Isekai Rohan


An overwhelming sense of loss filled my heart. Mel...

Ah, I see. Kozumi, she's not as bad as I thought. She's doing all this to cheer me up huh. All this cheerful personality and flirtatious behaviour is all an act to encourage me. After a moment of silence passed, I peered into her eyes with a little amount of respect. 

"Oh, This slipped my mind because we're dhans, but, humans will be teleported out of the dungeon when the dungeon boss is defeated. Granted, if they're still somewhat alive and breathing anyway." Fuck, I take that back, she neglected to inform me of this part deliberately didn't she!? 

With this information, I can guess that Mel should still be alive with the freefall taking as long as I remember it did. She must've teleported out safely. If anything, she's probably waiting for me to escape this shit hole. Or perhaps returned to town to seek help? As for Clam and his friends. I'm not sure. They were way too close to the blast proximity to be sure. I can only imagine the scenes in the movies where a single hand grenade would sent a human's parts blasting apart. Ugh.

With my worries eased, my heart lightened with hope. I return my focus towards this vixen.

"I believe introductions are long due? I'll start since I'm a gentleman." I don't like that smirk... "Ahem*. I'm Asai, a human born in Eng- Einhoren. ahem* I grew up in an orphanage, and now that I'm considered an adult. I have decided to become an adventurer. Hence, why I'm here. I'm not sure whether I should believe your dhan story or not but, I'll take into consideration the kindness I've received from you thus far for saving my life, and possibly one of my companions, Mel."

"You. I think I know more about you than you do yourself. Now, this is all a hypothesis but listen. You were born from an unholy union between a dhan and a human. I say this because I am the second generation of dhans to manage to infiltrate Del Lagos. The previous entered these lands proximately around eighteen years back. I'm going to assume that your father ended up seducing a human but didn't stick around to wait for you as his mission was his priority. Since I've entered human territory. I haven't found any other traces of my people apart from you. Oh, for your information. The first generation who made it into human territory were exclusively men. No special reason really, men were simply more foolhardy and more willing to throw their lives at the border dragons."

"Border dragons?" Fucking hell, dragons? I don't like where this is going. I hope the word Demon lord never comes out of her mouth...

"Yes, after my investigation. I believe all the high nobility of the human kingdoms are aware of the border dragons. They were placed there to prevent the races from fighting. We, the dhans have been at war with the Dekans for centuries. Fighting for resources and land. After our first successful infiltration, albeit at a great cost of life. We managed to discover the humans and the elves. Imagine our surprise when these two races were coexisting and peaceful. Whilst in our lands, the dekans and the us dhans were duking it out like mortal enemies. HA."

She gave me a moment to digest the information.

"We came to a agreement, rather than fight amongst ourselves to the death, why not attack the humans. After all, they're such a weak race. They're greedy, they keep the resources and knowledge hidden and given only to a small number of people who call themselves nobles. We, the dhans share all knowledge and power. Asai, you should join me. At your core you're a dhan, I like you, I like what I've seen so I'll vouch for you. Anyway, I'll be stuck in human lands for years. So take your time and let me know when you're ready."

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