It’s No Use Calling Me Mom

Chapter 322

Chapter 325: I’M Not A Good Mom 15

Relatives are habitually trying to shirk their responsibilities – look, it’s not that I am incompetent, but that my grandma Cai Yuzhen’s inappropriate education has delayed me.

It’s all my grandma’s spoiling and ruining my life.

Innocents were killed.

Putting himself in the position of the victim, Gang Jun’er found an excuse to comfort himself, obtained peace of mind, and a cover for face, so he was more at ease. .

Gang Dian’er nested at home watching movies, watching dramas, playing online dating and playing games, and started a fulfilling college life in college. The first year of study was relatively easy, except for his professional courses and preparation for English In addition to the fourth and sixth grade exams, he also actively participated in the election and successfully entered the student union.

The price of it, understanding the methods of adults, and understanding that this world is not black and white, and that shadows are the companions of light, this aspect is fundamentally different from ordinary college students.

The freshmen who have just entered the university gate are all running wild in the free campus like wild dogs. What will they do after graduation is still a little far away for them now. It’s not too late to think about it. Most of the ignorant freshmen have already made their own five-year plans for the future when they are still in the waves.

“I have already passed the Level 4 exam. When I pass Level 6 next semester, the task of this academic year will be completed. In the second year, I can apply for another professional elective course. I will take law as an elective. The senior recommends the graduate student of this school, and then applies for the graduate student of Professor Li Mo.” He took out his mobile phone and let Wang Qingqing read the information of Qiandu Encyclopedia: “Professor Li is very powerful, he has participated in the revision of the criminal law three times, and the students he has brought There are several who work in the Supreme Court.”

Wang Qingqing carefully looked through the information on the mobile phone, and then instructed face to face: “Since you have a goal, don’t be stingy with your strength, so many students in your school want to teach in a group of days. To see you in the pride, you have to perform better than others in order to have a chance.”

“Well, I understand.” She put her arms around Wang Qingqing’s shoulders tightly: “You taught me that in order to be outstanding, you must do more and better than others, and then Express yourself at the right time and place.”

Very good, this child’s thick black school has already achieved a little, Wang Qingqing hugged him gratified and patted his back: “The officialdom pays attention to qualifications and background, you want to be in politics, I I can’t give you any help, it’s tiring and difficult to walk alone, have you decided that you must go this way?”

“It is said that politics is a complicated and dirty art. I think it is very interesting, and I want to experience this art up close.” The smile on his face is like the breeze and the moon is in his arms: “If It’s too hard to go on, how about I come back to be your secretary?”

“I can always leave you a secretary position.” Wang Qingqing gave him a white look: “You also said that the road is dirty, I’m just afraid that you will go too far by then. a chance to escape.”

My face was amused by her words: “Mom, don’t worry, how many tigers do I fight in a year in China? Why don’t I become Wu Song and have to be a tiger? Besides, I’m only a freshman now, so let’s just Isn’t it a little too early to start talking about this in earnest?”

“It’s a little early,” Wang Qingqing also smiled: “We’ll talk about this topic when you are admitted to Professor Li’s graduate school.”

He followed his own plan step by step.

The title is not free, and the way of life is not free. He has a high reputation among the students and is loved and supported by his classmates.

In the third year of his junior year, Professor Li Mo praised him as “a good seedling with a gully and a man, and a good seedling”. Professor’s graduate student.

Wang Qingqing also only works in the business district and can’t help Mianmian a little bit.

Whether it is to contribute money or to contribute, he never shirks the blame, and he does things properly and thoughtfully, very well-organized. Few people can dislike such a person.

Professor Li Mo was very fond of face-to-face meetings and recommended him to go abroad for a year as an exchange student, graduate with a postgraduate degree, and successfully passed the judicial examination with a double degree in sociology and law in hand. An assistant prosecutor, officially entered the national system.

After the judicial reform a few years ago, the judicial system was established in China. It is extremely difficult for assistant prosecutors to increase the quota of judges. The old prosecutors who have worked for many years should be paid Everyone has entered, and the number of places left is limited. Newcomers who enter the judicial system one after another every year must wait in line and wait for space. At this time, it is necessary to fight for personal connections.

Friendship can form a huge interpersonal network. Everyone helps each other. Now I help you, and you will naturally help me when you have the opportunity in the future.

Mianmian is a proud student of Professor Li Mo. Professor Li has taught for many years and his students are all over the judicial system across the country. Mianmian naturally chose Professor Li as a tutor for this aspect. After two years of experience in the position of Assistant Inspector, Mianmian finally got the opportunity to earn an allowance with the help of his fellow apprentices and became a post judge.

