It's broken, I'm playing a really weird development game

Chapter 9

When you are in extreme fear, you will be extremely angry, especially when adrenaline is high.

Wu Wen is in this situation now.

He unconsciously exerted force on the hand holding the machete, and even clenched his fingers white. His whole body was shaking constantly, and he looked like he was very scared, but in fact he was filled with adrenaline.

But the role of adrenaline is not only to reduce pain and increase strength, but it will also force your head to be clear, so that you can make the most correct judgment in the most dangerous time.

In short, it is like adding a clear filter.

Wu Wen looked at the dark corridor on the fourth floor in front of him, and his fear was beyond measure, but his mind was clear, and even his ears were catching sounds that he had not noticed.

The first thing he noticed was that the noise of the crowd outside seemed to have disappeared.

Yes, he could still hear the noise outside last time, but now he could hear nothing.

In the entire corridor, apart from the sound of blood dripping, the only sound left was the gurgling sound in the elevator.

Wu Wen was clearly aware of this, and looking at the trash can in the dark in front of him, his thoughts naturally flowed out.

Be strong!

Wu Wen, be strong! You are only 22 years old, you are not yet a cow!

Wu Wen kept cheering himself up, and then he stretched out his finger, avoiding the place where the blood dripped, and tremblingly pressed the button for the seventh floor.


The elevator door slowly closed, and with the familiar feeling of weightlessness, the elevator slowly began to rise.

"Giggle, giggle, giggle..."

The strange sound became more intense, as if someone was holding a loudspeaker and playing this strange sound next to his ear.

The blood was dripping faster and faster, no, it couldn't be dripped anymore, now it could be described as blood flowing down!

Even the floor of the elevator was already covered with blood. When Wu Wen moved his feet slightly in the elevator, he could feel the sound of his feet stepping on the water.

Wu Wen was trembling all over, his spirit was tense, and he kept an eye on the direction of the elevator door with a machete.

This was the last time. Once the elevator door opened, there might be something terrifying waiting for him in front!

Wu Wen stared at the elevator door intently, but the elevator door did not open for a long time.

"Giggle, giggle, giggle..."

The strange sound kept coming from Wu Wen's ears, making him dizzy and terrified.

"Why isn't the door open yet?"

Wu Wen looked at the elevator door anxiously, and this time it seemed to take much longer than before!

The bright and clean elevator door reflected a blinding white light under the strong flashlight in Wu Wen's hand, and even Wu Wen's figure was completely blocked.

Wu Wen's eyes were dazzled by the white light reflected by the elevator door, but his mind suddenly became confused.

He seemed to have noticed a problem.

That is, many ghosts in horror movies are invisible to the human eye but can be reflected in the mirror. Is this weird scene in the elevator also caused by ghosts? And is this ghost also invisible to the human eye, but can be reflected in the mirror?

The more he thought about it, the more possible it was!

Wu Wen's forehead was sweating, and his back felt cold almost instantly.

Wu Wen stared at the bright and clean elevator door in front of him, and his finger slowly pressed the button of the flashlight.


The flashlight went out.

A female ghost with bulging eyeballs, pale and rotten skin and disheveled hair was clinging to Wu Wen's back, resting her head on Wu Wen's left shoulder and staring at him.

And the strange gurgling sound came from the ghost's mouth!

Wu Wen suddenly realized.

I was wondering why this strange sound sounded so close, it turned out to be lying next to my ear!


Looking at the intimate image of a man and a ghost reflected on the elevator door, Wu Wen suddenly realized and screamed, and the hand holding the machete subconsciously chopped at the ghost in front of him.

Even because of the incomparable fear in his heart, Wu Wen's strength was particularly huge.


The machete was sharpened very sharply and of good quality, so it directly cut a knife mark on the elevator door, and dazzling sparks were drawn out.

However, as the knife mark was drawn, Wu Wen felt that his left side

A sharp pain.

"Ah!" The severe pain made Wu Wen scream instantly.

He endured the severe pain and looked down hurriedly, and found that his left collarbone seemed to be chopped by a knife for some reason.

Wu Wen even felt that his collarbone was directly cut off.

Fortunately, only his collarbone was cut off, and his neck was not injured.

The severe pain made Wu Wen's facial expression distorted, but it also diluted his inner fear a little.

"Can this ghost rebound attacks?" Seeing the wound on his collarbone that was obviously a knife wound, and then looking at the knife marks on the elevator door that he had cut, Wu Wen knew that this might be the ability of a female ghost.

"No, is it necessary to play like this? Only you can cut me and I can't cut you?" Wu Wen was furious, and even the strong fear was suppressed a little because of the pain and anger.

Wu Wen panted and stared at the female ghost lying on him on the wall, but found that her figure was slowly disappearing.

Even the clucking sound disappeared in the elevator.

Wu Wen carefully looked at the reflection on the elevator door, and only after confirming that he was really the only one left did he take a deep breath.

Only then did he have time to look at his wound.

Wu Wen looked down at his left shoulder, then frowned.

He used too much force and the knife was too sharp, so the wound was very deep. Now the blood was constantly oozing out like it was free, and half of his shirt was wet.

The most painful thing was that because of the injury to the clavicle, he dared not move his left arm at all, and it was even difficult to move now. I don’t know if he can support himself to complete this task at this frequency of bleeding.

Wu Wen is a very timid person. He would hide if he could when he encountered some provocations on weekdays, and endure it if he couldn’t hide, because his family background made him not have even a little confidence, but he also had a problem, that is, he couldn’t see blood, and he would get excited when he saw blood.

If you have to describe it, it is that people like him are more extreme, either don’t do it, or die. In fact, this is also the reason why he has been suppressing himself for many years, and the suppression is a bit abnormal.

He is like this at this moment. Before he was stabbed by himself, he was as timid as a mouse, afraid of being hurt, but after being stabbed by himself, he calmed down and went all out.

Wu Wen looked at the wound on his shoulder and gradually calmed down, his eyes became more and more sinister.

"Fuck you."

Wu Wen cursed fiercely, and then tore off his shirt without caring about the injury on his shoulder.

Wu Wen folded his shirt into two layers to form a long strip of cloth, and then wrapped it hard according to the position of the wound on his shoulder, and then tied a knot.

The most important thing at present is to stop the bleeding. As for tetanus and other things, they are not something that can be considered now.

The cotton shirt has a good effect in stopping bleeding, and there is Wu Wen's sweat on it, so it is a little salty, and it stings when tied on the wound.

It's all disinfected.

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