Chapter 3: Chapter 3 - Relaxation
January 31, 2013, Thursday, 7:30 am JST, Nakameguro, Tokyo
In Tokyo City, clouds covered the skies, and the streets were covered in little patches of snow. Sunlight began to breach through the dispersed clouds, revealing the dazzling city.
At the training ground on top of the apartment building, Ichiro and Hiroki gasped and marveled at the mysterious occurrence of Miruko, her unknown ability to cause the lightbulb to shine.
Miruko stared at the glowing bulb, her brow furrowed in disbelief, "What is happening...? How is the tiny bulb lighting up?" Miruko asked, extremely confused by this abnormality.
And then Elric stepped forward, his expression steady and calm. "You are currently like a living battery. Your electric output is enough to power a lightbulb, but it is equivalent to static that gives off from metal," he clarified.
The teenagers were dumbfounded by their teacher's response. Hiroki and Ichiro's confused expressions morphed into outrage.
"How could you tell us and remain calm!?" Ichiro and Hiroki complained.
Miruko did not have time to complain, trying to process the details.
Confused by their response, Elric suddenly realized that the kids were unaware of the abnormal world. They did not know about supernatural phenomena and abilities. A wave of emotions washed over him as he considered their innocence. He thought about how much he had seen, the dangers that lurked just beyond their perception, and the weight of the knowledge he carried.
"Sorry, kids... I forgot that you don't know about the supernatural stuff," Elric said, facepalming.
Before the twins expressed their supernatural questions, Miruko butted in with a question, "First of all, why do I have these 'shocking' abilities? And how did I get them!?"
Elric answered with an awkward expression, "I don't know how you got your abilities, but you developed them after the explosion incident at the street market... Do you remember that?"
Miruko answered, "Yes... the explosive bracelet that nearly killed me and possibly everyone I knew in the market..."
Her sudden realization asked a question, "What a minute? Did I get these powers from the bracelet? I thought it was some piece of jewelry with explosives."
Elric's uncomfortable expression hinted that there was more to the story, "The bracelet was actually cursed, and I caused the explosion."
The teenagers stared at him in disbelief.
Elric quickly spoke to dispel the awkward silence, "Hey! I had to make the explosion; otherwise, I would have trouble with the authorities. They have no idea about this supernatural hocus pocus."
The teenagers exchanged glances, the gravity of the situation settling in.
Miruko spoke up, her voice laced with determination, "Alright, Sensei. We'll sort this out later, but as soon as possible. We have the finals coming up in a month."
Elric nodded, relief washing over his features. "I appreciate it... Hold on... did you say that your finals are coming in a month? I thought the finals should be occurring this month..."
However, the mood was short-lived as the teenagers' expressions changed. They realized something about high school.
Ichiro shifted uncomfortably, his face clouding over, "Oh no... That is right. The teacher that was watching over our classroom was found suddenly beaten to a pulp."
Hiroki chimed in, a hint of worry in his voice. "Exactly... Because the teacher was hospitalized for injuries, the finals were rescheduled to next month. The Meguro High School is slowly turning into hell with all the delinquents and bad reputation building up."
Miruko added, "All this chaos at our high school is impacting our studies and credits... Currently, the principal is looking for a substitute teacher to take over the problem classroom. However, finding a substitute amidst all this chaos is proving difficult."
Considering the situation, Elric asked Miruko, "Is the principal still hiring a substitute teacher? If so, I would like to accept the job."
The teenagers' grim expression changed upon hearing Elric's response. They debated with one another whether their sensei would accept the job, especially with all the violent delinquents at the high school.
Finally, they asked Elric about the situation at the school, "Why do you want to become our substitute teacher?"
Elric answered promptly, "My real job, which was supposed to start here in Shibuya, just emailed me that the building renovation has been extended to six months. I'm currently facing an income issue. Besides, becoming a high school substitute teacher would enhance my resume. Also, I graduated from Long Beach University in America and am proficient in Math and English."
