Chapter 9: it was a good idea in his head
"-it ain't me! It ain't me! I ain't no Senators sonnnn!"
Joseph and Henry checked their equipment a finale time while listening to some tunes while Rex was flying the pelican again, they was being stealthy as they can flying high above the air through clouds. The resistance on their ship did have targets of interest, which the boys decided they was gonna do them all in one day because they can.
The targets of interest was a Advent scientist who wanted to work for the resistance, they have been feeding all sorts of information when they could. Their cover they believe is almost blown and wanted out of Advent eye, the other target is an Advent VIP that was going to be in the same city but different places, the group was splitting up which Joseph would get the VIP while Henry goes to get the scientist. Rex was going to keep flying the pelican and ensure it don't get spotted.they really didn't have a method to call the pelican to their position.
"We're reaching the cordinates guys!" Rex said while turning down the music as Joseph and Henry banged on the metal wall of the pelican interior to let Rex know they heard him, Joseph banged as lightly as he could to not put a dent into the pelican. "We should've take a resistance memeber with us so they could fly" commented Joseph as Rex silently cursed. "Fuck…..why didn't I think of that?"
"Well to be fair, neither of us did" said Henry while shrugged, at that moment that shared a collective one brain cell. Rex couldn't help but make one finale joke before readying to drop Joseph off. "Bro I thought Space marines are supposed to be like really smart, what are you supposed to be then?" He asked while pressing a button that the door to the pelican, the sound of fast winds easily heard blowing by as Joseph responded while heading to the back of the pelican readying to drop. "There is some space marines that are pretty stupid in the actions they make, so I very much am a space marine! Just muscle memory and lack of smarts." He said and before Rex or Henry could say anything Joseph tilted himself forward and let gravity do the rest of the work making him plummet.
His limps didn't flail around or anything, he just T posed while he fell hundreds of miles in the sky and plummeted rapidly towards an unexpecting vip location.
There was armored limo built up to advent standards, it had bullet proof glass, high quality material that protected every part of the limo from bullets and even higher calibers. It would take a anti tank rifle to burst through armor that thick -get the reference?-, it was being guarded by some of the vip guard detail, four advent troopers standing in front of the building the vip currently was in.
Two guarding the limo itself, each being silent but very much bored. While advent modified these once normal humans to their desired specifications they couldn't fully erase all human emotions, simply nulled them as much they could. They was bored out of their minds but hid it easily, the recruit of or rookie of this squad couldn't take it anymore and whispered to his partner who was on the otherside of the building door they was beside.
"Psst hey….you ever wonder why we're here?" He asked quietly to his partner who glanced at him briefly, more like tilt his head. They couldn't see each others eyes but he knew his partner was looking at him. "Well, it's life greatest my-"
Faster than they can comprehend, something desotyred the armored limo. The explosion consuming the two advent troopers too close to the explosion, it killed them on the spot. Metal shrapnel was lauched everywhere as the recruit hit the wall hard banging his head roughly to the point he almost blacked out as he collapsed onto the floor on his stomach.
He laid there, vision blackening as he saw his partner who was decapitated as one of the doors was imebbded into where the advent soldier once stood. His head now on the floor with his mouth open, yellow blood pooling around his head while the body itself was slumped against the wall.
The recruit weakly turned his head to look at the blazing inferno as a yellow armored figure with arms spread out in a T shape, the figure lowered his arms and began moving forward with heavy steps as the recruit passed out. "Let's turn up the heat in here" he said putting on random shades that spawned on his helmet head, it somehow fit.
Joseph then began marching towards the building with as much swagger as a space marine could produce, he was taking his sweet time considering he knew nothing could hurt him. He didn't bother opened the door and simply walked through it making it shatter, it was one of those fancy glass doors.
The store was a clothing store and his target was in the back staring wide eye as an Advent officer began shouting orders to the advent trooper beside him and the lancer while he began to shove the vip out the back door of the clothing store to try and get them to safety.
The advent trooper head explodes into yellow mist of gore before he could even pull the trigger. Joseph reflexes was much more faster than your average advent fodder, he lowered his bolter as the lancer rushed towards him and swings his stun prod (idk what you call it, stun stick?) at the large yellow figure, "it's time to go on a walk, a very enthusiastic walk." Joseph said to himself and swinged his armored arm 'shoving' the lancer aside before he could hit Joseph. The 'gentle' shove sent the lancer flying across the store into a clothing wrack, their body twisted at a wrong angle as Joseph began walking out the back of the store ignoring the frightened civilians.
There was no way in hell he had the charisma stats to remove the fear of god from them after they witnessed what he did. Plus he had a vip to catch, speed walking now to the back of the store he bursted through the wall and walked onto the side walk looking left then right.
