Jujutsushi Wa Yuusha Ni Narenai

Chapter 5: Souma Yuuto

My name is Souma Yuuto. Just a normal highschooler you can find anywhere.

After the 3 day holiday, though I felt a little lazy, I opted to attend school, chatted about dumb things with buddies in the morning, and then spent the rest of the day in boring classes- or was supposed to.

Sigh, how'd this even happen…

I open my eyes to find, not the familiar classroom, but an ancient-looking stone room. No windows, it's like a cellar, and there're white panels on the ceiling that shone like a fluorescent light, brightening up every corner of the room.

This stone room has nothing that stands out. Like a temple hall.

With a school bag on my right hand, and a sword bag with a shinaipractice sword and bokutouwooden sword each, I'm here standing alone.[1]

"It's really, another world huh…"

With absolutely no warning, I, no all of us from Shiramine Academy class 2-7, were summoned to this world. It's pretty absurd, but I can't just avert my eyes from this situation where we've been transported to this totally unrealistic place.

Classroom suddenly sunk in darkness. The announcement from the mysterious man. Magic circle shining on the blackboard. If that was all, I could've still believed there was some sort of attraction or trick to it all, but before coming to this stone room the last thing I saw… The classroom run over in jet-black cracks, breaking apart into the abyss. If I see a scene like that, any normal common sense falls apart. I'm forced to believe that I'd been involved in the events of a world of magic.

Damn, this isn't a joke. Seriously, why'd this even.

"No, worrying won't help anyone."

Don't falter. Just, face forward and keep moving.

One of jii-san'sgranpa's teachings. Never thought that preachy-ass phrase would be useful at a time like this.

Right, first, calm down, then decide what to do. Though I say that, it's infinitely obvious what that is.

"Gotta find Sakura, my friends, everyone."

If that man can be believed, everyone must've been thrown into this dungeon. We may all be separated right now, but we'll definitely meet again.

In any whichever case, nothing's gonna start unless we proceed through the dungeon. There's no use staying in this empty, desolate room forever.

"Ah, right, there's that… magic formation and incantation, was it?"

A necessary power to capture the dungeon. That's how it was explained.

At that time I'd told everyone to get them down in our notebooks, but honestly, I thought it was pretty shady myself. Even so, I had a feeling it could be even a bit useful, and told my piece.

And now that I've been thrown into this dungeon, in this room, my feeling seems to have been right.

Still, will it really, will this magic circle and spell really work? And then, will it really be enough power to protect us? Actually, could it be that there's a huge catch- finding that out won't be after actually using them.

"…Alright, here we go."

My Campus notebook with the magic circle is already open, and the incantation is completely memorized.[2]

Now I just have to-


The sudden scream interrupts the magic ritual. There’s no helping it.

Because the high-pitch scream that reached my ears, I would, at least I would, never mistake it.

"Sakura, is that you."

That voice unmistakeably belonged to Sakura.

Sakura was different from Reina, and wouldn't raise a cry for just anything. She'd stand firm even when facing the punks from Kuro high, not to mention crying out would be out of the equation.[3]

That Sakura's actually screaming means she must be in fear and in pretty big danger.

I've got to go help.

Before I even made the decision, I'd already grabbed my sword bag and ran out.

"Sakura! Where are you!"

Having burst off running from the stone room, I arrive at a similarly stone-built dim passage. I must've ran around 50 meters55 yards. And then I came to a fork in the road.

"…This way"

I desperately recalled the scream, and estimated the apparent direction of the voice. Not calming myself in the slightest, I ran straight into the path I chose.


And she was, in fact, there.

Long black hair with a sailor uniform, it was exactly the familiar figure of my little sister. However, her face was pale with a fear I'd never seen in her before, white as if all the blood had been drawn out.


"Are you ok, Sakura!"

Having unthinkingly rushed to Sakura's side, I finally recognize the situation we're in.

First, this place is completely different form the stony area from before. It's an expansive domed space, thick in greenery like a botanical garden. I'd think I had actually wound up in a forest if I didn't see the white panels of light on the ceiling above.

And, as if it was the lord of this forest, that was standing there.

"What the hell is that… a bear?"