He added with a final touch, "If I become your substitute teacher, I can do training sessions at the school gym. This way, time is saved and executed carefully."
The teenagers absorbed all this information and debated whether he was up to the task.
While the kids were debating, Elric thought, "If the crumbling situation at Meguro High School is related to the incident at the street market, I can't miss this opportunity. This loan shark situation must be addressed, or my peaceful 'normal' life will be filled with too many headaches."
After careful thought, the kids finally agreed: Elric-sensei will be the substitute teacher.
One of the teenagers asked Elric a question out of curiosity, "Speaking of which, how old are you exactly?"
"I am currently... twenty-two. I will turn twenty-three on September 24," he answered with an awkward tone and expression.
"Wow! You're that young...!" Miruko gasped.
Around 8:00 am, everyone rushed to high school, with Miruko promising to talk to the principal. The principal and her father were best friends. Elric went to his apartment to chill and work on his programming side projects.
After hours of side projects, Elric needed a break to clear his mind. He remembered that Ichiro and Hiroki mentioned a public bathhouse near the apartment. The place was known for its calming atmosphere and soothing waters. The thought of a hot soak during the winter and the chance to unwind was too tempting to resist.
Once he arrived, Elric was welcomed by the warm air and the gentle scent of essential oils. He approached the Bandai, a small booth where the attendant sits to greet customers, collect fees, and sometimes sell small bath necessities. The prices were slightly high due to how fancy the bathhouse was. There was a low fee option, but he chose the most expensive one to get the best experience.
As Elric walked through the bathhouse, the wooden interiors and soft lighting created a perfect relaxing environment. He slipped into the steaming water after a quick shower and felt the tension in his body melt away. After a while, he moved to a smaller bath, where he could soak in peace, letting his thoughts drift.
The door slammed open as the thought of peace settled in, revealing very intimidating individuals. They had tattoos and scars over their muscular physiques. They were yakuza. Their intimidating gazes spooked some of the guests. The locals were used to their presence. However, the yakuza group was eyeing the bath where Elric was situated.
A bit slim but nasty-looking, one of the yakuza approached with a cold, intimidating stare, "Hey, brat...! Move along... This bath is for our boss. Move it or get beaten..."
Elric replied with point accuracy, "Sorry, but I paid for the most expensive treatment for the greatest experience. There is no way I will give it to you grimy folks."
"What is this? You think you can get away with this... uuuhhh!?" the slim gangster responded with veins popping on his head.
The other yakuza approached to back up the slim gangster. They surrounded Elric as if they were ready to beat him up. However, everything changed when Elric rose from the hot water, revealing something that spooked even the most intimidating yakuza. His body was ridden with scars: sword cuts, claw and bite marks, bullet wounds, and even signs of replantation were seen. There were also marks of torture all over his body.
As the so-called tough yakuza stuttered and was awed by the scared young man, Elric's eyes turned red, and a hint of his black hair began to turn glowing red at the tip. The tough gangster began to fear him more as his blood lust increased. A fight was about to begin.
Suddenly, a loud voice spread throughout the bathhouse, "WAIT!!!"
Everyone, including the yakuza, was stunned by the loud voice. Elric looked at the door, revealing an old man in his sixties, accompanied by a couple more gangsters. The newly arrived gangsters seemed to be on the higher food chain. The young man was still cautious, unsure what would happen next.
"What are you idiots doing!?" the old man berated, "This is a bathhouse, and you are disturbing the other guests!"
Despite their intimidating stature, the old man's presence humbled the yakuza.
Pondering the situation, Elric asked the slim gangster, "Hey... Who is the old man?"
"What!? You don't know who he is... He is our boss, leader of Wasei Rengō (和誠連合), Matsunaga Takahiro!" the slim gangster answered, "The two guys behind him are his top bodyguards, Ryosuke and Kenta."
The slim gangster suddenly realized and criticized Elric, "Hey!!! Why am I telling you their names? You should leave the bath. That is reserved for our boss!"
