It Seems Like I Got Transmigrated Into An Eroge

Chapter 126: Accumulation (7)

Upon reaching my dorm room, I saw the sight of Lars and Erik lying on the floor. I tried to wake them up, but to no avail, they were too deep asleep.

"Whoa... They're out of mana... What kind of horrendous training did they undergo?" I said, as I carried the two and put them in their own bed before I went to my own. I gaze at the ceiling, pondering the possibilities of the unprecedented future that lies before me.

While mulling over my thoughts, another thought emerges. 'Wait, I can invite Lars and Erik. However... Arya is the obstacle. I don't really want to test anything that would involve Arya's trust... Perhaps Lily can convince her.'

"Haaa..." I closed my eyes, as tomorrow awaits me.

The next day...

I woke up from the sound of someone knocking on our door, so I lift myself up and got down from my bed as the other two are still sound asleep. The sunlight pierced through the tiny gaps of the curtain hanging on the windows, and it's directly hitting Erik's eyes yet he's not waking up at all. Before going to the door, I stretched my limbs.

"Who's knocking in this ungodly hour?" I stepped in the door and opened it.

Behind the door, the last person that I wanted to see after last time, suddenly decided to show up.

"Albert... What are you doing here?"

"I... Uh..." Albert's gaze wandered around.


"I-I would like to apologize for my rude actions from before, despite my prom— Ehem! As I said, I would like to apologize for that time. I acted out of impulse. I was out of my usual self at that time... So—"

"Yeah, I don't mind it."

"—Eh? That easily?" Albert said, dumbfounded by my response.



"You're just trying to protect your sister, right?"

Albert's eyes widen in shock.

"But... I have a question for you. About the time from the entrance examination... That time when you got beaten by me? I've been meaning to ask you, why are you acting harshly toward your sister? Is that your way of distancing yourself? Was it to protect her away from you?"

Realizing my mistake, I was left conflicted because it's really disrespectful of me to ask him straightforwardly a sensitive topic that involves his life and his relationship with his sister. However, I can't take it back and say it's all good. That would make everything worsen than what it is already. As I wait for his response, I'm itching to leave right now because of the awkward silence killing me.

"That's not for you to know. You won't like someone intruding into your life, wouldn't you?" Albert's eyebrows furrowed.


Albert heaves a sigh. "I didn't come here to argue... I just sincerely wanted to apologize for last time and... I would like to join your faction."

"Aaah! But how did you know?"

"F-From my si... I don't want to get into detail, all right?! Can I join or not?!" Albert exclaimed, as his entire face is turning red.

"Ohh, I get it now..."

Albert glared at me.

"Yeah, okay. I don't see any problem, but once you cause trouble. I won't be able to save you from yourself. Is that okay?"

"What do you mean?"

I scratch my lips. "If you ever tried to go against Arya, the draconian princess, she'll annihilate you in an instant. You know that she's the current head of the faction, right?"

"I don't..." Albert's complexion worsened, as the redness became white as a sheet.

"So, I advise you to control yourself more because she's a person that doesn't care about lives at all. She's a firm believer that the only people who can live are the strong ones and the rest can die. And I tell you, she's a person that you wouldn't want to mess with. So, are you still on?" That's a lie that I made up, but it won't be far-fetched since I can imagine Arya saying those words straight into my face.

I would like to incite fear inside his brain, as a way to resolute himself on taking over the phoenix. There's no other person who can overcome his spirit than himself. Along with the fear, he also needs to take into account Rosalyn on that one since she'll be also joining us, adding the burden on his shoulder. My reason may be too simple, but what I said may eventually come true if Albert's personality clashed against Arya and Arya didn't like it which will cause internal conflict; which will fall lies to Lily and me. Moreover, not only Albert's personality but also Rosalyn's recent behavior. I'm pretty sure Albert already knows all about this which makes my lie pretty useless... Damn it.

Because of what I said, Albert was having second thoughts about joining as he was taking his time. As I was about to close the door on him, he answered with an unyielding determined glint shining in his eyes. "Yeah, I do."