From its outline, there's no doubt it's a bear. To boot, standing on two legs, it far surpasses my height, rising to almost 4 meters13 feet tall.

In the past, jii-san had called it training, and taken me deep into the mountain where we encountered a wild bear… But this guy's so big, the one from before seems like a cub.

"Nii-san, this is definitely a monster."

She's trembling a little, but Sakura's words are very reasonable. It's obvious that this guy is completely different from an Earth bear.

As this bear was adorned in dulled steel, it was wearing armor.

In reality, it should be a shell. The spikes on the surface, and membrane covering the joints, reminded you of crabs or lobster. But looking at its girth and massive-ness, it's likely not something you could easily snap off with your hands. It wouldn't be strange for that to be like genuine steel armour.

"I'll distract it. And you-"

"No! Running away, leaving nii-san behind, I won’t do it!"

Sakura's arms cling to me extremely tight. As if saying, they'll absolutely never let go.

"You're so caring, Sakura, but… I can't accept that request."

I absolutely can't. I must protect my sister, protect Sakura.

"You can't win with this kind of monster, even if it's you nii-san!"

"It's okay. I probably can't win but, if you can somehow run-"

"Even if I run… if nii-san's not there, there's no meaning…"

Come on, why are you being this stubborn, Sakura. Regardless of this great crisis, I'm half amazed, and the other half, pretty happy.

"Don't worry. I don't feel like dying here either. I'll make sure both of us get out of this."


It could become a lie. I'm satisfied being able to put my life at risk to protect Sakura, but I have no intention pointlessly dying here.

In the first place, even if she gets away from here, Sakura's safety isn't guaranteed. From now on, we must proceed through this dungeon infested with monsters like that.

"Trust me. Sakura, and everyone else, we'll definitely make it back home."

With resolve, I take out the bokutou from the sword bag. The shinai along with the bag, I drop, they'll get in the way.

As if sensing my will to fight, the bear, who'd been keeping its distance and just watching, sluggishly dropped its forelegs onto the ground, and on that 4 legged posture, raised a sharp roar.

"Now, get away quick, Sakura!"

"… Okay. Sorry, nii-san."

Leaving me that in a practically crying voice, Sakura finally started running. I don't turn back to see her off.

"Kept you waiting, monster."

Garuru! With a growl truly suitable for a beast, the great bear glared at me with its two red eyes. The fight's already started.

It's not my first fight with literally no prospects of winning. Neither is it my first fight risking my life.

But, as for a fight with no hope of winning and with my life on the line, this'd be the first.

Scared. But I don't waver. I'd learned how to suppress my fear long ago.

Don't like it. But I won’t run away. I know without being taught that I have things to protect.

So, I'll fight. Even if it's a monster, I'll fight without fear.

"Fu, haa…"

I further calm myself with a deep breath. Focus the mind.

The weapon in my hands, a simple bokutou. Just the other day, I bought it brand new at the arms shop.

Its clean and sturdy, but lacks the power to kill. I could kill someone if I hit a them on the head at full power, but this bear covered in a full body armor-shell seems like it won't even take a scratch no matter where I hit.

Honestly, even a real katana likely won't do a thing to this guy. Well… jii-san might be able to cut through iron… but that aside, I'm not as strong as jii-san, the bokutou doesn't come into the equation.

So the actions I can take in this situation are naturally limited. In the end, I need to focus on and go for its weak points. In other words, the eyes.

Obviously, when doing kendo, eyes are forbidden. Other martial arts equally ban targeting eyes. So in normal cases, we don't practice thrusting at the eyes, nor are we made to.

But it wasn’t the case for me. Not that I wanted to, but certainly, jii-san did teach me eye-lunges.

I mean really, teaching a small kid such a dangerous forbidden technique, for a guardian, for a teacher, I think there's something wrong but… I'll honestly thank him because it gave me even the slightest chance to get past this crisis.

Gripping the bokutou with both hands, I bring it level with my shoulders. An amateur could tell I was aiming for a thrust, but for an animal, no, monster, it doesn't matter. There's no need to play mind games with it. Just strike with the smallest distance in the fastest time.

Finally, as the bear sloppily moved its thick legs aiming for the prey known as me- Now!


