Just a Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor

Chapter 157: 2 year contract

"Cough cough cough..."

Snape choked on the glass of wine because he drank too quickly.

He didn't seem to drink much, and Sherlock had never seen him touch a glass of wine, not even fruit wine, at any Hogwarts dinners or teachers' gatherings.

This glass of whiskey directly caused an abnormal flush on his pale face.

Sherlock didn't drink as fast as he did, but took small sips.

Snape needed to numb himself with alcohol now, so he had to stay awake.

"I deserve it," Snape said in a low voice, sniffling.

"As a smart person as she is, of course she knows that I don't deserve to be forgiven. Later events also proved that she was right. As soon as I graduated, I became that person's subordinate, and I was given the mark of the dark demon and became his die-hard believer. ."

Sherlock did not speak. He knew that what Snape needed now was not someone who could communicate with him, but only a listener.

Snape picked up the wine bottle, his hands tremblingly poured into his glass, and swayed a lot on the table.

"She was right, she should have seen me clearly. When I was in fourth grade, I tried to pull her and make her the same person as me. It's not enough for me to be depraved, and I want to jump in with her. That abyss."

"Knowing that when Lily married Potter, I really hated him, and a little bit of her. She knew exactly what the Blakes did to me at school. Hate her not too much, not at all. There is no nostalgia for our previous relationship, hate her even if I don't choose me, I shouldn't choose such a bastard."

"I told them I had forgotten about Lily when I was there, and I said there were more women in the world than her. But I was actually thinking about how to catch Potter. , arrest him, and torture him a thousand times the way he tortured me. A kind-hearted person like Lily will definitely open his mouth to intercede for him, as long as she speaks... As long as she speaks, I can be generous let him go..."

Snape was already drunk after drinking twice the level of strong alcohol. The alcohol numbed his nerves, but made the feelings he had been hiding in his heart even stronger.

The facial features on his face were twisted. He had never shown such a sad expression at Hogwarts. Tears flowed from his eyes again, and he held his head and wept bitterly.

"Because...because I still love her! I can't forget her...I love her..."

Sherlock stared at Snape, thinking that when he first came to Hogwarts, the first time he saw him recalling those movie commentaries in his previous life, did he judge whether he was a good person or a bad person.

Now he might be able to see a little more clearly.

If Lily didn't exist in the first place, or even in the end if Lily didn't die, Snape would be a complete villain.

He's been hanging out with pure-blood-minded students since he's been in Slytherin, he's studied dark magic in fourth grade, and he's been with Lucius Malfoy who's gone as a Death Eater after graduation. , keep in touch.

Lily saw him clearly, and finally because of the fuse of "Mudblood", she made her give up on Snape completely, knowing that if she continued to be with people like Snape, there would be absolutely no good results.

After that, Snape was indeed degenerate. After graduation, he joined the Death Eaters immediately, and was branded with the imprint of the black devil.

Being able to be quickly accepted in such an organization, and making extremist terrorists like Voldemort his own, he can imagine what he did during his time as a Death Eater.

If things went on like this, Snape might become Lucius Malfoy in the future, maybe even more loyal to Voldemort than Malfoy.

But people are complicated. With the appearance of the savior's prophecy, Lily's death has become an important node in Snape's fate change.

Snape's love for Lily never changed, but Sherlock still couldn't understand why he loved Lily so much. Showing such a bad attitude.

Really just because Harry's last name is Potter?

Really just because he's a Gryffindor?

Seeing Snape looking drunk now, Sherlock tried to see if he could come up with an answer.

"Why are you being so **** Harry if you love her so much? Just because he's James' son?"

Snape held the bottle and buried his entire face in his elbow, he choked.

"Dumbledore and I had a pact... He said that the man had just lost his power and would come back... When he came back, Harry would be his main target. …I have to show my hatred of Harry, only then, when that person comes back...I can continue to gain his trust, lurking around him..."