Suddenly, a stick hit behind the criticizing gangster. He suddenly turned where Matsunaga stared at him with furious intention.
"Why are you bothering that lad!? He reserved that tub for himself. Speaking of which, I never said that the bath is reserved only for me...!" the old boss complained, "Besides, if he is in that tub, he must have paid a decent amount of cash to buy it!"
The boss ordered the yakuza to scatter around the bathhouse and enjoy the experience. Matsunaga approached Elric with a stared expression. Elric prepared himself as he was surrounded by the two more experienced bodyguards than the other gangsters.
Suddenly, Matsunaga's expression changed, and they bowed to Elric, "Sorry, young lad. My idiot boys are sometimes too compassionate for me! I hope you forgive them."
Elric's tension relaxed; his crimson eyes turned brown, and his black hair returned to normal. He bowed and thanked Matsunaga for handling his subordinates.
"It is alright," old Matsunaga said positively, "Speaking of which, can we share the big tub you are in? It wouldn't bother you, would it?"
After carefully thinking, Elric replied, "Sure, I wouldn't mind. Besides, there is plenty of space in the tub."
With the agreement settled, the yakuza boss and Elric enjoyed the spacious hot tub. The two bodyguards who were on standby enjoyed the hot tub experience. However, they were still on guard.
Yakuza boss asked Elric, "Now that we are in the big tub let's introduce ourselves. I am Takahiro Matsunaga, leader of Wasei Rengō.
Elric smiled as he settled into the bubbling water, enjoying the warm embrace of the hot tub.
Elric turned to Takahiro Matsunaga, ready to share a bit about himself, "Pleasure to meet you, Mr. Matsunaga. I'm Elric Ho, a software engineer focusing on front and back-end development. I transferred here to get a fresh start at the computer company. I am trying new things here after settling into an apartment near here.
After receiving the young man's introduction, Matsunaga's attitude changed when he realized he was talking to a "nerd."
"Tch... a computer nerd... how simple..." old boss grunted, "Why are you working as a computer nerd despite having that much injury on your body? I thought you were a mercenary for hire."
Elric's eyes widened in surprise, a flicker of discomfort passing across his face. His brow furrowed slightly, and he looked down for a moment as if wrestling with the memories of battles he would rather forget. The corners of his mouth tightened, revealing a reluctance to embrace the violent past surrounding his former life on the battlefield.
The old boss suddenly realized Elric's disturbed expression. He felt guilty that he might have opened old wounds. Out of curiosity, Matsunaga asked for the young man's age.
Elric replied with discomfort, "22."
Because of this revelation, the other yakuza began to bicker with each other. How did the young man procure that much injury, especially the signs of torture?
The bodyguard, Kenta, left the big tub and joined his yakuza subordinates in the conversation.
"Judging by that man's accent, he is an American," Kenta said. "Those scars are probably something he received when he was young."
The other yakuza were horrified that someone received those scars as a kid. They contemplated whether he was a child soldier, but considering that he was an American, he was trained harshly.
While yakuza were speculated, the old boss understood Elric's explanation. "Raised as a soldier when you were twelve years old after your parent's divorce... So you are trying to escape your nasty heritage from your old man, aren't you?"
"That seemed to be the sum of it," Elric concurred. "I received a lot of training, martial arts, survival, etc. Enough that it screwed my entire life. Now, I am trying to fix it."
"I guess your life is nothing compared to 25 years ago," the old man replied.
Curious enough, Elric asked Mr. Matsunaga what occurred 25 years ago.
Matsunaga replied, "First of all, remove the honorifics. Just call me Taka."
As the young man understood, the old man continued, "25 years ago, all the existing crime syndicates holed up in Hokkaido. This started the Hokkaido Crime Alliance. The alliance was strong enough that they pushed back the military. Out of options, higher-ups hired a foreign mercenary. Everyone thought Japan was done because they could only get one man as reinforcements. However, that mercenary went solo and took down the entire alliance within a day without using any weapons. He only used his bare hands. That mercenary declared, 'If you guys cause trouble again, I will take your ladies as my trophies.'"
