It Seems Like I Got Transmigrated Into An Eroge

Chapter 81: Dormitory (2)

Spending time with Lars and Erik to get to know each other, but all ended once we heard a knock on the door.
"I'll get it," Lars said.
I'm hanging my head on the side of the top bunker, watching Lar's back in front of the door.
Lars touches the doorknob and rotates it clockwise, a silhouette of a man was behind the door. I squint my eyes and saw a familiar annoying face from my past.
A tall good-looking man wearing a white military uniform mixed with some blue colors around it, he was standing there with his eyes fixated over my hanging face. Behind him, there were some eyes peeking over past his shoulder.
"Greetings? How may I help you... Senior...?" Lars questioningly asked once he saw the color of his necktie.
Yet, instead of replying, Aldrich enters the room without any permission and bumps Lars along the way.
"Looks like, you attended the same school, huh?" Aldrich said with a smug on his face.
"Well, that's rude of you, Aldrich. At least apologize to Lars over there whom you bump on the way.  Anyhow, long time no see." I raise my hand and salute him with two fingers, lazily.
"Hmm... I apologize." Aldrich glance at Lars and bows to him half-heartedly before continuing his words. "Yeah, long time no see. Anyway, I'm just here to welcome you, dear brother. It's been a long time, yet you once again change completely. Is that a fashion thing, nowadays?"
As expected, he acted casually and declared that I'm his brother considering the people around us were watching. His usual upfront facade, the gentle, mannered, and noble Aldrich. Speaking of which, how come he knew my dorm room and about me attending the academy? Now, to point his question, he's pointing out the hair color change and my face.
"My hair? You could say that. So, if I may, what are you doing here, my lovely big brother?"
There's a little twitch around his shoulder upon hearing 'big brother'. But, he maintained his composure and answers casually. "Just nothing, just checking on my brother. "
Aldrich smiles at me and became aware of Erik and Lar's eyes, fixated on him along with the other people behind him who were gossiping. Then he saw Erik's uniform across the bed, to which he immediately points out. "Class F?"
The corner of Aldrich's mouth was twitching uncontrollably, yet he keep it at a reasonable control where it's not obvious. At the back of his head, he's probably derogating me with words that he can't ever say out public, otherwise, it would ruin his reputation. In a hurry to not blow everything up, he flash a smile at me and said. "No matter what Class you are in, I still consider you as a 'talented individual', Claude."
"How thoughtful of you, Aldrich. I'll keep that in mind." I also flashed a smile to him.
"Enjoy your stay then, brother. I will repay your kindness from last time. I hope you're ready for it."
"I'll certainly expect it, dear brother."
And, he left the room with his fake smile plastered on his face. The commotion outside was still ongoing, so Lars close the door behind him.
"Who's he? I'm so pissed looking at his face." Lars said as he took off his glasses and the wrinkles between his two eyebrows were crystal clear. I didn't expect him to have the same sentiment as mine.
"Certainly, the way he looks at my uniform and said our Class... Not obvious on his voice, but he's clearly mocking..." Erik said as he shift his gaze to me.
"Ignore him. He's just my brother from the family that I got exiled."
"Belmont Family."
"You're part of the Belmont family? Isn't that a prestigious family in the Maveil Kingdom?" Erik said in surprise.
"I know... I know have the same hair color resemblance, but I assure you that I was once part of that family. And that man who visited us was Aldrich Belmont. He's the century genius of the family."
"I've heard stories about a certain boy who was titled the genius in the Belmont family."
"So, Erik, are you also a noble?"
Out of curiosity from Erik's demeanor, I opted on asking him a straightforward question. The way he looks at Aldrich earlier was too obvious to not notice, from how he recognizes him at first glance.
"You could say that my father was just a merely baron on the south of Maveil Kingdom. We're living in a small manor in the countryside, not the grandeur one. That's why I'm familiar with the Belmont Family since their history is written across libraries of the nation."
"What about you, Lars?"
"Nothing special... I'm just a commoner... I also live in the Maveil Kingdom... I-I..."
In our eyes, we could see Lars' hands quivering and the hesitation in his voice was apparent. I took a quick glance at Erik for his reaction, but he gave a quick response to Lars. "Hey, just because I'm from the nobility, that doesn't mean I'll treat you in a lowly manner because of your status. I'm accustomed to befriending any people, therefore, don't let it bother you."
"How sweet of you Erik. Well, I'm an exiled one, so treat me like a commoner."
"Unbelievable... You're something else, Claude. I can't think of any people that would confidently tell people that they're exiled considering the disgrace that it brings upon you."
"Meh, who cares about that. At least, I could say that I'm not part of that hellhole of a family in a confident manner. If they treat them as upper beings—they're just delusional."
"Uh... Anyway! What's your response to us, Lars?"
"I understand... Huuu... Before going in here, I was scared of nobles since I'm in the same class as them."