The fastest, and also most powerful swing in my whole life till now. It was that much of a satisfactory strike, I could boast with confidence.

As if being sucked in, the bokutou I accelerated at incredible speeds pierced the bear’s eye!


Just as I hear the piercing roar, I managed to pull away the sword for dear life.

That was close. The moment its eye was struck, the bear reflexively mowed its foreleg at me. If I was distracted being too happy about getting a hit in, that log-like arm with its spikes would've blown me away. Furthermore, if I was a moment late in drawing away the sword, the sharp knife-like nails on its paws would've torn me to shreds.


After that series of maneuvers, I was sweating hard, and heard my heart beating like a drum.

"Please, let it just leave now."

When we met that bear in the mountain forest, taking a hit from jii-san on it's snout, the bear disheartenedly withdrew. Jii-san always said, wild animals are surprisingly cowardly. They supposedly flee at the slightest smell of danger, so would another world's monsters too-

"Guoo, GAAAAaa!"

Even with its right eye crushed, the bear glared at me with its other eye as if it was my sworn enemy. Seems like monsters prioritize anger for their foe rather than safety.

"Shit, that wasn’t enough?"

Crushing both eyes. It's risky, but no other option.

Fortunately, the bokutou didn't break, neither had I let it go. I can certainly attack again.

In front of this raging, savage bear rushing at me, I again take my stance, aiming for the eye.

Getting a hit last time was pretty much half coincidence.

It may sound obvious, but its eyes are small. If I were to target them, I'd need incredible control. I'm pretty confident in my swordplay, but it's not like I can hit bull’s eye 100% of the time.

But right now, I have to act fast. The bear's already close. It'll get into my range in another step. I don't have any time, place, or leeway to waver.


My sword splits the air with great vigor. Similar to, no, I understood that it was with a speed greater than last time.

And then, aiming for that approaching bear, that fierce burning crimson left eye, the blade strikes. True in it's aim, for the second time, my blade pierces-

"- Guu!?"

No way, it blocked!?

Just, how… the answer, I'd already just seen.

I definitely saw the bokutou's tip precisely hit the remaining left eye. But at the critical moment, it closed its eye.

Yes, same as it's body, its steel shelled eyelids.

Faced with eyelids of steel, the simple bokutou lost all piercing potential, and was tragically deflected.

Then, my body becoming completely immobile from my attack returned by this unexpected defense, I showed a fatal gap.


Following which, an intense shock ran throughout my whole body.

I suddenly recall, I think it was last year, when I was attacked by some punks from Kuro high on their bikes. At that time, one of them was so mad, he really tried to crush me under his tires.

Back then, just as I was run over, I swerved away enough, and though it looked like I was blown away, there wasn't much damage. I even had the strength to finish off that punk who'd fallen over.

"Gu, uu, aaa…"

But at present, I didn't have the leeway of time I had then. The spiky shell practically made its whole body a weapon. Also, if you look at its size, it's clearly much heavier than that bike. No way I'll be ok. It's a miracle I'm still alive.

With my somewhat disordered head, and blurry vision, I somehow or other, raise my face to look forward.

It seems, I am lying face down. There's not much pain fortunately. But, I may have been paralyzed.

"God, damn… it, gonna end… like this…"

The inescapable feeling of ‘Death'.

I don't have any strength left to fight. Oh yeah, the bokutou's also gone off somewhere. Though, even with a sword, I couldn't stand up at all in this state.

Ah, it's over. When it blocked its other eye, my chances of victory were completely gone.

I, lost. And naturally, I know the end waiting for those losing to monster's like that. As according to survival of the fittest, I'd be devoured.


However, after a glance, the bear turned away from me as if losing interest. No, that's not it, it didn't merely look away.

That's right, it was staring towards the direction Sakura had run off. That is, it turned towards the stone pathway I'd first come from.

"W, ait…"

Sakura's in danger.

If you think about it, the bear's thought process is very reasonable. Me who's practically dead, it can leave behind without worry. It could come back after finishing off Sakura, and I'd still be here.

"Wait a sec…"

Raising my voice as if squeezing it out, the inside of my mouth fills with the taste of blood.