"Well then, see you later after class."

"What about the location?"

"I'll come to your class later, so expect me later."

"Okay," Albert answered calmly. In an instant, his demeanor changed which lead me to believe that he can actually take over the phoenix. But, at the same time, I wondered if he were able to control the phoenix, what will happen to Rosalyn?

I watched Albert's back as he walk back to his dorm room. At the same time, Lars and Erik finally woke up. Therefore, we went into our daily routine, eating our breakfast and going to our class. Throughout the entire day, my mind is busy thinking about how in the world Instructor Sienna's clothes don't fall off from all the excessive movements; also to point out, she's barely wearing anything in the first place. Is that appropriate? I think so...

After the class...

I'm outside of the S-Class classroom. When Lily and Adelle saw me, they were surprised.

"What are you doing here? I thought we will meet in the place?" Lily asked.

"Do you guys know the way?"


"Then that's your answer. There are still people missing... Hm... Rinna!" When I shouted Rinna's name, I waited for a little, but she didn't appear. I was expecting her to be sneaking around... That ruined my mood.

"Why are you shouting her name?" Adelle asked.

"No reason..."

We waited for quite a while... Then suddenly, I heard someone shouting my name. "Claude~!" Rosalyn pounced on me.

Then behind her, Albert was following her quietly. He nodded as a greeting. Lily frowned upon seeing Rosalyn's face.

"Looks like everyone is here," I said.

"What about Stephanie and Rinna?"


"We're here," Stephanie said as she appeared behind Lily and Adelle, and next to her, there's also Rinna. Rinna waved her hand to me and gave me a thumbs up.

"Oh, there we go. That's convenient. Let's go then." I said, but deep inside, I'm utterly confused as to why Stephanie and Rinna were here because yesterday—I don't recall telling Rinna about the meeting place nor about meeting together.

Once we were walking in the familiar odd blue forest, everyone was mesmerized by the beauty of the environment, except for Albert who had this expressionless face which is the first time I'm seeing. Eventually, we entered the palace. The meeting was postponed for an hour because I toured them around before we entered a massive room. Arya was nowhere to be seen in the place until we entered the room, where she awaits.

Curtains are tied on the sides to let the natural light come through the room and for us to capture the sight of the soothing bright-blue color of the forest, behind the glass stained window across me. Surrounding by empty shelves and crumbles of food on the aesthetically expensive carpet, and at the middle of it, Arya was lying sideways while hugging a cushion. Our supposed leader is lazily lying on the floor, completely forgetting her duty.

Then next to her, her 'people' are about to start the meeting without her. What's the purpose of the wooden table if she won't even use it? It's not like we're occupying half of the wingback chairs. There's a lot of them actually, about 24 chairs surrounding the massive round table.

"Hehehehe~" Rosalyn was having the time of her life. She's clinging to my front like last time while sniffing my neck. Yes, it's uncomfortable. Her breath tickles my neck.

And then not too far from us, her brother Albert had his eyes rolled the other way with his arms crossed on his chest, showing his dissatisfaction toward me. Albert came along too and asked me personally to let him into the group—for the purpose of watching over his sister(my presumption). Unlike before, he's now looking at me in a different way, in a good way... I think? However, it's still apparent in his eyes that he's suppressing the backlash of borrowing the phoenix's flame.

At the other side of the circular wooden table, I can see Lily and Stephanie sitting side-by-side with their not-so-fond look etch in every corner of their faces. I had my talk with Stephanie about the two. She said that Albert hasn't taken things extremely, like forcing her or using drastic methods when they're in the same party before. So, in the end, we let him in because I deduced that it was never his intention of harming Stephanie in any way other than winning her heart. At the same time, I wondered whether he still feels the same way right now? Of course, my impression of him drastically changed.

Furthermore, I can monitor him from up-close since he's going to be within my grasp. His demeanor was back to the usual, but it's far different. For some reason, there's a glint of calmness in his eyes. Or am I just seeing things? Nonetheless, it's good to see him calmer than usual.

