Isekai Life as Ōtsutsuki

Chapter 105 – Great Step Forward

"Where is Ying'er?"

Ōtsutsuki Kirihara was woken up from her thoughts when she realized that Yakou had returned from the Phoenix Trial Grounds with a rather satisfied expression, which told her everything that she needed to know.

"Don't know... she grew bored from all the waiting and decided to explore the area of the Blue Wind Empire more and search for interesting things and gather information."

That was indeed something that Qianye Ying'er would do... she wasn't very good at doing nothing, contrary to Kirihara, who spent her time here by meditating.

She had the attention span of a child sometimes; if she concluded that she was bored with something, then she wouldn't find something else to entertain herself with something different.

"Yes... that is something she would do... I don't know what is going on in their pretty blonde head of her sometimes."

Yakou said to his statement; Kirihara frowned, though he himself knew what was going in Ying'er's head because it was mostly scheming and plotting against other people. And then there was some desire for attention and cuddling, if he was honest with himself at that.

"Whatever... let her do what she wishes; she would be much more useful out there than waiting here with us."

Now, they needed to wait for the God Tree to blood and give birth to the specialized Bloodline Fruit created from Phoenix Legacy.

The Phoenix Village was an unnaturally quiet place, which was weird considering the fact that it was located in one of the most dangerous areas on the entire continent.

Ten Thousand Beast Mountain Range was a relatively peaceful place, full of Profound Beasts and a nice environment. Yakou actually liked this place very much, as he sat down together with Kirihara as they were observing the skies.

"It is nice here..."

Yakou muttered while observing the navy blue skies...

"If just every single assignment could be like this..."

The Crown Prince of the Ōtsutsuki Clan found himself nodding with her statement because he was enjoying the tranquility of the Ten Thousand Beast Mountain Range. He knew that the God Tree would soon enough create the Bloodline Fruit.

"We are lucky for our journey to lead us to such a planet..."

The Primal Chaos Dimension Origin World was a treasure trove for the Ōtsutsuki Clan, as they were already mining resources, transporting the minerals to the Frigid Origin World together with other resources from the conquered Star Realm and mortal planets.

The Ōtsutsuki Clan was advancing methodically one by one, conquering some Star Realm after another; now that they had a good number of Saint Realm Ōtsutsukis... they could finally advance steadily.

Even though they were advancing their plans by a great margin, their profits from this venture were already higher than the trips of some Elders into the different Origin World into their own.

Every single Holy Lord Realm Ōtsutsuki would be tasked to infiltrate different Origin Worlds and stealthily plant some God Trees and harvest Chakra Fruits. This was the primary source of the Chakra Fruit for the Ōtsutsuki Clan because their yields from the Starveil Origin World were relatively low.

Though soon enough, once the Starveil Origin World underwent the rebirth, then the Holy Lords of the Ōtsutsuki Clan wouldn't really need to risk their lives within the other Origin Worlds to gather resources for their Clan.

Even right now, there were many out there, especially within the Great Lake Heart Origin World, which was one of the most common destinations of the Ōtsutsuki Clansmen.

After several more minutes of sitting on the ground, Ōtsutsuki Kirihara made herself comfortable in the Yakou's lap, catching the Crown Prince of the Ōtsutsuki Clan by surprise because he didn't expect that Kirihara was so bold...

But he also knew the reason...

The presence of Qianye Ying'er was something that was unnerving for her and was pushing her to be more proactive. Kirihara wasn't very proactive in this, and she needed a little push because, while she would never admit it out loud, but she was a "prude".

So the presence of Qianye Ying'er indeed pushed her into being more proactive and she giggled to herself thinking about this because something good came from Ying'er's presence even for her.

"Someone is feeling feisty today..."

Yakou said as he felt Kirihara pressing her bottom against Yakou Junior rather vigorously and with great enthusiasm.


She hummed, though she wiggled her body even more as Yakou hugged her close, his hands roaming through her graceful curves. Her body was soft and smelled very nice as Yakou gave her a kiss on the back of her neck, causing a moan to escape her lips.


He heard her mutter as he pressed her; slowly, both of them began losing any restraints around them, as Kirihara turned her to face Yakou, as they started kissing passionately with each other.

Yakou quickly erected the Fūinjutsu Barrier around them because sooner or later, her moans would attract the attention of all inhabitants of the Ten Thousand Beast Mountain Range and he started unbuttoning her clothes.

"Are you sure?"

At the last moment, he stopped himself as he looked at Kirihara, who nodded her head.


The next day in the morning, Yakou and Kirihara were sleeping soundly after an entire night full of passionate lovemaking. He was surprised by Kirihara's boldness, but he had to admit that yesterday was a magical and indeed, unforgettable event.

After waking up, Yakou gently patted her head as she was sleeping on his chest, still in heavy slumber after yesterday's arduous activities. It has taken a much greater toll on Kirihara than on him, as he has trained his physique much more than Kirihara.

Due to her father, she wasn't a very huge fan of Body Refining and physical training and was only training her body to only minimal standards to practice Evolutionary Cultivation.

For sure, she would need to train her physique to keep up with his stamina.

Or else she would be entirely defeated by him in this area.

Slowly, Kirihara started opening her eyes as she was waking up, then the realization came to her what they were doing for the whole night, as she blushed mildly. She didn't say anything for several more minutes until she gave Yakou a kiss on his cheeks after she calmed down.


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