It Seems Like I Got Transmigrated Into An Eroge

Chapter 70: Intermission (Irene)

A group of men wearing white cassocks and masks to cover their faces sitting side-by-side in a single line on both sides of this conspicuous hall with gigantic pillars reaching the imaginary heaven above. Such a sight disgusted me, despite just passing by them. While walking, I got stopped by a man. In front of me, there’s a man that I despise the most—out of everyone.

“What do you want, Luke?” Just seeing his face disgusts me. I gritted my teeth.

“Now, now, I don’t want to engage myself in trouble, but, I must say, you look charming than usual...” Luke held his chin, taking a step closer, scrutinizing every part of my face. “Did you put something on your face? Herbs? Potion? What did you use? Can you tell? I also want to use it. My face looks dryer than usual.” rubbing his cheeks.

“Disgusting.” I curled my lips up.

“Awwww~ I thought you’ve changed, but it’s only your looks. How disappointing...” Luke cast his head down, but he raised his head up once again. “Anyway, the kid you got. How’s he?”

Instead of replying, I passed him. But he followed with a bright face. “Ehhh~? Come on, how’s he? I bet he’s stronger by now. Heey! Come on! Stingy~! He’s been doing well on your old guild, huh? Some Cardinals have taken an interest in him.”

I abruptly stop in my tracks and coldly said. “I’ll dare them.”

“Of course you would. But be careful, though. They’re getting more aggressive and greedy. Why don’t you just give him to me? I can take care of him for you, but he's old enough to take care of himself... Hm... What to do... Anyway, are you still keeping him—was it because he reminded you of Christine? Your beloved best friend.” Luke shrugged, walking in a circle around me.

“Give him to you heartless pieces of shit? Never.”

“Ehh~ Haven’t you given a thought about it? If you gave him to us. The hostility of the other cardinals and basically the temple would significantly lower and their perception of you would change. Surely, they’ll forget the grudge that they have against you. They'll welcome you with open arms."

“You really thought I would be a fool with the word coming out of your dirty mouth? How presumptuous are you? Don’t ever talk to me about your delusional, wicked ideologies. You call yourselves the people that would bring benefit to the people, to every believer, leading them to nothing—empty promises.”

“Ouch~ I’m deeply hurt by what you said. I can’t believe you would put me together with them. I thought we had an unbreakable bond. This is saddening. I only wanted to be entertained and nothing more.”

“You always say those things. Stop spouting nonsense.”

“It’s not nonsense. I’m just stating the truth.” Luke disgustingly grinned.

“You don’t know how much I wanted to beat you right now.”

“Hehe, you can’t. We’re in the most sacred place on the planet. The sacred sanctuary of our holiness.”

“I’ll surely beat you until in your last breath, one day. One day.”

“Hehehe, I do hope that day would never come.”

Luke had a plastered smile on his face. Seeing his stupid smile makes my blood boil. I want to crush it into pieces until his family wouldn’t even be able to recognize him. Even just hearing his annoying voice. However, despite his acting this way, he’s unpredictable. He’s an anomaly. That’s why he’s the person I’m always looking out for.

“Pray for it,” I said, coldly.

"Oh, anyway, where's the gift wine from back then? The gift I told to you disciple. Where is it?"


Two statues of women with wings looking in two different directions, holding a basket over their hands. In between, there’s a golden gate towering over the sky. Shortly after, the gate heavily opened itself. Smokes came after, scattering around the ground. An oscillating image of my own reflection was revealed. Taking a few steps before stopping and putting my hands together and kneeling.

“O, dear holiness, the benevolent being blessed by thy heaven. I, your entrusted vassal shall wish for your audience. Grant me access.”

[Enter, my dear follower.]

“Thank you, your holiness.”