Though I throw desperate pleas at it, a monster who doesn't understand human words would never stop. Lumbering away with its steel body, the bear continues the hunt with nothing in its way.

Its right eye's been crushed, but the left one's ok. At the very least, it won't have any trouble chasing after and catching Sakura.

Then, no matter how much more experienced in martial arts Sakura is from ordinary girls, unarmed, she naturally won't be able to handle this bear. In the event that she's caught, there's zero possibility of being saved.


Will I die? I, and then Sakura too. Will I, without having protected Sakura, die?

"I will…protect…"

That's right, I'll protect Sakura. I must protect her no matter what.

Because I'm the brother. I'll protect my sister. Naturally.

Thus, I swore upon that very obvious premise. That I'd definitely protect Sakura.


I remember it. That determination, even after 10 years, hasn't faded a bit. The hot, sweltering emotions in my heart, move my body.[5]

"U, o, o… Oo"

Slowly, I put my right hand, left hand, onto the ground. I feel the texture of the earth on my palms. Alright, nerves aren't fried yet.

I can move. Then, I can stand.

"O OOOooh!"

Stand. Pushing my arms, slowly, with both legs. I, stand.

OK, I'm up. Now, let's do thi-

"Gu, ha…aa…"

That, was my limit.

Hot lumps rise from the pit of my stomach, and forcefully opening my throat, exits from my mouth. It was deep, red blood.

After which, ignoring every speck of my will, my body stops. As if, the fresh blood I spat out just now, was all the energy left in my body.

Never to take a step again. I sank onto the ground, only watching the bear's back getting farther and farther away.


Can’t even shout. I have no feeling in my limbs. This time really, I can't feel anything.

But, my emotions alone, won’t ever settle down.

Please, move. Move dammit. Just for a minute, no, even 30 seconds will do.

I can still catch it. I can still break its left eye, and Sakura will be saved.

So, come on. Just this last time, let me protect Sakura…


As I was sinking into the quagmire of despair, I suddenly heard a voice.[6]


No, it's not in my head. This voice, this mysterious voice… a woman’s voice with an exquisitely beautiful tone, was calling out to me.

"Arise, oh chosen Son of Light."

What was that? Light? Me?

"Presently, this world is again to be plunged into a sinister darkness."

I don't get it. Light and darkness, and the world, I don't get it at all.

"Cleanse that darkness, and pierce that evil."

Don't care. I just. Want to protect Sakura.

"Mayst thou bring light to this world and become – the ‘Hero'."

Just then, certainly, the world filled with light.


When I noticed, I was already standing.

The feeling is back in my limbs, no, actually, they feel much more powerful than usual. My body was in tip-top condition as if the desperation from just before was just some lie.

"Uohh, Wha- What is this!?"

Something's glowing. Something, or rather, it's my body that's glowing. Apparently, filling the world with light meant I myself would be lit up.

Looking more carefully, it isn't my body that's alit, but something like a white mist, no, an aura was being released like steam, and enveloping my whole body.

"Is this, the power of a ‘Hero'…"

That woman's voice I heard on the verge of death. It was like a decree from God herself.

Normally, I'd have ignored it as some auditory hallucination, but my body, which had critical injuries, had instantly been healed. Moreover, this brilliant white aura was clearly a manifestation of some supernatural power.

"God, huh."

Speaking of which, that incantation did say something about borrowing the powers of God. Perhaps, in this other world, something like God really does exist, and can save people.

"No, more importantly-"

Right, I can't waste time thinking this and that.

If I can have power, I don't care if it's from God, or some random coincidence. I'll gladly make good use of it.

Yes, with this power I can-

"Protect Sakura!"

The legs I bolted off from were surprisingly light. My body swiftly advanced, or rather, it felt like I was moving as if falling from a cliff. Though I say that, much unlike when falling, I also felt like I had absolute control over every part of my body.

Right now, I've become unbelievably strong.

I can clearly tell, probably because, I was already able to grasp the level of my strength. You can't tell your limits with just club activities at school, but I, having high risk matches with jii-san every day, had begun to see it.

So I know. Right now I've reached heights I could never, no, not just me, I've reached heights mankind can't ever hope to.


