Just a Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor

Chapter 130: wooden door hanging with straw

Latest URL: Sherlock and Silk stopped together.

According to the pace of the two, they have walked about two kilometers in nearly half an hour.

And it will not be so far across the entire Hogsmeade, which means that their position on the ground is no longer in the area of ​​Hogsmeade.

Sherlock frowned and looked at the glowing wand in his hand. The range of light was only about five meters before, but now it has been shortened to two meters.

The visible range is getting shorter and shorter, and he's pretty sure it's not a problem with his spell.

After the lighting spell is used, its lumen is constant as long as the wizard himself does not interrupt it.

Therefore, there will never be a situation where the lighting spell is weakened inexplicably, it can only be a problem with the surrounding environment.

Shilk canceled the Lighting Charm on his wand, then placed the wand upright on the ground with the tip up.

"Show me the way."

She said softly, then let go of the hand holding the wand, and the wand fell straight ahead.

"We're heading south."

The front is still dark, as if it will never end.

Sherlock's mind was recalling the map on the ground.

In this area, Hogwarts is to the southeast of Hogsmeade, and the Hog's Head is just north of Hogsmeade.

They have been heading south now, and this distance must have gone out of Hogsmeade's range and entered Hogwarts' territory.

Whether their position above their heads is directly under the Quidditch pitch or the castle is unknown.

"We've reached the Hogwarts range." Sherlock touched his chin and looked around, "and there's something wrong with this secret passage."

Shilk picked up his wand again.

"This proves that we are not wrong, its destination is Hogwarts, and the more problematic it is here, the more it proves that it has been here, or is here now."

Her words made Sherlock subconsciously touch the cloth bag in his robe pocket, which was very thick, making him feel a little more at ease.

"Okay, I've come here, so can you tell me now, does the normal spell work on that thing?"

Shilk didn't cherish words like gold at this time, she said meticulously.

"Normal spells don't work on it, not even the Death Spell, it can't be killed, never will, but it's afraid of the Patronus Charm."

Sherlock raised an eyebrow.

"Sounds a bit like an enhanced Dementor."

"You can totally think so."

Sherlock moved his wrists and adjusted his robes.

"Don't be afraid if you have weaknesses. You may not believe it. The Patronus Charm happens to be my strength." He turned to look at Silk, "But you, with your face all day, can use this spell? "

Shilk ignored him, but waved his wand, making it light up again, and continued walking forward.

Sherlock shrugged and sighed in his heart. Sure enough, German wizards are so boring, and then quickly walked to her side and walked alongside her.

They walked on for about twenty minutes.

Not only was the darkness getting darker and darker, the lighting spell on their hands had been eroded and the visibility was less than one meter, and the surrounding temperature was getting lower and lower, as if it had entered winter.

Neither of them were delicate people, and the cold was tolerable, but the surrounding environment gradually became eerie.

All sounds seemed to have disappeared, except for their footsteps on the ground and the slight sound of breathing.

Even if it's underground, it's terrifyingly quiet.

"Let's chat." Sherlock couldn't help but opened his mouth as he walked.

Silk actually did not remain silent to answer or refuse.


"I know this kind of quietness may be accustomed to you. I feel that you can probably sit for a day when you usually do divination."

"No one gets used to it from the start."

"When did you first know that you have a talent for divination? I remember that this kind of talent can only be inherited."

Hearing Sherlock's question, Hilke paused, but she answered anyway.

"7-year old."

"You know you have a talent for divination before you go to a magic school? Did your ancestors have any masters of prophecy?"

"I never went to magic school."

Sherlock was surprised.

"You didn't go to school? I thought you graduated from Durmstrang, so where did you learn your magic?"

Shilk wrapped his black robe tightly: "My mother."

"Family-style magic education? That's really rare. I remember reading a document before, saying that after the establishment of Beauxbatons, the last of the three magic schools, there was no family-style magic education at all. , after all, in a family, he can't know everything."

When Sherlock talked about this topic, he thought of other things.

