Chapter 3: exploring a ship and planet fall
"Going on a ship in my favorite rocket ship soaring through the skies, little Einsteins~" sang Joseph as he walked through the empty halls of the ship, he decided to sing the first thing that came to mind as he walked through each room. It was perhaps the most boring yet exciting thing possible for him and Henry, who was singing along but it came out as the language of the gods.
Mainly sounding like 'kkfkfkfkakf', the usual death trooper native tongue. Searching the entire ship was exciting for the fact they had no idea what they could find and because it was a freaking spaceship! Who wouldn't be excited to explore something from sci fi?!
The boring part was finding literally nothing, each room had nothing of interest. Each room that Joseph and Henry explored was barren, they even found the bunks which had nothing in it! Not even a damn mattress, the only thing both of them knew was on the ship was whatever reactor fueled the ships power and that the ship had doors.
Plus side was they learned the ship they was in was from the UNSC, it was obvious from the massive logo printed on the front side of a metal wall. Which was neat to know, other than that they found absolutely nothing in the ship worth mentioning. Except for the one thing they did find was in the hanger bay, which was a UNSC pelican in the hanger bay.
Even the armory was empty, the only weapons they had was the ones on them which for Joseph was his Bolter and chainsword. While for Henry he had his standard E-11D blaster carbine, for whatever reason their armaments would appear in their hands whenever thinking about them and disappear whenever Joseph or Henry thought about their respective weaponry vanishing.
Sadly only the standard stuff as when Henry tried thinking of a rottery blaster it didn't appear in his hands. Nor did a flamer appear in Joseph hands, one day Joseph will burn heritcs in holy fire. But that day is not that day unfortunately.
They searched far and wide all throughout the ship, it was surprising big on the inside of the frigate, when it's shown to be one of the smaller UNSC ships. There was some elevators that went to the various floors inside the ship, even stairs.
They did eventually after a lot of walking found the captains quarters, it was also barren. It didn't even surprise them at that point, it looked like they was going to have to add furniture and all sorts of things to make themselves more comfortable on the ship.
Now while Joseph was a space marine who needed little amounts of sleep, having a bed would still be nice to lay on and just relax. And a gaming console, he was going to outplay the hell out of anyone in a PVP lobby. That or his lamenter luck would have the console break down on him.
Now that he was thinking on it, he was going to bring so much misfortune to himself and his friends. It was a worrying thought, in the lore of warhammer the Lamenters had the shittest luck out of all the space marine chapters that seen their numbers get decimated time and time again.
He remembers them getting fucked up by the minautor space marine chapter during the badab war, and then being sent on a penitent crusade in which their numbers got further decimated.
It was worry for Joseph but he would have to wait and see if the Lamenters bad luck carried over.
After searching the entire ship and finding nothing else of interest, Joseph and Henry would make their way back to the command center/Bridge of the ship. Entering the bridge they would see Rex in the middle of his nap, Herny would remove his helmet so Joseph can hear him properly. "Look at who fell asleep, prank em Joseph"
"Heh you already know" *clap clap clap clap*
"Yo yo yo YOOOO-"
-take 1-
"Prank em Joseph" Herny said jokingly as Joseph chuckled and approached Rex. He looked at his gauntlet covered hand and reeled his hand back, an aura of doom surrounds him as Joseph thought about this being the day he gets revenge against Rex for being unreasonably stubborn to play dark souls with him.
All the veins around Joseph face bulge as he was filled with so much anger that Khorne would be proud of, Joseph hand forms into a clenched fist as he reeled his fist back as far he could like Bowser charging up a punch from Bowsers inside story. -my favorite DS game-
It was a good thing Joseph was a good friend, as he unclenched his fist of rage. He very much knew deep down if he hits Rex full force, there would be a stain covering the floor. And he did not want to hurt his friend, he settled for slapping the side of Rex face.
Doing his best to restrain his super human strength Joseph would 'weakly' slap the side of Rex face. What Joseph failed to remember was that he was still wearing power armor, he slapped Rex with his gauntlet covered hand and that he had more physical strength than he realized. Henry let's out a wince as he heard the impact.
Good news was that Rex was wearing a helmet himself, it absorbed some of the blow. The force behind the slap/strike was still enough to force Rex out of his chair and land on his side. Easily waking him up with confusion as he sprang on his feet, nearly falling over himself as his heart was racing.
"Wha- who- ow that hurt!" Rex exclaimed in pain as he removed his helmet just so he can caress the side of his face. "Damn dude you could've just shook me awake. That fucking hurts man!" He shouted turned to look at Joseph with slight anger and annoyance, though it simmered down as Joseph agreed with him.
"Yeah….i went a bit too far, I'm sorry Rex" Joseph replied feeling a bit remorsefullu, it was a bit satisfying to get back at Rex in that moment but it was fleeting. He didn't want to cause his friend pain, especially now that his own physical strength was twice Rex own.
Before they could continue the conversation the ship would suddenly shake briefly making Rex and Henry stumble but not Joseph, he was just too heavy. All three of them would turn to see the ship exit slipspace to see what was possibly the most beautiful site to the three of them.
Each one of them slowly walking forward to the front of the command deck. Staring silently as they see Earth before them in the far distance from the ship. They saw home, humanity's home. Where every disagreement was made, where every work of art made, philosophy and other grand works. From medicine to the next evolution of technology.
