Just a Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor

Chapter 141: Christmas

The fire in the office fireplace kept beating.

However, after Sherlock lifted the spell on the Dementor he had invited over and took down the sack, the gloomy coldness that permeated the whole room swept through the room.

A bone-chilling cold emanated from the Dementor, and its face, which was covered by the robes, then took in hope and happiness for Sherlock, who was close at hand.

This instinct belongs to them to eat, even if they are caught now.

Sherlock didn't care about it. Compared with the straw man in the Goblin Command, the despair spread by the Dementors was nothing to worry about.

He waved his wand and tightened the silver thread that bound the dementor again.

It can be clearly seen that the dementors are very painful, and the things released by the Patronus Charm are the natural enemies of these monsters.

Although the original owner was not proficient in the Patronus Charm, during his research in Azkaban, he specially used the Patronus Charm without a specific representation to conduct experiments on dementors.

What Dementors like most, and the most necessary food for survival, is the positive emotions of human beings.

They **** the positive emotions of humans, and at the same time have to get the feedback of fearful emotions.

That is to say, the dementors are not just simply sucking hope and happiness. After sucking these emotions away, the person who is sucked will show fear and despair to satisfy them.

The reason why the Patronus Charm is the nemesis of Dementors is because those silver threads of light only contain positive emotions of hope and happiness, and the summoned Patronus is a semi-physical creature condensed from positive emotions.

The Patronus will only have positive emotions, but will not produce despair, so the Dementor has no way to do any harm to it, and will be expelled by this strong positive emotion.

But it's just expulsion.

As the most evil creature in the world, Dementors cannot be destroyed.

Since the discovery of this monster, there has never been a case of a dementor's death.

Even the most powerful Patronus Charm can only drive them away or reduce their power, but there is no way to really destroy them.

Of course, these are the experiences summed up by the predecessors. Sherlock intends to try it himself today to see if it is accurate.

He aimed at the dementor and summoned the patron saint, and the silver bird fluttered its wings and hovered above the dementor.

The Dementor clearly showed a restless mood. It seemed to be escaping from here, but it was tightly bound in place by silver threads, unable to move half a step at all.

Under Sherlock's control, the Raven Patronus finally fell on the Dementor's head.

The dementor seemed to be in extreme pain, and gray smoke was constantly coming out of it. In a few minutes, it became extremely weak and collapsed to the ground.

But there was no other performance after that. The Dementor fell softly to the ground, Sherlock's Patronus stood above its head, and the black gas gradually stopped coming out.

At best, Dementors act as if they have lost the vast majority of their powers with no sign of being killed.

Normal magic spells, even life-threatening spells, are ineffective against them. Physical attacks won't even touch these monsters. The only thing that can affect them is the Patronus spell.

But the Patronus Charm can't kill them, at most, it weakens their power and drives them away.

Having verified these things, Sherlock can basically understand why the Ministry of Magic finally cooperated with these creatures.

Dementors, which mainly depend on human emotions for food, must be the mortal enemy of human beings.

But this kind of creature has no way to be killed, and normal means can't cause any harm to them.

Magic like the Patronus Spell belongs to the highest level of difficulty in defensive spells, and there are very few wizards who can successfully summon the Patronus.

If hordes of Dementors are roaming around, the wizards simply don't have enough people to drive them out.

So the best way is just to gather them together and give them enough "food" to appease them, so that they don't make trouble in crowded places.

Build Azkaban into a wizard prison and send those guilty wizards in to feed the dementors, this is no way out.

The Dementor obviously doesn't care, what kind of identity it is in the eyes of the wizard.

As long as whoever provides them with enough food, then they listen to whoever, without any loyalty or credit at all.

Sherlock smacked his lips when he saw the dementor lying on the ground. At first, he thought that this kind of creature might be completely wiped out, but now it seems that he thought things too simply.

If the Patronus Charm is really lethal to dementors, then the ancient wizards would not let them stay until now, and they would have driven out these anti-human things long ago.

After hiding the frail dementor in the cabinet and blocking it with the silk thread of the Patronus Charm, Sherlock clapped his hands and went to the auditorium to help Professor Flitwick decorate tomorrow's Christmas decorations. went.

