Just a Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor

Chapter 143: sad hermione

After the Christmas holidays, Hogwarts has maintained a stable routine.

While Black's danger remains, this year is far less disturbing than last year.

At least everyone knows that he is a murderer wizard, and more than half of the students know that his biggest goal has always been Harry Potter.

The clear murderer is obviously much more reassuring than the unknown basilisk in the previous secret room.

Harry's study of the Patronus Charm here at Sherlock is also proceeding in an orderly manner.

His defensive magic talent is indeed very high. Sherlock was right before. After experiencing the high pressure of the Dementors, he released the prototype of the Patronus.

Almost every spell after Harry can reach this level, but it still takes a major breakthrough to truly summon the Patronus.

This is not a matter of rushing to solve the problem, and that dementor will be completely useless after that.

After Sherlock used it to experiment with the application of the Oblivion Charm in the incorporeal body, he finally kept his promise and released it to nature and returned to the queue of dementors outside.

Sherlock's simple and weak thoughts were so tormented by Sherlock that when he went back, he could only be a carefree Dementor who only wanted to **** emotions, and he could no longer recall the almost hellish life of these few months.

By the end of February, Harry had asked Sherlock to take two weeks off.

The Quidditch match between them and Ravenclaw, which is about this year's Academy Cup, is about to come, and he has to focus most of his energy on field practice to win the game for Gryffindor.

It's naturally good for a young man to have some hobbies. Sherlock didn't want him to devote all his energy to studying magic, so he was granted a two-week vacation.

Sherlock didn't have time to watch the Quidditch match that followed. As the end of the term approached, not only did the students have a heavy workload, but Sherlock's workload also increased day by day.

Every week, he has to mark more than 200 test papers, prepare the lesson plans for the test papers on these papers, and prepare the content of the practical lessons.

Sherlock was still very busy even though Lupin helped him share the lessons from grades one to four, and he didn't have any interest in Quidditch, so he didn't go to watch the game.

But after the game, he still knew the result.

Harry rode his "Firebolt" broom, which had been checked out by Professor McGonagall, and took the Gryffindor team to victory.

In the middle of the game, Malfoy's Slytherin team members pretended to be dementors to scare him in order to interfere with Harry, but instead of scaring Harry, they were guarded by Harry's incomplete shot. The curse was frightened.

For this reason, Professor McGonagall was as angry as a furious lioness.

She deducted fifty points from Slytherin in front of Snape, and was going to report it to Dumbledore.

The whole of Gryffindor House was filled with joy on the winning day.

Although Sherlock didn't have much of a cold for Quidditch, the youthful vigor among the students still put him in a good mood.

On the afternoon of the end of the game, Sherlock had just returned from the library. He was holding a pile of written materials and was about to go back to the office to put them down. When he was going to the cafeteria to eat, he inadvertently heard a small voice in an empty classroom. weeping.

He stopped and listened carefully to the movement in the classroom, and could tell that it was the voice of a girl.

Sherlock hesitated for a moment, but finally he gently pushed open the door of that classroom and walked in.

There was a girl inside, sobbing softly, while holding a quill and writing her homework on the parchment quickly. There were books that were two feet tall beside her, as if there were a lot of books that had not been read yet.

When Hermione heard the movement, she wiped her tears and looked towards the door in a panic. Sherlock also saw Hermione with red eyes.

"Professor Forrest." Hermione snorted and shouted.

When Sherlock saw that the person crying secretly here was actually Hermione, he was very surprised.

However, he didn't show his doubts for the first time, instead he pulled out a chair and sat down beside Hermione.

"Hiding in a classroom and crying secretly is not like what Miss Granger I know would do."

Hermione put down the quill in her hand. She seemed very aggrieved, and she held back her strength and didn't want to show it in front of Sherlock.

Sherlock took out his pocket, took out a box of Bibi Duo Beans and put it on the desk.

"How about some candy? I stole these from Dumbledore's office. Before I left, I asked the portraits on the wall to help me not to tell the truth. Unfortunately, Dumbledore just came back from outside and caught me, okay. In these candies he still let me bring them out."

Hermione was amused by Sherlock's embarrassing story, she took out a tissue and blew her nose.

"You must be lying to my professor."

Sherlock shrugged, noncommittal, he squeezed a multi-flavored bean and put it into his mouth.

"So can you tell me how you want to hide here alone and be sad? Why don't you go back to the lounge to celebrate with them?"

Hermione's face became aggrieved again, but this time she didn't pretend, but said sadly.

"They won't care about me anymore, our friendship is over."

With someone to talk to, Hermione told Sherlock all her grievances these days.