I begin the process of explanation. "Since we're all here. Let's talk about the current situation caused by none other than Arya."

"Are we supposed to even talk about that? Arya is here, next to us." Lily pointed out.

"That's fine. Now, where were we? For those who don't know the purpose and goal of this group, this faction is created to dominate everything, dominating every major faction to its existence. Or basically, dominate everyone in terms of strength and power. As said by our beloved draconian princess, Arya Draco."

"Yeeeeah! Give more energy, Claude! I want to hear it in your voice!" Arya screamed her support from down the floor.

"Like as I stated earlier, we're practically a faction created for the convenience of our little princess. We don't hold any special values or anything like others... Do they?" I glance at Stephanie for answers.

"Well... I think so... From what I remember, I did receive offers from two major factions, but yeah, that seems to be right. They hold values very strictly since it will also reflect in their cultures or kingdom. I mean, for example, would be Maiveil kingdom, you met them, right?"

"Yeah, I did. I got an offer from the prince himself."

"Why didn't you accept it? If the prince himself reach his hand to you then he sees you in high regard." Albert remarked.

"Did you receive also receive an offer from them?"

"Of course, I did! We're from a noble family under the Maiveil kingdom! Ah. Sorry..." Albert raises his voice mid-way but apologizes right after realizing it. Stephanie and I look at him perplexed because of it.

"So, why did you reject it? I don't think it's a wise thing to do."

Albert glances at the face of his sister who was resting her head in my shoulder and chose not to respond. "No reason. So, why did you reject it?"

"Do you really even need to ask that?" I lock my gaze to Arya who's happily munching on her food.

Albert seemed to understand the entire picture, so he didn't ask any questions after.

"Okay... And, what about them, Stephanie?"

"I'm not really particularly familiar, but they firmly believe that unity is the foundation of everything. As for the other factions... I don't know."

"Well, at least that's better... Ehem! As I mentioned earlier, our faction is solely created because of Arya's wishes. Moreover, I don't have any particular knowledge regarding a faction, so I was hoping that our only senior in this group to explain it to us." I locked my gaze to Stephanie and flashed a smile.

"Me again? You... From where your speech was heading, I thought you already knew and was about to explain, but... Claude... Tch." Stephanie's eyes glared at me.

I gave her a meaningful smile.

"Haaa, okay. Let's start from the beginning. Factions are a group exclusive for nobles to share their knowledge and broaden their views, but that changed throughout the century as they slowly changed the ruling by accepting commoners for the modern ear. That's what they told me when they tried to recruit me." Stephanie shrugged her shoulders.

Then she continues. "But in truth, faction became the symbol of power. The prestigiousness and the power that comes along with it are blinding, so in natural fashion like outside, people's greed for power became so strong that—"

"Uh, Steph... You're going too deep... Back down a little bit." I interrupted.

"Oh, sorry. Where am I? Oh yeah, in short summary, it's basically the jungle where the strongest one rules them all."

"Is that all?"


Arya was looking at me with a smug face.

"Okay. Thank you, Stephanie. Basically, this faction is a joke. A social circle would be better."

"Technically, it's also a social circle," Stephanie added.

"Thank you for the information—"

"Hey, what are you saying!? It met the perfect criteria for me! How can you say that it's a joke?! Isn't it perfect?! Aiming for the top!" Arya refuted.

"Stephanie exaggerated it, but there are things that come along with it, not only that."

"Who cares?! It's perfect! That explanation is enough!" Arya puffs her cheeks.

"Why are you getting angry?"

"I'm not angry! I'm upset! Hmph!" Arya turned her head the other way while munching.

All of us are watching Arya throwing tantrums like a child, but the meeting is just starting, so I'm already preparing both of my physical and mental for later. I expect Arya to not listen to any words that I will say, but for our future—I will change that and assert dominance. I shall become the alpha! There's nothing wrong with trying... But this is Arya... I hope nothing goes wrong. 

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