After this dementor is still useful, he can't let it go back for the time being.

On Christmas Day the next day, Sherlock woke up early and found a small pile of gifts on the head of his bed.

He stared at the gifts for a while, thinking about what he received last year, it seems that only half of the gifts in this pile are now piled up so high.

Of course, Sherlock sent a lot of gifts, unlike last year when he only sent Dumbledore a Christmas card.

However, the Christmas greetings on the gifts he gave were not written by him.

Because when he was preparing gifts a week ago, Harry happened to be in the office. When he saw Sherlock writing the names of blessings on the cards, Mrs. Weasley, Mr. Weasley, Dumbledore Lido, when McGonagall taught him, his face turned pale with fright.

Harry diligently told him that he could actually do it for him to write these blessings for him.

Sherlock naturally didn't agree to him at first, but seeing Harry's pleading appearance that he was about to cry, he finally gave in and let Harry write the greeting card on the gift instead of him.

When Harry wrote the greeting card on Sherlock's desk, he was extremely happy and proud in his heart.

He felt like a hero, saving Mr. Weasley who would have been in trouble at Christmas.

The first thing to wake up at Christmas is naturally the time to open the presents.

Professor McGonagall gave him some knitted hats, but this time they were pure black.

Mrs. Weasley sent him a pair of sweater pants, and Kingsley sent him a file of ancient defense magic, which looked very precious.

Others include a complete wand care kit from Fleur, France, and a brand new shorthand quill from Hilke.

To be honest, Sherlock was quite surprised to receive a gift from Shilk. He never thought that with Shilk's character, he would give gifts at Christmas.

So did Furong. He didn't expect that half a year had passed, and that little girl in France still remembered him.

The most important thing is that he actually did not prepare gifts for the two of them.

This made Sherlock, who was still accustomed to polite exchanges in his bones, a little embarrassed.

But Christmas has already begun, so naturally he has no way to make up for such a mistake, so he can only wait until the next Christmas to make up for it again.

After unpacking the gifts, Sherlock went to the auditorium for breakfast. He also helped Professor Flitwick to add some ribbons to the auditorium that was not arranged yesterday.

In the morning, he did not go back to the office, but chatted with Professor McGonagall about some teaching matters in the teachers' lounge.

The Christmas atmosphere in this year's castle is obviously much cooler than last year, because there are very few students staying in the school, and there are not twenty single professors who have settled in the school all the year round.

But the atmosphere at lunch was still lively. The joy of Christmas made Harry forget about Blake for a while, and this morning he received a new type of broom "Firebolt" as a Christmas gift from someone who didn't know who it was.

At the dining table, at Dumbledore's strong recommendation, Snape reluctantly opened a magic firecracker, and a large witch hat popped out and fell on his head.

He pulled his face and pushed the hat to Dumbledore, who immediately put it on his head happily.

There was obviously one less person at the table today~www.NovelMTL.com~ Lupin didn't come.

Divination professor Sybill Trelawney found out about it, and Dumbledore used the excuse that he was sick again to cover it up.

In fact, these few days happened to be the day when the full moon appeared in December. Lupin should have drank the wolf poison potion that Snape prepared for him, and went to a place to transform.

At the end of the Christmas banquet, Sherlock returned to his office to continue performing a series of magical experiments on the dementor.

When night fell over Hogwarts and the moonlight shone through the glass, he put the half-demented dementor he had tortured back into the cupboard, and then took out the hanging pendant around his neck. The locket is viewed in the moonlight.

I found that it seems to be a little newer than before.

The change in this locket is insignificant, but after so many days, it can be clearly found that it is somewhat different from when it first appeared on Sherlock.

Although the whole is still dark gold, the rust-like spots on the surface have disappeared, as if it has been refurbished.

Such a change is enough to confirm Dumbledore's words.

This locket is slowly repairing itself. What will happen when it is repaired is unknown.

Sherlock hoped that it would best be like Dumbledore said, when it can be opened, that is, when it can be taken off his neck.

Judging from its current self-healing speed, it is estimated that this day will not be long.

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