Later on, we went to do our own things. But first, I quickly prompt change my shirt and pants before heading to the cafeteria to buy something to fill my stomach up. However, a disturbing shiver at my back occurred while I'm changing. Looking behind me, I saw Erik's scrutinizing eyes.
"Wow... That's an impressive body you got there. Are you by any chance, also a fighter? I mean, traditional combat without any spirit?"
"Kind of...? I just maintain this physique, so it could endure the harshness of the outside world."
"Because in my place, there are these festival tournaments where we have this kind of rules where one can't use their spirit or mana. It's strictly prohibited. And, I participate in it, a lot. But here... A friend once told me that the only importance in the academy was the spirit, and the physical body is just nothing but a vessel for the inherent spirit."
"Really...? That's interesting. I firmly believed that the vessel must also be stronger to create this balance where it can handle the spirit from within. Relying on spirit alone will only limit our potential to get stronger, that's why maintaining a sturdy physical body would also benefit the spirit."
Erik's face brightens. "We have the same belief! Hahahaha!" He then wrapped his arm around my neck. Then at the corner, I saw Lars touching his chest in insecurity of his own body.
Soon after, we head to the cafeteria of the academy to get something to eat. There are only males in the vicinity, as it's obvious since we're in the male dormitory. However, while looking at the prices of the food here. "6 points?! It was the cheapest one?! What kind of scam is this?! It's so expensive! Wait a minute... That means... This allowance would be worth only a week of expense?! Also, adding the necessities and supplies... This is a scam."
"This is absurd!" Lars said out loud.
"Wait, do we even get our allowance refilled monthly? I thought there would be free lunch since we're at the dormitory..." Erik said.
"Now, that you mention it... During the explanation, it got cut short... I wonder if we have one? What do you say about this, Lars?"
"I hope so."
"Freshman?" Behind us, we saw a man smiling at us. From the look of his uniform, he's a year older than us which means our senior. "Well, there's no monthly allowance of anything, but there is manual labor by getting a job in here or some other places—if you're lucky. But, if you're strong then you can do dueling or dungeon expeditions."
"Indeed it's hard to comprehend the prices, but I assure you everything in here all makes sense. I guess that shatter your expectation about this academy being heaven for students? Hahaha, don't worry, I also went through that phase, but you'll get used to it. Also, there's a banking system for loans and other stuff, but you need to be a second-year to have rights to it. Well, best of luck in surviving this place."
He pats our back and continues walking past us, but he halts on his track and turns around. "Oh, I forgot, if ever your points went 0. Pray for the best because people in here wouldn't help you, only you can help yourself. Some students here have starved to death. Or you can take drastic measures to survive, but I don't recommend that. The result will be just the same. Not really the best school system, but learn to survive because the academy won't be held accountable for your own irresponsibility. Your own safeness is only yours. Farewell, newbies. If you die, you die."
We could hear him giggling from the distance. 
"That didn't help my anxiety a bit, it only made it worse. He only warned us for what's ahead of us. So it's either die in starvation or live."
"I'm with you."
"Me too. You also forgot the dungeons."
"Is he telling the truth though? That guy didn't even introduce himself."
Lars and Erik nod in agreement.
After finishing our food, things went smoothly as we head back to our room. No sudden encounters from the troublesome people and no problem occurred while in the cafeteria. What a splendid day except for the time when I met that bastard Aldrich earlier.
My academic life has only started because tomorrow will be the real test. Also, I need to find some way to earn some points. Tomorrow, after classes, I'll invite Lily and Adelle to join me on a dungeon quest. Surely, going in a dungeon would at least give me some points to eat or maybe even something better. Furthermore, I was thinking of selling some items in my space inventory that I haven't used, some artifacts that I found on my guild quest. However, bringing them here is prohibited with the only exception of weapon that needs to be registered.
The schedule was already listed on my card for tomorrow. The first lesson would be... Practical Spirit Training? The first lesson of the day? It will start before lunchtime which means I have a lot of time before that. I'll visit Lily and Adelle, but how can I contact them? That's a problem that I will give to my tomorrow self.
Special Mention: IQ, Lefi, Endre, MentalMoose, Ryuu Sakurai
Thank you for the Patrons: yann schurmans, reioua, luhhdeex23, croix, bobola, oyediran, Ynaxir, Veren, Hammock, ThisClown, TheAzure, Sanada Nobuyuki, Riley Dunn, Riccardo Gilioli, Pachu72 Lee,Mohammed Hajjaj, LORD SHAXX, Karioszpl, Jake Fedor, Iftekhar Alam, Heejoo, KimGryzmot, FlameKingPJm -Gaming and more, Felisberto Viano, FailerQt, Erumu Akemu, Emm Ccc, Eduardo Garcia, Edge Nation, Duke York, Dluxe, Digdug, DDose, Capzlawk Nguyen, Cakeboss, Brandon Fox, Boklau, BlindTactic, The ManBrownie, Jack1938, Steve Sifuentes, Potato, ZaweRD
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