Chapter 12: Introduction of Magic
The day starts as usual.
Everyone had breakfast and went to do their own thing.
Blaine and Sebas go to the library again.
It wasn't for reading and writing.
It was for something else.
Something that Sebas had mentioned yesterday.
"Young Blaine, you remember what we studied yesterday, correct?" Sebas said as he took a book out of one of the bookshelves.
"Yes, sir! But… not so much…" Blaine responded. Disappointed in himself.
"Okay… so, do you remember what I said before we started your studies?" Sebas questioned him.
"No… sir… I'm sorry…" Blaine was disappointed once again.
"Well, Blaine, today, you are going to learn magic. Basic Magic." Sebas said with a smile.
"!!" Blaine was excited and had been anticipating such an event.
When Sebas mentioned it yesterday, Blaine was too tired to listen, and didn't pay any attention before Sebas started teaching.
But now, Blaine was all-ears, and had been listening to every single word, and when he heard he was going to learn magic, he almost jumped out of his seat. But he had to contain himself. He had to control his excitement. He couldn't let his emotions show.
"Magic, huh?" Blaine tired to hide his excitement.
I presume you don't know anything about magic?" Sebas questioned.
"Magic… is it like throwing fireballs…?" Blaine responded with a confused look.
"Well… yes… but, let me explain.
Magic is within us. Magic is around us. Magic is something we use to create something out of nothing.
Magic can be used in various ways.
Magic can be used in everyday life.
Magic can be used as a tool.
Magic can be used in a helpful way.
Magic can be used to help others.
Magic can be used to harm others.
Magic can be used to maintain peace.
And Magic can be used to bring about destruction.
But, Blaine, you must always remember to use your magic in a way that would insure that no harm would come to the innocent.
When using magic you must always be careful. Because if you may have meant it or not, you will unintentionally hurt someone who it very dear to you.
With all that said, let's begin." After giving a long explanation Sebas was ready to teach Blaine.
"uhh, yes, sir!" Blaine was shocked in how many different ways magic could be used. But, his focus was still on learning magic. None of Sebas' words meant anything to Blaine. In his mind, he was thinking about how he would be able to shoot fireballs from his hands.
He listened to Sebas, but, did not pay any attention to what he said.
He scoffed at Sebas' words, thinking that he would never do anything bad.
"Every living creature has magic within them. It is called Mana.
Well, when I said everyone has magic, that wasn't entirely true. What we have within us is 'Mana'. And what we create using our Mana is called 'Magic'.
This is your first time learning, so, of course, you will probably have some difficulties understanding it.
But, worry not, I am here for that entire reason. To teach you to the best of my abilities." Sebas softly laughed as he told Blaine.
"Yes, sir! I will do my best to learn!" Blaine responded with a serious expression.
"Now, let's begin. You may not be able to do it on your first try. But, never lose hope. You have to remember that hard work always pays off.
First, you will try to feel the mana inside you. Imagine it being an invisible energy flowing within you. And gather it in the palm of your hands.
Remember, no need to be nervous." Sebas gave another explanation.
But, this time Blaine listened, very carefully.
"Yes, sir!"
"Now give it a try." Sebas was feeling worried.
Blaine sat on the floor. And did exactly as Sevas told him to.
"Alright! Feel the invisible energy inside me! And for that I must focus! Focus!" Blaine thought to himself and closed his eyes. Sat on the floor and crossed his legs.
Blaine tried.
And failed.
He opened his eyes and looked at Sebas.
"Worry not, young Blaine. No one succeeds on their first try." Sebas assured Blaine with a soft smile.
Blaine closed his eyes again.
After a few seconds, he grunted, and tried again. But, nothing happened.
He didn't open his eyes, and tried again.
Suddenly, he felt a strange sensation. "Is this mana?" And without saying anything out loud, he tried again.
A bright golden glow started to cover his hands.
"?!" Sebas widened his eyes in shock.
Blaine kept on gathering mana and the golden glow on his hands got brighter.
"Th-this is…" Sebas' words couldn't leave his mouth.
Blaine continued and his entire body was covered in a golden glow.
As soon as that happened, unintentionally, and without knowing, Blaine started to levitate off the ground.
The bright glow covered the entire room.
"Alright! I can feel the mana inside me! Now I just have to focus and move the mana in my hands!" Blaine thought. His focus was unwavering.
The bright golden glow slowly dissipated from his body and formed on his hands.
Blaine opened his eyes and looked at his hands. Sweat was dripping down from his face. The look of accomplishment could not be described by words.
The look of nervousness he had before was overtaken by happiness.
"Marvelous… young Blaine! You did it!" Sebas would no longer hide his excitement, and that was out of character for him.
"Ahem… excuse me…" Sebas went back to his calm and unfazed personality.
Blaine looked at Sebas "I… I really did it!" He couldn't stop smiling.
"You did a great job, young Blaine." Sebas smiled back.
"Now, let's continue on." Sebas said with a smile.
"Yes!" Blaine closed his eyes and went back to feeling his mana to better his focus. To better his focus on controlling and circulating the mana inside him.