That last sentence caused Elric to spit out the chilled sake he had in his mouth. As Elric coughed and regained his composure, he urged Taka to continue.
"Ever since that day, my reckless older brother, who was part of the alliance, was kicked out of my group. I was later installed as the head of the Wasei Rengō," Taka continued awkwardly, "The whole group went straight to avoid the wrath of that mercenary. I, too, went straight to protect my family. The laughing, grinning expression of that 'demon' terrifies me still."
As the old man turned to the young man, Elric was sweating bullets as if he realized something terrifying.
"Do you perhaps know the mercenary?" Taka asked.
Elric nodded awkwardly and leaned towards the old man's ear, "That mercenary..."
Taka's eyes widened in disbelief. Elric was related to that demon mercenary, a terror that shook most crime lords in Japan.
"Don't get me wrong. I am nothing like that smug bastard who ruined my entire life." Elric rebuked, trying to get on the old man's side.
Taka viewed young Elric not as a friend but as someone who could understand the fear and trauma left behind by that demon mercenary. His demonic laugh was etched in their minds.
As the other yakuza returned their gaze to the young man, Taka declared that Elric was a drinking buddy. Elric told the mercenary that he would foot the entire bill. The yakuza yelled in excitement. They received edible condiments and chilled sake. However, Ryosuke's remained calm and stoic, as if he didn't trust the young man.
As the enjoyment increased, Matsunaga suddenly felt depressed. Elric suddenly noticed the change in mood.
"Why do you feel depressed, Mr. Matsunaga?" Elric asked.
The old man's suspicious behavior rose, dragging Elric's ear closer, "Follow me to the steam room."
The bodyguard Kenta followed suit to the steam room as the yakuza subordinates were enjoying themselves.
As everyone was in the steam room, Taka asked silently, "Is it alright if you can marry my granddaughter?"
Elric's eyes widened, and even Kenta was dumbfounded by the old boss's question.
"What do you mean by that!?" Elric and Kenta panicked.
The old man grabbed Kenta and whispered about the young man's origins. Kenta took a defensive stance against Elric. However, Taka assured his bodyguard that he was someone they could trust. Kenta reluctantly restrained himself as Taka continued with his explanation.
"My granddaughter is the only child of my daughter, whom I care so much about. I am worried for her safety," Taka explained.
With a calm but concerned expression, Elric asked about the situation.
The old man continued, "My granddaughter Aoi went to high school, which was the best thing in my life. She became the class representative and was successful. However, the high school suddenly flipped upside down a few semesters ago. Lots of delinquents and petty crimes were committed. Aoi, who returned to school, was found with bruises on her wrists and left cheek. She became less chatty than she was before. She adopted a twin braid hairstyle to hide the bruises around her face."
Elric was disturbed by the situation of Taka's granddaughter. The sudden uprise of petty crimes, delinquents, and bullying.
Taka finally finished his explanation, "I was thinking of having my granddaughter quit high school and get her a good husband due to the sudden bad reputation of the high school."
Elric awkwardly replied, "I understand the situation, but I cannot help with your granddaughter."
Taking Elric's answer as a sign of disrespect, Kenta prepared to strike him. However, Taka stopped his bodyguard and asked Elric why he didn't want to take Aoi as his wife. Elric leaned to Taka and Kenta, whispering about the ordeal he had experienced during the past training.
The bodyguard and the boss were disgusted by the horrible training that Elric went through. The training cost Elric's experience with getting a girlfriend a scar in his life. Taka had no choice but to accept Elric's plight.
However, Elric asked the name of the high school.
Taka concernedly replied, "It is Nakameguro High School."
Elric's lightbulb dinged, and he said, "That is the high school I am going to as a substitute teacher."
Taka and Kenta were surprised and asked why Elric was attending Nakameguro High School.