"Actually, the magic school has remained the same since its establishment for a thousand years, and there is no improvement in sight. The education of wizards is a little too focused on magic skills, and the guidance of ideas mainly depends on the family, and the students' concepts in the school are basically the same. It's like an unattended vine man, who has been growing up along the mainstream of the magic world, and there will inevitably be some cases of crookedness."

"You talk a lot."

For his tirade, Hilke responded in this way.

Sherlock shrugged.

"In this atmosphere, well, it seems to be a little more than usual."

The temperature seems to have dropped to a certain point, but after getting used to it, it will not feel particularly unbearable.

It's just getting darker and darker around.

The visible light of the Illuminating Spell has been compressed to less than half a meter, and when you stretch your arm, you can't see your fingers.

The voices of Sherlock and Silk chatting became lower and lower until they both fell silent.

Because they had reached the end and came to a door.

Together they put their wands in front of the door and saw that it was an unpretentious wooden door.

The door is empty, there is nothing, and it couldn't be simpler.

But Sherlock didn't reach out and push it, but tentatively used a lock-picking spell on it.

The wooden door did not respond.

Even if it is not locked, the normal door will open on its own under the influence of the Unlocking Charm. This door is obviously not as simple as it looks on the surface.

Sherlock turned his gaze to Shilk.

"In the news you got, is this door built by goblins?"

"No." The lower half of Shilk's exposed face was inexplicably pale, "They didn't tell me this."

Sherlock frowned, and he stretched out his wand, wanting to tap the tip of the façade to examine its peculiarity.

However, before he could just stretch out his hand, Shilk's voice suddenly rang.

"Don't touch it!"

Sherlock stopped his hand and looked at Shilk who stopped him. Her gaze, which was covered under the hood, looked directly above the door.

Her lips were bloodless, as if she had seen something unacceptable.

Sherlock followed her gaze, and at the very edge where the light could illuminate, on the stone wall above the wooden door, there was a withered yellow straw.

It was clearly hung on purpose.

He was tied by a rough hemp rope and hung down from the darkness where he could not see his fingers, hanging above the door.

That weird feeling is like someone is using hemp rope as fishing line, straw is the hook, and the bait that attracts the hook...is the wooden door in front of you!

Sherlock saw that Shilk's state was wrong, and he asked solemnly.

"What's up?"

"It knows someone will find this place." Silk's voice was still cold, but her tone seemed to be shaking slightly.

"All it deliberately dropped this thing and waited, waiting for us to find it here."

Sherlock looked at the straw hanging by the hemp rope. From the outside, it looked the same as the two straws they had picked up on the hill and in the backyard of the Pig's Head Bar. It was no different from ordinary.

But the straw is definitely not that simple.

"so what?"

"If you want to get in, you have to go through this door." Silk's tone became obviously confused, "It's easy to open it, all the magic spells have no effect, but you just need to push it with your hands. But when you push the door At that time, that person is going to experience what he fears the most, and if he can bear it, the door can be pushed open."

She didn't say what would happen if she couldn't take it, and Sherlock didn't ask.

Because the answer will be understood by everyone even if it is not said.

"Let's leave first. There must be more than one way to open this door. We can find other people for help."

Sherlock said calmly.

Shilk shook his head.

"Only this one, I have watched it for five years and know its methods. It is not strong, but no one in its domain can change its authority."

"Maybe it's not in the door at all. This door is just a bait. We can find other clues and try again."

Sherlock still didn't want to take the risk.

Whether it was him or Silk, he felt that there was no need to take risks.

But Hilke's idea is obviously different from his.

"You must hold me down for a while."

When she said this, she calmed down. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

Sherlock's brows tangled together.

"I don't think the risk is worth it."

"I didn't watch it, so I'm going to grab it back." Silk said softly.

She handed Sherlock her wand and walked to the door, taking a deep breath.

"If I'm going to do something self-injurious, hold me down. Also, no matter what happens, don't talk."

Sherlock held two wands in his hands, saw her stubbornness, was silent for a moment, and then nodded slowly.

"I know."

After hearing his affirmative answer, Shilk stretched out his pale slender hand and placed it on the facade.

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