Is it Wrong that I Woke Up in Danmachi as the Main Character?

54 – Is it wrong to prepare for the worst?

The Miach Familia shop. Sitting behind the front desk as the sun set, Miach let out a deep sigh.

A small ledger was in front of him, pages filled with notes on the day's orders, inventory, as well as future orders. Pages that had long been unused until today.

Staring at the ledger, Miach's face twisted with a complicated expression.

Naaza walked out from the back and raised an eyebrow. "What's wrong?" She set a small tray of vials filled with glowing orange liquid on the countertop. "Did Dian Cecht add more interest again?"

"It is Lord Dian Cecht, Naaza. And no." Miach let out a dry laugh and said, "We have finished paying off payments for the next few months, so he will not bother us for a while."

"I thought so." Naaza smiled and said, "Between our new line of potions and the Guild's commissions, we should be well into the black... But then what's with that expression?"

Miach was quiet.

There shouldn't be any problems. Miach knew that. They were simply providing a service that Orario needed. And if they had not, many people would have died. But still...

"To ask for money for treatment... Was that truly fine?"

Naaza's smile faded and she frowned. "Lord Miach."

Miach sighed. "I know." He let out a faint smile and said, "You and Bell have both impressed the necessity of receiving proper payment for services rendered. And Hestia has been scolding me about my kindness before then as well. But..."

"But what?" Naaza crossed her arms and said, "We provided potions at a cheaper than market value price at a time when people needed it. Even if we earned more than we spent on each, the potion's efficacy was the same as any other for what they were to be used on."

"But could we not have saved more people if we spread that knowledge to others?"

Miach could still see it. The rookie adventurers caught up in the chaos and perished due to their wounds. Civilians who ran into monsters and could not be saved because the wounds had grown too grevious.

If the proper methodology and ratio of diluting potions while maintaining efficacy was known to other potionmakers, would it not have allowed for more adventurers to afford potions? To have saved their lives in a chaotic situation like this?

Naaza let out a deep sigh. "Maybe. But Lord Miach."

Miach looked over towards her.

Naaza smiled and then tapped her prosthetic right arm. "If you were concerned about that, why did you waste our Familia fortune on this?"


Naaza had a point.

If Miach wanted to simply save people, then he should never have used their Familia funds and taken out a loan to obtain Naaza's prosthetic arm.


He lowered his head, staring back at the ledger.

Each order was money earned. And each order also represented lives saved. And yet...

Naaza walked over to place her right hand on Miach's shoulder and said, "Lord Miach. You are kind, compassionate, and caring. But in this world, people... especially gods like you are far and few."

"I know." Miach let out a deep sigh and said, "I know that all too well."

The vast majority of gods who descended cared only for their own interests. The number who genuinely cared for humanity and wished to spread good in the world...

Perhaps there were more that he had yet to meet, but in Orario, only Hestia and Takemikazuchi came to mind.

All the others...

Miach shook his head.

Naaza patted Miach's shoulder and said, "Don't worry. Right now we have to resort to this, but once I perfect the new strenghtening potion we'll make a fortune. Then, after we've established a foothold in the market, we can start changing the way things work. Developing new potions, giving potions away... all of that."

Miach reached up to grab Naaza's hand, pausing as he felt the stiff metal through her glove. When he did, he sighed and said, "I'll leave it to you then, Naaza."

Naaza smiled and said, "I won't let you down, Lord Miach."

Miach smiled back and then looked at the potion vials Naaza had set down. "Are those the results from examining the potion sample?"

Naaza's eyes sparkled and she said, "Yes! I haven't figured out how to make that potion Lord Dionysus gave us, but it shouldn't take much longer. It seems that it's very similar to what I've been developing for Bell, so if I distill a few more samples and crossreference the two... Oh! And it seems to have beneficial effects on physique regardless of Falna, so at this rate..."


The early morning hours, just before dawn.

Standing in the small forge out back, I slowly turned around, examining the equipment that Welf made for me.

