?"

Hearing Sherlock's question, the old wizard's face showed a satisfied look, but he did not tell him the "secret" he had discovered.

"As long as you know that if there is nothing to do, try not to stay here for a long time, and leave as soon as possible."

He made a riddle, and then sighed with emotion.

"It's getting more and more chaotic now. I have to hurry up and urge the ministry about my retirement application. It's time for me to go home and enjoy my old age in peace."

After Sherlock heard what he said, he walked out of the Owl Post Office calmly.

Even if the old wizard didn't make it clear, Sherlock could guess that the Ministry of Magic had obviously taken some action here.

Sure enough, the Auror had also seen the movements of the Death Eaters, and, as he had judged, thought that they would appear in Shelfield next.

Of course, it is also possible that the Aurors have deployed staff in York, Sherfield and several surrounding cities. After all, there is Apparition, which can be easily supported at any time.

And they didn't hide their actions too much. Even the old man who was in charge of guarding the Owl Post Office, so the employees who were outside the Ministry of Magic and couldn't be more outside, could know some inside information, so there must be no special concealment.

The movements of the Death Eaters were also a little too strange. Their continuous attacks seemed to be aimless, and the route was not hidden at all, as if they were deliberately seducing the Aurors to round them up.

Moreover, this kind of seduction is an open and upright conspiracy. If the Auror does not come, it will inevitably spread the public opinion of the Ministry of Magic's inaction in the entire magical world, arousing the dissatisfaction of the public.

Therefore, the Auror Command had to send manpower, and a large number of manpower came to Sherfield.

As a defender, the Ministry of Magic is very passive, and every action is led by the Death Eaters. Such an obvious trap, they can only rely on brute force to crack.

There was no way for the Auror to ask Sherlock how to arrange it. After he left the Owl Post Office, he took a taxi directly to the downtown area of ​​Sherfield, where he found a hotel and booked a room.

Shelfield is now in the trough of transformation in history. It used to be the steel capital and industrial center of the United Kingdom.

Now, due to international competition and the collapse of the British coal industry, the local industry has declined, and the population has also declined.

It was not until the 1990s that Shelfield was officially transformed into a city of sports and technology and developed comprehensive industries.

After the hotel was settled, Sherlock didn't stay in the room, he walked out of the hotel and walked around the streets of the city.

His goal is clear, to find those weirdos who are obviously different from normal people and carry a small wooden stick with them.

Even if Hogwarts has a Muggle studies class, due to the rapid development of the Muggle era, the understanding of wizards and wizards is still decades behind.

Therefore, wizards whose work and life have not intersected with Muggles all year round are always prone to make jokes when they don't wear wizard robes.

Such jokes are naturally rare among specially trained Aurors, but they cannot avoid some habits of wizards. More importantly, Aurors are always more accustomed to holding their wands in their hands at all times. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

Because on the first day of Auror training, the instructors would tell them not to stick their wands in their trouser pockets or sleeves if they didn't want to blow up their **** or arms without knowing it.

Every Auror has basically developed the habit of never leaving his wand in his hand.

With such details, Sherlock called a taxi and walked around the city of Shelfield for a long time.

After paying a price of thirteen pounds, he finally found a man in a windbreaker walking around with a small wooden stick in his hand at the intersection of a street.

Getting off the taxi, Sherlock didn't choose to follow this wizard who didn't know if it was an Auror, a Death Eater, or an innocent passerby.

He walked directly into a remote alley, used the Patronus Charm to summon his Patronus, and let it fly into the sky, following the wizard.

Muggles have no way to see the Patronus, so the silver crow won't cause any commotion, just be careful to avoid the wizard's sight.

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