He was able to spot the advent captain with his hand to his helmet while shoving the vip down the empty street. Joseph then took out his chainaxe and reeled his arm back while watching the captain make distance with the vip before flinging it, it sailed through the air before imbedding itself into the advent captain head. The helmet doing nothing to stop it as he fell down dead. The advent VIP would stumble back with a shout of fear as he fell onto the floor and tried getting back up only to fall down repeatedly in a panicked run as if he was in some horror movie.
Joseph easily crossed the distance to the vip who nearly fell down again, Joseph grabbing the back of the vip suit and lifted him up like he was some kind of piece of trash. "Do you understand that this isn't personal, that is of course a lie you heretic" he said to the man who was scared out of his to the point the man pissed himself. To be fair a person in giant armor effortlessly killing advent soldiers like they was just simple ants and was coming for you would terrify most sane people.
"Hm I wonder how Henry mission is going" he wondered aloud while stepping onto the clear street waiting for Rex to pick him up.
"Stay down ma'am!" Henry shouted while firing upon Advent forces, the mission went swimmingly until an explosion went off in the city which alerted all nearby Advent forces. Henry was solid snaking his way to the scientist where she was working at, snapped a advent trooper neck. Snagged the scientist in a bridal carry and made his way to extraction.
Only to run into a group of advent forces that was most definitely heading for Joseph, but now was focusing on him and the scientist they believe he was holding hostage. "I'm a dude!" Shouted the scientist who hid behind a wall as Henry and advent forces traded fire. "Well, a hole is a hole." "What?!"
Henry would ignore the scientist in favor of grabbing a thermal detonator and chucked it at the advent troopers hiding behind benches and a tree, killing the soldiers instantly easing up the pressure as he rushed forward out of cover charging towards another advent trooper who was briefly shocked that he came charging out of cover.
This allowed Henry to blast the trooper multiple times, killing the trooper on the spot. Henry fired upon the trooper head just to double tap. "Alright Doc, let's get you outta here before we get spotted by anyone else" he said making the scientist who slowly came out of cover and nodded quickly to Henry. "Are we close soldier?" He asked the tall soldier, Henry just shrugged in response while holding up his blaster carbine staying on alert, it was the same rifle all death trooper have, he didn't answer at the moment as he was trying to focus on the task at hand. As for how the scientist could understand Henry it was because he had his voice scrambler off. "Let's get moving, more will be on the way"
The scientist simply nodded following Henry around who moved first, checking his corners and surroundings just to make sure the coast is clear before letting the scientist move on ahead. The good news was most of the advent attention was focused towards the sound of the explosion that Joseph landing caused.
This allowed for Henry to escort the scientist relatively undetected, besides the small squad of Advent troopers they ran into. They both made it to the extraction site where Rex made the pelican hover in the air, he already picked up Joseph and the vip. The door opens letting both Henry and the scientist get aboard and into the pelican quickly.
"Well, that was easy" Joseph commented as the pelican sped off out of the city, Rex flew the pelican high into the sky through clouds just to make sure they would be out of view. "Well to be fair Advent used too fighting restiance and Xcom, normal humans struggling with weaponary that's not even plasma rounds. Just normal bullets, us? We're stacked equal too or more than advent what has on them, though I'm certain they'll start pumping out their more advanced units to oppose us once we become bigger than a thorn in their side." Rex replied back to his giant friend, as they spoke Henry was keeping an eye on their prisoner who had a large wet spot in his pants. Glancing at the scientist, his face looked a little pale as he gripped onto handlebars tightly that kept him safely secured into the seat.
Henry didn't exactly have anything to help with their problem, he assumed the scientist didn't like flying. He was going to interact with scientist and try to keep his mind off of their flight, even try to get to know the guy name but before he could the pelican jerk in a sudden motion that was strong enough to make him stumble and reach out to grab onto one of the pelican bars and balance himself. The scientist made a groan as he clenched onto the bar keeping him secured to his seat all the more tighter.
Joseph didn't even flinch as he looked at Rex who swore under his breath. "I think one of Advents UFO has found us" "yeah no shit considering its shooting at us!" Rex snapped at Joseph who said the obvious, Joseph would slowly turn and start heading towards the door to the pelican and pressed a button making it open causing a great suction to happen as objects not properly secured would fly out of the pelican.
The vip started screaming in fear but it was deafened by the fast winds and by the sound of the Advent UFO firing upon Joseph and his friends pelican, Henry shuts the VIP up by punching him across the face with enough force to knock him out and knock out a tooth.
"Hmmmm, I'm gonna jump and land on that UFO!" Joseph shouted giving a thumbs up as Henry stared at him while Rex briefly glanced back at his super soldier best friend, Joseph doesn't even need to see beneath Rex helmet to tell he had his eye brows raised.