Black armor with glowing crimson etchings. A black bracer that exuded a violet energy shield when I channeled mana through it. Then a plain gray sword at my side that would send out a barrage of copies when swung...

Welf rubbed his eyes and muttered, "I still don't understand how you make these things, Bell. The end result and materials, I get. But the process... Ugh. My head hurts just thinking about it."

"Probably better that you don't." I stored the new equipment back in my inventory and then looked over at Welf. "Although... are you really one to speak?"

Welf had made a new set of armor for himself as well.

If my suit of armor looked completely fit for a Demon Lord with its crimson and black color scheme, his was definitely suited for a Hero.

Like mine, his armor had crimson trimming. But instead of black, it was gold. At least, it looked like it was gold. But...

"What?" Welf glanced at his armor and then coughed. "Is... Is it a bit much?"

"Nah. You need to be flashy if you're going all-in like that. But..." I tilted my head and tried to decipher the flow of energy running through the armor. "...How the heck did you manage to make a crazy alloy like that?"

I watched him make it, so I knew for a fact that it was just gold and copper. But I also watched him stress test it, and that thing *definitely* wasn't just gold and copper.

Especially since I stress tested it too by blasting it with a bunch of adamantite shards... which didn't even make a dent.

"I dunno." Welf looked at me and said, "How the heck do you make magic swords and artifacts out of thin air when I have to forge them from scratch?"


It was probably something he wouldn't be able to tell me since it wouldn't make sense.

I mean, if I just went around and told people I could come up with whatever BS I wanted to because my skills let me do it because I thought it would work, they'd just call me crazy.

Especially since I was pretty sure that people wouldn't be able to replicate what I did since I was mostly skipping the process.

Welf sighed and then walked over to clean up his forge. As he did, he looked at me and said, "You planning on just sticking around here today? After everything that happened, it's probably good to maintain a low profile, right?"

"Well." I leaned against the wall and said, "The best thing to do would be to head back to the guild and brush up on a bit of Orario's history. I'm pretty caught up on recent events and laws, but it seems like some old monsters are popping back up..."

I'd definitely need to go bug Eina again about pulling out the archives. But I had a feeling that the guild was a giant mess right now with all that happened... and that I'd get roped into something really troublesome if I walked over there, so I'd do that later.

I shook my head and said, "That can wait though." I stretched and said, "It's been a while since I've played with my cute little princess... and I haven't played with her new sister at all, so I think I'll take a few days off."

Welf brushed off his hands after finishing his clean up and sighed. "Wish I could do the same with Pyrrha. I wanted to teach her how to make some alloys today."

I walked over and patted Welf's shoulder. "You can do that after sorting out things with Fae."

I paused and then thought about the potential trouble that was definitely going to unfold after Hephaestus declared Welf to be a man not only worthy of being her husband, but who matched her skills in blacksmithing.

Probably unintentionally, but definitely inevitably.

"...After we go update our statuses. Now come on." I glanced towards the church to where I could sense Freya, Hestia, Hephaestus, and Artemis sitting. "Let's hurry up with that before some *other* crazy event happens and catches us off guard."

"You say that like it's a daily occurrence, Bell."

I started walking off and said, "Considering I'm the MC, it basically is."

Welf frowned and followed after me. "You still haven't explained what an Emsee is, Bell."

"...Don't worry about it, hero wannabe."


I shook my head and kept walking.

Now, let's go kiss Tia, cuddle for a bit, and then see how much my crazy status has changed since the last time...

Also need to remember to update the kids' statuses. God knows they're going to get wrapped up in more shenanigans than not considering who their parents are...


[Bell Kranel]
Lv. 1
Strength: SSS 1337
Endurance: SSS 1337
Dexterity: SSS 1337
Agility: SSS 1337
Magic: SSS 1337
Energy Manipulation: E
Compilation: E

Quantum Magic: Instant Magic
<If history must be unwritten, let it be unwritten. Become what you must.>

Crafting: Auto-Magic
<Allows creation of all things. Lacking the corresponding skill(s) will result in a temporary product of the lowest grade. Equivalent skills, experiences, and materials may be used to supplement any deficiencies.>

Liar's Phrase - Reality is nothing more than the lies we tell. Growth is determined according to the user's will. External influences are subsumed and overwritten.

