It Seems Like I Got Transmigrated Into An Eroge

Chapter 102: Hellish x Refreshing Moment*

Days have passed. I stayed and rested in this ward for a week alongside Professor Eukla at the next bed. The elven nurses aided our needs during our stay. Their behavior toward me completely changed once Stephanie whispered something to Lily—I could easily tell, she was displeased once I saw her eyebrows knit together, anyone could tell. Once those same nurses got back, they became well-mannered and professional. Naturally, I would be sad for some pity reason.

The strawberry scent that I have always smelled oozes in through the open window. Next to me, Professor Eukla was sitting upright, looking down as her hair dances through the wind. The quietness of the atmosphere was pleasing. There are no people around us.

I've been observing her all this time, but she doesn't do anything other than to sleep or daze off on her own thoughts. She completely ignores me whenever I attempt to initiate a conversation. After days of ignoring me, Professor Eukla finally spoke to me.

"Student Claude."

"Yes, professor?"

"This has been bothering me the entire week... Can I ask you a question?"

"We've been here together since you've been ignoring me. Go ask."

"I've been meaning to ask... Are you a vessel of an old god?"

I maintained a poise face, but deep inside, I'm having an existential crisis. "Old god? I'm not particularly well-versed with the terms you are saying, Professor Eukla."

"I can see three souls residing in your body. The other became your half. It's faint, but I can still see it. Or even four?"

"Is that the reason for your question?"

"It's part of it. Spirits have a unique soul constitution that is easily distinguishable. Yet, those identities of what makes spirit unique... Yours was a different kind. I already said my reasoning, so can you answer my question now?"

"Forgive me, but I'm not really sure what you're talking about."

Professor Eukla knits her eyebrows together. "If you don't want to tell me, then don't."

Hearing her response, there's a hint of disappointment in her voice. "I can't answer your question if I don't even know what you're talking about. Simple as that."

"Your way of speaking changed... But, never mind. I'll leave you alone."

After ending our small conversation, the entire room was enveloped with an uncomfortable, awkward atmosphere. Professor Eukla remained motionless and promptly went to rest, after contemplating for half an hour. I can't fathom how a person can go for days without talking to someone. I've been observing her since the beginning. Is that creepy? I think it is.

Looking at the ceiling out of boredom, a nurse informed me that two people came to visit me. Lily, Adelle, Clara, and Stephanie would often visit me regularly. Of course, only in their free time on the day. They're my only visitors. Until just now. Behind the door, there's a man named Shin and a woman named Ami, standing at the door. Shin was wearing some bandages over his head and also wearing the same clothes like mine, unlike Ami who was wearing her usual uniform.

I ponder over their sudden visit. Then I glance at the sleeping Professor Eukla. Or was she? I can't tell. Returning my gaze back to the two visitors, I prompt a question. "Good evening, it's been a while."

"Yes, it's been a while, Claude," Ami spoke first.

"Good to see you two's condition going well, so what brings you here?"

Ami hits Shin with her elbow. Shin then walks forward. "Actually... After giving it some thought, what I did back then was childish and disrespectful. Ami made me realize all of that. And said... She wanted me to give our thanks to you."

"For what?"

"I'm not even sure..."

'Huh? Are you serious? You said those words, yet you have no idea the reason for your own words? ' I almost blurted out my thoughts. Ami next to him also had the same thoughts as mine from just her expressions.

"Shin! Seriously?! Those talk I had on you for days... For nothing!? You kept nodding to me, yet you don't even know why we're here?! Haaa... Shin!" Ami paused midway through her sentence before bursting out her anger to Shin. The culprit of her anger was completely obliviously to what he did wrong. Next to them, there's me, taken back by Ami's wrath.

"I-I-I... Y-You know... I ca—... Yeah..." Shin kept eating his words, to the point Ami's veins are popping out of her forehead as her rage flows through her like lava. A glimpse of the inevitable death of Shin Morina is reflected in Ami's eyes. Despite her anger, not directly pointed to me. I can't help myself, but be scared and feel bad for Shin. Yet, at the same time, it was well-deserved.

"You're so stupid! Why do I need to..."

