It Seems Like I Got Transmigrated Into An Eroge

Chapter 88: Ridiculous

The sudden appearance of Arya took everyone off-guard. Her overall appearance was the biggest factor of it, aside from her uniform. It caused an unexpected commotion. Despite everything that's happening, Erik continued reading the booklet while simultaneously eating, not paying heed to any of his surroundings.

With all the eyes on our back, Arya swiftly ordered a ton of food, almost taking every space of this small round table. Then I ask a question. "Are you seriously going to eat all of these?"

"Of course!"

"I see... Goodluck."'How can this amount of food would feet in that slim stomach of yours? Is there like a vacuum chamber on your stomach?'

After a few seconds, another commotion developed just near us. However, we didn't even bat an eye. At first, I thought it's something about me, like how people have been since earlier the morning. But I'm wrong. All their attention diverted on the ongoing heat against two people whom I haven't seen yet.

"I wonder what's going on?"

"Shhh, we're eating. Don't disrespect the food by talking. We need to solely focus on finishing the grace in front of us. Every dish in the table shall be eaten respectfully." Arya said and neatly wipes her mouth with a napkin.

"Excuse me?" I raised an eyebrow.



However, the chattering only got louder and louder, piquing my interest more. Then suddenly, a massive surge of mana resonated through the cafeteria, shattering the glasses as the shards of it are falling on the other students. Other students had begun running, after witnessing the mess right before us. A white translucent image of a dragon emerges in the air, and below it, an enrage Shin was staring deeply at the man who's wearing a disgusting smile toward Shin.

While all of that's transpiring, Arya had wrinkles around her nose and was about to burst from how red she is, staring at the two men who are about to engage in a fight at any given moment. I quickly glance over the food on our table which disappeared from the strong gust of wind. That incited her anger and looks about to also engage in a fight between the two.

Spotting the broken windows and the face of Arya, and at that moment; I know for a fact that I need to do something about this situation. The students and staff were bumping into each other, as they fled away from the upcoming fight between two S-class students. So, I took action by also turning my heels away.


Arya stomped her right foot. She then takes a stride forward with also her head leaning forward and right hand below her waist. Clutching it into a fist, she darts her eyes to the two with pure hatred. However, the fight between Shin and the unknown man has already been transpiring. There are still students near them, hiding under the table and some unconscious students caught up by the suffocating mana that the two emitted.

Once I saw Shin and the man separated, I interfered in between them. Appearing behind Shin, I grab his collar and toss him out of the building far away and also did the same to the man he's fighting. I tossed them in the same direction. Then in a split second, I saw Arya in front of me with her fist directed to my chest, so I block it with both of my hands.

"Huh?" Arya voiced in utter confusion.

"Hey..." 'That hurts. I think my bones broke from that punch... I can't feel my poor hands anymore.'

"Huh? Where are they?"

"They're gone, so—"

Instead of letting me finish my sentence, she turns her head in the direction where I tossed the two. Before she can even run from me, I held her arms tight through her armpits and locked them around her neck. "Kyaaah! What are you doing! Unhand me now! Or you'll suffer the consequence!"

"Calm damn, will ya'? You better not be planning on fighting those two."

"Feh, they disturbed my peaceful eating time. They deserve punishment!"

"And, taint your name for something irrelevant? You're a princess, for heavens' sake. I'm only doing this because you're Lily's friend and I won't let you do something stupid. Even if I need to overpower you then... Not sure where I'm going with this."

"And, as Lily's lover, I advise you to unhand me now or you'll taste my wrath! I, the descendant of the draconian shall forgive you if you unhand me now! This instant!" Arya struggles to get out of my clutches.

"What a hot-headed lady."

"Mmphf! Mphf! Aaaaaaaah!" Arya leans forward and overthrows me on the ground.

"Waaah! Ack! How did you do that?!" 'I'm certain that I had the upper hand, but I didn't expect her strength.'

Arya looks at me briefly before turning her heels to the destination of the battle. The ground is trembling from the precarious clash of mana. With my world upside-down, the silhouette of Arya was getting further away. I jump and landed on my feet before teleporting in front of Arya.

Why am I persistent in stopping her? Essentially, this is Lily's duty; however, since she's not here, I'll help her on taming this little dragon. Lily said she was tasked with taking care of her for diplomatic reasons. I'm not sure how it comes to this when they can just send a servant to look over her. Was it really necessary to give it over to Lily? Lily even had Clara as her attendant, yet they can't do the same? Or was it out of consideration since they're friends?

"Eh?" Arya said upon seeing me.

"Sorry, princess, but I can't let do that. I'm doing for your sake and your reputation. We can't afford to taint your name. So, can we just let it slide? I'll buy your food. I found some food stalls earlier. Shall we?"

Yet, regardless of my offer, her facial expression stayed the same. I'm unable to make contact with her eye because of that. Deep inside my chest, there's a hesitation of me spending my money on her when I saw the amount of food she digests that seems like a normal occasion to her. My heart is stumbling over its own rhythm whether she'll accept it or not.

"I firmly reject your offer. It's not about interrupting my precious time that I want to seek revenge. Not it's not. It's about making my stomach angry!"

"H-huuuh...?" 'It doesn't make any sense! How can someone be this stubborn and self-centered?! She's already an adult physically, but has the mentality of a child! Good gracious... I can't really handle people like her anymore.'

Anger flares across my face, so I snap my fingers. Soon after, a wall of burning flames from behind blocks the chances of Arya getting further other than here. Two chains are dangling on my hands, as its purpose states the obvious—I shall use this to restrain her. To restrain her, I need to somehow manage to use these chains without wounding her. By that logic, it just screams impossible.

Arya was taken back from what she just witnessed, so I incited her cautionary senses with the use of my aura—pressurizing her in both mind and body.

"Wow... I knew it! Okay, I won't pursue them anymore."

"R-Really?" It killed the air around me, completely.

"Yep, I, Arya Draco, the keeper of words."

"O-Oh, I see... What made you change your mind?" 'She say things very interestingly. What a weird girl.'

"Nothing. I saw something interesting more than my food. And, I'll hone you into to be the best!"

"Best of what? Can you elaborate on it, please? I'm not on the same page."

"Oh, no, I need to go back. And, I'm hungwy... Aww."

Like always, she has her own world and just left without saying a word to me. My feet were about to follow her, but I stop myself from doing so. I don't need to question her anymore since every word that came out of her mouth is just nonsensical. On the bright side, she kept her words and went the other way. As long she's not going to bring trouble for herself, I'm fine with it.

Looking over the direction of the people responsible for my stress, the fight seems to have been stopped by someone. "I suppose someone already stopped them. Better to get back to my class, if there will ever be one after everything happened in the cafeteria. I'd be surprised if they ever continue the class."


I spoke too soon.

"Why do we still have classes?!" I shouted my frustration while walking alone outside of the school building.

I have the right to complain because no one in the right mind would continue the class, after what just happened earlier! Students were nearly killed! How can they be so nonchalant after that? Furthermore, when I came back to the cafeteria after my last class. It's all fixed! Within the span of an hour, every destroyed piece of furniture, glasses, and wall were all fixed in just a blink of an eye. They're even in mint condition. But then, I stumble across some tiny little workers of dwarves, the people who restored everything. I'm dumbfounded.

"This school is just too ridiculous. My brain can't keep up. Is this like normal occasions?"

Then I felt a pull on my arms, pulling me into one of the rooms and shutting the door off.

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