"He's Lily's child...I don't want him to be in danger...Lily died for him...so I have to protect him...protect Well he... can't let Lily down on me again..."

His voice became lower and lower, until finally he stopped talking at all and fell asleep on the table.

Snape's alcohol intake was very poor, and after two drinks, he was already drunk and unconscious.

Sherlock drank the wine in his glass silently after listening to his story, and now he finally understood why Snape treated Harry so badly. Dumbledore knew it in his heart, and he didn't do it. Intervene more.

It turned out that they had already arranged that when Voldemort made a comeback, Snape would become a senior spy inside the Death Eaters to steal information from Dumbledore.

Looking at Snape lying on the table, Sherlock's eyes were a bit complicated, because Snape's behavior was very complicated, but his purpose was very pure.

He finally sighed and called the bar owner over to help carry Snape to a guest room on the second floor.

Sherlock himself stayed on the first floor for a while, as if planning something, and it was nearly three o'clock in the morning when he returned to his room to rest.

The night passed, and at ten o'clock the next morning, when Snape came down from the second floor of the bar, Sherlock was sitting by the window on the first floor eating bread.

"Would you like to have some too? Let's order another glass of hot milk. You drank a lot last night."

Snape made it across from him, and Sherlock asked for breakfast for him.

"What did I say to you last night?"

Snape's face was as gloomy and numb as when he was at Hogwarts, his eyes were empty, like an emotionless body.

Sherlock said calmly.

"It's just talking about your past. I didn't say anything. Let's have something to eat first."

The two ate breakfast silently, and neither of them took the initiative to speak.

Sherlock didn't look at Snape until he finished eating, and asked with a serious expression.

"So what are your thoughts now?"

Snape looked deeply at the big chimney outside the window that was emitting black smoke into the sky, and he said softly.

"She won't forgive me, but I want to save her."

Sherlock seemed to have long expected that he would say such a thing, no surprise, just continued to ask.

"Then what? Do you have a plan? How do you want to save it? In what way?"

Snape was silent, and his meeting with Lily last night was enough to prove that Lily would not believe a word he said or listen to him do anything.

He can take her away by force, then what? Then what to do?

In order to keep her by his side, give her a love potion?

Snape couldn't do such a disgusting thing, he loved Lily as a person, not her body, if he really wanted to, he could have done it when he was at Hogwarts matter.

What if you don't do this?

Defeat Voldemort in this world?

It would also keep Lily's life in danger, but if Voldemort was so easy to defeat, could he still be called the Dark Lord of the wizarding world?

Sherlock also saw Snape's daze, knowing that he had no clue about saving Lily now, so he tapped the table with his knuckles, drawing Snape's attention.

"Can I help you?"

Snape stared at Sherlock.

"What do you mean?"

"Let's make a simple agreement." Sherlock and Snape looked at each other. "It's 77 years, and there are still three years before the savior's prophecy will appear. I only need two years. If there is no way to return to the correct time line, then I will do my best to help you change the original history and let Lily survive."

Snape looked at the locket still around Sherlock's neck, and knew it was the thing that brought them back here.

"Time can only be reversed, and there has never been a converter that can go to the future. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com"

Sherlock looked out the window, this city full of gray was depressing just looking at it.

"I know that the probability of being able to go back is very low, basically equal to zero. But there are some things, you always have to try, just like you know that the possibility of trying to save Lily is basically zero, but you also Wouldn't it be the same if you wanted to try it?"

Snape fell silent. He seemed to be thinking about Sherlock's words, and he didn't know what else he could do other than promise him.

Sherlock didn't urge him, just looked at the gloomy sky quietly, waiting for Snape's reply.

After a long time, Snape spoke slowly.

"What are you going to do in the past two years?"

Sherlock knew that he had already agreed to this, and he stood up from his chair.

"There are no other plans for the time being, but we should find a place to settle now."

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