It Seems Like I Got Transmigrated Into An Eroge

Chapter 13: Intermission(Stephanie)

One day, I met a certain someone who despises everyone around him, or a scoundrel. He’s aggressive, unfriendly, rude, and hates everyone. At our first meeting, I was excited because my mother said we’ll have a new neighbor. I’ve been always alone because all the girls of the same age as mine in the neighborhood hated me, though I don’t know the reason behind it.

The first time I saw him, he’s an incredible beauty that I almost fell for his beauty and mistakenly took him as a girl. But when I started talking with him, he immediately rejected me by saying harsh words to me—And did something inappropriate that I won’t ever forget in my life! Although something about him stood out from him, it’s his devoid eyes as if life had given up on him—I haven’t seen a person like him in my entire life.

Mother told me he’s abandoned by his parents because it was the house owned by the Bermont Family, one of the prestigious families in the country. The house where Claude’s living was called the house of the abandoned by the people around the neighborhood—Abandoned by his own family. Mother felt pity for him. The same could be said for me too. I tried to understand his situation more and accepted the duty that my mother gave to me, which is to hand the food to him every day. Every single day, I gave him food in a small lunch box, but he will just throw it in front of me in annoyance.

Naturally, there are times where it will make my fuse blew and we would start bickering with each other—The start of our hate relationship with each other. But then one day, Claude drastically changed from a scoundrel into a decent human being! Plus, his old eyes with devoid of life, were replaced by wonderful colorful auburn eyes full of life. At first, I started doubting if he’s real, but then he mentioned something that I wanted to forget, which made me believe it was him. However, that doesn’t mean I’ll fully believe him yet.

Days have passed by. Claude started exercising, which surprises me because not only his personality completely became the opposite, he even started caring for his health too. Claude never leaves his house nor eats anything, as every time we would see him shopping the only thing he carries in his cart are cup noodles—He’s the very definition of slim-jim.

One day, I visited him and saw the pathetic state he even almost collapsed in front of me. We haven’t really gotten along, so when took the initiative to converse with me. I’m happy, but I acted a bit harsh on him... Then, when I mentioned my mother’s invite he easily accepted it. A thought popped into my mind, I need to throw the cup of noodles at all costs! That’s why I took action and threw it. While doing it, I can’t help myself by smiling.

After doing that, I immediately told mom the good news to she was extremely delighted to hear it. Although I do feel bad about throwing his cup of noodles, I told mom to give me a fewer allowance so my mother can buy Claude’s extra portion of food on the table since he’ll be eating with us from now on. Mother rejected it and told me not to worry about it.

I hope Claude would take a better of himself.

After a few weeks, Claude introduced his master to us, the person who will assist him from his training. Honestly, when I saw his master for the first time, I felt inferior, as her beauty is like the heavens, mine couldn’t even be compared to her. His master is a good person because I can feel that she really cares for Claude.

I’m happy for him.

However, one day, when I was visiting him, I saw Ms. Irene with her mouth hanging while breathing roughly, watching Claude exercise on the door like a creep. Even I got creeped out by her and decided to warn Claude for his own protection—Protecting a lamb from the wolf. His chastity is at its stake!

I do admit, Claude’s looks are out of this world that even I have fallen for them. Adding that to his new likable personality, girls would go all over him, and eventually, he’ll find someone—... Having these kinds of thoughts is making my chest uncomfortable. I don’t know the reason, but it’s like someone is squeezing my chest.

I’ve always treated him as a friend, as he’s the only friend I have. Everyone in school avoids me. I’m a loner. That’s why I’m glad that Claude became my friend. However, as our time together got longer and longer, I started feeling that I wanted more from him. Because of that reason, I gradually started stealing Claude’s underwear, smelling them as I masturbate. I know it’s wrong, but it feels right at the same time. I can’t help myself. I’m a bad girl.

“Haaa... Oh~ Claude~ Mmmh~♥”

I kept calling his name out loud, hoping for him to bust through my door and ravage me.

The months we’ve gone through together only made me want him more. The smell, his touch, and his warmth. Just everything about him makes me go crazy. He’s been friendly and kind, unlike his usual past self. He doesn’t get a temper whenever I would try to joke with him.

It’s already been months since Claude changed. As usual, I wake Claude up, which is one of the greatest joys of my life~♥ Suddenly, Claude said something ridiculous which I rejected rightfully because I’m not his girlfriend—It feels wrong to accept it, but I really wanted it...

Unexpectedly, that day, a dream-like event happened to me. Because that day, I’m brooding over Claude not able to accompany on my important which will be my age spirit ceremony. He actually prioritized his training over me, which made me upset—However, I can’t blame him because he’s determined on getting stronger. And, I envy him for him having that kind of positive attitude when he’s a manaless person—I wish I can be like that too...

Then suddenly, I heard Claude’s soothing voice over my shoulders, naturally; it made my head turn to him—What happened next was the very thing I can never forget nor will I because it’s one of the most joyous memories that I’ll treasure in my life—Claude’s precious lips are pressed against mine! I’m on cloud nine when that happened, which made me lose into temptation as I wanted more of him. But that was cut short, as he pulled his lips and left me in a daze. Claude smiled at me while going back.

“W-What j-just happened?” I said to myself.

Before I could even give a think about it, my feet dragged me into my room and I faceplanted on my cushions. For the fact, I could feel the hotness spreading throughout my face. I started screaming on my cushion, muffling it so that mother wouldn’t hear it. My heart is pounding—!

Kyaah—! H-He kissed me—!

For that reason, I can’t help myself but keep smiling when I went to my age of ceremony in a cathedral as the priest will conduct the ceremony. I saw my classmates taking part in it. Although they seemed surprised when they saw me, I ignored them and didn’t think of anything other than Claude.

Fast forward a little, I got my spirit, which’s a little ferret with an attribute of fire—I named him Clyde. He was angry at first because he knew I named him from someone whom I greatly admire, but he gradually calmed down and accepted it.

(Master, I’ve got a question.)

(What is it?)

(Can’t you just confess to him? He kissed you, doesn’t that mean something?)

“H-Haah?! W-What are you talking about?!”

I raised my voice and looked at Clyde, who was on my shoulders resting. I’m the only one who can hear Clyde because of the contract we had formed, and he can only talk to me telepathically. Furthermore, he saw all of my memories as our souls interlinked with each other.

Because of my voice, my mother and the surrounding people looked at me confusingly. I bashfully cast my head down to hide from the embarrassment that Clyde caused by asking a stupid question.

(I-It’s complicated...)

(How is it complicated? Doesn’t a kiss signifies he has affections with Master?)

(I-I don’t know...)

(Then you’re going to wait for him?)

(I-I guess so...?)

(Oh! Master wants to show that she’s dominant and letting him know Master is not a simple girl! Master is the greatest!)


I wish it’s that so simple...

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