"That sounds stupid don't do it!" Henry shouted as the pelican tilted to the left making herny nearly fall over as Rex made it move that way, just to dodge a blast from the advent UFO. "Imma do it, it's the best plan ever! I'll jump onto it!"
He shouted and proceeded to leap out the pelican with chain axe in hand to try and land onto the pelican, with the idea in mind that he could board the advent UFO and take it down from within and steal something valuable.
If only the lamentors 'luck' didn't kick in as Joseph didn't even jump anywhere close to the UFO and plummeted down to earth missing it entirely as Henry watched while the UFO fired upon the pelican, luckily Rex driving was eratic enough to dodge each shot so far.
"Henry your gonna have to drive alright?! I'm gonna take this annoying bastard down!" Rex said getting out of the pilot seat as Henry wanted to protest on not knowing how to pilot such an aircraft, he did it anyways seeing as Rex had a better chance of taking the UFO down or damage it enough to make it disangage from the fight.
Standing still even as the the advent ufo fired and missed each shot it made like some kind of storm trooper, Rex concentrated deeply for he was trying to use a different super instead of void.
He could use a nova bomb yes, however he feared missing the ufo and wasting his super. He could say time a warp to get close enough to the UFO and hit it with his super and pull out his rocket launcher he been saving and blast the ufo with that if the nova bomb didn't do the job already. Now there lay one problem, him plummmeting to his potential death if he does this plan.
He could slow his desent by warping or gliding down. However this situation was perfect to test out if he could use one of his other abilities that a warlock have, it was the perfect chance to unleash unlimited POWERRRRRR!
He concentrated, he envisioned how it should look. How it feel to have all that power flowing through him, around him. And released through his hands, all of his senses dulled as he looked deep within for his arc ability. The sound of the fast winds bellowing from outside the pelican faded out, to the sound of the UFO firing its next volley upon the pelican.
Void it seemed he can natural wield with ease, though the other sub classes like arc and solar seemed to be a bit more difficult to the point he needed to concentrate and search within himself for it. It certainly took some searching but he found it and 'grabbed' upon it and held on tightly as his body bursted with lightning or electricity if you wanna be specific about it.
He didn't even hesitate as he opened his eyes, a manical grin underneath his helmet as he shouted as loud he could while aiming his hands towards the UFO. "unlimited POWERRRRRRR!!!!"
Rex said as he fired powerful torrents of lightning-or electricity if your picky- from his hands towards the UFO, the advent pilots within the UFO wasn't expecting such a thing. Especially not from a human. They didn't have the time to maneuver their own ship to dodge as it was blasted full force of Rex arc power.
The UFO shields was overloaded with ease exposing the UFO with the full force of the arc lightning that the UFO systems was overloaded making it begin to crash, putting the UFO off their tail which was good as soon as Rex arc ability started. It ended as quickly as it began surprising him greatly, he figured it should've lasted much longer than just a few moments only to be hit with a realization.
He would have to actually put in the effort to master his arc abilities if he wants to use them more effectively and longer, which also include solar as well. "Fuck we gotta go pick up Joseph" there was also that realization as well.
At a hidden Advent prison facility everything was calm and quiet, advent personal was relaxed yet also still on guard for if anything happened.
Regular advent troopers was patrolling around the area of the facility in either a pair or a squad of four. One of the squads having a sectoid in it, another squad having a shield bearer in it.
The advent in charge of this facility felt pretty they could protect this facility from any threat, they even had a sectopod. No one was gonna bust out the prisoners with this amount of firepower the base had along with turrets.
The sectopod just finished getting its usual maintenance check, it was up and about moving along a patrol path to the middle of the facility where it wouldn't break any walls they had up for cover. Everything was okay until something at high speeds fell upon the sectopod that the sheer speed and weight behind the object destroyed the sectopod entirely causing a big explosion that it took all the advent personal by surprise, they couldn't properly conceive the thought of the sectopod being obliterated by what seemed to be nothing.
The advent officer would shout orders in the alien tongue they was 'programmed' with, taking all the advent forces out of their stunned states and taking command of the situation. He ordered a squad of three advent troopers and one sectoid to investigate the crater where the sectopod now once stood, due to the advent chips in all of their heads and indoctrination they obeyed the Advent officer without question.
The squad of four moved closer to the crater, the sectoid stood back a bit as it was more for support than frontline combat. They all stoppped as a large figure in big heavy yellow looking armor climbed out of the crater and dusted the dirt off himself, everyone paused not expecting a giant in heavy armor with not a single scratch from the explosion and fall.
Joseph looked around himself seeing that he was surrounded by advent forces, and then looked behind himself to see the remains of the sectopod and chuckles softly as he looked back at the closest group of advent.
"Now I know that looks bad-"
They immediately fired upon him. It gave him a reason to defend himself with violence.
Next chapter expect violence, it is the question and the answer is yes