From that point, Ami continues with her ranting that made my ears bleed. 'How long is she going to be like this?! I can't handle it anymore! Even Lily nor Stephanie doesn't rant like this! Oh god, help me, please! I can finally understand the nodding. Aaaah, this is hell!'

A while later, Ami finally cools down. The fact she went for an hour, still haunts me, leaving me some sort of traumatic experience. And also, the fact Professor Eukla didn't wake up from Ami's loudmouth impressed me. Shin had his soul taken out from his body halfway through her rant. Honestly, I blame him for causing the so-called Ami Disaster.

"Are you done, now?" I said.

"Oh! I didn't mean to take so much of your time! Sorry! Anyway, since this idiot can't comprehend anything I say. I'll say it. Thank you for everything you helped us. This idiot may not understand because of his stubbornness, but I'm thankful for protecting us while we're running away."

"What are we supposed to thank him on? Isn't he supposed to fight it anyway? He said it himself. He will take care of it, and shooed us away. Clearly, he's there to protect us either way."

"You ungrateful idiot. Be appreciative that he had intents of protecting us, despite his kind of nasty personality. He helped us. Not going to lie, deep down, he's quite kind. And you, Shin, learn to accept reality for once. Anyway, that's our purpose for coming here. I also apologize for his stupid and rude behavior." Ami said.

Ami bows out leaving and dragging Shin along. I was infuriated. "Are those two serious?! They wasted an hour of my life for that little thank you words?! Wow... I'm lost for words. Please give my time back..."

"Are they away now?" Professor Eukla sits up.

"You've been awake?"

"No person could ever sleep peacefully from that girl's mouth. They would be insane to be able to go through such madness."

"Thought so..."

After the hellish experience of Ami, I slept like a log for the entire duration of the day until the sun blazes through the window. While I'm having a wonderful sleep, a warm, slippery sensation felt on my entire neck. There's a familiar sound that reaches my ears, waking me up slowly.


A faint pink color greeted my eyes, as the haziness of my eyesight slowly disappears, a pair of eyes met mine. Soon after, a soft touch pressed to my lips. Our lips traversed to our deep desire, along with our tongues intertwining. We released our locked lips.


"Good morning, young master."

Clara was inside of my blanket, which means, she snuck her way in again. I squint my eyes to the familiar curtain around my bed where I've been staying for a few days now. "Wait a minute, we're still here... What did I tell you about this? Professor Eukla is right next to us. You can't keep doing these things."

"But, I missed young master... I want to do it... Badly..."

"No is no, Clara."


There were at times, this side of Clara would show up—just rarely. Her pleading eyes were hard to reject, so in the end, I lost to my own lustfulness. I shove my lips to Clara's lip which she happily accepts. From that point forward, there's no turning back. I happily sneak my hand way into her maid's clothing, feeling the warmth of her delicate skin. It didn't take too long before I arrived at her squishy breast that I've touched many times. Like usual, Clara promptly went ahead to my cock, as it's her main priority before anything else.

All my rationale went straight into the bin, forgetting the woman next to us. Clara and I set ourselves in our own world without caring about everything around us, other than fulfilling our needs. My other free hand to Clara's sacred hole, and unsurprisingly, she's not wearing any panties—a little bit of liquid was caught in between my fingers. That means Clara was expecting this.

"Mnggh♥" Clara suppressed her moans.

"Don't make a sound." I cover her mouth and she bit my hand.

After playing around a little bit, I prepared my cock to insert into her hole. Hence, our little game of hidden sex had begun. Honestly, I find it enjoyable as Clara's desperation was quite pleasing to watch. It's so adorable that I can't contain my laugh. As I grind inside the blanket, I'm also keeping an eye on the door behind Clara. In case someone comes in unannounced, while also, looking Clara in the eyes.

"Ngggh♥ Mmm♥"

I shot a load of white liquid inside of her honeypot. Clara's face was in full bliss, yet her eyes are still asking for more. To appease her, I just kiss her on the lips and said. "We can do it more after I recover and once we're alone. Okay?"

Clara nods with a slight smile. She rubs her face on my neck, sniffing and kissing it. I hug her tightly in response while chuckling to myself. But at the back of my head, I was hoping that Professor Eukla didn't notice our love session. I hope.

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