Moving with an inexhaustible supply of power exuding from my body, I catch up to the bear in no time at all.

Were it by hearing my cry, or by some instinct understanding that some power appeared that could even blow away itself, the bear's reaction was quick. It swiftly turned its head, bracing that large body with unbelievable agility.

Before I noticed, it'd already stood its 4 meter body on two legs, and gotten into a stance to smash me with its steel arms.

It wouldn't be an attack that I, not even the bokutou at hand, could do anything about. No dodging, no preventing, and I certainly wasn't in a spot to counter it.

But right now, strangely, I didn't feel like losing. I'll win, definitely.

With utmost confidence, I raise up my arms. As if I was holding an actual sword- nay, at this time, there was certainly a ‘sword' in my grasp.

"‘Cross Calib'Sacred sword of Lightuuuuuuuuuuuuur"[7]

A gushing white flash. From the eye of this storm of blinding light, I could clearly see the scene in front of me.

It was a sword of light. In my hands, was a brilliant sword of white light.

This sword I swung down with great strength, easily cut down the giant steel body.

Just like the hero anime I used to watch as a kid, the divine light was overwhelming and made quick work of the terrible monster.

The steel shell, cut away as if it was just for show, I cut through the insides of its huge body like water. But, there in fact was the resistance of it being cut.

The sword of light I'd swung, thus cut the bear monster in two.

"…Go o."

Eyes wide open, the bear leaves that slight death throe and then- that large body disappears.

From hear to tail, it wasn't gushing out blood and entrails, but was being enveloped in pure white light. After that, the light instantly covered up the swaying corpse, and before the body hit the ground, it all burst into particles of light.


As I was dumbfoundedly staring at this strange body disappearance phenomenon, the light particles suddenly rushed towards me as if being sucked in.

I shout on reflex, and move my arms to drive them away- Ah, seems like, the light sword's already gone. While I was thinking such, my useless resistance came to an end.

As of now, the light particles have all neatly disappeared as if absorbed into my body.

"Wh-what was that…"

Anyway, there's no problem with my body. It wasn't even like the light was hot to the touch.

Or rather, now that I take a good look, my body's unscathed, and the enemy bear's also disappeared, the whole thing feels like some bad dream.

Man, that sure was something,– is what I'd think if I woke up right now in my own bed, but where I am hasn't changed, it's still the forested dome, and the tearing from when the bear tackled me still remains on my uniformgakuran. So there's no mistake that the battle from just now, did happen. I was critically injured, revived thanks to God's miracle, then used the sword of light to finish off the bear.

Yup, alright. I can't agree with most of it, but I do get that it's happened.

Now then, I don't have time to idle here. Now that the threat is gone, I need to find Sakura-


"Sakura!? Why're you-!"

As I turn towards that timid voice, right at the mouth of the stone passage, was the peeking face of my sister.

"Can't be, you came back to help me?"

"Yes, my ‘Vocation' was- Ah, nii-san!"

What a stupid thing to, or so I was about to get angry when, huh, what, my strength, it’s…

"Nii-san! Are you alright!"

"Oh, yeah… Sakura, I'm pretty much, ok…"

I feel like I blanked out for a bit. In fact, I have a gap in memory of when exactly I'd fallen to the ground, and raised up in Sakura's embrace like right now.

This is pretty serious. My body is assaulted with an exhaustion like when right after training in a scorching hot day. Being pretty much ok was just something like acting tough in the spur of the moment.

Nope, I'm gonna pass out.

"C'mon… don't cry, Sakura…"

Finally, wiping away the large drops of tears from those round eyes, I let go of my consciousness.

Ahh, when I wake up, please let me be back in the real world. Please, God. I didn't want to be the ‘Hero'. So please just get me back to my peaceful, everyday highschooler life-

Name. Souma Yuuto.[8]

Vocation. ‘Hero'.

Inherent Skills:

1st: ‘Cross Calibur'Sacred Sword of Light

2nd: —

3rd: —

Learned Skills:



‘High Walk'

Acquired Skills:

‘Force Boost'

‘Iron Guard'


I saw a dream where I was forced to memorize some things I don't really understand… I think.

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