It Seems Like I Got Transmigrated Into An Eroge

Chapter 54: Starry Night Sky

 The whirring sound of the night’s breeze envelops the awkward silence between me and the four people.

“What?” I spoke to break the silence.

However, they didn’t respond to me. I took out my sword from the ground and turn my back against them because, from the look of things, they’ll stay that way for a long amount of time. 

[Shifting Point]

With nothing to do anymore, I went back to my usual position in a branch of a tree above our tents. I looked up in the starry night sky, then Diana appeared right in front of me with her electrifying smile. Her beauty is really out of this world, no matter how many times I see it. I’m always getting captivated by her.

“Hey~ Claude~”

“I missed you,” I responded with a smile.

“Hehehe~ I miss you too~ Be careful though. I sensed a deity like me lurking around the forest. I don't know what it wants, but just be careful.”

“One of your kinds?”

“Yes. Although I’m not certain where that person is located, I can feel its presence. I’m just here to warn you that don’t ever engage in any reckless fight because we can’t be sure where it lurks or what its objective is. And of course, to give some love before I get busy again~”

“How sweet. But of course, I’m not that stupid. However, I have a question regarding that. Can you also hide your presence?”

“Of course~ I’m hiding my presence since the beginning. I’ve been wary about this world ever since I came here because my mother advised me to take protective measures.”

Diana sits in my lap with her arms wrapping around my neck.

“What for?”

Diana gazes upward in the sky with her one finger on its lip.

“Hm... No clue. I just followed Mother’s advice. Mother didn’t really specify the details behind it since she’s just telling her stories of her beloved to us—Every time we sisters would get together. But, one thing's certain, some deities like me are lurking around this world.”

“Now that you mention it, I’m curious about your sisters.”

“There’s nothing particularly interesting about them other than their popularity among other male deities. I did mention before that we are nameless deities, but we hold a significant title that is deemed by the other gods base on our spirit prowess. For me, I’m called the goddess of retribution; the duty that was bestowed to me.”

“Yeah, you already told me about that part.”

“Muuh—! Why do you sound like you don’t want to listen to my story? I’m going to get upset! I’m trying my utter best to deliver a good story, but you’re not even interested... Mumuuu—!” Diana puffs her cheeks.

“Sorry, sorry. I didn’t mean that way. I’m just really curious because all these years, you’re not mentioning them.”

“Because I hate them,” Diana said coldly, which gave me a shiver down my spine.


“They didn’t even bother to visit me for one thousand years. Who wouldn’t get upset? Mother said to us we need to cherish each other for eternity because that’s the sole definition of a family. But they broke that promise with mother.”

“I see... If you don’t want to tell me, then I won’t force you.”

“... How can I stay mad at you~!” Diana pulls her head and stares me in the eye with a deadly thousand-watt smile.

‘I didn’t even know that you’re mad...’

Diana lowers her eyes. “I hope I can touch you... I want to feel your warmth...”

“Hey, that’s fine. You said you’re almost about completely it, so no need to get impatient now.”

“I know... Haaa... All right! I need to get back to work! For the future! Fufufu~” Diana exclaimed while pumping her fist at her bountiful chest. Then she fades away in the air.

“Hahaha...” I laughed.

Watching Diana’s mood change in a matter of seconds still amuses me to this day. Her reactions are adorably priceless.

“Not only you’re cheating with one girl, but you also have another? You’re despicable.”

I heard the voice of Adelle with a hint of disgust on my left. I glance over my left side and saw the sight of Adelle sitting on the next branch over me, carrying her katana in her shoulders. She’s looking up at the starry night sky contemplating.

“I can’t understand how a person like you exists in this world.”

Upon hearing that, it made my eyebrow twitch. “What a tongue you got there. Before you say anything, let me ask you one question. How can you justify one’s action without knowing the full story behind it?”

Adelle briefly looks at me. “I don’t. As long I can see it before my eyes, I will only believe what I’m seeing. Nothing more.”

“Are you really that ignorant? I guess even a woman with virtues still has flaws, huh? I guess nothing’s really perfect.” 'I'm just saying this because I practically lost the argument. It hurts.'

“I hate the tone of your voice. I shouldn’t have given you my mark. I completely regret my decision.”

“Your own fault. You easily trust your eyes without taking any consideration of the actual truth behind it or understanding that person.”

Adelle knitted her eyebrows, darting her gaze at me. “That’s not true. Then if we’re going this route. Let me ask you a question. Do you love Ms. Stephanie and Ms. Clara?”

