Isekai From Hell: Modded Skyrim

Chapter 226: A New Harbinger Rises IV

"I see it's been hard on you, but I may have a solution that can satisfy Aventus and resolve the burden on Whiterun if you'd like to hear me out?" I tell him as I lean against the right table.

"What is it you have in mind, Silvantus?" Balgruuf questions as he focuses his attention back on me, leaning forward in anticipation.

"Helgen is in need of people, laborers, farmers, tradesmen, and the like. I offer a chance to take them in and relieve the pressure on Whiterun." I tell him.

"Ha, ha, ha! Wonderful! I'll send them right away!" Balgruuf laughs excitedly.

"Don't celebrate too soon, there's a couple conditions that'll need to be fulfilled first, Balgruuf." I say with a devilish smile making Serana raise her eyebrows slightly as Balgruuf sighs.

"Of course there is, there always is with you..." Balgruuf says in exasperation, standing up from his throne and making his way to the table I was leaning on. Pouring two drinks and handing one to me as he takes a drink.

"Alright, speak plainly Silvantus, what do you need?" Balgruuf says after finishing his drink.

"You make me sound like some common bandit, but you're right. This will cost you and won't solve the problem right away, but it will solve the problem." I assure him as he rolls his eyes before motioning me to continue as he pours himself another round.

I sip my drink before continuing, "We'll only take a few dozen every week, at least to begin with. The first few waves should be those with families, and we'll need some funds to ensure they have food and clothing for the journey. We'll cover their escort and the dismantling of that shanty town outside the walls as it gets cleared out." Telling him my proposed solution as he stares into his drink as he's weighing his options.

"I won't provide funds... But, I will make sure they are clothed and feed before they leave. That's the best I can offer." Balgruuf says countering my offer.

"That will work, I'll get word to my men to start preparing the escort and we should be ready for the first refugees in a week's time." I promise him as I finish off my drink.

"With that settled... When should I prepare myself for the funeral rites of the fallen?" Balgruuf asks, his face becoming mournful and downcast.

"We will begin at sunset in a few hours, the ceremony will take quite some time. I'd appreciate your permission to construct additional pyres outside the city. Skjor will be sent off in the skyforge first before continuing the rites for the rest of the fallen." I tell him as I stand up from the table I was leaning on.

"Aye, you can do that, and I'll be sure to make it to Skjor's funeral rites. He was one fine warrior. Clashed blades a couple times in tournaments over the years." Balgruuf says wistfully.

"Perhaps we could organize a tournament in his honor? I'm sure he'd have loved that." I tell Balgruuf with a pat on his shoulders as I start to make my way towards the exit as Serana follows behind.

"That he would... See you in a few hours." Balgruuf says, looking at his empty cup as I push open the door to find Irileth dutifully waiting outside.

"We're done, and you can go back in now, Irileth." I tell her as we leave the palace, getting a nod in affirmation as she makes her way through the door before it even closes behind us.

"She was quick to return to the jarl's side, don't you think?" Serana says once the door closes and we've made our way to the first landing.

"What do you mean?" I ask her a little confused.

"Don't tell me that you didn't catch how quickly her heart was racing outside that door?" Serana asks looking at me like I'm thick in the head.

"What? No, she wouldn't-... Would she?" I ask as I get lost in thought before I hear Serana laughing, making me look back and see her wipe a tear from her eye.

"You're messing with me, aren't you?" I say rolling my eyes at her.

"Only a little, but got you to stop fretting, didn't I?" Serana says with a faint smile as we make our way down the stairs.

"Yeah, yeah, let's get back to being prickly and rude, can't having you falling for me now." I joke back making her roll her eyes in turn.

"In your dreams, little pup. Just didn't want my guide home drowning himself in melancholy. Now, I should probably make myself scarce. I'll go stay in that inn for a while until your funeral is over." Serana says as she breaks away and heads off on her own to the Bannered Mare, making me smile before I turn to head to the mead hall of the Companions.

Going inside the hall I find the lesser wounded Companions milling about, some mourning their fallen, others are drinking, and a handful are eating to get their strength up after the battle.

All eyes turn to me, some with apprehension and others awe as I make my way to a seat of honor at the feasting table where I hear one of the Nords from earlier, Frathnar, Farkas said his name was mumbles not to quietly, "Some Harbinger, never seen one dressed up like one of those pompous jarl's. Dressed up like some milk drinker before even seeing our dead put to rest."

His words drawing the attention of those gathered in the hall, making them look between the two of us knowing what he intended from his words.

"Huff... I went to get permission from the Jarl and request he honor our fallen brothers and sisters with his presence at the pyres I plan to have constructed outside the city this day." I say with a heavy sigh, hoping that this could have waited until Skjor was at least properly sent off, but I begin undoing my fine cloak and removing my shirt as I place them down at the chair I had been about to sit on.

(Author's Note: Extremely sorry! Class is starting tomorrow and had to take care of my textbooks and other materials. Hope you enjoy!)

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