"Harry got the Firebolt at Christmas, it wasn't signed, but Ron and he were both fascinated by the broom's surface. At a time like this, it was probably sent by Blake to kill him. Lucky! I told my worries, but they blamed me for being cranky, and I had to tell Professor McGonagall about it myself."

"Professor McGonagall took Harry's broom and took it apart for a full inspection. They broke with me because of that. Ron said I was a troublemaker, and Harry was angry with me."

"It wasn't until the day before yesterday when Professor McGonagall made sure the broom was fine and gave it back to Harry and he was happy when he got it. I was happy for them too, but Ron was still angry and Harry wanted to take this opportunity Let me get along with him, but, but..."

Speaking of this, Hermione couldn't help crying again. Sherlock didn't interrupt her, but handed over a tissue at the right time.

Hermione continued as she took the tissue and wiped away her tears.

"But Ron's pet Scabbers is missing again! There's a puddle of blood on his bed, and Crookshanks' cat hair, he says Crookshanks ate Scabbers!"

"It's all my fault!...they put it all on me...I know there's been something wrong with Crookshanks since he came to school...it If you don't listen to me, you still want to catch Banban... but you can't blame me for everything..."

Hermione's voice became choked up.

"I don't have time to explain to them... I still have a lot of homework to do... They just ignore me, and I don't have time for them..."

After Sherlock listened to Hermione's remarks, she also understood that it was nothing more than a common conflict between the three children.

But he did not take these minor contradictions lightly.

Sherlock is a teacher at Hogwarts, and the teacher's responsibility is not only in teaching, but in the face of students' confusion and troubles about their own friendship and life, he is naturally obliged to help them face the unexpected difficulties in life. these questions.

"Running doesn't solve the problem, Miss Granger."

Hermione stubbornly said, "I didn't run away...I really have a lot of things to do...I don't have time to worry about those things with them!"

"But you know you're not at fault, or even if you were, Crookshanks really ate Scabbers, shouldn't they just treat you like that?"

Hermione pulled her face. Although she didn't answer Sherlock's question, she obviously felt that it was.

Seeing her performance, Sherlock laughed.

"Actually, I also think you're right by what you're telling me. A stranger gave Harry a broom, and it was really risky when Blake was on the loose. Tell the professor and let the professor figure it out. It's the safest way, and you're absolutely right about that. Even if it turns out that there's nothing wrong with the broom, there's no reason for Harry and Ron to be mad at you."

Hermione grumbled.

"It was originally."

"But you shouldn't run away from the disappearance of Ron's pet, Hermione."

"They all depend on me..." Hermione wanted to explain.

"Crookshanks is your pet, of course you, as the owner, are responsible for what it does," Sherlock said seriously, "If you think Scabbers' disappearance has nothing to do with Crookshanks, then explain to them. Clear, then go find Scabbers with Harry Ron, instead of hiding here alone and sad."

"Don't let the grievances of the last incident affect you, Hermione, Harry, they should apologize to you for the broom thing. If the disappearance of Scabbers is related to Crookshanks, you should also apologize to Ron."

Hermione fell silent.

Sherlock gave her time to think, then pushed the box of multi-flavored beans in front of her, blinked and said.

"Life is like this box of Bibi Duo flavored beans, everyone has a different flavor experience and story, the one we eat now may be bad pepper flavor, but when you eat strawberry flavor the next one, you I don’t think it’s not sweet because of the peppery taste of the last one, just like after a misunderstanding, you can’t cover up your later mistakes because of the previous misunderstanding.”

Sherlock pinched a pink multi-flavored bean for her, Hermione took it silently, and stuffed it into her mouth. It happened to be a sweet strawberry flavor.

Looking at her appearance, Sherlock stood up from his seat.

"So find a chance to explain it to Harry Ron and the others, and don't let yourself be so tired, knowledge is endless."

Hermione seemed to be feeling a lot better than before.

"When I'm done with my work, I'll go find them."

"To Come."

"Thank you, Professor."

After Sherlock's comfort, Hermione felt a little better. She looked at the homework that seemed to never be finished, and put them away temporarily.

Returning to the Gryffindor common room, sure enough, all the Gryffindor students were celebrating, and Fred and George somehow bought a bunch of candy from the Honey Duke Candy Store.

Hermione was holding a thick stack of books, avoiding the crowd, and Harry happened to notice her at this time.

"Have you never been to the game?" Harry took the initiative to ask her.

"Of course I've been," Hermione said, her voice muffled and hesitant, "I'm glad we won, I think you did a great job, but I have to read this before Monday. Book."

"Come on, Hermione, come and eat something." Harry said while looking at Ron, wondering if Ron was in a good mood enough to make peace with Hermione.