Standing up gracefully, I raise my head forward entering the gate. Behind it, countless towers of pillars descended from the sky, albeit there’s a ceiling in the infinite space above me. The floors consisted of clouds scattered around the endless space. Above all of that, a stunning figure of a woman with nothing but whiteness and her colorful eyes comprised of different various colors. She was sitting rightfully on a throne with her head held high, her eyes were looking down on me. Yet, it’s gentle and calming.

I lower my head and kneel in the soft cloud.

“Greetings, your holiness.”

[My dear Saintess, how is it?]

I raise my head. “Your holiness, forgive me, but I failed to eliminate the group of renegades.”


“While traversing the abandoned ruin of the old kingdom Bluesnow, I encountered an apparition that’s too much for me to handle alone. Luckily enough, I escaped. However, as your holiness has said, they’re planning on something. Furthermore, the specter that wreaked havoc over the kingdom that I’m residing in was all seen roaming around the area. It seems they’re connected to it.”

[I understand. Albeit, we shall keep monitoring them.]

“But, your holiness...”

[Farewell, my dear Saintess.]

I bit my lip in irritation. It has always been like this. After the disappointing, vexing talk with the holiness; I left. The way she responded in a lackluster manner only made it worse. She’s the one who sent me off to that dreadful of a mission, expecting me to finish it swiftly.

“Monitor this, monitor that. Haa... Never-ending monitoring.” 'Can't she be more decisive and get things done? Why does it always have to resort to this whenever we fail a mission? We have the personnel and the power to do it.'

Whenever there’s a predicament, she doesn’t take action, as if she’s waiting for something else to happen first before moving. Throughout the years of working for her, I still can’t grasp a tiny bit of understanding of her thoughts. And I hate it.

I came across a bulky old man with a thick white beard over his chest. His face is covered with scars and wrinkles. He’s carrying two large axes over his back tiny back. That old man was just half of my height—a dwarf. He called me. “Irene.”

“Greetings, Saint Bora.”

“Long time no see, young one. I heard some rumors about you picking another youngling in your care. How’s he?”

“He’s an excellent child. An exemplary one, if I should say. Anyway, thank you for the sword last time. He liked it so much.” I giggled.

“Good to know. Because if I heard he didn’t like my daughter’s forged, I would teach him a lesson. Why don’t you let him visit my kingdom? I will welcome him with open arms.” Bora cracked his fist.

“Hahaha, I’ll let him know, but he needs to attend the academy first. Your daughter will attend the Bacascus Academy, am I right?”

“Indeed. Anyhow, good luck with that kid of yours. I hope to see him someday. See ya later, Saintess Irene.”

Saint Bora, the hero of the Dwarven kingdom known for his majestic craftsmanship of weaponry and also a high-skilled fighter. He’s a man with valiant and hard work. Only one of the few people that I truly respect in this hellhole of a place. 

"I wonder how's Claude? I haven't seen him for a year, yet it feels like ages."


Back to my home...

“You’re telling me... In one of your requests, you guys stumbled across a mutated monster? The cases of mutated monsters are disturbingly increasing. And a guardian of the mountain? That’s unheard of.”

“Young Master Claude said it.”

“We can’t do anything other than trust his words. Luckily, you guys left.”

While tackling their story the past year, a tingling feeling around my crotch area. “Mmmmngh♥ Haah haah... He’s doing it again...”

Then I saw, Clara getting ready as she's about to head out of the room joining the three. I abrupt halt her action. "Don't even think about it, Clara. I know it's hard to control the urges, but it's their time now. Let them."


"You can't always be selfish, okay?"

"Okay..." Clara cast her head down.

For precautionary measures, I placed a magic formation around the entire office to negate the alluring smell of sex coming from his room.

The academy would start days from now which means, I would have less time to be with him. I won't meet him for at least months. I'll be lonely... I could just focus all my attention on my work. But still. I suddenly got this urge inside my belly.

"A child... It may be a selfish request of mine, but... I just hope he wouldn't get mad..." I muttered.

I glance outside of the window.

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