Is it Wrong that I Woke Up in Danmachi as the Main Character?

48 – It was wrong to innovate

Freya glanced off to the side and smiled. "It looks like the children are getting along well."

Hestia glanced over as well, doing her best not to frown.

Since the streets were getting a bit more crowded, and since Freya was Freya, even while hiding her beauty beneath a hooded robe, the group had moved over to a more private location.

That was a bit difficult to do considering Monsterphilia was happening and tourists, both adventurers and not, were pouring into Orario.

Fortunately, the owner of the bookstore that let Hestia use it for Bell's first status update allowed them to borrow the place since he was heading out to look around.

And right now, Hestia, Freya, and Artemis were sitting at a table with some tea and biscuits watching the kids sitting on the carpet between the bookshelves and reading stories to each other.

Well, Fina was reading. It seemed like Welf hadn't taught Pyrrha how to read yet and Freya's daughter didn't know because she was just born.

And that was a thought.

Freya's daughter. Not just Freya's daughter, but Freya and BELL's daughter.

Her Bell. Not Freya's Bell, but Hestia's.

And it was done in a perfectly wholesome manner. Nothing lewd.

Hestia knew that. The one that Bell loved was absolutely her and no one else. He tolerated Freya and drew other beautiful woman around him, but he only had eyes for Hestia. Her.

...So why did this still feel like an annoying thorn in her heart? Something bittersweet she was forced to taste?

"Tia?" Freya tilted her head, staring out at Hestia from beneath her hood. "Is something wrong?"

Hestia stared back and then forced herself to set aside her unease.

If it was anyone else, Hestia wouldn't have held back. And if Freya was reacting with any other expression, Hestia would have said something, even with the children nearby.

But seeing Freya with that genuinely satisfied and motherly expression, the warm and content gaze that she gave towards Bellatrix and had to consciously draw back to look at Hestia...

And contrasting that expression with the aloof and ethereal appearance that Hestia remembered of Freya from the few times they met in Heaven...

Hestia let out a deep sigh and then put on a weary smile. "You're right. I'm glad that they're getting along well."

That was the most important part.

Even if they had different mothers, Fina and Bellatrix had the same father. They were sisters, whether Hestia was comfortable with that fact or not. Family, and not just Familia.

Because of that, Hestia couldn't be too selfish.

Freya stared at Hestia and then lowered her gaze. "...Sorry. I didn't know it would upset you this much."

Hestia blinked and then quickly waved her hand. "Oh, no. It's fine." She glanced back at the children and then placed her hand over her slightly aching heart before mumbling, "I didn't think it would either."

"If it is any consolation, Bell and I haven't done anything. And also..." Freya let out a weary smile of her own and said, "His heart is very much still focused on you and Fina."

A strange mix of emotions. Happiness at hearing that from Freya and on seeing that weary smile. And then guilt for the same reasons.

Hestia pursed her lips, wondering what to say. But before she could, Freya changed the topic.

Looking towards Artemis, Freya smiled and said, "I don't believe we've properly been introduced." She held out her hand and said, "Freya, Tia's friend."

Artemis shifted her gaze away from the children and then nodded, shaking Freya's hand. "Tia says that I'm Artemis, and I... feel that is true. But even so, I'm not the goddess, even if it might appear that way."

Hestia frowned and said, "Artemis-"

Artemis let go of Freya's hand and looked to Hestia. "It's fine, Tia." She looked back at the children and said, "Not being able to remember my past is a bit melancholic... and being with you and your Familia makes me feel an ache in my chest at something I can't recall. But..." She tilted her head, a strange expression on her face. "...I feel like the people I used to know would support me in being happy like this."

That definitely wasn't fine!

...Is what Hestia wanted to say to Artemis. But seeing that expression, just like with Freya, Hestia was at a loss for words.

But it seemed Freya wasn't.

Letting out a bright smile, Freya nodded and said, "Arty, then. It's a pleasure to meet you."

Artemis blinked. "Arty?"

Freya reached out to pour some tea for everyone and said, "Artemis is a bit too formal and some people might get confused. With that hairstyle too, certain people might not believe it when you say you aren't the Goddess Artemis." She glanced at Hestia and said, "Wouldn't you agree, Tia? Of course, the fact that Arty undoubtedly has your blessing will make people hesitate, but when enough oddities pile together..."

"Even idiots will start to believe." Hestia sighed. "Especially with how ridiculous Bell is."


Artemis glanced between Freya and Hestia and tilted her head. "...Pardon?"