"I can't, Harry, I've got four hundred and twenty-two pages to read!" said Hermione, her voice sounding a little low.

"Besides," she also looked towards Ron, "he wouldn't want me to participate."

This is obvious, because Ron deliberately picked the moment and said loudly: "If Scabbers hadn't been eaten, he could have eaten a few of these Fudge flies, which he always liked..."

Hermione cried again, and she was no longer in the mood to take the initiative to apologize after listening to Sherlock's words.

Before Harry could say or do anything, she hugged the books, sobbed and ran to the stairs leading to the girls' dormitory and disappeared.

Harry sighed, and he had no way to mediate the conflict between his two friends.

Ron valued Scabbers very much, and it seemed that Hermione would not take the initiative to apologize, and he had no idea now.

However, things didn't end here tonight.

The entire Gryffindor students had a happy day, but in the middle of the night, Harry was suddenly awakened by Ron's loud scream.

Ron woke up in the middle of the night and saw Blake standing in front of his bed!

When Harry was woken up, he heard the sound of the door slamming loudly. They rushed out of the dormitory and ran downstairs at full speed, waking up the whole lounge.

Just as the Gryffindor students gathered in the common room, Professor McGonagall also heard the movement and walked in with a furious expression.

"Gryffindor won the game, I'm very happy, but you are so ridiculous now!"

Harry and Ron explained what happened to her, but Professor McGonagall didn't believe it, because the portrait of Sir Cadogan at the entrance showed no signs of damage.

It wasn't until they questioned Sir Cadogan that they knew that Black had read out the correct password in the Gryffindor lounge for a whole week from a note, and he had let him in.

And recently, Neville just lost the passphrase he wrote down.

That night, the entire castle was searched again, and Sherlock was called up by Professor Flitwick in the middle of the night to search the area near the library.

This was still a fruitless search, and no one found Blake's figure. He seemed to know the castle very well and knew where to escape.

After tonight, the management in the castle has become stricter.

Temporarily guarding the portrait of the entrance to the Gryffindor lounge - Sir Cadogan was fired, and after the Fat Lady was repaired, she returned to her post, and this time she had several more frames holding The stick dwarf, patrolling to protect her.

Neville was also punished. Professor McGonagall ordered him not to go to Hogsmeade village again after this semester, and forbid anyone to give him the password to enter the tower.

Poor Neville had to wait in the common room every night to see who could take him in.

Apart from increasing the security in the castle, Blake's attack did not affect the other lives of the students.

In the middle, Hagrid also specifically approached Harry and Ron, and told them that Hermione was very sad recently, but Ron was still angry about Scabbers, saying that unless Hermione threw her crazy cat, he would be willing accept her again.

Hagrid wanted to try his best to reconcile the conflict between them, but he was obviously unable to do so.

Sherlock didn't pay any more attention to this, even in the follow-up teaching of the Patronus Charm to Harry. He believed that in the end, Harry and the three would handle it by themselves.

Another half a month passed. During the few days of the full moon in March, Sherlock found Lupin in the office.

"How's it going? Are you sure it's a good day?" he asked, sitting across from Lupin.

Lupin said with a wry smile.

"you are serious?"

Sherlock shrugged.

"Of course I'm serious, or do you think I'm joking with you?"

"But even if there is a wolf poison potion, there is no way to ensure that I am safe."

Sherlock waved his hand and said.

"In a werewolf state, how many stun spells can you resist at most?"

Lupin pondered and said ~www.NovelMTL.com~ I haven't tried it, but according to previous records, there have been cases where a dozen Aurors used a stun spell to subdue a werewolf. "

"Just a dozen or so?" Sherlock said, "Then don't worry, even if you really go crazy, it won't hurt me."

For his insistence, Lupin had no more reason to refuse.

A few days ago, when Sherlock was having lunch with him in the auditorium, he proposed that he would like to observe some of the characteristics of a werewolf up close when he transforms on the next full moon night.

Lupin thought he was just talking casually, but he didn't expect Sherlock to be serious.

"If you really want to watch it, then come with me tonight." He said calmly, "Today is the day I transform."

While waiting bored in Lupin's office, Sherlock suddenly found a familiar old parchment on his desk.

He asked in surprise, "You took this from the Weasley twins?"

Lupin was also surprised by Sherlock's reaction.

"No, I got it from Harry, you... know this thing?"

Sherlock's face was weird, he didn't hide anything, he named the parchment.

"The Marauder's Map, I took this map from George and Fred at the beginning of school last year, and finally gave it back to them because they were doing well. I didn't expect it to fall into your hands again. inside."

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