Storyteller's Refrain - Allows the user to impart a portion of their experiences onto another.


[Welf Crozzo]
Lv. 2
Strength: I 0
Endurance: I 0
Dexterity: I 0
Agility: I 0
Magic: I 0
Wrought Iron: H

Will-or-Wish: Instant Cast. A blacksmith's flame consumes all materials. Induces Ignus Fatuus through a disruptive wave of flames.

Gradient Air: Active Magic. Using the body as a furnace, mana as material, and imagination to forge, the user can temporarily call forth the sword they envision. Performance varies with focus, mana, and knowledge. Synergy with Wrought Iron. "Burn out."

Cross Blood: The user can create ??? Swords. Allows the incorporation of various materials and resources during creation. Lesser effect in creation of the items that are not swords.

Will of Re-Bel: A bell signals the start of humanity's advance. Magic and Skills have a chance for positive mutations. Limits are removed. It becomes possible to spontaneously learn magic, skills, and developmental abiliites.


[Fina Kranel]
Lv. 1
Strength: H 100
Endurance: H 100
Dexterity: H 100
Agility: G 200
Magic: H: 100
Mystery: H
Luck: H

Spirit Body: Auto-Magic. All magical phenomena targeting the user is erased.
Resurrection: Auto-Magic. Upon receiving a lethal wound, all damage is erased.
Phoenix Fire: Instant Magic. Calls forth divine flames embodying life and death.

Vesta, Spirit of Everlasting Flame: Grants dominion over fire. Grants instant regeneration.


[Pyrrha Crozzo]
Lv. 1
Strength: I 150
Endurance: I 150
Dexterity: I 100
Agility: I 100
Magic: I 100
Wrought Iron: I

Eupheme: Instant Cast. The blessing of a great blacksmith may change a warrior's fate. Enhances performance of all targeted equipment.

World Egg: Auto-Magic. From the mind springs infinite manifestations. Various materials and objects can be produced from mana.

Divine Blood: It is the nature of a thing that matters, not its form. The user can create Divine equipment in any form using any material. Resists magical phenomena.

A Father's Wish: Negates physical damage.


[Artemis Selene]
Lv. 1
Strength: A 899
Endurance: A 899
Dexterity: S 999
Agility: S 999
Magic: SS 1000
Hunter: A

Lunar Shadow: Instant Magic. The moon's shadow veils the light of truth. A 'territory' may be designated where information is concealed from the outside world.

Orion's Arrow: Instant Magic. A peerless arrow that will strike true no matter the foe. Fires an unavoidable magic arrow that bypasses defenses.

Elpis, the Light of Hope: Prayers from those who wanted her to survive and live a happy life. A wish from a young hero who desperately tried to save her. Answering it all, a miracle was performed at the cost of the past.
<Grants the user a life that should have been lost. Divine Power is sublimated into Mana.>


[Bellatrix Kranel]
Lv. 1
Strength: I 50
Endurance: I 50
Dexterity: H 200
Agility: H 100
Magic: G 200
Charm: H
Luck: H

Gersemi: Auto-Magic. A fine is imposed for harming a precious treasure. Mitigates damage and exacts the full extent upon the attacker.

Bifrost: Active Magic. A child should not part from her parents. Allows travel to either parent through bridging spatial coordinates.

Hnoss, Treasured Sweetheart: Even the most heartless will hesitate to inflict harm. Easily gains allies.

Valkyria, Chronicles of Warfare: Grants the ability to use any weapon at a proficient level. Grants the ability to see through all ruses. Victory is assured in a one-on-one confrontation. 


Bonus points for anyone who now understands the setup of Bell and Freya's relationship and its basis in IRL lore.

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