Isekai into Marvel/DC

Chapter 26 Lil Miss Wreck Shit

*Stephanie’s point of view*


We rushed to Wayne manor. Bruce found Joker since he had been hiding the night he put Alfred into a coma. It appears that the man who blew up the Kingpin’s building was none other than Joker. We made our way back on Cass’s motorcycle. I could smell a different smell in her hair.


It was still a feminine smell but it definitely wasn’t the coconut shampoo we use. It smelled nice. My mind couldn’t wrap around sleeping with a man you just met. She seemed happy though… Actually she seemed much happier than before and even more confident.


We pulled around back and ditched our helmets. As I was about to open the door I was stopped. “Wait. Ambush. Jokers men inside.” Now that she mentioned it I didn’t see the bodyguards on the outside. Think Steph, you should have noticed that! She sniffed the air before saying. “Joker gas. Holding Alfred hostage. No Bruce. No Joker. They caught Jason. Go in. Draw their attention. I’ll get Alfred.”


I wait for Cass to run around the building and climb in through a window higher up. Giving her plenty of time I thought of what I could do to draw more attention. I entered the building and walked towards the entrance. As I get to just below the double staircases going up to the second floor I hear a familiar voice calling out to me.


“Stop right there blondie. You're right below the splash zone if you don’t listen.” I looked up and saw Alfred’s medical bed tilted so he might fall two stories if someone were to push it any further. I couldn’t help but cry as I saw one of my father figures put in danger. I growled at Harley before spouting. “You’ll pay for this you clown bitch!” 


She gave me a sad pout before saying. “Aww ain't that cute blondie. Only Mr. J can call me pet names like that. Now stay where you’re at or you’ll have to play catch the comatose British butler.”


Two men in clown masks came around the corner and headed towards me with a rope and chair. A shout from a henchman followed by Alfred being pulled from the ledge let me know my distraction worked. All their attention was drawn to me. That still meant I had to fight two large men by myself. I pull out my collapsible bo staff and quickly dispatch them.


I look up and see Alfred’s daughter holding off one guard. Jason throwing punches with two clowns and Cass… Absolutely demolishing six all around her plus Harley and her two hyenas. She jumps up into the air with lights appearing underneath her jumping off them like platforms up to twenty feet while being shot at and jumps down folding one of the guys. She moved effortlessly into assaulting the next. 


It shocks me so much I forget we’re supposed to be fighting over a hostage. Harley looks as confused as me as Cass closes the distance. Harley tries to speak. “You! OOF!” She’s kicked in the stomach and collapses. She walked over to Alfred and picked up the entire bed before taking it back towards the room he was being kept in. Jason was the first to break the silence. “What the fuck!?”


Cass responded. “Fucked a guy. Gave me powers.” Julia blurted out. “Where the fucks the guy at?” 




I woke up and began working again. Nick called an all hands meeting so I needed to figure out where the SHIELD HQ was. I made six of the larger bullet stopper charms to show off my progress. 


I find my way to the building and head to where the meeting is taking place. I smile as I finally get to meet him. It takes some effort not to want to run over and ask for his signature. I look at Clint before saying. “Hey catch.” I tossed a bullet stopper at him and wait for him to stop fumbling it and catch it. As he did I pulled out my pistol and shot him in the leg.


God I’m glad that worked. It would have been really embarrassing if I just shot Hawkeye because I didn’t make the correct rune. Both Hawkeye and Natasha draw their weapons and point them at me. I sigh exaggeratedly before cutting my finger and showing my blood is red. “Can I get a blood show from the rest of you please. Also hello Captain America. It’s nice to meet you, big fan.”


I walk over and shake his hand. About four guys bust in and point there guns at me. “God if I knew you guys were going to exaggerate your reactions I’d have shot myself in the head. But then I’d have lived because I have another five bullet stopper charms on me.”


They continue to hold their guns on me and I start to get frustrated. “Can you tell the dipshit mooks to leave? The big boys are talking.” Everyone kept pointing their guns at me. What overreactions. 


“Fine. I’m sorry everyone! Sorry I wanted to show the potential of magic right away. Now can we please go back to normal, also I pulled a gun out and fired it before you guys did anything. Be more proactive when someone pulls out a gun you dipshits almost let me die the first time we met from the same shit.”


I sigh as they keep their guns trained on me and whisper. “God, this is why the Justice league is beating you cowardly fucks. Nick Fury keeps a secret base in the savage lands. He has an-.” Fury cut me off. “Alright that’s enough Mr. Storm. What the hell did you think would happen if you fired a gun in a government run building? Think before you do something.”


I scratched my stomach. “Nah, I’m good. So what's up, why'd you need me to stop experimenting?” Steve gave me a curious look again. “So this guy can use magic then? I guess I missed out on a lot more than I thought I did on that trip to Russia to look for Bucky.” 


He sat down and as he did so, so did everyone else. A tension from when I fired the gun had been released by him. He goes over a mission debriefing about his trip to Russia. I could care less. I’m completely checked out of the conversation not paying attention when Nick yells at me. 


“Oh I’m sorry Mr. shoot a fucking gun in an enclosed room. Are we boring you? Got my tinnitus acting up with that shit.” He pulled at his pack of cigars. “Fury please. There’s a lady here.” Captain America chimed in. Both Nick and Natasha laughed as he lit his cigar. He took a few puffs before saying.


“Now. Since we have someone who would clearly be anywhere else but here let’s discuss why we’re all here.”


He handed me the files I asked for and I scanned through them. Oh shit. “I gotta go right now. Peace!” 


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