Mianmian was only twenty-six years old at this time, and she could definitely be worthy of the words young and promising. The relatives of Liu and Mei went all out to introduce Mianmian. object.

Mei Qingqing rejected all of the Mei’s family, saying very euphemistically: “When my marriage was not going well, I suffered from poor social experience and could not handle interpersonal relationships. The face is still small, I hope he can focus on his work now, and after a few years in the society, he is stable and understands what responsibility is, and it is not too late to think about marriage.”

Wang Qingqing knows everything. He has not found a partner for so many years in college. Except for the double degree competition, he is too busy, and he may not have considered his marriage as a bargaining chip. Running in the officialdom, even if I can’t help him, I can’t hold back and disturb him with these things.

Comparing with Wang Qingqing, Liu Minghua has no wink.

“Look, this is the second cousin’s niece from her family’s family. She is only twenty-four this year. She is a civil servant and works in the industrial and commercial bureau of their county government. Handing Wang Qingqing a photo.

“Face is in our city court, she is in the county government, how will these two live when they are married? They have been separated for many years?” Wang Qingqing was too lazy to take photos.

“Hey, what’s the matter.” Liu Minghua waved the photo in his hand indifferently: “We are working in the court, so we must know the people in the system, call the subordinates. Just a greeting, it is not a matter of a sentence to transfer the object to the Municipal Bureau of Industry and Commerce.”

Liu Minghua really wants to marry his cousin’s niece, although he goes to see Liu Minghua every New Year and gives him many gifts, but Liu Minghua can still feel that this child is not related to himself Not kiss.

Mianmian was born after his ex-wife left home, and was brought up by his ex-wife. There is nothing wrong with the child’s ex-wife. Liu Minghua knows this truth, but he is not reconciled.

Gang Jun’er is in his thirties and still doesn’t go out to find a job. He eats and eats at home every day and waits to die. Because Liu Minghua has no money and the burden of Gang Jun’er, he has not been able to get divorced for so many years. Finding a suitable partner, getting older and poorer, Liu Minghua thought more and more.

He is still in good health and can take care of himself, what should he do when he can’t move and needs someone to take care of him? It is obviously unrealistic to count on Gang Rong’er. What he can count on is face-to-face, and face-to-face is not close to him.

If Mianmian can marry his cousin’s niece, he will give his future daughter-in-law a favor and let Mianmian transfer her to the city. The kindness is there, not worrying that the daughter-in-law is not biased towards him, and with her mediating, it is not easy to improve the father-son relationship.

So he must let Mianmian marry the girl he likes.

“Is it your son’s job to be transferred from the Industrial and Commercial Bureau of the county to the Municipal Industrial and Commercial Bureau?” Wang Qingqing cast a glance at Liu Minghua and began to sneer: “Have you inherited the throne that you handed down? Without the throne, where did he get the ability of Jinkou Yuyan?”

Liu Minghua is not 16 years old in his 60s. He was also a highly educated person at the time. The object he proposed would not only not help the face, but would also be a hindrance. Wang Qingqing did not believe Liu Minghua’s quality If he can’t figure out the gains and losses in the middle, he must have his own small calculations to introduce this object to everyone.

“What are you talking about.” Liu Minghua sneered, put the photo on the table and pushed it in front of Wang Qingqing: “Look, this girl is really good, I won’t say anything if she looks good. Now, I was just like us when I was a child. I was excellent in both character and study. I also graduated from a key university in 211. I was still an only child. I went back to my hometown to take the civil service exam, what a good kid, and I can get along with our face-to-face appointments.”

Liu Minghua is determined to facilitate this marriage, and he can’t say no that he has to disturb the face.

Wang Qingqing picked up the photo on the table and stared at it for a while, then turned to Liu Minghua and said calmly: “Okay, you go to arrange the arrangement, I have to meet this girl first, face this object, must I have to see it first.”

“I have to mix it up!” Wang Qingqing snapped the photo on the table: “I didn’t have a good relationship with your mother back then. If you are looking for someone face to face, you must pass me first, without me nodding, you will see if face face will listen to you and go on a blind date.”

Liu Minghua really didn’t have the confidence to listen to him face to face, he smiled perfunctorily at Wang Qingqing: “Okay, okay, I’ll arrange for you to meet when the girl is convenient. one side.”

Looking at Liu Minghua’s retreating back, Wang Qingqing only felt that his anger was very bad. He didn’t ask about big things or small things in the process of growing up, but now he wants to point at the child’s marriage , leave him alone!

It seems that after retirement, it is not enough for Liu Minghua to be busy enough to just hitch a ride, so he has to find a way to find something to do for him.

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