Elric explained, "I transferred here to start a new life away from that 'demon.' I ended up in a situation where I saved a girl named Miruko."
Taka's expression changed as she asked, "Were you the one who saved her?"
Confused, Elric replied, "Do you know her?"
Taka responded, "Yes, I do. She is my goddaughter. However, her personality has suddenly become incorrigible. I have no idea what happened to her."
Surprised by this revelation, Elric continued, "I did save her. She was dealing with something that twisted her personality, which is probably why she seems incorrigible now. Right now, she is training with a few friends in calisthenics and martial arts."
"Oh! I see now... Miruko was a childhood friend of my granddaughter," Taka explained warmly, relief evident in his voice. "I am glad that she is safe."
Elric nodded, reflecting on his current circumstances. "My main job at a computer science company is on hiatus due to construction. Miruko promised me that she would refer me for the substitute position," he concluded, hopeful for the opportunity.
Recognizing the potential for change, Taka and Kenta exchanged glances, believing that Elric's presence as a substitute teacher could help uncover the troubling circumstances at the school. Elric offered reassurance to the elderly man, saying he would support his granddaughter in overcoming her trauma and work diligently to address the unsettling issues plaguing the high school.
With a thoughtful expression, Taka said, "I know the high school principal; we were childhood friends. I could help you secure that substitute position."
Feeling confident with the boss's recommendation, Elric asked, "Speaking of which, why did you bring me to the steam room?"
Moments later, one of the yakuza subordinates wondered why the boss, bodyguard, and young man took so long outside the steam room. As two of them approached, Kenta dragged the old man out, who was steamed alive by the heat, with Elric following behind. Kenta told everyone to prepare to leave the bathhouse.
At 8:30 pm, Refreshed and invigorated, Elric returned to his apartment, the lingering warmth of the bath still enveloping him. However, a shadow was looming over Elric.
The young man turned towards his back, "Hey! You can come out."
The shadow was revealed to be one of the yakuza bodyguards, Ryosuke.
Ryosuke remarked, "I thought I was hidden, but you knew I was following you."
Elric replied, "You were discreet, but it wasn't enough."
With a disturbed expression, Ryosuke asked, "Who are you? I can sense the 'curse energy' you are exuding."
Confused, Elric asked, "What do you mean by 'curse energy'? Are you referring to my 'essence'?"
Ryosuke was puzzled by his terminology and said, "I see. So that's what you foreigners refer to as curse energy. Right now, you are exuding it like a funeral pyre, broadcasting to everyone that you are a 'curse user.'"
Elric was trying to process the information about being a 'curse user,' comparing it to the concept of 'superhumans.' Suddenly, a shuriken dart flew toward his face as he attempted to gather more information. Acting instinctually, he tilted his head to the side, narrowly avoiding the dart that lodged into the light post behind him.
Ryosuke explained, "As a curse user and foreigner, you are currently a threat to Master Matsunaga. I'm not aware of what happened between you and the Master in the steam room, but I will test you to determine if you are indeed a threat and if you dare to face it."
Ryosuke took a fighting stance, armed with shuriken darts in both hands and emanating curse energy, demonstrating that he was serious about the confrontation. Elric finally grasped the bodyguard's intentions and responded by adopting his own fighting stance, surrounded by a crimson aura that made his eyes and hair turn red. Suddenly, everything went dark as the light posts flickered out. The sounds of clashing blades echoed through the darkness.
February 11, 2013, Monday, 8:15 am, Nakameguro High School
As the school bell rang, Nakameguro High School appeared to be a beautiful paradise. However, a sinister evil lurked in the darkest corners of the school. In one particular classroom, a dark aura filled the space, revealing the hungry red eyes of the students. Miruko and the Muto twins sat in the front seats while Aoi Matsunaga occupied the back corner beside the glass windows. At the class desk, the substitute teacher, Elric Ho, readjusted his glasses and announced, "Class roll call."