Earth, the only habitatable planet humans could live on in their solar system. Besides terraforming mars, it was something else to see a picture of the earth but to see it from space? A picture could not compare to the actual view itself in this very moment, they was memorized by its beauty.
"Oh it's beautiful." Said Henry with his helmet off, holding it by his said as a single tear runs down his face. Herny emotional moment was ruined by what Joseph said next in awe.
"By the emperor balls" Joseph said as he stared at Earth, Henry staring at Joseph wondering what the hell does he mean by what he said.
"By Marika tits" herny blinked slowly, making a specific facial expression as he glanced at Rex. It seemed neither Joseph nor Rex realized what they said, for they both was too memorized and blinded by the Earth's majesty.
It took Henry a few moments to call out to his friends to get them out of their stubpor, which both Joseph and Rex appreciated as all three of them walked back to the center of the command deck.
"So….whats our plan now? Do we just fly the ship onto atmosphere and see what happens?" Asked herny with his arms crossed, his question was immediately shutdown by Joseph who held up his hand while shaking his head.
"We're in Xcom2 remember? The aliens or Advent controls the planet, their gonna use the appearance of our ship as propaganda and blow it out of the sky. I don't doubt the power of this heavy frigate but I'm sure Advent has their own space craft, a death by a thousdan cuts sounds like a sucky way to loose our ship. Especially since it's our one ticket outta here." He said to Henry, doing his best to explain his thoughts on the matter while Rex added his own thoughts on how they should go about their approach.
"We have the element of surprise, Advent has no clue we exist and they have no idea we got a warship in our hands. We can really hurt their operations and hurt the control they have over earth due to our element of surprise, we are an unknown factor they couldnt ever prepare for. things will get even more easier if we can build a crew of our own to help run the frigate if we join up with Xcom or any faction that's on earth. I'm sure the resistance would love to build up strength against Advent within the safety of our warship." Rex said to Henry and Joseph as they pondered his words and ideas, to them it wasn't a bad idea.
If they play their cards right and be careful about, they won't reveal the location of the ship Advent don't even know exist just yet. During that time they could easily help Xcom and the resistance build up strength much faster than it took for the commander/player to defeat the Elders and chosen.
"We're gonna need resources of our own you know, this ship is so barren it can be compared to the intelligence of a flat earther believer. If that was a good comparison." Herny said as he leans back against one of the metal walls, the other two had to agree. All they had was the weapons belonging to their class and whatever ammo they had on them. They didn't even have any beds or food, they was going to have to make the ship more up to standards themselves.
"Anything stopping us from stealing from Advent?" Joseph asked his two friends who looked at him and then each other. "Also we could leech off the resistance and Xcom, no way their gonna pass off having our help and the aid of our ship." He added on as Henry and Rex shrugged, Joseph wasn't wrong by any means. Xcom investing in them would be worth it considering the group of three was two super soldiers and a destiny guardian.
Additionally with a decent sized space ship. "I mean their probably going to help us either way if we're going to let them on our ship, so we can just raid the hell out of Advent for supplies and fight the good fight" Henry said, which Joseph and Rex found his reasoning to be solid.
"Okay so we got a base plan, find Xcom or the resistance. Team up with both to save the earth from the XENO FILITH- sorry had too, what about the ship? Like where we parking this thing to keep it safe?" Joseph asked, Rex and Henry pondered the question. Where should they hide their ride? "Why not hide it behind the dark side of the moon?"
Suggested Rex after some pondering, Joseph and Henry would agree that the dark side of the moon would be the best spot to hide their ship than letting it float out in the open for advent to potentially find it.
"Not a bad idea, however! Does any of us know how to drive this ship?" Asked Herny, the question bringing the trio into silence as they looked at one another and the various consoles in the command deck. "Guess we're pressing buttons" Joseph said, which is what the group did.
They was messing with each button on the various consoles to see what button did what, surpingly it didn't take too long to figure it out when Rex found a literal manual to drive a Paris class heavy frigate.
Which then flew behind the moon, Rex would figure out to put the ship on autopilot to follow the moon as it orbits earth. Just so it would remain hidden. With that out of the way they felt ready, the only way off the Frigate was by single pelican they found out of all the hanger bays.
There wasn't even a single ODST pod, which disappointed the three of them. Then again Joseph is too large for an ODST drop pod, the pelican began its flight with Rex being the pilot.
Once more Joseph was too large to even fit in the pilot seat, he was also too large to sit in the passenger seat. He was just awkwardly standing as Henry was able to fit in a seat, Rex was a bit surprised on how he instinctively flying the pelican.
Considering the fact he never flew a plane before, he chalked it up to guardian instincts. The flight to earth wasn't any more worthy involving the pelican, it was when they was making planet fall the trio encountered some….problems.
In the form of the pelican suddenly loosing all power and started plummeting straight down to the earth. "What's happening?!" Henry shouted out, but it just came out as "kkkfkfkfkfkfk!" In that moment both Joseph and Rex understood him.
As Rex was wondering what was wrong with the pelican. "I don't know it just suddenly turned off!" He shouted as he was trying everything he could to get it to work properly, Joseph meanwhile was sweating buckets inside his armor. His lamenter luck was showing itself, the bad luck in fact.
He's just hoping that it won't get them killed via sudden rough impact of the pelican crashing, he doesn't think all three of them will survive this plummet.
Sorry for a possibility bad chapter, thank you for reading this! Please stay safe!^^