“Of course.”

“How can you say that straightforwardly? Do you even have any standards?”

“First of all, that’s rude. Secondly, for your information, we have some unfortunate circumstances involving a person's life in the line. And lastly, Steph already knows about it. If you want, go ask her yourself. While at it, go embarrass yourself when Steph gives you her answer.”


“You heard me right. Go ask her.” I scoffed.

Adelle didn’t respond, nor took a glance at me. She sat there quietly, contemplating.

“Haa... Honestly, you’re single-handedly destroying my expectation from the well-known Sword Blade Saint. I can’t understand how come you became the disciple of a great person.”

“Me too... I don't know how... Someone already pointed that out to me before. But, I must say, your craft was pretty impressive for a vampire, to say at least.”

The surrounding atmosphere suddenly turned into a chaotic one. Taking a glance over Adelle, I could hear her teeth clenching while daggering her eyes to me. She’s gripping the hilt of her katana tightly as she sends a spine-chilling pressure to me. Red liquid was circling in the air around her.

“What? Did you become tight-lipped? From seeing your reaction, that means I’m correct?” With my hand gripping on a spear that I summoned unconsciously.

“How did you know?” Adelle said in a chilling voice.

“Duh, I saw you drinking a blood bag earlier. Who’s stupid enough to drink in a blood bag earlier in the open? Before you say anything, I’m not stalking you or anything. I’m just finding a spot to pee on without getting interrupted...”

I’ve been having a hard time peeing in the open, trying to hide my junior away from Clara’s sight—Or else, it wouldn’t end well for me. Adelle’s face slowly turns red, hanging her head low.

“R-Really? How come I didn’t notice your presence?”

“Are you seriously asking me that? Close your eyes and try to search for my presence.”

Adelle did what I said. She closes her eyes and went into silence. After a few minutes, she looks at me with wide eyes and her mouth hanging open.

“I can’t sense anything from you... How?”

I shrug my shoulders and jump down the tree.


“What now?”

“I have one last question for you.”

“What is it?”

“You’re acquainted with Princess Lily, right?”

“Yeah, so?”

“Does she know a woman named Silvia? Or have you ever heard her mentioning that name?”

“No. She hasn’t mentioned any woman named Silvia nor a mentioning any name to me. Why are you asking me that, and who’s Silvia?”

Adelle hangs her head down, looking defeated. “Nothing. I-It’s a person whom I’ve been searching for. But thanks for answering. I got my hopes up... Anyway, what are you going to do after knowing my race?”

“Huh? Nothing?”

“Really? Because I could overlook your cheating on your maid if you don’t tell others about my race. I promise.” Adelle said to me in a serious manner.

“God! How stupid can these people be! I’m not cheating! I already told you about it earlier. The word ‘privacy’ exists for a reason. Furthermore, I don’t give a shit single fuck about your race, as long you don’t suck my blood. I’m good.”

“Thank you.” Adelle bows her head.

I closed my eyes and pinched the bridge of my nose irritatingly. Stephanie was the only person with common sense—I miss her.

Afterward, the sun rises over the horizon. We pack all our things to continue our journey toward the quest mission in the eastern part of Krishna in the kingdom of Helgum, a place where we will head to a small town inside of that kingdom.

As we set off to continue our travel, I recalled the people from before who were getting chased by the gorilla. I pondered on whether if they’re still alive. Because after the gorilla, I came across some Grade 2 monsters. But if I estimate, the gorilla is probably around Grade 3 or higher.

The ranking system of monsters has 10 Grades. As it gets higher, the difficulty would increase. Mythical creatures that pose a threat to a kingdom would be Grade 8. A great example would be the legendary Drakon, the creature that can annihilate an entire kingdom by itself—It was Master Irene who told me that story. However, any higher than Grade 8 hasn’t existed yet, or its existence was deeply hidden in the world.

Special Mention: XYZ_Glxxsksy, IQ, Endre, MentalMoose, Ryuu Sakurai
Thank you for the Patrons: Aubrey, BlindTactic, Croix, Dluxe, Edge Nation, Eduardo, Erumu, Gryzmot, Mohammed, Unknown Novelist, Veren, Vizzy, Voidstar, Ynaxir, Emm Ccc, Khalid, Riccardo, Sanada, Ddose, Duke, Felisberto, luhhdeex23, Reioua, Capzlawk, Digdug, FlamekingPJm, Karioszpl, Rasheek, ThisClown, Yann.
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