Freya reached up to tap her chin with her right index finger before saying, "Well. Since we're all family here in one way or another, how about we have a bit of fun and do makeovers?" She reached into her cloak and started pulling out various bottles, brushes, and containers. "I was planning to use this to doll up the children, but I think we could have some fun for ourselves too." She paused and said, "It'd be best if Faefae could be here too, but I suppose that serious woman is too busy managing her family business right now."

Hestia sighed. "You're probably right." She reached out to grab a cup of tea and said, "We need to work on that."

"After Denatus, Tia. But for now..." Freya grabbed a small bottle and said, "Shall we dress up a bit?"


Hephaestus was not having a good day. To be honest, her past few days had not been good.

Not because the Hephaestus Familia had any issues. Business was booming and there were even a few new prospects applying to the Hephaestus Familia.

No. The problem was with Hephaestus. Specifically, her decision regarding her family. Not familia, but family.

Out of habit, one formed recently, Hephaestus placed her left hand over the hilt of <Eternal Love> and felt the soft warmth radiating from it. When she did, she immediately felt a sense of happiness and fulfillment. And then that was promptly followed by crushing guilt and doubt.

"...Maybe Freya is right?"

Welf was willing to throw everything on the line for her sake. Not only that, but Pyrrha showed her unconditional love, even as Hephaestus was keeping up the ambiguous relationship between them.

Shouldn't she at least-

"What is that goddess right about, Lady Hephaestus?"

Hephaestus flinched, suddenly drawn out of her thoughts. When she was, she realized her surroundings.

Monsterphilia was happening. Because of that, and because there had been a rush of new materials due to the Loki Familia clearing out the Dungeon anomalies recently, the Hephaestus Familia was hard at work both creating new equipment and repairing them.

Enough that Hephaestus had been concerned things might get out of hand, so she wanted to take a look around for herself.

But while she had been concerned about that, it seemed like she was more concerned about something else...

Hephaestus shook her head and looked towards the person who spoke up.

A woman with tanned skin, crimson eyes with one covered by an eyepatch, a bare torso with only tight white wrappings keeping her modest, and a red oriental garment for her lower body, paired with sandals.

Tsubaki Collbrande, the captain of the Hephaestus Familia... and the one who Hephaestus asked to serve as an escort for the check-ups.

Tsubaki grinned and said, "You thinking about that kid again?" She paused and said, "No, I guess he's a man now? I mean, he manned up enough to make you-"

"Shush!" Hephaestus quickly interrupted and took a quick look around. She ignored how her face was heating up and said, "Not too loud!"

Tsubaki laughed and said, "Is it really that bad, Lady Hephaestus?" She glanced towards <Eternal Love> and said, "I don't know how he pulled it off, but if he can make something like that, there isn't a smith in this world who wouldn't acknowledge him. Hell, if he came to me with that, I'd take him on the spot."

Hephaestus glared at Tsubaki.

Tsubaki smiled back and said, "What? Don't you think we could make something great together? The child of two master smiths would be incredible, wouldn't they?"

Hephaestus paused, thinking about Pyrrha and her ability before sighing. "...She really would."

"She, huh?"

Hephaestus froze, realizing her slip up.

Tsubaki laughed again.

Hephaestus clicked her tongue and then started walking again, mixing in with the crowd filling the streets of Orario.

Tsubaki easily followed after Hephaestus and said, "Did I say something wrong?"

Hephaestus crossed her arms and said, "You've been acting up a bit too much recently, Tsubaki."

Tsubaki smiled and said, "I can't help it, Lady Hephaestus. You've just been too adorable recently."

"...Adorable?" Hephaestus blinked and then pointed at herself. "Me?"

"Mmhm." Tsubaki laced her hands behind her head and said, "You've always been a strict and hardworking goddess. Composed and serene, just like the beautiful blades you make. But now..." She glanced at Hephaestus and smiled. "You're really different. A little shy, a little hesitant... and so romantic too."


"Well, yeah." Tsubaki pointed to <Eternal Love> and said, "Although it's a great blade, even I wouldn't openly wear something like that around, you know? Not only that, but the way you talk about Welfie and the look in your eyes..." She chuckled and said, "If I didn't know any better, I might think our goddess was replaced by a fake, you know?"

Hephaestus pursed her lips.

She thought she had been keeping it in check, but if it was like that...

Hephaestus felt a heavy pat on her shoulder. Tsubaki, reaching out to do that.

"Relax, Lady Hephaestus." Tsubaki let out a warm smile and said, "You've worked hard for long enough. I don't think anyone will complain about you being a bit selfish after all you've done."

Hephaestus came to a stop and hesitantly looked at Tsubaki. "...Really?"

Tsubaki thumped her chest and said, "As the captain of the Hephaestus Familia, I can promise it. And if anyone disagrees..." She reached out to tap a newly forged katana she had sheathed at her side. "Well, I've been wanting to try out the new blade I made from seeing Welfie's work."

Hephaestus blinked and then cautiously said, "You haven't met Bell yet, have you?"

Tsubaki blinked. "Bell? Who's that?"

"Nobody. Nothing." Hephaestus stammered and said, "F-Forget I said anything." With that, she quickly started walking away.

Tsubaki jogged after her and said, "You can't leave it like that, Lady Hephaestus! Someone who you personally acknowledged... is he a secret master smith? A promising recruit?"

Hephaestus felt her face heat up, but she ignored it. Turning back, she said, "I already told you, it's-"



Hephaestus finished and then blankly turned back around.

An explosion of debris. People screaming and running all over. Buildings being broken down by silver vines piercing up through the ground.

A few adventurers running forward to try and stop it but getting split in half by flashing silver.

And silver that was rushing towards her-


A voice calling out to her- No. That was her imagination.

Gold flashed and met the silver, splitting it in half.

At the same time, another voice called out to her. Tsubaki's.

"Lady Hephaestus!"

She quickly moved in front of Hephaestus and said, "I'll protect- Huh?" Tsubaki paused and stared at Hephaestus's sword. "...I thought that wasn't a magic sword, Lady Hephaestus?"

Hephaestus stared at the glowing gold blade that was clearly being filled with mana and muttered, "I thought it wasn't either?"

But before either of the two women could think about it, more screams cut through the air as monsters went into a frenzy and broke free from their cages.

Tsubaki focused and moved close to Hephaestus. "Can you fight, Lady Hephaestus?"

Hephaestus raised her sword, feeling strength flowing through her as well as... technique? No, not just technique, but a familiar voice echoing in her head, paired with the sound of clanging steel.

*Spirit and technique, flawless and firm.*

*Strength, pierce the mountain.*

*Sword, split the water.*

*Fame, reach the imperial villa.*

*The two of us will hold the heavens together.*

Hephaestus felt her heart race as she instinctively shifted her stance. Blinking in surprise, she looked at her sword and said, "I... I think I can?"

A Silverback roared and rushed through the crowd, mowing over citizens and adventurers alike.

Tsubaki glanced towards the towering white-furred ape and shifted her stance, placing a hand on her katana. "Seems like we'll find out."


"I knew it! I *fucking* knew I should have updated my status!"

Dozens of projectiles flew towards me as I raced across Main Street. Crystal flower petals, rocks, weapons... even a few energy blasts.

I growled and swept my hand out, grabbing them in my inventory and instantly firing them all back.

"Try to change the genre to be slice of life for a bit and reality says NO! You're a shounen character! Have some battle scenes and surprise monster invasions!"

Welf swung the makeshift greatsword I crafted for him and said, "You're not making any sense, Bro!"

Ryuu finished chanting a wind spell to blow away the monsters blocking our path and said, "I agree with Welf."

"*I'm* not making sense?"

A horde of kobolds that looked like they got infected with the mushroom infection from the Last of Us jumped out of a crack in the ground before rushing towards us.

I reached into my inventory and grabbed an axe before whipping it at the horde like a certain God of War, mowing them all down. Afterwards, I called it back and growled. "This whole *world* doesn't make sense right now! Who in their bloody mind got out of bed today and said, 'Oh. Let's watch the world burn.'?!"


Dionysus sneezed.

Miach frowned and said, "Are you coming down with a cold, Dio? If you would like, I can have Naaza make you some medicine."

Dionysus waved his hand and smiled. "I appreciate it, Miach. But I am fine." He wiped his nose with the back of his sleeve and smiled. "Just a bit of pollen. I've been cultivating some new flowers recently. But that aside..." He reached out and placed a glittering orange vial on the table in front of Miach and said, "I heard from Hestia that you have a talented alchemist?"

Miach looked at the vial before glancing back at Dionysus. "From Hestia?" He smiled and said, "Does that mean that Naaza's potions have been working for Bell?"

"...I'm unaware of that. It was more in passing at the Divine Banquet."

"Ah." Miach nodded. "That make sense... But what's this?" He picked up the vial to examine it. And then he froze, eyes widening in shock.

Dionysus let out a serene smile and said, "It's something that my Familia picked up in the dungeon recently. It was a set of two and I have used one to test its properties... but it seems to be something that rapidly increases growth?"

Miach gulped, putting the vial back down with trembling hands. "Dio- No, Lord Dionysus. This-"

Dionysus kept smiling and said, "Well. Do you think it will be useful? I've been thinking that a bit of innovation in the potions industry would go a long way towards helping adventurers... do you not agree?"

Strapped on time this week for pictures. Maybe next time.

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